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Can layoffs shorten lifespans?

Past research has shown that periods of high unemployment, for unknown reasons, can coincide with periods of generally lower mortality rates. But a new paper from economists at Wellesley College suggests that laying people off in their 50s can shave a few years off of their lifespans.

The paper, “Recessions, Older Workers, and Longevity: How Long Are Recessions Good For Your Health?”, was written by Courtney C. Coile, Phillip B. Levine and Robin McKnight, all of Wellesley College. The paper said in part:

“If workers experience an economic downturn in their late 50s, they may face several years of reduced employment and earnings before “retiring” when they reach Social Security eligibility at age 62.  They also may experience lost health insurance, and therefore higher financial barriers to health care, through age 65, when Medicare becomes available.  

“All of these experiences could contribute to weaker long-term health outcomes.  To examine these hypotheses, we use Vital Statistics mortality data between 1969 and 2008 to generate age-specific cohort survival probabilities at older ages.  We then link these survival probabilities to labor market conditions at earlier ages.  We also use data from the 1980-2010 March Current Population Surveys and the 1991-2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System surveys to explore potential mechanisms for this health effect.  

“Our results indicate that experiencing a recession in one’s late 50s leads to a reduction in longevity.  We also find that this exposure leads to several years of reduced employment, health insurance coverage, and health care utilization which may contribute to the lower long-term likelihood of survival.

“In terms of survival probabilities, we find that a one percentage point increase in the unemployment rate at, say, age 58 reduces the likelihood of surviving through age 79 by 0.045 percentage points. This means that if the entire impact on survival is generated from those initial workers who suffered long-term unemployment resulting from a recession, an additional one in ten of those workers would not survive to age 79 as a result of the labor market downturn.

“An alternative way to interpret these numbers is to estimate the impact on life expectancy assuming that all of the survival effect was transmitted through employment reductions. These calculations suggest that a worker who lost their job at age 58 as a result of a recession could be expected to live three fewer years (19 years instead of 22) as a result.

“We find that unemployment shocks at ages 57 to 61 have the biggest long-term effect on survival, while shocks at earlier (ages 55 to 56) or later (ages 62 to 65) ages have no significant long-term effect. A plausible mechanism for this longer-term finding is the long period of lower rates of employment, health insurance coverage, and access to health care that we find comes with exposure to an economic downturn in one’s late 50s or early 60s.”

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Now boarding: Southwest pilots onto Hueler’s Income Solutions annuity platform

Dallas-based Southwest Airlines Pilots’ Association (SWAPA), which represents 6,300 Southwest Airlines pilots, will offer the Hueler Income Solutions annuity platform to all of its current and retired members, Hueler Companies announced.

The Income Solutions platform is a web-based annuity purchase system where people transitioning from 401(k) plans to retirement or in retirement can receive competitive bids from several income annuity providers without the intervention of a commissioned sales person.

The platform services, launched by Minneapolis-based Hueler Investment Services in 2004, are now available to many retirement plans, including all Vanguard 401(k) plans, as well as through non-exclusive partnerships with other financial service firms, employers, and non-profit member organizations, Hueler said in a release.

SWAPA members will be able to use Income Solutions to buy annuities with IRA rollover assets or with non-qualified savings. The platform will include fixed deferred, single premium immediate, and longevity annuity contracts.

“Our collective goal is to empower individual members as they seek to build a personal pension or create a paycheck for life from their retirement savings,” said Kelli Hueler, CEO Hueler Companies.

According to a release, “SWAPA members will now be able to convert their hard earned savings into lifetime income on the most competitive terms possible while retaining control over timing, features, dollars invested, and providers selected.”

“We are excited to offer our pilots an institutionally priced annuity distribution option, so that they can establish a lifetime income stream to help meet their core costs in retirement,” said John Nordin, SWAPA 401(k) Committee chairman.

Hueler Companies, Inc., based in Minneapolis, was founded in 1987 as a consulting/data research firm. It offers resources for the analysis, selection, and implementation of stable value and annuity products.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.


Fed pledges action until economy shows gains

Reprinted from the New York Times

WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve opened a new chapter on Thursday in its efforts to stimulate the economy, announcing simply that it plans to buy mortgage bonds, and potentially other assets, until unemployment declines substantially.

The Fed said that it would expand its holdings of mortgage-backed securities and potentially take other steps to encourage borrowing and financial risk-taking. But perhaps more significant was the basic change in its approach: For the first time, the Fed pledged to act until the economy improved, rather than creating another program with a fixed endpoint.

In announcing the new policy, the Fed sought to make clear that its decision reflected not only an increased concern about the health of the economy, but an increased determination to respond – in effect, an acknowledgment that its approach until now had been flawed.

The Fed also acknowledged its limits. “Monetary policy, particularly in the current circumstances, cannot cure all economic ills,” the Fed chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, said at a news conference.

The Fed’s policy-making committee said in a statement that its efforts would continue for “a considerable time after the economic recovery strengthens.” Specifically, it said it would act until the outlook for the labor market improved “substantially,” although it did not offer a numerical target.

In a separate statement, the Fed said its senior officials now expected the economy to expand from 1.7 to 2 percent this year, down from their June projection of growth of 1.9 to 2.4 percent. The officials continued to predict that the unemployment rate would not fall below 8 percent.

“The weak job market should concern every American,” Mr. Bernanke said at the news conference. “The modest pace of growth continues to be inadequate to generate much improvement in the current rate of unemployment.”

Fed officials predicted that growth would be somewhat faster in coming years, and that unemployment would decline somewhat more quickly, presumably reflecting the impact of the measures the Fed announced Thursday.

“The idea is to quicken the recovery, to help the economy begin to grow quickly enough to generate new jobs and reduce the unemployment rate,” Mr. Bernanke said.

On Wall Street, traders welcomed the moves. The benchmark Standard & Poor’s 500-share index was up 1.6 percent by the close of trading. The Dow Jones industrial average also ended with a gain of 1.6 percent, or about 200 points.

The Fed’s plan went further than many investors had expected by providing an open-ended commitment. But stocks have been rising in recent weeks, partly in anticipation of the Fed taking more measures to support the economy.

“There weren’t many more accommodative options the Fed could have gone with,” said Dan Greenhaus, the chief global strategist at BTIG, an institutional broker.

In its measures, the Fed said it would add $23 billion of mortgage bonds to its portfolio by the end of September, a pace of $40 billion in purchases each month. It will then announce a new target at the end of this month, and every subsequent month, until the outlook for the labor market improves “substantially,” as long as inflation remains in check. The statement did not further explain either standard.

The Fed’s statement made clear, however, that it would continue to stimulate the economy even as the recovery strengthened, suggesting that it was now willing to tolerate somewhat higher inflation in the future to encourage growth in the present.

“A highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the economic recovery strengthens,” the Fed’s policy-making committee said in its statement, issued at the end of its regular two-day meeting in Washington.

