Guest Column

The World’s Priciest Stock Market

'In pricing stock markets, people don’t seem to be relying on any good forecast of the next ten years’ earnings. They just seem to look at the past ten years, which are already done and gone,' writes the Nobel Prize-winning Yale economist.

Blooom surpasses $2 billion in advised assets

The company, which helps 401(k) participants manage their accounts more effectively, claims that its median client will save $41,456 in investment fees over his or her working career.
The Decumulation Beat

The Fragility of VA Living Benefit Guarantees

Their reliance on VA with living benefits has made life insurers 'more like pension fund managers because they have risky assets and guaranteed liabilities,' write economists at NYU-Stern and Princeton.


January 18, 2018

Spain’s Pension Outlook: Sunny with a Chance of Austerity

To study the Spanish retirement system, RIJ has temporarily relocated to Seville. We start with a look at the public pension system (a contributory, pay-as-you-go system like Social Security in the US).
January 11, 2018

The Elusive ROI of Financial Wellness Efforts

Estimates for the return-on-investment from financial wellness programs vary. One source puts the savings at $50 per employee per year for every incremental (1 to 10) increase in average financial fitness. Another says programs...
January 4, 2018

Jellyvision Knows Financial Wellness

In this first of a two-part series on financial wellness, RIJ talks with the customer insight chief of a leading vendor in the field. 'We ask, ‘Where is the pain that’s costing employers money,...