Actuaries Without Borders… Why Not?

Experts from Aegon Global Pensions, De Nederlandsche Bank and other Dutch pension and financial consulting firms are helping the Amsterdam-based P&D Network plant the seeds for "micropension" programs in the developing world. The final part of a two-part series.

Micro-Pensions in Central America

You've heard of micro-credit: those mini-loans to female entrepreneurs in emerging markets. Now a micro-pension movement is underway, and one of the first pilot projects starts next month in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Part I of a two-part article.

A Reference Work Built for You

The Society of Actuaries' recent book (available here in pdf form) puts the reader at the center of a web of hundreds of articles, research studies, other resources relevant to the risks and opportunities of Boomer retirement.

Breakthroughs in Behavioral Finance

As an advisor, you can actually put clients in an annuity 'frame of mind.' These and other findings from behavioral finance research were presented at the 2011 Boulder Summer Conference on Consumer Financial Decision-Making last June.

Czech politicians split over private pension accounts

"The current opposition is strongly against the fact that part of the contributions to the pay-as-you-go system will be transferred to the private system,” said Jiri Rusnok, director of pensions at ING Pnezijni Fond.

Bernanke Speaks. But What Did He Say?

Justin Wolfers teaches business and public policy at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution.

The Secret to MetLife’s VA Success

MetLife was able to knock off Prudential as the top seller of variable annuities in the second quarter because it de-risked its income benefit in a way that actually improved its marketing story.