Asked what improvement in unemployment would satisfy the Fed, Mr. Bernanke said: “We are looking for ongoing, sustained improvement in the labor market. It is not a specific number we have in mind, but what we have seen the last six months, that isn’t it.”

The committee’s statement said that the Fed now expected to hold short-term interest rates near zero at least through the middle of 2015, and that it would take other measures as necessary – including purchasing other kinds of assets. The projections of senior Fed officials showed, however, that almost all of them expect to start raising short-term rates before the end of 2015.

Eleven members of the committee voted for the action; Jeffrey Lacker, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, dissented, as he as throughout the year.

The scale of the new effort is significantly smaller than the Fed’s previous rounds of asset purchases. The Fed’s most recent expansion of its portfolio added about $75 billion in securities each month. Its first round was even larger. It said Thursday that it would target a rate of about $40 billion a month during the current campaign, although unlike those earlier efforts, the volume is now subject to adjustment.

The Fed also said it would continue through the end of the year a program it announced in June to exchange short-term securities for longer-term securities, taking the total volume of purchases to roughly $85 billion a month.

The new purchases will be the first time in more than two years that the Fed has expanded its holdings of mortgage bonds. That decision reflects the Fed’s view that the housing market still needs help, and that lower rates on mortgage loans could provide significant benefits for the broader economy.

The committee said in its statement that the new actions “should put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative.”

The Fed had given unusually clear indications in recent weeks that it was ready to act. An account of its last meeting, published in mid-August, suggested action was imminent unless the economy showed “substantial and sustainable” improvement.

A few weeks later, Mr. Bernanke spoke of his “grave concern” about the high rate of unemployment and said that in his judgment, the likely benefits of additional action outweighed the potential costs. A number of longtime observers of the central bank said they could not recall a Fed chairman using stronger language.

Since then, the economy has shown little evidence of substantial improvement. The government estimated last week that employers added only 96,000 jobs in August, and other economic indicators have been similarly lackluster.

The political climate has complicated the Fed’s efforts. Republicans including Mitt Romney, the party’s presidential nominee, have argued against new action. Mr. Romney has promised to replace Mr. Bernanke, and Republicans are seeking to impose new limits on the Fed’s management of monetary policy.

Fed officials insist that they do not consider politics in making their decisions, and history shows that the central bank often has acted during presidential campaigns – it has announced policy changes in September or October during 10 of the last 15 presidential election years, according to research by Credit Suisse.

Moreover, the political situation also has provided a motivation for the Fed to act. The nation’s fiscal policy – including the tax increases and spending cuts scheduled to take effect next year – increasingly looms as the largest threat to growth, many experts say. Fed officials have said that it could tip the economy back into recession, and Mr. Bernanke has repeatedly urged Congress to dismantle this “fiscal cliff.” Some Fed officials have argued that the central bank should seek to strengthen the economy as much as possible in the meantime to cushion the potential shock.

The Fed has struggled to define its role over the last three years. Its big and unprecedented actions helped to arrest the 2008 financial crisis, economists maintain. But as the economy has settled between crisis and prosperity, Fed officials have become divided over their ability and responsibility to do more.

Mr. Bernanke has presided over a gradual intensification of the central bank’s stimulus campaign, but the central bank has repeatedly underestimated the depth of the nation’s economic problems, and the unemployment rate has remained stubbornly high. The Fed has said its current policies will not reduce unemployment to normal levels for years to come.

There is broad disagreement among economists about the effects of the Fed’s expansion of its balance sheet. The Fed’s own research shows it may have raised economic output by 3 percent and created more than two million jobs. Most independent analyses have reached more modest conclusions, and some experts argue that there is little evidence of any meaningful economic impact.

Experts also disagree about the likely impact of additional purchases. Mr. Bernanke said last month in Jackson Hole, Wyo., that he was confident such a program would stimulate the economy. Significantly, he also said that he had concluded the likely benefits of such a program would outweigh the potential costs.

Many outside economists share Mr. Bernanke’s conclusion that the Fed retains considerable power to bolster the economy. However, some economists argue that the Fed has exhausted its power or that the costs now outweigh the benefits.

The Bucket

NY Life to sell Mexican surety bond operation 

New York Life has agreed to sell Fianzas Monterrey, its wholly-owned surety bonnd busiess in Mexico, to ACE Group for $285 million in cash. New York Life acquired Fianzas Monterrey in 2000 when it purchased Seguros Monterrey from Aetna Inc. and Grupo Financiero Bancomer S.A. 

Ted Mathas, chairman and CEO of New York Life, said in a release that Fianzas Monterry was “outside of our primary focus on the life insurance and investments businesses.

“In terms of life insurance, our focus is now exclusively on the U.S. where we have the leading market share, and on Seguros Monterrey New York Life, our wholly-owned Mexican subsidiary and the second-largest life insurer in Mexico. Additionally, ACE is a well established global insurer,” Mathas said.

Phoenix Cos. boasts $1.5 billion in fixed index annuity assets

The Phoenix Companies, Inc., says that it now has $1.5 billion in fixed indexed annuity assets under management, only two and a half years after entering the FIA space.

The former variable annuity player shifted its focus to the middle market in 2009 and began building a fixed indexed annuity product line. Broker-dealers generally sell VAs with lifetime income guarantees only from A-rated companies, and Phoenix has a strength rating from A.M. Best of B+ with a positive outlook.

“Our focus is on developing competitive and profitable products, establishing partnerships with strategically positioned Insurance Market Organizations (IMOs) and investing in technology infrastructure to meet the needs of these partners as well as our end clients,” said Phoenix president and CEO James D. Wehr in a release.

FIAs first became popular during the low-interest rate environment following the crash, when investors shied from equities but wanted higher returns than bonds offered. FIAs traditionally offer guaranteed principal (after fees) and upside exposure through equity options.

A similar market environment after the 2008-2009 crisis revived consumer interest in FIAs, and they have been posting record sales. FIA sales have been helped by the fact they now offer guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits. FIAs have also tried to seize the sales opportunity created by the pullback of many VA-GLWB issuers from the market.  

Phoenix has been aggressive in creating flexible annuities, including contracts that offer immediate or deferred income or that allow contract owners to choose among lifetime income, chronic care or enhanced death benefit options.  

“Consumers approaching retirement face many challenges including access to adequate income, protection against the high costs of chronic care and transfer of wealth to heirs. The current trend in annuities is to address multiple needs like these in a more affordable way than standalone products,” said Phil Polkinghorn, SEVP and president of Business Development, said.

Some of Phoenix’s most recent products add even more flexibility by allowing an annuity holder, for an additional fee, to choose from up to three different benefits (including lifetime income, chronic care and an enhanced death benefit) to create a customized solution that meets their particular retirement needs.

Phoenix’ distribution company, Saybrus Partners, Inc., works with about two dozen insurance marketing organizations, each of which has access to between 1,200 and 1,500 agents.  

