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IssueM Articles

FINRA Talks a Good Game, Part II

FINRA, the self-regulatory body for broker-dealers, has put its members on alert about not giving conflicted advice to people who are between jobs and aren’t sure whether to keep their money in an employer-sponsored plan or roll it over to an IRA.

The purpose of Regulatory Notice 13-45, FINRA said, “is to remind firms of their responsibilities when (1) recommending a rollover or transfer of assets in an employer-sponsored retirement plan to an Individual Retirement Account or (2) marketing IRAs and associated services.”

The notice, issued in late December, added that “The recommendation and marketing of IRA rollover will be an examination priority for FINRA in 2014.”   

The regulators are evidently worried about 401(k) advisors encouraging people to move tax-deferred retirement savings out of the highly regulated institutional world of 401(k) plans to the less-restrictive retail world of IRAs.

The notice comes only two months after the release of FINRA’s Report on Conflicts of Interest, which surprised broker-dealers with its sudden focus on the ever-present potential conflict between their imperative to gather assets and their pledge not to recommend actions unsuitable for clients.

The notice also comes at a time when the broker-dealer world awaits the next version of the Department of Labor’s proposal to raise the standard of conduct to “fiduciary” from “suitability” for advisors who work with ERISA-regulated retirement plans.  

Part of the problem is that some advisers and broker-dealer reps sell 401(k) plans and/or offer advice to participants as well as to retail investors. Indeed, some advisors rely on their work with 401(k) participants as a way to meet future retail clients. At retirement or when they change jobs and opt for a rollover, participants can become retail clients.

At the same time, the Department of Labor is clearly worried that 401(k) plans, like college football and basketball programs, can become tantamount to farm systems where accounts gain weight and experience before transferring to the pros, i.e., brokerage IRAs. Broker-dealers and their clients may see such a transition as a liberation of the money from ERISA restrictions, but the DoL sees it as a corruption of public policy because it could expose tax-deferred savings to higher volatility and expenses.

FINRA may feel caught between the government and the broker-dealers. In October, and again at the end of the December, it has put broker-dealers on notice not to allow advisors to violate the suitability standard when exploiting the IRA loophole, through which money moves from the employer-sponsored space to the retail space.

These notices might be FINRA’s way of telling the DoL that FINRA can make the suitability standard work, and that broker-dealers don’t need a DoL fiduciary standard to keep them from abusing the rollover process. 

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.           

A Liquidity Option for DIAs?

Deferred income annuities (DIAs) have been one of the surprise success stories of the post-crisis, low-interest era. The potential market might be larger, some life insurers say, if contract owners had more flexibility to cancel the policy and withdraw a lump sum.    

But a number of regulatory hurdles, as well as some potential hurdles in product pricing and design, apparently stand in the way of such a change. Some of those legal hurdles were the topic of a presentation by New York Life attorney Judy Bartlett at the annual American Law Institute’s Continuing Legal Education Conference on Life Insurance Products, held last November at a hotel in Washington, D.C.’s Foggy Bottom section.

The conference attracted enough insurance industry attorneys from all over the U.S. to fill a large Marriott ballroom. Attorneys from Allstate, Ameriprise Financial, Midland National, Pacific Life, Prudential, TIAA-CREF and Transamerica, in addition to New York Life, served as panelists or presenters.  

In addition, lawyers from the big Washington law firms that specialize in securities and insurance law, as well as regulators from FINRA, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Labor, walked, took the Metro or drove over from their nearby offices. State insurance commissioners from Pennsylvania and Missouri flew in.

For a day and a half, a series of discussions touched on two dozen or so major and minor legal controversies that currently vex the retirement industry, either directly or indirectly. Lawyers from two prominent Washington firms, Steve Roth of Sutherland Asbill & Brennan and Richard Choi of Jorden Burt, chaired the meeting.

The meeting gave visiting lawyers a chance to earn educational credits by learning more about issues both familiar and new. Familiar issues included, for instance, the summary prospectus for variable annuities, federal regulation of insurance products and preservation of tax-preferences for retirement and insurance products.

New issues included potential conflicts of interest in the design of managed-volatility funds, the transparency of fees for mutual fund sub-advisors, principles-based reserve requirements, and the recent flurry of decisions in “excessive fee” class action lawsuits. In short, the meeting was a cram course in the state of securities and insurance regulation. (The study materials were published by the ALI in a 1,000-page, phone book sized document.)

DIAs and the law

Of the topics covered at the conference, the regulatory status of deferred income annuities was of particular interest, given the sudden popularity of these products in the past two years. Eight or nine life insurers now offer DIAs, whose sales were expected to reach about $2 billion in 2013. The product’s lack of liquidity can be a deal-breaker for many potential buyers, however.

The latest DIA designs do offer some liquidity. There are death benefits during the deferral period, optional cash refunds or installment refunds of remaining principal if the annuitant dies, and the option to take several months’ payments as a lump sum. Some contracts allow owners to move their chosen income start date forward (i.e., shorten the pre-selected deferral period), if they decide they need income sooner than they thought they would.

But DIA owners can’t as a rule cancel their contracts and commute their future payments into a lump sum. Such a possibility wasn’t even considered by state regulators when they looked at DIAs in 2010. At the time, DIAs were understood to be marketed as “longevity insurance”—a heavily discounted, long-dated, no-cash-value, life-only product that would provide lifetime income only if and when a person reached age 85 or so.

Only about a year after those standards were developed, however, that product (which had so far been a non-starter, sales-wise) changed dramatically. Starting in mid-2011, New York Life tweaked the product and repositioned it as a personal pension, to be purchased at age 55 to 60 for retirement income starting as early as age 65 or 70.

To the surprise of many, sales quickly leapt to $100 million a month. They could be higher if there were a cancellation option for a period certain DIA, as there may be for a single-premium immediate annuity with a period certain. But this would require new proposals to the states or the state consortium, the IIPRC, which currently doesn’t allow the payment of a commuted value for a period certain DIA. It’s not clear whether proposals to change that have been made, will be made, or even considered.

(Adding a cancellation option in a life-contingent annuity doesn’t work, because the insurer would be vulnerable to the very real risk that sick people might disproportionately cash out, thus corrupting the mortality assumptions on which the prices and payout rates were based.)

If cashing-out were allowed during the deferral period of a DIA, it’s been suggested, taking income might become a secondary rather than primary characteristic of the product, and it wouldn’t be much different from an ordinary deferred annuity. 

Another complication might arise, related to the regulatory status of a DIA. If the calculation of the commuted cash value was affected by interest rates, then the annuity owner might in effect be exposed to investment risk, which might prevent a DIA from being exempt from registration with the SEC.

As it stands, Bartlett pointed out in her presentation, DIAs aren’t as clearly exempt from SEC regulation as fixed indexed annuities (FIAs) are. Both SEC Rule 151 Safe Harbor and the Harkin Amendment to the Dodd-Frank law in 2010 specifically protected FIAs from SEC regulation but said nothing about the current designs of DIAs. FIAs with guaranteed lifetime income benefits compete with DIAs. 

In sum, there are a variety of reasons why DIAs probably won’t be allowed to offer cash-out cancellation options and why life insurers won’t even try to change the regulations to make cash-outs easier. That might mean a smaller potential market for DIAs; it might also mean that the product will retain its integrity. 

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. 

A Guide that Perplexes

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners has just e-mailed me a copy of its new “Buyer’s Guide for Deferred Annuities: Fixed and Variable.” I read it through. Like many explanations of annuities, it was fairly awful.

If consumer-friendliness was one of NAIC’s objectives in publishing this guide, it fell short. It is a study in defense, not hospitality. I understand that years of attacks have put annuities on the defensive, but that’s all the more reason to try and change the tone of the conversation.

There were at least three points at which the average reader would surely have bailed out, if he or she even got that far. The first was right up front.

“An annuity is a contract with an insurance company.” Sadly, many texts about annuities begin exactly this way. You might as well describe marriage to teenagers as “a legal contract between two people of the same or opposite genders.”

How would I define annuities? As financial tools that people use to protect themselves and their savings against certain risks, including interest rate risk, stock market risk, the risk of retiring during a market slump, and/or the risk of outliving their savings, also known as longevity risk.  

Next, I would have stopped reading when the author urged me to read the prospectus carefully. Everyone knows that prospectuses are written by lawyers for lawyers. The most complex annuities, fixed indexed annuities, don’t even come with prospectuses.   

