By Kerry Pechter
At the "T3" financial software trade show last week, a pair of robots warmed up the crowd with jokes about the limitations of high-tech planning tools. RIJ visited with reps from three tech firms: RetireUp, AskTRAK and Riskalyze.
By Kerry Pechter
After my father died, I called his reverse mortgage lender and said the house was theirs. Little did I know that I'd get "sued," that the house had to go through foreclosure and that the process would take over a year. There has to be a better way.
By Kerry Pechter
In this video, Retirement Income Journal publisher and editor Kerry Pechter chats with David Littell of The American College about opportunities and challenges that await advisers who choose to specialize in retirement income planning.
By Kerry Pechter
Mr. Obama has ordered the creation (on a pilot basis) of a "myRA" program, bringing closer to fruition a multi-year effort by liberal policymakers to expand access to workplace retirement savings plans. The illustration is of myRA's cousin VERA.