Phoenix works with its IMO partners in a variety of ways, including Phoenix co-develops proprietary products with its IMOs and provides proprietary client education, sales training and support, and technology to support the agents. that all make it easier for agents to find suitable products for their clients and complete the sale.

After launching the first two products in its new fixed indexed annuity line at the end of 2009, Phoenix had nearly $200 million in deposits in 2010. In 2011, that number approached $1 billion, and the company has said it expects about $1 billion in deposits again in 2012. Since the end of 2009, fixed indexed annuity funds under management have grown to $1.5 billion at June 30, 2012.

Long-term funds receive net $23 billion in August, nearly $220 billion YTD

So far in 2012, U.S. Stock fund investors benefitted from over $600 billion of wealth creation as stock indices reached and eclipsed multi-year records, and stock funds’ appreciation exceeded 10%. Yet, stock fund investors continued to redeem some of their holdings, with August net stock fund redemptions estimated at $11 billion, the highest monthly redemptions so far in 2012, according to Strategic Insight. (Flow data in open-end and closed-end mutual funds, excluding ETFs and funds underlying variable annuities.)

While stock fund redemptions have risen modestly in August, the amount withdrawn represents just $2 for every $1,000 invested in U.S. stock funds (internationally-invested stock funds continued to exhibit modest inflows in August). “Overall, stock investors remain in a holding pattern, with many watching the rising stock prices with regret or disbelief, while others take some of their recent profits of the table,” said Avi Nachmany, SI’s Director of Research.

Nachmany added, “Stock prices continue to rise in a background of lingering economic, employment, and political anxiety. But investors’ wall of worries will be easier to climb as confidence on Main Street slowly improves with the budding real estate recovery taking shape, with further employment gains, and with political clarity achieved.”

An insatiable search for investment income and stability remains behind strong inflows to bond funds, which are on path to exceed $300 billion for the full year, with August flows adding $34 billion. Since year-end 2008 assets held in bond funds more than doubled, now exceeding $3 trillion. Demand to bond funds remained widespread, spanning high-quality and high-yield strategies, U.S. and emerging market bond funds, as well as municipal bond funds. Almost all bond fund strategies experienced positive flows during August.

“We anticipate recent investors’ preference to persist in the coming months, but that a slow rotation towards stock funds may emerge in early 2013,” added Mr. Nachmany.

Fund-of-funds inflows so far this year eclipsed $54 billion, with August adding $7 billion. Fund of funds’ assets under management now exceed $900 billion. In addition, fund-of-funds used by investors in variable annuities gained about $20 billion so far in 2008, with assets in such funds over $400 billion. “Lifecycle and other asset allocation solutions have become ‘go-to’ products for those seeking balanced retirement portfolios,” added Bridget Bearden, head of Strategic Insight’s Defined Contribution and Target Date funds practice.

Money-market funds saw net positive flows of $10 billion in August, but redemptions in such funds exceeded $140 billion so far in 2012.

ETFs: Exchange-traded products enjoyed $2 billion in net inflows in August 2012, bringing total ETF net inflows (including ETNs) to $94 billion for the first eight months of 2012. The most popular ETF categories in August were Gold / Precious Metal as returns of such funds surged in August. At the end of August 2012, US ETF assets (including ETNs) stood at $1.2 trillion.

BlackRock joins DST Vision lineup  

BlackRock, Inc., is now participating in DST Vision, the Web-based account management tool for financial intermediaries. The provider of investment, advisory, and risk management solutions, went live with its Vision participation on June 16, 2012. The firm joins more than 415 mutual fund, insurance, and real estate investment trust companies currently on the DST Vision platform.

With the addition of BlackRock, all of the top 25 wholesale-distributed fund families now participate in Vision.

DST Vision has become the market leader by consistently delivering vital functionality and advanced technology to help advisors simplify their day-to-day practice management. Vision provides one-stop access to client account information consolidated across its participating companies for an aggregated book-of-business. Providing advisors access to real-time, critical information and self-servicing tools, Vision helps them spend less time managing information and more time on their clients’ investing needs. With more than 130,000 advisors accessing it every month, DST Vision enables product companies to reduce support costs and optimize distribution. 

BlackRock serves a broad range of investors in more than 100 countries. The firm’s retail and high-net-worth investors are served primarily through intermediaries, including broker-dealers, banks, trust companies, insurance companies, and independent financial advisors. At year-end 2011, assets under management for these investors totaled $403.7 billion. 

AXA Equitable introduces Fiduciary Educator

AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company has launched Fiduciary Educator (, a retirement plan fiduciary education website created for 401(k) and 457 retirement plan sponsors and the financial professionals who work with them.

Applying leading edge technology and best practices in interactive adult online education, the site guides users through the basics of what it means to be a plan fiduciary and shares strategies that can help them fulfill a fiduciary obligation.

Through a series of short videos, Fiduciary Educator helps plan sponsors understand:

  • Who is a plan fiduciary?
  • Consequences of a breach in fiduciary obligations
  • Due diligence and procedural prudence
  • Participant communication
  • How to alleviate and shift fiduciary burden

Interactive quizzes follow each video to help assess if fiduciary duties are being fulfilled, and whether a fiduciary service provider might be helpful.
Fiduciary Educator provides users with access to a library full of education materials shared by an array of leading industry firms. Users can preview the materials online or save them in “knowledge baskets” for later reference.

Financial professionals are also invited to visit Fiduciary Educator. The site offers educational materials tailored to financial professionals who work with plan sponsors.

Access the Fiduciary Educator at

Principal Retirement+ website offers resources for advisors

To help financial professionals work with clients to fill this gap and address their retirement needs, the Principal Financial Group has introduced a new suite of tools and resources.

“Our top-tier product portfolio includes products designed specifically for the business market with flexible funding options, coupled with traditional and innovative policy riders”

Through Principal Retirement+, financial professionals have access to comprehensive information, education and resources including:

  • A simple online retirement gap calculator to prepare a customized gap analysis for clients.
  • Consultative expertise including one-on-one case design, analysis and presentation.
  • Post-sale support and ongoing administrative services.

The new Principal Retirement+ site,, leads financial professionals through the entire sales process from identifying the savings gap to creating an action plan. Financial professionals have direct access to a team of CPAs, attorneys and plan design consultants with years of experience in the business market. Choosing from a wide range of possible supplemental retirement solutions, professionals at The Principal will develop a customized proposal to help meet each individual client’s needs.

DST introduces IRA functionality to retirement income solution

DST Systems, Inc., a leading provider of sophisticated information processing solutions to the asset management, insurance, retirement, and brokerage industries, today announced the addition of IRA functionality to its recently-introduced Retirement Income Clearing Calculator (“RICC”).

RICC, the industry’s first middleware solution designed specifically to support guaranteed retirement income products through traditional recordkeeping platforms, was initially designed to support retirement income products in defined contribution plans.

The introduction of IRA functionality presents new opportunities for mutual fund companies, investment managers, and other wealth management providers to support retirement income products in IRAs and other retirement-focused investment accounts. 