Finally, if still reading, I’d have stopped near the end of the document, where it says, “Don’t buy an annuity you don’t understand or that doesn’t seem right for you.” Who besides an actuary really understands annuities? 

The “Questions You Should Ask” section reminded me of the suitability questionnaires that I used to be assigned to edit, but usually ended up rewriting completely out of sheer pity for the reader. On some level the reader looks at these questions and realizes he’s being asked to waive his rights to something.   

But the main reason for my admittedly peevish reaction to this probably well-intended document is the way it is organized. It’s a recipe for confusion. It makes a mistake that people frequently make when writing about annuities.

As I learned when writing the outline for Annuities for Dummies, you only create a massive fog around annuities by trying to define a single product called “Annuities” and then compare and contrast the different “types.”

Annuities can be so unalike in their designs and purposes that putting them in a single box isn’t helpful. The differences are so numerous that they overwhelm the number of similarities. Pretty soon MEGO sets in.

It’s better, when trying to help people understand these odd-duck products, to handle each type separately—within the same document, but separately. Start with the readers’ own potential financial problems, and then show how each annuity can or can’t help solve that problem.

The explanations must begin and end with the consumer’s concerns, not with the compliance department’s. Otherwise you mystify more than you de-mystify. You leave people confused and mistrustful. As an industry, we’ve been describing annuities in the same cautious, legalistic, industry-centric way for years. To keep doing so doesn’t make much sense.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Stocks poised to keep rising in 2014: Fidelity

A new report from Fidelity Investments, U.S. Corporate Earnings: A Key Driver of Equity Market Returns in 2014, asserts that the 2012-2013 bull market is sustainable for the following reasons: 

  • Reasonable corporate profitability. The aggregate corporate return on equity (earnings relative to shareholders’ equity) for S&P 500 companies was 14.1% in the third quarter of 2013, slightly above the index’s 13.6% long-term average. From 1990 to 2013, the maximum trailing annual return on equity for the S&P 500 Index was 18.8%, while the minimum was 4.1%. Based on this measure, profitability for the U.S. equity market looks reasonable relative to history, and there is potential for further upside.
  • Overseas revenue is an increasing contributor to U.S. earnings. During the past decade, foreign sales have represented more than 40% of total revenues for S&P 500 companies, and the proportion has grown over this period. The growing global diversification of the revenue stream for U.S. companies could continue to provide a positive influence on earnings going forward, for two reasons. First, sales growth in some emerging market sectors continues to be higher than the growth in developed economies, in part due to the burgeoning middle class populations in such countries as China and India. In addition, if the recent economic stabilization in Europe and China continues, it would provide a backdrop supportive of higher future profit growth.
  • Prudent capital allocation policies. U.S. companies have been disciplined with their use of capital in recent years, and a continuation of this trend could support future earnings growth. In particular, merger and acquisition activity has been subdued, and overall capital expenditures as a percentage of sales have remained at a moderate level. Despite increased share buyback activity and dividend payouts, corporate cash balances are at elevated levels, providing managements with a cushion with which to further increase capital returns to shareholders.
  • Reasonable valuation. During the post-2008 period, the 106% upward move in stocks (through Sep. 30, 2013) has coincided with a 111% increase in corporate earnings. At the same time, U.S. economic conditions have been stable, if unremarkable; the nation’s nominal GDP growth has been 16% since the end of 2008. In December 1999, the equity market’s price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio using trailing earnings was 28.4, implying unsustainably high earnings growth. Comparatively, at the end of 2008, the S&P 500 Index’s aggregate trailing P/E ratio was only 18.2, below the historical average of 19.5. Today, the equity market’s valuation is still quite reasonable and somewhat below its long-term average, despite the market’s significant move during the past four-plus years — implying that investors generally expect a moderate level of earnings growth.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Allocations to TDFs continue to climb: EBRI and ICI

At year-end 2012, 41% of 401(k) participants held target-date funds (TDFs), according to a report from the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and the Investment Company Institute (ICI). That’s an increase from 39% in 2011 and 19% in 2006.

Assets in TDFs, which are qualified default investment alternatives (QDIAs) and suitable for automatically-enrolled participants, represented 15% of the total assets in the EBRI/ICI 401(k) database at the end of 2012, up from 13% in 2011 and 5% in 2006.

The findings are available in the report, “401(k) Plan Asset Allocation, Account Balances, and Loan Activity in 2012,” from EBRI and ICI. Other findings in the report were:

  • 61% of 401(k) plan participants’ accounts were invested in equities at year-end 2012, either through equity funds, the equity portion of TDFs, the equity portion of non-TDF balanced funds, and company stock. Younger 401(k) plan participants had more than half their account assets in equities while participants in their 60s had less than half of theirs in equities.
  • Younger participants are more likely to hold TDFs and TDFs represent a much larger share of their 401(k) assets. At year-end 2012, 52% of 401(k) plan participants in their 20s were invested in TDFs, and those funds made up 34% of their 401(k) assets.
  • Nearly 54% of the account balances of recently hired participants in their 20s was invested in balanced funds, including TDFs, compared with about 7% in 1998.
  • 21% of all 401(k) participants who were eligible for loans had loans outstanding against their 401(k) accounts at the end of 2012, unchanged from the prior three years (2009−2011), although slightly higher than before the 2008 financial crisis.  
  • The average 401(k) participant account balance was $63,929 and the median account balance was $17,630 at the end of 2012. The variation reflected differences in age, tenure, salary, contribution rate, rollovers from other plans, asset allocation, withdrawals, loan activity, and employer match.
  • The average account balance among 401(k) plan participants in their 60s with more than 30 years of tenure was $224,287.

The full analysis is published in the December 2013 EBRI Issue Brief and ICI Research Perspective, online at and The 2012 EBRI/ICI database includes statistical information on 24 million 401(k) plan participants in 64,619 plans holding $1.536 trillion in assets, covering nearly half of the universe of 401(k) participants.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Nobelist Sharpe makes retirement income planning software available

William Sharpe, the Nobel Prize winner and co-founder of Financial Engines, has been publishing a blog called RetirementIncomeScenarios. So far, the blog has provided followers with instructions on how to use software that Sharpe has created for income planning.

The blog started last August with Sharpe’s simple announcement: “This is a new blog on which I plan to post material on creating and analyzing ranges of scenarios for retirement income using different strategies for investing, spending and annuitizing retirement savings.”

In September, Sharpe explained that he’s using the Scratch programming language, created at MIT for non-professionals such as schoolchildren, to develop his suite of software tools. Apparently anyone, for free, can go to the Scratch website (, create an account, and try to put Sharpe’s software to work.

“Here is my plan,” he wrote on September 17: “I will start with an overall structure that allows me to add features as items on a menu. The first release will have only one such feature (a “longevity graph”). Subsequent releases will add other features, all related in some manner to the forecasting and analysis of retirement income scenarios. I invite you to try the programs. Together we will see how far this undertaking can go.”

We’ll keep you posted on the progress of Sharpe’s endeavor. Thanks to Wade Pfau for alerting us to the new blog, and to Dr. Sharpe for creating it.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Inflation-Proof Retirement Income

Building bond ladders for retirement income is an important but understudied topic. Especially as we are at a point in time when many are worried about future interest rate increases, bond mutual funds will lose value as rates rise, while a bond ladder will still provide the desired income at the bond maturity dates no matter what happens with interest rates. This potentially suggests, to the extent that one is worried about future rate increases, that today’s retirees could be better off by building a bond ladder for their desired bond allocation rather than holding bond mutual funds.

I’m now working on a column for Advisor Perspectives in which I review existing knowledge (preview: the best work I’ve seen comes from the Asset Dedication team of Stephen Huxley and J. Brent Burns) and also investigate how long one might want their bond ladder to be. For that, I will be using Treasury Strips. In that column I will not be getting too much into the details of how to actually construct a bond ladder for retirement income. The purpose of this post is to explain how to build a ladder of TIPS to provide retirement income.

The difference between bond ladders as they are usually discussed and a bond ladder for retirement income, is that with retirement income the idea is to spend the income thrown off by the ladder each year. This means that you set up the bond ladder to generate the amount of planned income you desire. With a traditional bond ladder, you wouldn’t spend the income, but reinvest it to lengthen the bond ladder. With bond ladders for retirement income, you would generally lengthen the bond ladder using other resources, such as stock investments, rather than using the income provided by the bond ladder.

