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DST Systems’ Larry Kiefer says his firm’s new “middleware” simplifies the distribution of lifetime income products to plan participants, IRA owners and others.
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Under the conservative think-tank's proposal, a new optional, auto-enrolled savings plan would start in 2014. Under this plan, 6% of each worker’s income would go in a retirement savings plan that the worker owns and controls.
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In their attacks on retirement savings incentives, 'budget hawks' don't appear to realize that 401(k) participants and others pay the deferred taxes after they retire, albeit sometimes at a lower tax rate.
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Chris Brown and Laura Varas (left) of Hearts & Wallets, a Boston-area research firm, find that many pre-retirees and retirees want financial advice that's not simply the prelude to a product sale.
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Smaller defined benefit pension plans are adopting a liability-driven investment model that resembles the three-bucket system used by retirees to provide income. New York Life has designed a fixed income option for the first bucket.
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People need financial help, but avoid financial services providers. Is it possible that they blame the industry itself for their financial woes?
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Called Structured Capital Strategies ADV, the product will be distributed at first to fee-based advisors in the Commonwealth Financial Network.
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The SPARK Institute's Data Layouts for Retirement Income Solutions provides the standards for DST Systems' RICC hub featured in today's issue of RIJ.