First introduced in February, the RICC solution was built to provide investment product providers an efficient way to offer income products outside of direct servicing on policy administration systems which are typically but not limited to insurers. Beyond facilitating broader distribution, the new DST recordkeeping platform allows for greater portability of income products.

RICC’s design contemplates a broad array of income solutions, enabling the platform to incorporate any number of functionalities to deliver an income solution to the market.

Fitch upgrades select AIG ratings following government sale

Following the Treasury Department’s sale of about $18 billion of American International Group, Inc., common stock, which reduced government ownership of AIG from to 21.5% from 53%, Fitch Ratings has upgraded the firm’s Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to BBB+ and affirmed AIG’s unsecured senior debt is BBB.

The move created “standard notching” between those two ratings. The notching was compressed during the period of government majority ownership.

Consistent with the upgrade of the IDR, the ratings on AIG’s existing subordinated debt and junior subordinated debentures are upgraded to ‘BBB-‘ and ‘BB+’ respectively. All other AIG ratings, including the ‘A’ Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) ratings on AIG’s core property/casualty and life insurance subsidiaries, are affirmed. The rating outlook is Stable.

The upgrade in the IDR considers AIG’s success in restructuring and deleveraging efforts over the last three years that have strongly improved the organization’s stand alone rating profile. Further, AIG has created an adequate liquidity position and has demonstrated access to capital markets through execution of several recent financing transactions.

These deleveraging efforts have led to the repayment of all government related borrowings by AIG. The company’s financial leverage as measured by the ratio of financial debt and preferred securities to total capital (excluding the impact of FAS 115) declined from 77% at year-end 2010 to approximately 21% currently. Fitch’s Total Financial Commitment (TFC) ratio, while still high compared to most insurance peers, has improved from 2.5x at year-end 2010 to a current level of 1.3x.

Fitch’s ratings on AIG and its subsidiaries continue to reflect the benefits of the AIG organization’s strong competitive positions in life and non-life insurance partially offset by the comparatively poor recent operating results of the company’s core insurance operations.

AIG reported a significant improvement in first half 2012 profitability as net income increased by 76% relative to the prior year to $5.5 billion. This earnings improvement was largely attributable to investment income growth, as well as better underwriting performance within Chartis property/casualty insurance operations. Chartis combined ratio improved to 102.3% in the first half of 2012 from 111.1% in first half 2011 largely due to sharply lower catastrophe losses. Core operating subsidiary interest coverage on financial debt was 5.5x in the first half of 2012.

Key triggers that could lead to future rating upgrades include:

  • Demonstration of higher and more consistent earnings at insurance subsidiaries’ Chartis and SunAmerica that translate into average earnings-based interest coverage above 7.0x;
  • Further improvement in AIG’s capital structure and leverage metrics that reduce the company’s TFC ratio to below 0.7x.

Key triggers that could lead to a future rating downgrade include:

  • Increases in financial leverage as measured by financial debt to total capital to a sustained level above 30%, or a material increase in the TFC ratio from current levels.
  • Large underwriting losses and/or heightened reserve volatility of the company’s non-life insurance subsidiaries that Fitch views as inconsistent with that of comparably-rated peers and industry trends;
  • Deterioration in the company’s domestic life subsidiaries’ sales or profitability trends;
  • Material declines in RBC ratios at either the domestic life insurance or the non-life insurance subsidiaries, and/or failure to achieve the above noted capital structure improvements.

Treasury expects $2.7 billion from AIG stock offering : AIG

The U.S. Treasury expects to receive an additional $2.7 billion from its underwritten public offering of AIG common stock, American International Group has announced.

On September 10, Treasury had priced an offering of approximately 553.8 million shares of its AIG common stock at the initial public offering price of $32.50 per share, for expected proceeds of approximately $18.0 billion.

Combined with the exercise of the over-allotment option, Treasury’s proceeds from the public offering are expected to be approximately $20.7 billion and the total number of shares sold in the offering is expected to be approximately 636.9 million.

The underwriters, led by Citigroup, Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., Goldman, Sachs and J.P. Morgan Securities, have exercised their over-allotment option in full to purchase approximately 83.1 million additional shares of AIG common stock at the initial public offering price of $32.50 per share.

AIG agreed to purchase approximately 153.8 million shares of AIG common stock in the offering at the initial public offering price for an aggregate purchase amount of approximately $5.0 billion.

Treasury currently owns approximately 53.4% of AIG’s common stock outstanding. With the completion of this offering and the exercise of the over-allotment option, and an approximately $5 billion share purchase by AIG, Treasury will still own about 15.9% percent of AIG’s common stock outstanding.

BofA Merrill Lynch, Barclays Capital Inc., Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, RBC Capital Markets, LLC, UBS Securities LLC, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC and Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC have been retained as joint book-runners for the offering.

U.S. spends $3.4 trillion in 11 months

CBO estimates in its Monthly Budget Review that the Treasury Department will report a deficit of $1.17 trillion for the first 11 months of fiscal year 2012, almost $70 billion less than the deficit at the same point last year.

In CBO’s most recent budget projections, the agency estimated that the deficit for fiscal year 2012 (which will end on September 30, 2012) will total $1.13 trillion, about $175 billion less than last year’s shortfall.

Receipts in the first 11 months totaled $2.2 trillion, $126 billion more than those in the same period last year. Compared with collections during the same period in fiscal year 2011:

  • Net receipts from corporate income taxes grew by $45 billion (or 31 percent). Corporate income taxes contributed the largest amount to the overall increase in revenues, largely because of changes in tax rules in recent years—in particular, the rules governing how quickly firms may deduct the cost of their investments in equipment.
  • Individual income tax receipts grew by $39 billion (or 4%). Growth in wages and salaries boosted withholding by $30 billion (or 3%), and nonwithheld payments increased by $11 billion (or 4%). Those gains were partially offset by an increase of $2 billion (or 1%) in tax refunds.
  • Receipts from social insurance taxes rose by $26 billion (or 3%). Withholding for payroll taxes grew by about $15 billion (or 2%). The current 2 percentage-point reduction in the payroll tax was not in effect for the first quarter of fiscal year 2011 (October through December 2010); if it had been in effect during that time, the year-over-year increase in withholding for payroll taxes would have been larger by about $25 billion, CBO estimates (yielding growth of 6% percent in that source of revenue). In addition, collections of unemployment insurance taxes rose by $11 billion (or 19%) through August 2012, as states continued to replenish trust funds depleted by the recent recession.
  • Receipts from other sources increased, on net, by about $17 billion (or 9%). Collections of excise taxes grew by $7 billion; receipts of estate and gift taxes rose by $6 billion; and, together, revenues from customs duties and miscellaneous fees and fines increased by $6 billion. Those gains were partially offset by a decline of $2 billion in receipts from the Federal Reserve.