For anyone actually seeking to build a bond ladder with TIPS, I highly recommend Harry Sit’s book, Explore TIPS. He provides all the details needed to actually go out and buy TIPS. My discussion here is more technical in the sense that I’m explaining what you would need to buy, but I’m not getting into the mechanics of how you would actually go about making those purchases (opening a brokerage account, etc.).

I’m getting the raw data for this explanation from the Wall Street Journal‘s Market Data Center. They provide a daily report of wholesale prices from the secondary markets for all of the outstanding TIPS issues. [Note: one of the issues that Harry’s book explores is how household investors will need to pay a mark-up above these prices, so building the bond ladder could cost a couple percentage points more than the prices I’m reporting]. This is the data available for December 18, 2013:

There are a lot of details to note from this data. First, though the Treasury is again issuing 30-year TIPS such that we can find maturities out until 2043, they had stopped that for a period, and there are no TIPS maturing in 2024, 2030-31, and 2033-2039.  This actually complicates things a bit. If we try to build a 30-year bond ladder, we need to make assumptions for what to do about the missing years. The common assumption I’ve observed is that one buys more of the TIPS for the later available maturity date and assumes they can be sold off at their accrued value at the earlier date assuming that there are no changes in interest rates until that time. For example, to cover 2024, one buys more of the 2025 issue and then sells it in 2024 to get the income desired for 2024.

This does leave someone exposed to interest rate risk: if rates rise, the income they will receive from selling their TIPS early will be less than otherwise. But it’s the best we can do within the constraint that we are only using TIPS. Strips do provide a work-around for this issue, since one can get stripped coupon payments for years when no bonds mature, but they do not provide inflation protection. The general benefit of building a bond ladder for retirement income is that when you hold the bonds to their maturity dates, you know exactly how much you are going to get.

Next, we need to know what all of these columns are:

Maturity is the maturity date when principal and the final coupon payment is provided.

Coupon is the coupon rate paid by the TIPS. This is one of the most confusing aspects of bonds for people to understand. When the bond is issued, it pays a set coupon rate. For a regular Treasury bond, if the coupon rate is 2% and then face value is $1000, then the bond pays coupons of $20 per year. Usually these are paid semi-annually. Two coupon payments of $10 in this case. Note: the coupon rate NEVER changes.  Interest rates can change. But that will affect the yield, not the coupon rate.  If interest rates rise, then the price that the bond can be sold at will decrease, raising the underlying yield to maturity to match t he increasing interest rate. But if I buy a $1000 face value bond on the secondary market for only $700 and it has a 2% coupon, it is important to understand that my coupon income will be based on 2% of $1000, not 2% of $700. Though this may seem basic and simple as I explain it, I assure you that this can be a huge source of confusion.

Next are the bid and asked columns. Bid is the price TIPS can be sold for, and Asked is the price they can be purchased for… in the wholesale market. The difference in prices is the spread made by the party helping to conduct the exchanges between buyers and sellers. Again, household investors will experience lower bids and higher asked than reported here as they are not participating directly on the wholesale market. For these prices, they are referenced in terms of face values of $100, though bonds usually have face values of $1000.

The Chg column is just how much change there was in the asked price since the previous day.

Next, the yield is the yield to maturity based on the asked price. This is the return that the investor would get for buying the bond today and holding it to maturity. If the Asked price is 100, then the yield would be the same as the coupon. If the asked price is above 100, then the yield will be less than the coupon, and if the asked price is below 100, then the yield will be higher than the coupon.

Why? This gets back to the point I was stressing before about how the coupon never changes. The bond provides a promise for a fixed set of payments. It pays all of the fixed coupon amounts and it repays the face value at the maturity date. These payments NEVER change. But bonds can be sold and resold on secondary markets prior to the maturity date. If I pay $900 for a bond providing a fixed set of promised payments, then I’m going to get a higher return on my $900 investment than if I paid $1,100 for the same set of promised payments. So lower asking prices imply higher yields, and vice versa. Note that these yields are expressed in real terms for TIPS.

That final point brings us to the final column: Accrued Principal. This is a unique term for TIPS. The accrued principal is the inflation-adjusted principal since the TIPS was issued. The special points about TIPS are that the coupon rate is actually paid on the accrued principal, not the nominal initial $1000 principal. As well, at the maturity date, the investor receives the accrued principal back, not the nominal $1000. This is how the inflation adjustments are incorporated:  a real coupon rate is paid on an inflation-adjusted amount and and inflation-adjusted amount is returned at the maturity date.

Another point about this data.  If I was constructing it, I would have made one difference. The ask price is in terms of 100, but when you purchase the TIPS, you have to pay in terms of the accrued principal, not in terms of 100.  The way I would have presented the asked price in that table is:

“Actual” Asked Price  =  [Asked]   x   [Accrued Principal]  /  1000

And one final point about this data.  Coupon payments are made every 6 months. When you buy the TIPS, you also have to pay any interest that the previous owner would have earned since the last coupon payment up until the data they sold it to you. I believe this is what really throws off the pricing for the TIPS maturing on January 15, 2014. The Yield is artificially high by quite a bit because the purchaser is going to also have to pay about 5/6 of the coupon payment to the previous owner  (which, for review, would be 0.5  x  2%  x  $1265 = $12.65). There is just a month left until maturity.

When I construct my bond ladder below, I will ignore this “accrued interest” problem because it is a rather minor issue, but it does affect that 2014 TIPS a lot. My bond ladder will use the first available TIPS maturing in each year except for 2014. In this case, I use the TIPS maturing in July 2014. Based on what I just wrote, this is the yield curve I have available for constructing the TIPS ladder for retirement income.

Now we are ready to actually construct the bond ladder and determine its cost. To do this, we work backwards. One more simplification I am now going to make to reduce the complexity of the explanations is to assume that coupons are paid only once per year rather than twice per year. I’m also going to assume we can buy fractions of bonds, when in reality we can only get as close as possible to our income goal in increments of $1,000, since fractions of bonds cannot be bought and sold.

Let’s construct a ladder to provide $10,000 of inflation-adjusted income for 30 years between 2014 and 2043. Starting at 2043, we need to buy enough shares of TIPS to give us $10,000 of inflation-adjusted income that year. This involves buying the TIPS maturing in 2043, which has a coupon of 0.625%, an asking price of 77.14, a yield of 1.596%, and accrued principal of $1016. The accrued asking price is this $783.74 out of $1000. In real terms based on today’s accrued principal, and with my simplification that only one coupon payment is made per year instead of 2, on Feb. 15, 2043, this bond will pay  1016 x (1 + 0.00625) = 1,022.35 in interest and principal. We want an income of $10,000.  So we need to buy 10000/1022.35 = 9.78 shares.

Given the wholesale accrued asking price, these shares cost us 9.78 x 783.74 = $7,664.98. Actually, these numbers have been rounded. In my computer, the precise cost without rounding is $7,666.09. In other words, paying $7,666.09 today entitles you to $10,000 of REAL income on Feb. 15, 2043. The amount you actually receive on that date in nominal terms will actually be larger to the extent that we experience inflation over the next 30 years.

Now we move to 2042. We want $10,000 of real income for that year too. The trick is that we have to account for the fact that the 2043 maturing TIPS we just purchased is going to give us coupon payments of 9.78 shares x 0.625% coupons x 1,020 accrued value =  $62.11 of income in every year for years 1-29 as well. So we can subtract that from what we need to purchase. We need to buy enough 2042 bonds to provide real income of $9937.89 in 2042.

And so this process goes, working backward to 2014. Actually, for 2014, we will have $4280.32 of real income coming from all of the coupons for bonds we purchased which are maturing between 2015-2043. So we only need to purchase enough 2014-maturing bonds to get $5719.68.

That is the logic behind the following table, which shows our menus of purchases to obtain a 30-year TIPS ladder.

Now for some final comments on this table. Note that the cost of building a 30-year TIPS ladder providing $10,000 of annual real income is $247,588.14. This is scalable. If you want $50,000 of real income, the cost is 5 times greater ($1.24 million), etc. Also, this is an approximation due to some simplifying assumptions I’ve listed throughout the post.  Note that this cost with regard to the $10,000 income represents a 4.04% withdrawal rate.

With the bond ladder, nothing will be left at the end of the 30th year though. Actually, interest rates have been rising in recent months, and 4.04% is currently the payout rate on an inflation-adjusted SPIA for a 65-year old couple with joint and 100% survival benefits. Also, for what it’s worth, the implied return on the $247k to get these cash payments is 1.29% in real terms. That’s the current “riskless” rate of return for 30 years of retirement income. There is still longevity risk though.

