Turning the 401(k) on Its Head

Executives at State Street Global Advisors, Transamerica, Securian, and Prudential discuss their strategies for developing multiple employer 401(k) plans for small companies and helping to close the 401(k) ‘coverage gap.’
Anecdotal Evidence

The ‘Institutionalization’ of the 401(k)

The defined contribution retirement system may be about to become less employer-driven and more industry-driven. RIJ talks about it with DCIIA president and CEO Lew Minsky.
Raised voices

RIJ and others urge Senators to take action on retirement

A non-partisan group of eleven academics, researchers and journalists, including RIJ's Kerry Pechter, promised to help Sen. Cory Booker and Sen. Todd Young convene a Retirement Security Commission.

Inside the Beltway, pro-retirement proposals pile up

To incentivize small employers to offer retirement savings plans to employees, Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Mark Warner (D-VA) have introduced the SIMPLE Plan Modernization Act (S.3197), which is also supported by AARP.
Guest column

Healthy economy ahead: Phil Chao

With the long end of the Treasury yield curve suppressed by demand for safe assets, the Fed is limited in how high it can raise short-term rates, writes the retirement plan and fiduciary advisor.

Honorable Mention

Vanguard publishes 'How America Saves'; Milliman reports on rising pension funded ratios; Lincoln Financial adds financial wellness offering.


July 12, 2018

Provider-Sponsored 401(k): Part III

This is the third installment of our series on the push for shifting plan sponsorship from employers to service providers and the "institutionalization" of retirement in the US. This week we look back at...
July 5, 2018

Fuzzy Words in a Retirement Bill

The Retirement Enhancement and Savings Act of 2018 has bipartisan support and a greater-than-average chance of passing. Many believe that it could lead to provider-sponsored 401(k) plans. But bill doesn't exactly say that. What...
June 28, 2018

Everybody into the Pool?

If pending legislation passes, retirement service providers could begin to sponsor 401(k) plans. Asset managers are especially keen on these ‘pooled employer plans’ or ‘open MEPS.’