Outlays through August totaled $3.4 trillion, $57 billion (or 2%) more than spending in the same period last year. As adjusted for shifts in the timing of payments, outlays were 1 percent higher. Some of that increase reflects changes recorded in the budget for the estimated cost of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP): Adjustments to the estimated cost of the program were recorded as a $42 billion reduction in outlays in 2011 and as a $21 billion increase in outlays in 2012. Excluding those revisions to previous estimates and the effects of shifts in payment dates, spending through August 2012 was about 1% less than spending in the first 11 months of fiscal year 2011.

By CBO’s estimates, outlays decreased for several major categories of spending:

  • Medicaid—Outlays fell by $26 billion (or 10%) because legislated increases in the federal share of the program’s costs expired in July 2011.
  • Unemployment benefits—Spending dropped by $24 billion (or 22%), mostly because fewer people have been receiving benefits in recent months.
  • Defense—Outlays fell by about $16 billion (or 3%), in part because of lower spending for military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  • Education programs—Net outlays were lower by $28 billion (or 31%), excluding changes recorded in the budget in the estimated cost of student loans. That decline has occurred largely because of waning spending from funding provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. (Most of that spending occurred before 2012.)
  • Making Work Pay tax credit—The refundable portion of this credit is recorded in the budget as an outlay. That spending declined by $14 billion because the credit expired last year.

For some major programs, spending increased:

  • Social Security—Payments for benefits increased by $39 billion (or 6%).
  • Medicare—Net spending was up by $18 billion (or 4%).

‘Near-record’ sales for indexed and income annuities in 2Q: Beacon

Second quarter 2012 indexed annuity sales advanced 8.3% from the prior quarter and income annuities were up 6.1% according to the Beacon Research Fixed Annuity Premium Study. Both product types had their second-best quarter ever.

Total fixed annuity sales increased 1% sequentially. Total fixed annuity sales declined 17.2% from the year-ago quarter and 13.2% year-to-date despite stronger sales of indexed and income annuities.

“Both indexed annuities with GLWBs and lifetime payout immediate/deferred income annuities provide much-needed guaranteed retirement income,” said Jeremy Alexander, CEO of Beacon Research.

“Carriers also may have emphasized sales of both product types over fixed rate annuities because their profitability was somewhat less affected by second quarter’s record-low interest rates,” he added. “Indexed and income annuities should continue to do well,” Alexander concluded. “But much will depend on the interest rate environment and the collective decisions by carriers to expand or pull back on sales.”

Estimated Fixed Annuity Sales by Product Type ($thousands)





Fixed Rate


Fixed Rate


2Q 2012






2Q 2012












2Q 2012






2Q 2011












As of 6-30-12






As of 6-30-11












*Market value adjusted fixed rate annuities.

Allianz remained the leading company. New York Life and Aviva USA switched placed to come in second and third, respectively. American Equity continued in fourth place and Great American again came in fifth. Second quarter results for the top five study participants were as follows:

Total Fixed Annuity Sales (in $ thousands)

Allianz Life


New York Life


Aviva USA


American Equity


Great American


Lincoln National took the lead in direct/third party sales and Pacific Life was the new wirehouse channel leader. The other distribution channel leaders were unchanged from the prior quarter, as were the top issuers by product type.

A Security Benefit Life indexed annuity was among the top five for the first time, with Secure Income Annuity taking second place. New York Life’s Lifetime Income Annuity remained the bestselling product. Indexed annuities issued by Allianz, Aviva USA and American Equity continued in the top five as well.






New York Life

NYL Lifetime Income



Security Benefit Life

Secure Income (MVA and non-MVA)



Allianz Life

MasterDex X



Aviva USA

Balanced Allocation Annuity 12



American Equity

Bonus Gold


The Beacon Research quarterly study tracks and analyzes product-level fixed annuity sales on an ongoing basis. Historical industry, company and product sales information is available at

‘Buckets of Money’ advisor Ray Lucia Sr. charged by SEC

The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged an investment advisor, author, and syndicated radio personality for spreading misleading information about his “Buckets of Money” strategy at investment seminars that he and his firm hosted for prospects.

The SEC’s Division of Enforcement alleges that investment adviser Ray Lucia, Sr. claimed that the wealth management strategy he promoted at the seminars had been empirically “backtested” over actual bear market periods. Backtesting is the process of evaluating a strategy, theory, or model by applying it to historical data and calculating how it would have performed had it actually been used in a prior time period.

Lucia, who lives in the San Diego area, and his company formerly named Raymond J. Lucia Companies Inc. (RJL) allegedly presented a lengthy slideshow at the seminars indicating that extensive backtesting proved that the Buckets of Money strategy would provide inflation-adjusted income to retirees while protecting and even increasing their retirement savings. However despite the claims they made publicly, Lucia and RJL performed scant, if any, actual backtesting of the Buckets of Money strategy.

“Lucia and RJL left their seminar attendees with a false sense of comfort about the Buckets of Money strategy,” said Michele Wein Layne, Regional Director of the SEC’s Los Angeles Regional Office. “The so-called backtests weren’t really backtests, and the strategy wasn’t proven as they claimed.”

According to the SEC’s order instituting administrative proceedings against Lucia and RJL, they held the seminars highlighting their Buckets of Money strategy in an effort to obtain advisory clients who would be charged fees in return for their advisory services. They promoted the seminars on Lucia’s radio show and on Lucia’s personal and company websites.

According to the SEC’s order, a backtest must utilize actual data from the time period in order to get an accurate result. Lucia and RJL have admitted during the SEC’s investigation that the only testing they actually performed were some calculations that Lucia made in the late 1990s – copies of which no longer exist – and two 2-page spreadsheets.

According to the SEC’s order, the two cursory spreadsheets that Lucia claims were backtests used a hypothetical 3% inflation rate even though this was lower than actual historical rates. Lucia admittedly knew that using the lower hypothetical inflation rate would make the results look more favorable for the Buckets of Money strategy. These alleged backtests also failed to account for the negative effect that the deduction of advisory fees would have had on the backtesting of their investment strategy, and their “backtesting” did not even allocate in the manner called for by Lucia’s Buckets of Money strategy. The slideshow presentation that Lucia and RJL used during the seminars failed to disclose the flaws in their alleged backtests and was materially misleading.

According to the SEC’s order, Lucia and RJL also failed to maintain adequate records of the backtesting as they were required to do under an SEC rule. The pair of 2-page spreadsheets was the only documentation of their backtesting calculations, and those spreadsheets failed to duplicate their advertised investment strategy.

The SEC’s order finds that RJL violated Sections 206(1), 206(2) and 206(4) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and Rule 206(4)-1(a)(5) thereunder. The order finds that Lucia willfully aided and abetted and caused RJL’s violations of Sections 206(1), 206(2) and 206(4) of the Advisers Act and Rule 206(4)-1(a)(5) thereunder. The SEC’s Division of Enforcement is seeking financial penalties and other remedial action in the proceedings.

The SEC’s investigation was conducted by Peter Del Greco of the Los Angeles Regional Office. John Bulgozdy will lead the litigation. Bryan Bennett and John Kreimeyer conducted the SEC examination that prompted the investigation.

