How to End ‘Annuicide’

Compensation-wise, income annuities can backfire for many advisors. An industry committee wants to solve the problem, but it’s not easy.

Channel Surfing for Low-Cost SPIAs

Where can you find lowest SPIA prices on the web? RIJ compared prices at Immediateannuites, Income Solutions, Fidelity and (as a benchmark) Cannex. And the winner was...

A $100 Billion Market for SPIAs?

Income annuities aren't a good product fit for every insurance company. But for New York Life, a mutual company with tons of reserves and a big book of life insurance, they make perfect sense.

Reading the Minds of the Affluent

Cogent Research has tapped into the attitudes of wealthy retirees and pre-retirees toward retirement income products.

Auto-enrollees save less, Aon Hewitt study shows

A survey suggests that not all is rosy in 401(k) land. At 120 large plans, the median account balance is under $25,000, 30% of participants have loans, and 3-year annualized returns are under 2%.

Downtick in GLB elections: LIMRA

Year-over-year, the election rate fell by one percentage point, to 86%, in the first quarter of 2011 for all types of guaranteed living benefits.

The Bucket

Brief or late-breaking items from DST, Lincoln Financial, Symetra and Prudential.

Always Protect Your Story

Two weeks ago, when Prudential plc's CEO told analysts that he envisioned unspecified risk reductions in Jackson National's VA by end of year, he clearly didn’t realize that his statement could muddy Jackson's well-honed "story."