© 2013 Wade Pfau.

Seven Wishes for the Year Ahead

The earth has circled the sun again and, without stopping for breath, has begun yet another lonely lap around the solar stadium. The solstice is past; a pale new year awaits. What will happen in the retirement industry in 2014? Beats me. But I hope that:  

Someone will engineer a plan to stabilize Social Security. We need to solve the Social Security question soon, and not by shrinking the program. Young people need their confidence in it restored. Older people need to appreciate that it protects them against sequence of returns risk, which is to say that, unlike the markets, it prevents the division of neighbors into retirement winners and losers.

Interest rates will rise without toppling equity prices. A decade ago, Alan Greenspan played a game of Jenga with the short-term rate, raising it in quarter-point increments. The strategy worked for a while, but eventually the stock market tumbled like a tower of Jenga blocks. Maybe we’ve learned a lesson or two since then. Good luck, Chairman Yellen!

The Department of Labor issues a sagacious re-proposal of the fiduciary rule. Granted, mandating a fiduciary standard for all financial intermediaries seems a bit quixotic. But it does seem reasonable to me that more of the ERISA restrictions and protections that apply to 401(k) money should follow that money when it rolls over to an IRA, and/or for as long as it continues to grow tax-deferred.      

Employers start contributing more money to their employees’ retirement accounts. I once worked for a company that contributed 10% of pay to employees’ 401(k) plans and matched a chunk of the employee contributions. If plan sponsors are concerned about their employees’ retirement security, they need to try this—even if means carving some or all of the contribution out of take-home pay. Nudges and calculators aren’t enough.

Deferred income annuities find their way into 401(k) plans. Participants need the option of allocating at least part of their contributions to an account that will produce guaranteed income 10, 15 or 20 years hence. It’s unrealistic to expect many people to buy annuities at retirement; the loss of liquidity is too drastic and interest rate risk is too high.

The public-pension funding crisis gets resolved in a non-divisive way. The current crisis is a symptom of the 2008 crash, low interest rates and the erosion of the tax bases of America’s towns and cities. It’s a shame to see retired firefighters, bus drivers and policemen ridiculed for expecting to receive the pensions they legally bargained for.

Americans elect smarter politicians in the 2014 elections. We need fewer hacks and ideologues, and more men and women with the brains, courage, and large-mindedness necessary to collaborate on wise, far-sighted solutions to our problems, including our retirement problems. Too many elected officials seem to know almost nothing about the way our financial system works (and even less about how insurance works).   

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Comment: Goodbye, Mature Market Institute

The year 2013 cannot be allowed to end without a brief requiem for the MetLife Mature Market Institute. The respected in-house retirement think tank, which MetLife created in the late 1990s, was itself retired at the end of last May.

The decision to shut the MMI surprised few people, given MetLife’s overseas acquisitions and its pullback from domestic retirement businesses since 2010. But many were puzzled that the company would close a program that delivered so much bang for the buck, and at a time when the old-age boom is arguably still in its infancy.     

The MMI and its staff had lots of friends, and they were sorry to see it go. “It’s a big loss,” lamented Cindy Hounsell, the president of the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER), in a recent conversation with RIJ. “They did a lot of things that nobody else did.”

The staff of the MMI worked for 15 years out of a 10-person office in Westport, Conn. They sponsored dozens of non-partisan research reports, establishing a “Retirement IQ” and a “Retirement Readiness Index.” Their monthly newsletter, QuickFacts, was distributed to MetLife executives, sales team, brokerages that sold MetLife products, the national media, academics, legislators and retirement-related advocacy groups.  

The MMI’s last big report, published last May, was a 39-page write-up of a survey of Americans born in 1946, titled, Healthy, Retiring Rapidly and Claiming Social Security: The MetLife Report on the Oldest Boomers. (The MMI website is still up, and many of its reports are still available for download. But nothing new has been posted for six months.)

Though they knew they weren’t a profit-center, members of the MMI staff felt that they earned their keep by stoking good-will toward the corporate parent, scoring thought-leadership points, and burnishing the MetLife brand with the kind of positive press coverage that money can’t buy.

“We generated 60% of the PR for MetLife in the retirement space, even though we were a very small part of the budget. We did some things on the Hill and worked with the MetLife legislative department. We were quoted in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal,” said Sandra Timmermann, Ph.D., who had been executive director of the MMI.   

“We gave MetLife a chance to take the high road and not always be talking about products,” she told RIJ recently. “We had a constituency with the media and the external wholesalers. Some of the sales people in the retirement income area liked what we did. Our material was something they could use that was not transactional.”

John Migliaccio, the director of research at the MMI until last May, told RIJ, “This has been a topic of much thought and conversation, inside and outside of the MMI. Sandra and I received such an outpouring of incredulity and concern and dismay from hundreds and hundreds of people. I couldn’t keep up with all the emails. People were saying, ‘How could they be doing this?’”

MetLife’s reasons

Pessimists might be tempted to regard the MMI as a canary in the coalmine (or perhaps, given MetLife’s long association with Peanuts cartoon characters, the “Woodstock” in the coal mine). Just as the establishment of the MMI 15 years ago helped plant the MetLife flag in the Boomer retirement space, and helped define and promote the retirement space, so the end of the MMI might signal a loss of confidence in the potential of that space.

Since the MMI began, MetLife has tested the profitability of just about every product line within the Boomer retirement space—and eventually retreated from each of them, partly or entirely. (It was certainly not alone in doing so, but MetLife is a bellwether.) In the wake of the financial crisis, MetLife backed out of the reverse mortgage, the LTC, and the in-plan annuity businesses. After suddenly ramping up its variable annuity business with rich options in early 2011, it quickly downsized its sales targets for that business once the risks of big blocks of VAs with living benefits became clear. 

One prominent casualty in mid-2012 was Jody Strakosch, the firm’s popular National Director of Retirement Products. She had led MetLife’s ambitious “SponsorMatch” initiative, a co-venture with BlackRock that would have brought deferred income annuities to the 401(k) world. Plan sponsors weren’t interested, and BlackRock subsequently proceeded with a much different program called LifePath.

Given its frustrations with these businesses, the discontent of its shareholders and equity analysts, and the Fed’s debilitating (for insurers) low interest rate strategy, it’s not surprising that MetLife decided to look for financially greener pastures. In 2010, the company went through what analysts called a “transformational” change when it bought Alico and other global insurance properties.

With those acquisitions, MetLife’s estimated share of revenue from outside the U.S.—in Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe—jumped to 40% from 15%. As management’s attention naturally shifts in that direction, however, it implies that it no longer considers the Boomer retirement market as the best growth opportunity for a U.S. life insurer—especially not for a publicly held life insurer with impatient shareholders.

“No life insurance company is not going to not sell to the retirement market,” said Timmermann, who earned her doctorate in education and gerontology at Columbia Teacher’s College. “But MetLife said they’re looking at other priorities. They’re going global. They’re also looking at selling to younger markets, and the new product sets are not necessarily geared to retirees—like life insurance and employee benefits.”

Magma from a volcano

Is this an omen that the low interest rate environment in fact has permanently hobbled the Boomer income opportunity for life insurers? Migliaccio, for one, doesn’t think it should be. “I’m not mystified about their decision [to close MMI] at the tactical level,” he said. “But at the strategic level it just doesn’t add up.” For him, the retirement wave is still just getting started.

“This is not something where you can say, ‘Oh well, the time is past. Let’s look at another demographic here or overseas.’ The retirement wave is happening everywhere. It’s like magma coming out of a volcano. You can’t stop it. The oldest of the Baby Boomers are just now moving into this arena,” he said.

“There are trillions of dollars in 401ks, even with half of the people not having an opportunity to save that way. Loaded on top of that, you have the $11 trillion intergenerational transfer between the Boomers and their parents. To say, ‘We’re not looking at that market anymore’—that baffles me.”

His concern is that a tilt away from the U.S. retirement business by a giant like MetLife might create a vacuum that non-insurers will gladly inhabit. “You might see a new species coming in. It will probably be the investment companies. A Fidelity or Vanguard or someone else on the brokerage side. They don’t have the same regulatory pressures or the reserve requirements that the insurance companies have,” Migliaccio told RIJ.

At least one blogger who listened to MetLife’s third-quarter analysts call suspected the company of doubting not just the near-term prospects of retirement-related businesses but of the U.S. economy itself. He took it as a bad sign that CEO Steve Kandarian told analysts not to expect earnings guidance from MetLife in the foreseeable future.

