HNW investors more bullish on equities this year: Fidelity

According to a recent Fidelity survey, 76% of high net worth investors worry about inflation; 35% favor fighting inflation with equities and 12% with higher-yielding bonds.

A survey of Fidelity customers with at least $250,000 in investable assets was taken during the “Fidelity Viewpoints: Inside/Out” event in Atlanta on March 5. The poll found:

  • Return expectations. High net worth investors (HNW) feel bullish about 2013, with 38% expecting to beat market averages (up from 31% a year ago) and only 15% expecting to lag the market (down from 22% a year ago).   
  • Moving to equities. 49% of HNW investors expect to increase their equity positions in 2013, by an average of 8% each, and 39% expect no change. Only 11% intend to trim their equity allocation.
  • U.S. equities favored. 65% of HNW investors chose U.S. equities as the asset class in which they expect to invest the most over the next year; 9% chose foreign equities and 6% corporate bonds.  
  • Mid and large caps favored. 40% of HNW investors believe that mid cap equities offer the greatest potential upside in the coming year, followed by large cap equities (39%) and small cap equities (21%).
  • Sector leaders. Investors’ favorite sector is health care (17%), followed by energy (15%) and information technology (13%).
  • Tax concerns. Potential income tax increases trouble 34% of respondents, followed by capital gains tax increases (25%).
  • Inflation hedges. 76% of HNW investors worry about inflation; 35% favor fighting inflation with equities and 12% with higher-yielding bonds. 

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