By Ron Surz
Each January, Ron Surz, president of PPCA Inc. and Target Date Solutions of San Clemente, California, unveils his proprietary interpretation of the prior year's market performance. We've publish a summary, with a link to the complete, chart-rich document.
By Editor Test
New research argues that broker-sold mutual funds—both active and passive—tend to generate lower returns at higher costs than direct-sold mutual funds.
By Editor Test
The presentation will begin at 12:30pm ET, January 31. Investors and interested parties can access this presentation by visiting the Company’s investor relations website.
By Editor Test
If the policy owner is between ages 60 and 85 and the policy has been in force for at least 15 years, and the policy has sufficient value independent of any outstanding loans, the owner can exercise the rider and receive a lifetime income stream.
By Editor Test
Eligible plans, including 401(k) and 403(b) plans, among others, can convert their current holdings in another share class of a Prudential fund to the fund’s Class Q shares.
By Editor Test
Polish workers pay 19.5% of taxable income into the mandatory pensions system, of which 12.2% goes into a plan like our Social Security and 7.3% goes into privately-run DC plans. Starting this year, much of the 7.3% will go to a government-run DC plan instead.
By Editor Test
Health spending rose only 4% in 2009 to $2.5 trillion, or $8,086 per person, down from 4.7% in 2008. Consumers spent $299.3 billion out-of-pocket on health care, up 0.4%.
By Editor Test
More than one-third of Americans ages 45 to 70 are worried about running out of money during retirement, but only 20% plan to purchase any form of guaranteed lifetime income.
By Editor Test
MGGI simplifies the investment option selection for the customer by offering a single fund, the Fidelity VIP FundsManager 60% Portfolio, which uses an asset allocation approach to achieve exposure to multiple asset classes.