“To me this means that MetLife is very unsure of what the future holds,” wrote David White on the SeekingAlpha blog. “It means that it sees a considerable chance for a downturn in its business and in the overall US and world economies.”

So, is the shutdown of the MMI a sign of dire trends, or just part of the creative destruction that’s going on at MetLife? One thing is clear: a lot of people in the retirement industry are sorry to see the MMI close up shop.  

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

A Crash in Late 2014?

One year ago, in a year-end column for 2012, I predicted that the easy-money bubble would continue inflating through 2013, which should be a good year for asset prices, but that 2014 would be more problematic.

Having been “right so far” with this prediction, I thought it worth re-examining to determine whether the crash will indeed occur in 2014, as I then predicted, or whether investors may be able to enjoy another good year before doom hits. My crystal ball is more clouded than it was a year ago, and the first half of 2014 looks good, but I wouldn’t be too certain about the fourth quarter.

I was certainly right to be pretty optimistic for 2013. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index is up today 25% from Dec. 31, 2012, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 21%. On the other hand, the MSCI World Ex. U.S. Index is up only a more modest 12% and gold is sharply down, by about 26%.

I confess an expensive error in the last area – it seemed to me (and still seems) that with Japan having joined most Western economies in mad monetary stimulus, gold had to rise sharply—indeed I suggested a price of $3,000 an ounce. Instead, all the money seems to have gone into Bitcoin—a sad commentary on the downfall of solid values in modern life. Still, overall, I was right for 2013 and am tempted to repeat the prognostication for next year.

Well, let’s have a look, shall we? If next year is an exact replica of this year, the S&P 500 Index will end at 2,224 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average will end the year at 19,232. Gold, on the other hand, will end the year at $912. Hmm.

I have to say that combination looks pretty unlikely. I could indeed see gold at $912, which would imply that monetary stimulus had been scaled back and that the inflationary psychology had been eliminated from the markets—including those in India and China from where the majority of today’s incremental demand for gold arises. Perhaps we would have had some actual deflation in the West, with prices declining, thus removing gold’s psychological advantage as an inflation hedge.

In that case, real interest rates would have risen, since at least long-term rates can’t fall below zero. Corporate profits would surely have fallen and much of the bubble psychology would have been wrung out of the stock market. In other words, the S&P 500 Index would most likely be chasing the gold price down toward 900.

Conversely, to get the S&P 500 index up to 2,224, corporate profits would have to show considerable further oomph beyond today’s level, which is already an all-time high in terms of U.S. Gross Domestic Product. To get profit margins rising like that money would still have to be very cheap and inflation would have to have ticked up a bit. In that case, gold would surely be chasing the S&P 500 Index up beyond $2,200.

In other words, 2014 can’t be like 2013. It will therefore have to be different. Polish the old crystal ball, and let’s estimate in which direction the differences might arise.

One factor that should make us bearish is that everyone else is bullish. The top-ten Wall Street banks, polled by Marketwatch, all think the market will be higher at the end of 2014 than it is today. They forecast rises in the S&P 500 Index ranging from 4% to 17%—all of them short of the “naïve” forecast of 25%, let it be noted. That’s not definitive. You could get a net rise of 10% on the year with a market that rose 50% and then turned round and fell 27%, in which case the net 10% rise would pretty clearly be the harbinger of dark days ahead in 2015.

However, the overall optimism of Wall Street pundits does suggest that most of the buyers are in the market already, which you’d expect in a market up 25%. Those who were out—or who like me bet on the sectors of precious metals and emerging markets that have performed worst this year—have to feel pretty stupid right now. 

Ben Bernanke’s decision last week to reduce the amount of bond purchases undertaken by the Fed is bullish for the long term—at least as it avoids one form of catastrophic risk—but it clouds the picture in the short term, although the market’s initial reaction was euphoric.

According to Bernanke, we can expect a gradual further decrease in bond purchases, perhaps with a $10 billion decline at each Fed meeting in 2014 so that by the end of the year purchases would have halted altogether and the Fed balance sheet would have stabilized at $4.5 trillion. That’s a much more tolerable situation than we would have been facing if Bernanke hadn’t tapered: expanding the Fed’s balance sheet until it swallowed the U.S. economy.

The global economy is nowhere near capacity, which leads me to suspect a further lengthy period of recovery before the next recession hits. You’d expect recovery to continue fairly slowly in the rich Western countries, as wages continue equalizing between the West and emerging markets.

On the other hand, there seems no reason why Africa should not continue to get rich rapidly. Indeed, while Chinese growth has slowed and India, Brazil and Russia have all in their different ways run into problems, sub-Saharan Africa is so much poorer than other emerging markets (at around $1,400 per capita GDP compared with $9,600 in Latin America) that it should have a decade or so of rapid growth ahead before the inevitable constraints of its poor government and infrastructure really begin to bind.

Nevertheless, between the two extremes of an early crash and a stock-market boom that goes on and on, there seems to be a likely outlook somewhere in the middle. At the extreme case, it would seem very unlikely that the current market boom can last until the end of 2015, even if the Fed does indeed hold short-term interest rates near zero for the whole period.

For one thing, long-term interest rates have risen substantially in spite of the $85 billion of monthly bond purchases. So reduction of the pace of bond purchases should cause the rise in rates to continue, or otherwise accelerate. In the long run, that has to cause a market decline as corporate profits will be affected.

At the other extreme, the Fed still will be purchasing $50 billion or more of bonds monthly until the middle of next year, which should limit the rise in long-term rates in the next six months. Only when Fed purchases taper toward zero, in the second half of 2014, does the current market euphoria seem likely to lessen.

In the meantime the market will have gone much higher—it is rising at far more than the average market prediction of 10% a year—because of the flood of money into it, and should continue doing so.

On balance, therefore, we can guess at a market peak sometime between Sept. 2014 and June 2015, at a level much higher than the current one. We can, however, be pretty sure that once the market has peaked, its fall will be both prolonged and steep. Long-term interest rates will rise, so corporate profits will decline. The mass of malinvestment caused by the last five years of zero short-term interest rates will be a massive overhang on the market.

The outlook for investors is thus difficult. The opportunity to make money will extend for only a few more months, after which there will be a period, possibly as long as 3-4 years, during which any foray into the market will be rewarded by massive losses. Sell too early and you could miss not just the last 10% of the run-up, but the last 30-40% if it extends into 2015. Sell too late and your invested capital will spiral into the abyss.

In any case, bears can be comforted by one thing: the higher the market climbs, the harder it will fall.
© 2013 Prudent Bear, Martin Hutchinson.

IRI publishes a look back at 2013 and look forward to 2014

The Insured Retirement Institute, a lobbying organization for manufacturers and distributors of annuities, has issued a review of the events of 2013 and a preview of its expectations for 2014 in the areas of annuity products, sales, and regulation.

The “State of the Insured Retirement Industry” report offers a comprehensive appraisal of the annuity industry, with special attention to reasons for optimism: rising bond yields, aging Baby Boomers, innovative annuity products, and support from the Obama administration for guaranteed lifetime income tools.

On the issue of social media, the report notes that “the financial services industry lags behind other industries in using social media.” One problem: broker-dealer face an estimated social media startup cost of $50 per month per registered rep just for “regulatory monitoring and archiving expenses.”

The report introduces a relatively new acronym, “GOVA.” It stands for “growth-oriented variable annuities,” and refers to contracts with low fees, numerous investment options and no lifetime income benefits.

In a linguistic gesture that may dismay some fund companies, the report refers to “volatility funds” when describing managed-volatility funds, which use some combination of dynamic asset allocation and derivatives strategies to protect investors from extreme market fluctuations.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Fitch sees stability for life insurers in 2014

The release of Fitch Ratings’ “2014 Outlook: U.S. Life Insurance” report this week was upstaged by the Federal Reserve’s indication yesterday that it would taper its monthly bond-buying policy slowly over the course of 2014 and keep interest rates low for the foreseeable future.   

While the equity markets loved the Fed’s reassurances, which sent the Dow up almost 300 points on Wednesday, the life industry might have preferred something different. According to the Fitch Outlook, a 50 to 100-basis point uptick in rates would “have positive implication for our outlook on U.S. life insurers.” 

But Fitch acknowledged that the Fed’s low-rate policy has helped life insurers in two ways. It has buoyed equities, which help fund variable annuity guarantees and raise fee revenue. It has also helped revive the economy, which in turns has stabilized the bond market.

