Nut Case: Prudential and Brighthouse’s Bets on Pistachios

A California pistachio grower defaulted on $1 billion in loans from Prudential, Brighthouse Life, and U.S. Bank this year. Their legal efforts to seize the collateral offer a glimpse into the potential risks of such concentrated loans.
Anecdotal Evidence

What RIJ Learned In 2024, and Expects in 2025

In 2025, Retirement Income Journal will be following new developments in the 'Bermuda Triangle' and in the ongoing push to embed annuities and other income-generating tools in 401(k) plans.

Retirement income is Kevin Crain’s comfort zone

The new executive director of the Institutional Retirement Income Council, who is succeeding Michelle Richter-Gordon, brings decades of experience in the retirement industry to his new role. IRIC will focus on promoting in-plan annuities and other income solutions to plan advisors and consultants.

DOL names new members of ERISA Advisory Council

The 15-member council provides advice on policies and regulations affecting employee benefit plans governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).

MetLife and General Atlantic create ‘Chariot Re’ sidecar

A flurry of news from MetLife regarding its Chariot Re 'sidecar' deal, its acquisition of PineBridge Investments and $100 billion in AUM, and its agreement to reinsure a $569 million pension risk transfer deal in the UK.

Higher interest rates drive record number of pension transfers: LIMRA

'Higher interest rates are driving companies to de-risk their pension liabilities to annuity providers. LIMRA expects this trend to continue through the rest of the year,' said Keith Golembiewski, assistant vice president, head of LIMRA Annuity Research, in a release.

Honorable Mention

Nestimate publishes 'Retirement Income Landscape' chart; Fixed indexed annuity surrender rates have 'steadily increased," Milliman research shows; State Street and Verizon sued over pension risk transfer deal; Eldridge reorganizes, is criticized for borrowing from Security Benefit; Allianz sets up Bermuda reinsurer; Empower to distribute Allianz Life’s in-plan annuity solution.


December 2024

‘Reinsurance Sidecars’: A Capital Idea

Athene Annuity & Life sold the most fixed deferred annuities in the first three-quarters of 2024. Its parent, Athene Holdings, has attracted billions in just-in-time third-party capital through Bermuda 'reinsurance sidecars.' Coincidence? Not likely....
November 2024

Middleware is Central to In-Plan Annuities

Middleware is hub-and-spoke software that lets retirement plan recordkeepers and life insurers talk to each other. Steve McCoy of iJoin, a provider of managed account user interfaces, and Bill Mueller of IPX, a middleware...
October 2024

How T. Rowe Price Approaches the ‘401(k) Income’ Market

By bundling a deferred income annuity with a managed payout program, T. Rowe Price's optional 'out-of-plan' 401(k) income tool aims to boost participants' spending power in retirement by as much as 50%, relative to...