Plan Sponsor Barriers to In-Plan Annuities

Plan Sponsor Barriers toIn-Plan Annuities 48% >>No barriers; not interested now 45% >>Wait to see how industry develops 28% >>Concern over fiduciary exposure 24% >>Employee usage too small to justify 23% >>Communication hurdles 17% >>Difficulty in selecting provider 14% >>Cost to set up and maintain 10% >>Potential operational difficulties  7 % >>Accumulation focus, not income Source:... Read more »

Plan Sponsor Barriers to
In-Plan Annuities
48% >>No barriers; not interested now
45% >>Wait to see how industry develops
28% >>Concern over fiduciary exposure
24% >>Employee usage too small to justify
23% >>Communication hurdles
17% >>Difficulty in selecting provider
14% >>Cost to set up and maintain
10% >>Potential operational difficulties
 7 % >>Accumulation focus, not income

Source: “Hot Topics in Retirement 2010,” Hewitt Associates. Based on survey of 160 employers.