Overall, Fitch’s near-term outlook for the life insurance industry is “stable,” assuming no major interest rate spikes, no international crises and a continuation of the weak recovery, modest GDP growth and high unemployment.

A sustained interest rate spike would be an increase of 500 basis points or more, the report said. A jump of that magnitude would instantly reduce the value of the insurers’ bond portfolios and cause flight from products with low fixed crediting rates.

A rate spike wouldn’t be all bad, Fitch said. It would make payout annuities, long-term care insurance and universal life products with no-lapse guarantees more attractive.

Fitch mentioned three areas of concern for life insurers: the continued drag on profitability from legacy variable annuity business, uncertainty over the possibility of new regulatory structures, and “macroeconomic shocks,” such as a decline in the creditworthiness of U.S. sovereign debt. 

The new year could bring an increase in mergers and acquisitions in the life insurance industry, Fitch noted. More European insurers are expected to divest U.S. life subsidiaries, partly in reaction to Solvency II capital requirements. Also, private equity firms are expected to continue to look for opportunities to pick up assets at bargain prices and to establish a footprint in the ever-growing retirement market.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

W&S FGD introduces managed-risk investment strategy to GLWB rider

The guaranteed lifetime income benefit rider on variable annuities offered by Integrity Life and National Integrity Life is now linked to a managed-volatility investment strategy, according to a release from W&S Financial Group Distributors, Inc., the wholesaler of annuities and life insurance issued by companies in the Western & Southern Financial Group. 

The new managed-volatility investment options are:

  • American Funds Insurance Series Managed Risk Asset Allocation Fund
  • Fidelity VIP Target Volatility Portfolio
  • TOPS Managed Risk Moderate Growth ETF Portfolio

Investors electing the strategy may allocate among the options in any combination, including up to 100% to a single option.

In addition, six new investment options are available to owners of the AdvantEdge, AnnuiChoice and Pinnacle variable annuities issued by Integrity Life or National Integrity Life.

The new funds are available within the “self-style” investment strategy of Guaranteed Lifetime Income Advantage, the GLWB rider. (To use the self-style strategy with the GLWB, investors must keep at least 30% of their assets in bonds. Those who use the managed-vol strategy are exempt from the 30% bond requirement).    

The six new options include:

  • American Funds Insurance Series Global Growth Fund
  • American Funds Insurance Series Growth Fund
  • American Funds Insurance Series Growth-Income Fund
  • American Funds Insurance Series Managed Risk Asset Allocation Fund
  • American Funds Insurance Series New WorldFund
  • Fidelity VIP Target Volatility Portfolio

 © 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Time, money, age and advice: They’re all connected

When people decide either to seek investment advice, manage their money themselves, or just ignore their finances, they’re acting more rationally than you might think. Consciously or not, they do a mental cost/benefit analysis of the situation—weighing the value of their time, their own abilities and the amount of money they have.

So posits a new article Olivia Mitchell of the Wharton School, Raimond Maurer of Goethe University, and Hugh Kim of Seoul-based SKK University,called, “Time is Money: Life Cycle Rational Inertia and Delegation of Investment Management” (NBER Working Paper 19732).

The article offers some potentially valuable marketing insights. It ambitiously tries to quantify what has hitherto been difficult to quantify, such as the value of financial advice. And it makes some interesting observations about age-specific investor behavior.      

At any given life stage, the authors say, people tend to manage their investments in one of three ways: by doing nothing (“inertia”), by doing it themselves (“self-management”) or by consulting a financial advisor (“delegation”).

The young don’t have a lot of money yet and they’re too busy building up their professional skills to pay much attention to their finances. They tend to let inertia have its way until they enter their 30s. That’s unfortunate, because getting professional advice “from the beginning of the lifetime boosts welfare by 2.5%,” the authors suggest. By “welfare,” they mean consumption.

Evidently, as people enter their 40s and 50s, they have more savings, more street-smarts and are more secure in their careers, so they have the means, motive and opportunity to manage their own finances. “The middle-aged are more active, since this group is the most efficient in terms of financial decision-making.” It takes them only about 3% of their time to manage their money, which they can easily afford. “Still, however, almost 85% of the middle-aged group does not change portfolio allocations.”

The willingness to self-manage tends to rise as people retire and have more free time. “The fraction of self-managing investors jumps from 15% to about 30% at age 65,” the paper says. Then, as mental agility begins to decline with age, so does the urge to self-manage.

Just as people sleep a big chunk of their lives away, so they spend most of their lives not paying much attention to money management. Even though investors change their portfolio management approaches 6.58 times during their lifetimes—which sounds like a lot—they spend an average of 66.44 years doing nothing, the paper said. They self-manage for an average of 13.56 years, and begin self-management, on average, about 30.87 years after they enter the work force.   

The paper has good news overall for advisors. It claims that access to an adviser “boosts wealth more than 20% across all age groups,” mainly because people with advisers hold more equities and because outside advice lets people devote more time to climbing the career ladder. Professional advice is associated with a 2% increase in consumption, starting at age 50 and continuing through retirement. 

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Czechmate: New government will end auto-enrolled DC plan

The Czech Republic’s incoming coalition government says that it intends to close down that country’s recently-created “second-pillar” pension system by the beginning of 2015, reported. Only 83,753 Czechs had joined the plan as of the end of November.

The coalition, led by the Social Democrats, will merge existing second-pillar accounts with the voluntary “third pillar” defined contribution plans. It’s not clear what will happen to the thousands of second-pillar members without an existing third-pillar account.

The second pillar plan was introduced in 2013 by the former government of Petr Nečas. It was funded by diverting 3% of the nation’s 28% social contribution (similar to our payroll tax), plus 2% of wages from members. The system was voluntary, but employees were auto-enrolled in it and participation, once begun, was irrevocable.

Parts of the second pillar program were unpopular, such as the requirement for workers to contribute an additional 2% of pay and their lack of access to their money before retirement. The low, legally capped commission that financial intermediaries would receive from pension companies also reportedly weakened support for the second-pillar plan.

Since 1996, the Czech Republic has had a universal pay-as-you-go “first pillar” old age pension funded by a mandatory 21.5% employer contribution and a 6.5% employee contribution. The earnings base on which pensions are assessed is 100% up to CZK 8,400 per month, 30% between CZK 8,400 ($417) and CZK 20,500 ($1,019), and 10% above this sum.

This pension could be supplemented with a voluntary defined contribution plan (the third pillar), and participants could choose between a state asset manager and private investment management. At the beginning of this year, the former government created a second pillar, characterized by auto-enrollment, and the third pillar was closed to new accounts and contributions.

The move to shut down the second pillar had been expected. Bohuslav Sobotka, chairman of the opposition Social Democrats (CSSD) and leader of a three-party coalition, had said that his party would scrap the system if it won the next election, scheduled at the time for 2014.

The Social Democrats didn’t have to wait that long. Nečas resigned in June following a series of scandals. The interim leader, Jiří Rusnok, lost a confidence vote in August, precipitating an early general election last October.

The change would have a minimal impact on Czech finances, unlike Poland’s current second-pillar overhaul.

“My expectation of this outflow is CZK800m (€29m) in 2014, slightly more than 0.2% of the state budget for pensioners,” said Pavel Jirák, chief executive and chairman of the board at KB Pension.  

“It was more of a political than an economic issue. The change is expected from the beginning of 2015. None of the participants would lose their second-pillar money through the merger, in accordance with the Czech constitution,” he added.

“We are still convinced the creation of the second pillar was the right step towards diversifying financial sources for retirement, and a good long-term solution given the unfavorable demographic trends and their negative impact on state pension financing,” he added.  “So we are against this merger – but without any power to stop or influence it,” he added.