The IRI Conference, Annuities and the American Way

The Insured Retirement Institute’s 2012 meeting in San Diego was pretty good, considering the prospect of the “fiscal cliff,” the fact that variable annuities have proven not to be the salvation of the life insurance industry and the fact that the IRI, a lobbying organization, will have its hands full if Barack Obama wins in November.

Since it molted its original NAVA skin four years ago, the IRI has broadened the scope of its membership to include a wider range of annuity issuers, asset managers and distributors. The membership now includes 150,000 advisors, said outgoing IRI chair Lynne Ford; that’s almost double the level of a year ago.

The IRI now focuses on sales of all types of annuities—a product category that, according to a Cogent Research presentation, only 5% of non-annuity owners say they understand well. The conference featured panels on variable, fixed indexed and deferred income annuities, a panel on how annuity manufacturers are supporting advisors, and a panel specifically devoted to the topic of variable annuity “capacity.”

The 300 or so attendees, most of whom appeared to be senior executives or managers, also heard lots of high-level talk. There was a judiciously partisan political oration from Haley Barbour (see below), a big-picture view of the markets from David Kostin of Goldman Sachs (see today’s cover story) and a stratospheric view from Peter Diamandis, creator of the Ansari X Prize, which helped jump-start the private suborbital spaceflight industry.

*         *         *

The capacity (or shortage thereof) of variable annuity issuers to meet market demand has been widely discussed this year, but a panel of VA issuers, led by Prudential Financial’s Bruce Ferris, seemed to agree that, for them, capacity still isn’t a problem.

“Supply and demand are equal. Everybody who wants [a variable annuity] has been able to buy one,” said Randy Freitag, chief financial officer at Lincoln Financial Group, a perennial top-10 VA seller. Even at current interest rates “we can still put out a product that speaks to consumers and shareholders,” he said.

Similarly confident was Michael Reardon, CFO at Forethought Financial Group, which is in the process of taking over The Hartford’s variable annuity business. “It’s a wonderful time to get into this product,” he said.

Transamerica, which has sought to buy back some of the variable annuity contracts it sold during the mid-decade boom, “has lots of capacity at the right price and the right product design,” said Thomas Swank, president and CEO, Individual Savings & Retirement at Transamerica.

The panelists were asked what might happen if the variable annuity industry gets its wish and a large portion of the 80% of advisors who don’t currently sell variable annuities starts selling them. “We have $1.6 trillion in total assets,” the audience member said. “Can we handle $5 or $6 trillion?”

The answers, like VA income riders themselves, were hedged. “Markets will find a way to absorb that,” said Reardon. Swank suggested that would be a nice problem to have. On another topic entirely, Scott Stolz of Raymond James asked if “the deterioration of products” was over? Freitag assured him that “large-scale changes are behind us.”

Insurers can’t be blamed for wanting to hang on to VA/GLWB. By most accounts it’s a very profitable profit that’s capable of generating revenue from its insurance riders as well as from its mutual fund subaccounts.    

On the other hand, the product seems to need a bull market in equities and healthy corporate bond spreads to generate enough revenue to provide profits for shareholders, inflation protection and longevity protection for contract owners, and attractive incentives for intermediaries.

The Bush-tax-cut/Iraq-War bull market helped the industry punch all of those buttons—temporarily. Since then, the financial crisis and the low-rate environment have demonstrated how hard it is to keep all those promises: hence the smaller sales goals and departures from the industry.

Still, perennial optimists like Prudential’s Ferris (“the glass is half full”) maintain that the Boomer aging trend is still the industry’s friend, that short-term market volatility doesn’t reflect or seriously affect the affordability of the GLWB’s long-dated liabilities, and that companies who design these products right will do well selling them. 

*         *         *

Two insurance company executives, Bill Lowe of Sammons and Al Dal Porto of Security Benefit stopped to chat with RIJ during breaks between general sessions of the conference.   

Dal Porto, an actuary who came out of Ernst & Young’s retirement practice (where he worked for Chris Raham) to become senior vice president, head of Retail Retirement, at Topeka-based Security Benefit two years ago, explained the company’s strategy on variable annuities and fixed indexed annuities.

A unit of Guggenheim Partners, Security Benefit sells fixed indexed annuities through banks and broker-dealers. Its Secure Income FIA was second only to New York Life’s Lifetime Income Annuity in sales in the second quarter of 2012, according to Beacon Research. No Security Benefit product had made it into the top five sellers before. 

On the VA side, Security Benefit is selling a no-living benefit variable annuity with 200 investment options. Like Jefferson National’s product, it’s designed for advisors who want the freedom to tactically reallocate without worrying about short-term tax consequences. Security Benefits’ rating (a B++ strength rating with stable outlook from A.M. Best) effectively prevents it from competing against A-rated issuers in the market for VAs with guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits.

The de-risking of variable annuities and retrenchment by former leading issuers of VAs, however, has created an opening for FIAs with living benefits, and Security Benefit has an FIA with a GLWB that’s designed for that opening.

“We’re seeing a shift in the FIA space because of the capacity issues in the VA marketplace,” Dal Porto said, noting that broker-dealers are willing to run FIAs with GLWBs through the same suitability process that they use for VA/GLWBs: “Many allow their reps to sell the FIAs away [from the broker-dealer], but they want to do the suitability on FIA sales.” Security Benefit is also planning to introduce a single-premium income annuity sometime next year. 

*         *         *

While Security Benefit is wholly owned by Guggenheim Partners, Guggenheim Partners is one-third owned by the Sammons Financial Group, whose members include Midland National Life, North American Co. for Life and Health Insurance, Sammons Securities, Sammons Financial Network and Sammons Retirement Solutions Inc. So it’s not surprising that the sales strategy at Sammons echoes the strategy at Security Benefit.

Bill Lowe, president of Sammons Retirement Solutions, spoke with RIJ about Sammons’ LiveWell variable annuity. Instead of living benefits, this product offers hundreds of non-proprietary investment options. It is designed to compete in the same space as Jackson National Life’s Elite Access variable annuity.   

Sammons emphasizes sales of the C share contract, which pays a one percent upfront commission and a one percent trail, has no surrender charge, and has a mortality & expense ratio of 130 basis points, of which all but 30 basis points covers the intermediary compensation.

*         *         *

If the IRI wanted to show where its political heart is, it could hardly have chosen a more partisan keynote speaker than Haley Barbour, the twice-elected governor of Mississippi, chairman of the Republican National Committee from 1993 to 1997 and consummate K Street lobbyist for Microsoft, RJ Reynolds and other giant firms.

In his thick-as-sorghum-syrup Gulf Coast accent, the beefy, white-haired native of Yazoo City, Miss., opened his zesty talk with a put-down of government competence in census questionnaire writing (he joked about a request for “a list of workers broken down by sex”) and closed with a solemn warning that the American way of life is at stake in the upcoming election.

