Odd new online game lets you “play” the market

"Invoost" allows people to exercise their investing skills and win cash prizes by competing against other "investors" in a virtual investment game.

You’ve heard the one about the two hunters trapped by an angry bear. When Hunter One calmly switches from boots to running shoes,  Hunter Two says, “What good is that? You can’t outrun the bear.” The first replies: “I don’t have to. I just have to outrun you.”

A new online game allows people to practice that principle in the world of investing. Called Invoost and produced by a social gaming startup of the same name, the game gives players a chance to profit from the market regardless of if it goes up or down. Invoost players compete against one another in stock trading tournaments that can last from one hour to two weeks.

Players are able to interact with one another through the social gaming functions. Invoost provides real-time market data on four of the world’s largest markets: Eurostoxx 50, FTSE 100, Ibex and NASDAQ 100. Every open market hour more than 30 hourly, daily and weekly tournaments are being played, Invoost said in a release.

Players pay an entry fee to enter the tournament and receive $10,000 virtual dollars to trade with real stock market data. At the end of the tournament the player with the best portfolio return will win a cash prize ranging from $10 to $10,000.

As one early-adopter put it, “Playing Invoost has given me a new perspective on the stock market. I can win money by being the best in a tournament, not by whether the market goes up or down. Those are odds I like!”

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