According to

  • The minimum age at which payments can be received from a Czech pension fund is 60, provided a minimum number of contributory years, which is regulated by each pension fund.
  • If money is withdrawn from the account before this age, the state matching contributions have to be repaid and there is additional taxation. Generally, money can be withdrawn as a lump sum or in the form of regular installments.
  • The state matches employees’ contributions depending on their level of contributions. For member contributions between CZK 100-199, the state adds CZK 50 plus 40% of the member contribution above CZK 100.
  • If the pension plan member contributes between CZK 200 and 299, the allowance is CZK 90 plus 30% of the sum above CZK 200. The allowance gradually increases with the highest allowance (CZK 150) for members contributing more than CZK 500.
  • Employers can deduct their contributions from their tax base up to 3% of an employee’s assessment base. Employer contributions of up to 5% of their wages are exempt from income tax for the employee.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

RetiremEntrepreneur: Robert Klein

Robt Klein text box

What I do:  I’m a retirement income planner who develops and manages strategies for creating and optimizing retirement income. I recommend and implement conservative retirement income planning, management, and protection strategies that aren’t available, and often aren’t discussed, in traditional stand-alone investment advisory firms. I help my clients maintain their independence and dignity, and increase their opportunities to provide for a legacy for their family, heirs, and charitable organizations, if that’s their goal. To me, it’s extremely exciting to do this work because this part of the business is relatively new. We’ve been doing retirement planning forever, but the last several years it became retirement asset planning vs. retirement income planning. It’s a thriving, growing field and I feel like a kid again, starting over in this niche.

Who my clients are:  Retirement Income Center’s clients are generally successful higher net worth individuals who are approaching, or are in, the retirement phase of their life. They understand that retirement income planning is complex and requires expertise and experience to help them achieve their financial goals and have peace of mind. Initially, many of my clients come to me when they have a problem. Some are looking to sell a business, or are contemplating the sale of real estate or stock, and they need help with a large lump sum of money. They want to translate that into an inflation-protected lifetime income stream while minimizing tax consequences.

Why people hire me:  My clients appreciate the independent, comprehensive, personal touch I bring to the table. They understand that my attention to detail and responsiveness is second-to-none, and allows them to sleep better at night. Last, but not least, my clients know that I always place their needs first and that I value and respect my professional relationship with them. For our initial meeting, I request that prospective clients don’t bring in financial information. I want to get to know them, and allow them a chance to get to know me.

How I get paid:  Retirement Income Center, unlike other financial services firms, isn’t tied to a single compensation model that it depends on for the majority of its revenue. Our initial retirement income planning analysis and recommendations are generally provided on a fixed-fee basis. All subsequent services are delivered using traditional financial services compensation methods. These include investment advisory services for which we use an assets-under-management fee schedule. I also offer fixed income annuity and other insurance strategies, including life, long-term care, and disability, as a licensed insurance agent appointed with multiple highly-rated life insurance companies who pay me commissions in connection with sales of their products.

Where I came from:  I grew up in New Jersey, received a B.A. in Economics from Rutgers College, an MBA in Accounting from Rutgers Graduate School of Management, and an M.S. in Taxation from Golden Gate University. After obtaining my CPA license and working for CPA and financial planning firms in New York and New Jersey, I earned my CFP designation. I moved to California in 1986 and founded the CPA financial planning firm, Robert Klein, CPA in 1989, which continues to provide income tax and accounting services to its clients. I got my entrepreneurial spirit from my father. When I was growing up, my father had his own insurance business, and his independence rubbed off on me. I saw the benefits of doing things yourself and accomplishing things on your own terms.

My view on annuities: Although I’ve seen a change in recent years, I feel that annuities are often misrepresented and misunderstood by the public. The annuities that I include in my recommendations are fixed income annuities, which provide sustainable lifetime income. I own fixed income annuities, and a lot of the things I recommend to clients, I’ve done personally. I always try to put myself in my client’s place. In a way, I can say ‘I’ve been there, I’ve done that and I know that it makes sense for you.’

My personal retirement philosophy:  I believe, first and foremost, you should always be striving to grow as a person and obtain the experiences in life that allow you to do this. Planning for retirement is part of this evolution and needs to consider lifestyle as well as financial issues. A retirement income planning mindset should be adopted as early as possible to give us the freedom, flexibility, and ability to choose when, where, and how we want to retire and to continue to live the life we want to live. Finally, when the day comes when we’re physically and/or mentally limited in our ability to sustain the life we’ve cherished, we need to have a plan in place for protecting the assets and income we’ve accumulated without physically, financially, and emotionally burdening our family and other loved ones.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

What Fools These Mortals Be

Here’s an offer you can easily refuse: Send me $100,000 in cash today, and let me keep it for at least three months. At the end of that time, I will give you $250… and maybe a bunch of commission-free online trades to boot.

Attractive? No, not really. But a significant number of day traders or would-be day traders must be vulnerable to this sort of temptation. Why else would serious companies like Merrill Edge, TDAmeritrade, and E*Trade offer nearly identical variations of it?

You’ve seen the ads in glossy magazines or on television. The three companies named above all promise “up to $600” to anyone who funds a new brokerage account with money that’s new to the firm. 

After seeing a few of these ads, I thought it would be edifying to go online and read the fine print behind these teasers. As you might suspect, the offers aren’t nearly as generous as the headlines suggest.      

Merrill Edge

Merrill Lynch pitches a “Simply a Great Offer”: Up to $600 when “you enroll, open and fund a new Merrill Edge investment account or IRA.” But you have to move at least $200,000 in cash or securities to Merrill Lynch in order to qualify for $600.

If you bring between $25,000 and 49,999 to Merrill Edge, you get $100. Bring $50,000 to $99,000 and you get $150; bring $100,000 and you get $250; to get $600, you must bring $200,000 or more. The money must come from outside Merrill Lynch and Bank of America (including Merrill Lynch 401(k) plans), must arrive within 30 days of the opening the account, and must stay for at least 90 days.

Even then, you don’t get your bonus right away. “Please allow up to 45 days for the cash reward to be credited to your account,” the footnote said. I called Merrill Lynch’s customer service line to ask if my account would bear interest. The phone rep said yes: at the rate of one basis point per year (0.01%). If I put my money in a money market account it could earn 1.15% per year, he said, but I wouldn’t be able to trade in and out of that account.

The Merrill Edge offer came with 300 commission-free equity, ETF or options trades, which had to be executed within 90 days. In addition, anybody who maintains a balance of at least $25,000 at Merrill Edge gets 30 commission-free trades a month, every month.

TD Ameritrade

TD Ameritrade’s bonus offer was slightly different. There, the account must be opened by December 31, 2013, and funded within 60 days with $2,000 or more. To receive a $100 bonus, the account must be funded with $25,000 within 60 days; to receive $300, it  requires $100,000 or more; and to receive the maximum $600 bonus, the account must be funded with $250,000 or more within 60 days of account opening.

Regarding the amount of time your money must be deposited, TD Ameritrade is more demanding than Merrill Lynch. “The Account must remain open with minimum funding required for participating in the offer for nine months, or TD Ameritrade may charge the account for the cost of the cash awarded to the account,” the disclaimer on the firm’s website said. (Emphasis added.)

The TD Ameritrade program comes with 500 commission-free online trades of equities, ETFs or options. They must be used within 60 days of opening an account.


This online discount brokerage, whose hard-boiled toddler-spokesperson is as familiar as GEICO’s green-and-yellow gecko, demands more skin-in-the-game than the others. New accounts must be funded with at least $10,000. But the top bonus is $2,500, not a mere $600. Like TD Ameritrade, E*Trade offers 500 commission-free trades, available during the first 60 days after the account is funded.

To get the full $2,500 bonus, you have to deposit $1 million at E*Trade. People who deposit $500,000 to $999,999 get $1,200; people who deposit $250,000 to $499,999 get $600; those who deposit $100,000 to $249,999 get $300; those who deposit $25,000 to $99,999 receive $200.

Please note that not all $600 bonuses lead to the same service. Merrill Lynch can afford to offer a slightly less attractive bonus because its flat online trading fee is just $6.95, compared with $9.99 for TD Ameritrade and $7.99 at E*Trade (for people who trade 150 to 1499 times a quarter).

OK, I get it. These three firms compete strenuously for the loose cash of over-confident amateur traders (many of whom might just as well apply their animal spirits to slot machines, the Lotto or bingo at the Odd Fellows lodge). In a hyper-competitive market, you need a sexy teaser just to lure eyeballs to your website. If one brokerage firm promises a bonus, the others have little choice but to match it.

But it’s tacky, frankly, to offer cash—and so little cash, relatively speaking—to potential investors. It also seems vaguely unsuitable to solicit hundreds of thousands of dollars from people without knowing if they can afford to put that much at risk. As for meeting a fiduciary standard, forget it. If day trading is a losing game, as everyone knows it to be, no fiduciary could recommend doing it. 

It’s surprising that such promotions are even legal. A few years ago, after repeatedly watching the talking E*Trade baby imply that anybody with a sippy cup, a highchair and a smartphone can succeed as a day trader, I called FINRA to ask why or how such an ad could elude the compliance police. I was told that because E*Trade provides an investment service, not an investment product, none of the usual rules against promissory claims applied.