“Obama wants more government in your knickers,” Barbour drawled. 

The presidential contest is too close to call, he said. Obama is the better campaigner, he conceded. But, contrary to conventional wisdom, he counted Medicare as an issue the GOP can capitalize on. “The longer the conversation about Medicare, the more people will favor the Republicans,” he suggested, because the public will recognize that only radical reform can save the 47-year-old health insurance program for retirees.

For all his evident familiarity with politics, Barbour revealed only a passing acquaintance with economics. He suggested that the “government is sucking all the money out of the economy” by “spending a net $4 billion a day” more than it takes in. The opposite policy—trying to balance the budget by spending less and reducing tax expenditures—would be more likely to “suck all the money out” of the economy.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Why Equity Averages are So High

“Stunning” was the word that Goldman Sachs equity strategist David Kostin used to describe the current incongruity in the equity market, where the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrials indexes have held up nicely despite a “persistent outflow” of assets from stock mutual funds.  

What’s propping up equity prices in the face of a $200 billion flow to bonds and “net zero” to equities, he said, is the fact that companies are using their huge cash reserves to buyback their stocks and pay dividends.

Kostin, a frequent guest on financial TV shows, was a keynote speaker at the Insured Retirement Institute annual conference, held in San Diego on September 9-11. About 320 executives and senior managers as well as 17 exhibitors were listed on the program. (Click here for a pdf of his slides.)

The organization, called NAVA until 2008, has broadened its original focus on variable annuities to embrace virtually the entire range of annuity manufacturers and distributors, including fund companies, insurance companies and broker dealers.

Under the direction of president Cathy Weatherford, it has also emerged as a key retirement industry lobbyist, focusing on issues like the harmonization of the fiduciary standard and the preservation of favorable tax treatment for retirement savings.    

Regarding the stock buybacks mentioned above, companies “are sitting on huge amounts of cash,” one-third of which is overseas, Kostin said, “and they’re returning cash to shareholders.” The dividend trend is strong in the tech sector, where, in only a short time, Apple Computer has gone from paying zero dividends to being a major dividend payer.  

Asked how long such a situation could be sustained, Kostin didn’t express any alarm that it might be likely to end anytime soon. This year, he said, S&P 500 firms have spent about 13% of their cash, and an estimated 22% to 24% of it has been spent on stock buybacks.

Net corporate demand for equities was $500 billion, he said. “That can offset a lot,” he said. International investors generally invest about $100 billion a year in U.S. equities. Between demand from U.S. companies and from overseas, the current trend “could persist for awhile” even if individual investors in the U.S., who directly or through mutual funds own about half of all equities, continue to sell equities, he said.

Other factors affecting the markets, Kostin added: The share of equities in defined benefit pension funds has dropped to 37% from 59% since 2002, and as people move from their 40s to their 60s, their equity allocation drops to less than 50% from 65%. On the other hand, he thinks many equity owners will bequeath stocks to heirs to take advantage of the step-up in basis, and that the heirs’ will tend to hold the equities, thus “slowing the diminution” of equities.

Where is the corporate cash coming from? Though profits have been flat since the second quarter of 2012, “net profit margins are near all time highs,” Kostin said. Productivity gains from new technology and the economies of off-shoring have been driving them. Companies aren’t hiring or making capital investments because they are uncertain about U.S. tax policy and the euro crisis, so “unemployment will remain at about 8% next year regardless of who wins the election,” he added. Though 4.6 million jobs have been created in the last four years, he said, that’s only about half the number of jobs that were lost in the financial crisis.

Financial services companies, however, are exceptions to the trend. Until 2008, they were major contributors of dividends. But since the financial crisis, when many of the firms received federal assistance, regulators have restricted their ability to pay out dividends, Kostin said.

Equity prices also do not reflect the risks posed by the so-called “fiscal cliff” that is represented by a potential increase in taxes next year if the Bush tax cuts expire, the potential drop in government spending if cuts are automatically triggered, and a potential showdown over the debt ceiling in early 2013.

Although Kostin said that the worst case scenario—a failure by Congress to resolve any of the fiscal cliff issues, resulting in a 3.5% drop in GDP—“isn’t likely to happen,” he reminded the audience that the dispute over the debt ceiling in the summer of 2011 resulted in a 17% drop in the equity indices in a single month. “The market hasn’t appreciated these risks,” and has instead focused on the probability of more quantitative easing. 

GDP and earnings growth in 2013, he added, would depend on how well Congress and the administration dealt with the nation’s thorny fiscal issues: 2.7% GDP and 10% earnings growth if the issues were handily resolved, 0.4% and -6% if they were botched, and 2.0% and 7% if the government muddles through. “My expectation is that it will be resolved in a messy way,” he said, adding that as a rule of thumb, a 1% swing in the GDP growth rate translates into a $5/share swing in corporate earnings.   

Goldman Sachs’ outlook for equity indices for 2013 ranged anywhere from a 4% gain to a 12% gain, depending on what happens politically. Kostin expects an ongoing shift from actively managed funds to indexing. Having seen the close correlations of equity class performance in 2008, investors now recognize that “alpha generation is extraordinarily difficult” and so are giving up on stock selection.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

The Real Obstacle to a Fiduciary Standard

Anyone who wants to understand the legal context of the fiduciary/suitability debate should read the lucid, non-partisan papers written about it by Rutgers University law professor Arthur Laby. The most recent one was discussed at the Pension Research Council’s symposium last May and published by the PRC last month.    

Before reading them, I had not thought much about the meaning of the compound term, “broker-dealer.’ But the hyphen is apparently where all the trouble lies (though Laby’s paper doesn’t say this in so many words). Laby also traces the origins of this high-stakes turf war, which is as old as the SEC.   

As I personally have watched (off and on, I must admit) the debate over “harmonization”— i.e., the uniform application of the “fiduciary” standard to anyone who charges for financial advice, including brokers who have recently switched from commissions to asset-based fee compensation—my attention has dwelled on the question of whether the a broker operating under the suitability rule might act in his or her own interest instead of the client’s

After reading Laby’s paper, I felt naive for having missed what now seems obvious. Laby lasers on the question of whether a broker-dealer and its representatives can ever meet a fiduciary standard as long as the business includes proprietary trading. He reasons that when the rep is selling a product that the company deals in (or has underwritten), the rep can’t serve the client and the company equally well.

“The real problem is that firms are permitted to act as both brokers and dealers,” Laby writes, explaining that “Brokers often sell securities from their own accounts to customers, and they also buy securities for their own accounts from customers, either as a market maker in particular securities or as a market participant seeking to generate trading profits. Engaging in this trading activity is the very definition of dealer in the Exchange Act [of 1934].”

Laby adds, “Resolving the issue of principal trading is one of the great difficulties in finding a way forward in achieving harmonization. On the one hand, any broker-dealer that provides advice should be required to act in the best interest of the client to whom the advice is given. On the other hand, imposing a fiduciary duty on dealers is inconsistent, or not completely consistent, with the dealer’s role. A dealer’s profit is earned to the detriment of his trading partner, the very person to whom the dealer would owe a fiduciary obligation.”

