An FIA Designed By RIAs

The "ClearLine" fixed indexed annuity was developed by Security Benefit Life and DPL Financial Partners with input from the registered investment advisors who use DPL's no-commission annuity purchasing platform.
Much Ado about FIAs

Ibbotson Taken to Task over Indexed Annuities

Michael Edesess and Bob Huebscher have challenged Roger Ibbotson's favorable analysis of fixed indexed annuities on at least two grounds. It was another battle in the endless war between the insurance and investment mind-sets.

Aging boomers drive flows into fixed income

Advisors are focused on downside risk protection and they commonly use taxable fixed income (83%) and municipal fixed income (74%) to achieve the objective for clients, said Cerulli Associates.

Two Cheers for Population Decline

'Pension systems can be made affordable by increasing average retirement ages, which will create incentives for societies to enable healthy aging, with people enjoying good physical and mental health well into what used to be considered old age,' writes the author of 'Between Debt and the Devil.'
For Plan Sponsors

‘Digital design’: A new line of defense against ERISA lawsuits?

'A reliable way to avoid potential litigation is to... develop processes for determining which digital designs and elements are most relevant for participant success,' said Shlomo Benartzi. The UCLA professor is advising Voya Financial on improving participant outcomes.

Trim Tabs notes ‘Powell put’

'After pulling record sums from equity mutual funds in December, mom and pop investors have turned into net buyers in January,' according to new data from the West Coast research firm.


January 25, 2019

Notable Retirement Research of 2018

Our selection of ten outstanding retirement-related research papers from 2018 starts off with a summary of Joe Tomlinson's proposal for three new annuity products that have never been issued but should be, in his...
January 17, 2019

Annuities, RIAs and ‘Cargo Cult’ Thinking

Brighthouse Financial's Shield structured annuity joins products from Allianz Life, Jackson National and Global Atlantic on the Envestnet Insurance Exchange, where annuity issuers hope to engage registered investment advisors. An interview with Envestnet president...
January 10, 2018

Two Client-Centric Income Strategies

We compare two easy-as-pie annuity strategies: Income starting at age 80 versus guaranteed income for the first 10 years of retirement. One hedges longevity risk, the other hedges sequence risk, and neither ties up...