A Flood of ‘Flow Reinsurance’

Flow reinsurance involves the ongoing, immediate transfer of risks from a life insurer to a reinsurer as soon as annuities are issued. Life/annuity companies have used flow reinsurance for at least 15 years, but it’s growing fast. (Photo: Gullfoss in Iceland.)

Nut Case: Prudential and Brighthouse’s Bets on Pistachios

A California pistachio grower defaulted on $1 billion in loans from Prudential, Brighthouse Life, and U.S. Bank this year. Their legal efforts to seize the collateral offer a glimpse into the potential risks of such concentrated loans.

‘Reinsurance Sidecars’: A Capital Idea

Athene Annuity & Life sold the most fixed deferred annuities in the first three-quarters of 2024. Its parent, Athene Holdings, has attracted billions in just-in-time third-party capital through Bermuda 'reinsurance sidecars.' Coincidence? Not likely.

New report assesses future of ‘liquid alts’

“Alternative assets are expected to grow with robust momentum, and double their share of total mutual fund assets in the next two years,” said Michele Giuditta, associate director at Cerulli, in a release.