I find it a little scary to think that a retiree or job-changer could roll his or her entire 401(k) nest egg into a discount brokerage IRA account, invoke the spirit of Jim Cramer, and start betting on short-term volatility.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Is There a Retirement Crisis or Not?

Is there or isn’t there a retirement crisis in the United States? It depends on what you read, and which retirees or near-retirees you have in mind. Two recent reports by well-known organizations arrive at very different conclusions on the wellbeing of the American retirement system and American retirees.

On the one hand, a respected academic group, the Center of Retirement Research at Boston College, whose National Retirement Risk Index is sponsored by Prudential Financial, claims that more than half of American households are headed for a drop in living standards after they retire.

On the other hand, three retirement industry groups—the American Council of Life Insurers, the Investment Company Institute, and the American Benefits Council—just released a study claiming, “workers generally maintain their standard of living when they retire.”

How could two groups reach such different conclusions? Partly by using different data, partly by opting to favor averages over medians or vice-versa, and partly by having different goals: to shake up the status quo or to protect it.

The dim view

The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, with funding from Prudential publishes an update of its National Retirement Risk Index every few years. It offers a rather grim view of Christmas Future for retirees.

In a recent study, “Will the Rebound in Equities and Housing Save Retirements?,” a CRR research team asserted that “half of today’s working age households are unlikely to have enough resources to maintain their standard of living once they retire.”

“As of 2010, even if households worked to the age of 65 and annuitized all their financial assets… 53% of American households were at risk,” wrote Alicia Munnell, Anthony Webb and Rebecca C. Fraenkel.

Despite the equity market’s rebound since 2010, the retirement outlook remains dire for many, the CRR believes. That’s because most people don’t own stocks and because home values—the basis for reverse mortgages, which are factored into the NRRI—are still depressed.

“While stocks are slightly higher than their pre-crisis peaks, house prices are still substantially lower in real terms than in 2007,” the CRR report said.   

Stock ownership is also highly concentrated, so even an ongoing equity boom wouldn’t change the fact that more than half of today’s households won’t have enough resources to maintain their standard of living once they retire.

“Equities are only a miniscule amount of the wealth of low-income households and only % percent of the wealth of those in the middle- income group; only for the top third of the income distribution are equities a significant portion of total wealth.”

Evidently, if you have a large portfolio and a lot of home equity, you’re likely to be well prepared for retirement. For the rest, the best way out of this predicament is to save more and work longer, according to CRR.

The sunny view

And now, for something completely different.

A joint research report from the ABC, ACLI and the ICI had a decidedly rosier evaluation in a report that was largely a defense of the voluntary, tax-deferred employer-based retirement savings system, exemplified by the 401(k) plan.

Their report, Our Strong Retirement System: An American Success Story, found that Americans’ retirement prospects have improved greatly over time, with near-retirees averaging about $360,000 in their defined contribution and IRA assets.

The report found that retirement assets constitute a major share of household savings and investments, which it said speaks to the health of the investment industry, and investors’ confidence in the retirement system.

“The saving and investments held in the retirement system represent the largest component or share of American households’ total accumulated financial wealth,” said the report.

“At the end of June 2013, total retirement assets of $20.9 trillion, as tabulated by ICI, represented 34% of $61.9 trillion in all household financial assets in the United States.” Of that amount, about half is in employer-sponsored retirement plans and IRAs. The rest is in private defined pension plans, annuity reserves and government retirement plans. 

Regarding the ability of savings to provide retirement income, the report cites Internal Revenue Service data showing that “income from wages, Social Security benefits, employer-sponsored retirement plans, and IRAs, net of taxes and adjusted for inflation, on average remains fairly stable in the year individuals first claim Social Security benefits and for three years thereafter. For three-quarters of these individuals, income in the year in which they retired equaled 87% or more of their income in the prior year.”

Why the difference?

It’s not easy to measure how well Americans in general are prepared for retirement, or what percentage of Americans are on track to be financially secure in retirement. There are blind spots and inconsistent benchmarks in the data. The definition of “Maintenance of pre-retirement standard of living” seems like a hard thing to gauge.

It’s easy to see, however, how two different organizations are able to find evidence that supports opposing conclusions about retirement readiness. It’s true that Americans as a whole have saved a lot for retirement and own a lot of securities, much of it through their 401(k) plans. It’s equally true that the savings is concentrated at the successful end of the income spectrum.

For example, the March 2013 National Compensation Survey showed that 59% of all full-time private industry workers were participating in a retirement plan. But only 20% of part-time workers were. Comparing union with non-union workers, the participation rates were 86% and 45%, respectively. Comparing the top 25% of earners with the bottom 25%, the numbers were 78% and 18%.

Like the person whose head is in the oven and feet are in the freezer, the U.S. body politic will have very different experiences in retirement. But, on average, you could say that we’re doing all right.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Everybody wants to be a wealth manager

“The Future of Practice Management,” a study by the Financial Planning Association Research and Practice Institute done in collaboration with New York-based Advisor Impact, suggests that few advisors have business or retirement plans for themselves and that “wealth manager” is the position that many advisers and planners hope to attain.

Among the survey findings in the study:

  • 50% of financial advisers do not have a written business plan.
  • 46% of financial advisers do not have a retirement plan for themselves, yet 40% are planning to retire within the next 14 years.
  • Only 25% of financial advisers have a succession plan in place to ensure their business transitions appropriately when they retire – the percentage with a formal plan increases slightly to 31% at age 60-64 and 41% at age 65+.
  • 76% of “money managers” indicate they will change the positioning of their practice.
  • Of those who plan on changing, 44% will transition to “wealth managers,” who work on complex executive compensation and estate planning issues.
  • 72% of “investment planners” indicate they will change.
  • Of those who plan on changing, 46% will transition to Wealth Managers
  • 53% of “financial planners” indicate they will change. Of those who plan on changing, 62% will transition to wealth managers.
  • Only 30% of wealth managers plan to change.
  • Only 25% of advisers have a formal definition of their ideal client, i.e., the best candidates for their services.
  • Only 38% of advisers who have defined their ideal client say 75% or more of their current clients fit their definition.
  • Advisers are more likely to set an asset minimum (43%) than to have a definition of their ideal client.

A full report of The Future of Practice Management study is available from FPA and includes additional details on these issues and other areas of business operations.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Great-West Financial launches low-cost VA with income rider

Great-West Financial has introduced Great-West Smart TrackII, a variable annuity that levies a lifetime income rider fee (currently 1%; 1.50% maximum) only on assets that are moved to an income sleeve. 

There are no administration or distribution fees, and total costs are lower than the average variable annuity with similar features, according to a Great West release.

While contract owners can put money in the investment sleeve in a wide variety of fund options, there is apparently only one fund option in the income sleeve: a Great-West SecureFoundation Balanced Fund, Class L. Such two-sleeve variable annuities have been offered by other companies in the past. 

There’s an annual ratchet, which increases the benefit base if the account value reaches a new high. The contract offers income growth potential by linking the payout rate to the 10-year Treasury rate, as some other VA riders do.

For instance, for contract owners ages 65 to 69, the annual payout rate under the living benefit rider is 4% as long as the 10-year Treasury yield is under 4%. (Today it is under 3%.) But if the 10-year rate is between 4% and 4.99%, the payout rate goes to 4.50% a year. If the 10-year rate is 5% to 5.99%, the payout rate jumps to 5.50%, and so on. The maximum payout rate is 8%, which occurs only if the 10-year rate is 8% or higher.

According to the prospectus, the contract owner can choose to take the amount that is outside the living benefit income sleeve and annuitize it on a variable basis, with or without a guarantee period. Variable annuitization, though not common, has been shown to produce favorable long-term results, when back-tested against historical market performance. The first payment from the variable income annuity in this contract is calculated by assuming an interest rate (an “AIR”) of 2.5%.

Depending on the death benefit selected, Great-West Smart Track II’s mortality and expense charge is 1.00% (or up to 1.20%, depending on the death benefit selected). Fund charges range from 0.46% to 1.70% of assets. 

The contract also offers the possibility of inflation protection if the benefit base is stepped up to a new level, following a new high water mark in the account value or an increase in the10-year Treasury yield.

Great-West Smart Track II is a commission-based offering that’s available through banks and independent broker dealers. The new offering complements Great-West Smart Track, a fee-based offering, that’s available through registered investment advisers.

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