RIIA ‘Gets’ Open Architecture

Few organizations seem to understand the ascendancy of "open architecture" better than the Retirement Income Industry Association, whose mantra is "the view across the silos." Here's a report on its Spring Conference, held this week.

Take the ‘Gauss’ Work Out of Saving

Using "non-Gaussian" analysis, Jim Otar has created a benchmark for evaluating retirement savings vehicles--and discovered that cautious savers might want to hold fewer equities.

Morningstar’s ‘Secret Sauce’

Speaking at the 2011 Morningstar/Ibbotson Conference in Orlando, Roger Ibbotson (above) described low-liquidity as a largely unrecognized source of alpha in stocks and mutual funds.

Wedding Bells for TIPS and ALDA

Together, PIMCO's TIPS-based managed payout funds and MetLife's longevity insurance mitigate two big retirement risks: inflation risk and the risk of outliving one’s savings.

Putnam’s Man with a Plan

Putnam Investments CEO Robert Reynolds called for a new lifetime income regulatory body and announced a decumulation tool for Putnam funds in a speech at the RIIA meeting this week.

RIIA Marks a Few Milestones

The Retirement Income Industry Association, led by Francois Gadenne, has published the third edition of the text for its RMA certification program, and the first issue of The Retirement Management Journal.

IRIC offers guidance on selecting in-plan GMWB

ERISA experts Fred Reish and Bruce Ashton offer guidelines for fiduciaries who consider offering a guaranteed lifetime income option within employer-sponsored retirement plan.

The Bucket

Late-breaking or short items from Mutual of Omaha, EBRI, Jackson National Life, Nationwide Financial, and Principal Financial.