This sort of conflict, for instance, was at the heart of the SEC’s complaint against Goldman Sachs—a broker, a dealer and an underwriter—after the financial crisis. At the time, there was widespread consternation that Goldman Sachs advisors could be advising clients to buy collateralized debt obligations when, for another client, Goldman Sachs’ financial engineers were tailoring a high-tech credit default swap to pay off when the same CDOs plummeted in value.  

But, wait. In his paper, Laby, for some reason, didn’t distinguish between the wirehouses, which own their own broker-dealers, and what I think of as independent broker-dealers. Yet it seems hard to equate them all, because they don’t all do prop-trading. Raymond James is an independent broker-dealer that also does underwriting. It has both captive brokers and independent advisors who trade through Raymond James. LPL Financial, by contrast, doesn’t do underwriting or proprietary trading. As one LPL advisor said on his site: “LPL Financial does not engage in the business practices of investment banks or provide other alternative financial services. They do not engage in market-making activities trading out of their own inventory, which means they do not hold any securities on their balance sheet that are open to market risk.”

In light of that, it’s not surprising that statements from Raymond James suggest that it stands closer to the wirehouses on the fiduciary question than LPL Financial does. According to press reports, Raymond James chairman Dick Averitt has expressed ambiguous support for the fiduciary standard. He said he supports the “concept.” This isn’t far from what SIFMA, the Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association (whose members include the wirehouses as well as LPL Financial and Raymond James), says on its website:

“Since early 2009, SIFMA has consistently advocated for the establishment of a new uniform fiduciary standard, and not application of the Advisers Act fiduciary standard to broker-dealers… When considering the Department of Labor’s (DOL) definition of fiduciary under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), the consequences for a broker being deemed a fiduciary include potential prohibitions on engaging in principal transactions, as well as difficulty receiving fees or commissions. As written, SIFMA believes the proposed rule would ultimately harm investors by raising the cost of saving. SIFMA is working with the DoL through the regulatory process to avoid the harmful effects of this proposed rule.” 

In January 2011, LPL Financial chairman Mark Casady issued a statement, reprinted in Financial Planning magazine, that seemed to fully embrace a uniform fiduciary standard: “We agree with the [SEC] report’s recommendation for a uniform fiduciary standard, as we believe this is right for investors, financial advisors and the industry,” Mark Casady, LPL’s CEO and chairman, said in a written statement. “We are confident this would help drive greater consistency and evenhandedness in the supervision of the broker-dealer and advisory sides of our business.”   

So there it is. The core of the harmonization controversy isn’t about personal ethics or channel competition or commissions per se, or about raising costs for the mass affluent investor. It’s about a threat to the survival of the vertically integrated financial services firm that includes manufacturing/underwriting, prop trading, and distribution through a brokerage. What would happen to its business model if its indispensable “top producers” had to meet the fiduciary standard and start advocating on behalf of the clients whose accounts they manage?

“The dealer question is very important, and, in my mind, probably the hardest issue in the proposal to place a fiduciary duty on broker-dealers that give advice,” Laby told RIJ in an e-mail. “It is very difficult to square acting as a dealer and acting in a fiduciary capacity.”

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Looking for growth? Delay Social Security.

If, like most people, your client is determined to draw Social Security before full retirement age or even before age 70, a new piece of research from scholars at Stanford and the American Enterprise Institute may help change their minds.  

The paper, “When Does It Pay to Delay Social Security? The Impact of Mortality, Interest Rates and Program Rules,” suggests that when the yield on safe assets is near zero (as it currently is), and Social Security benefits are growing by about 8% a year (as they do for people over 62 who delay taking them for up to eight years) it’s smarter to spend savings and let the Social Security benefit grow.   

The authors, John B. Shoven of Stanford and Sita N. Slavov of the AEI, make the further claim that, when interest rates are near zero, delaying Social Security becomes so advantageous that even people who don’t expect a longer-than-average lifespan can benefit from doing it. According to the paper:

“We find that when real interest rates are close to zero, singles in all groups – even those with mortality that is substantially greater than average – gain from at least some delay. Couples in all groups benefit from delaying the primary earner’s benefit, though for some groups with lower-than-average life expectancy, the couple maximizes present value when the secondary earner claims at age 62,” the paper said.

“At real interest rates that are closer to their historical average, singles with substantially lower-than-average life expectancy no longer benefit from delays. However, even in this case couples in all groups gain from delaying the primary earner’s benefit.

“These results have important implications for financing retirement in the presence of defined contribution balances. Financial planners often advise individuals to use defined contribution balances to purchase an annuity, using the annuity income to supplement Social Security benefits. That is, the two retirement resources – Social Security and defined contribution balances – are consumed in parallel.

“However, in today’s low-interest rate environment, this standard strategy is suboptimal for most retirees. The terms for delaying Social Security are more generous than the terms for purchasing a private annuity. Moreover, as Social Security payments are adjusted for cost-of-living increases, delaying Social Security buys an annuity whose payments remain constant in real terms; such annuities are virtually unavailable in the private market.

“This suggests that for individuals with defined contribution balances, accessing retirement resources in sequence – that is, using defined contribution accounts to finance a delay of Social Security – is likely to generate higher retirement income than using them in parallel.”

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

A.M. Best affirms MassMutual’s “superior” rating, keeps The Hartford “under review”

The financial strength, issuer credit and debt ratings of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. and its subsidiaries remains stable since its announcement of a definitive agreement to purchase The Hartford Financial Services Group’s retirement plans business for $400 million, A.M. Best said in a release.

A.M. Best said it views the acquisition “favorably” because it brings “additional scale to MassMutual’s existing retirement business, especially in the small-to mid-sized case market.” MassMutual is rated A++ (superior) for financial strength and has an aa+ long-term issuer credit rating.

But A.M. Best said the credit ratings of The Hartford will remain “under review with developing implications.” The Hartford has a “bbb+ u” long-term issuer credit rating. The bbb+ signifies a “good” and “investment grade” credit rating. The “u” signifies “under review.”

Combined, the two retirement plans businesses will result in 3 million participants and $120 billion in retirement AUM. MassMutual is expected to finance the transaction internally. The transaction is not expected to materially impact MassMutual’s strong risk-adjusted capitalization ratios. Following some integration and infrastructure expenses, the acquired business is expected to be accretive to earnings beginning in the second year after its acquisition.

In a release, A.M. Best said, “The announced transaction remains consistent with The Hartford’s strategy to focus on its property/casualty group benefits and mutual funds businesses as outlined by management in early 2012.

“Upon the close of the announced sales of Woodbury Financial Services and its retirement plans business as well as the previously announced intention to sell its individual life business, The Hartford will have successfully executed its announced restructuring and will move forward with a strategy centered on its core strengths.

“A.M. Best believes that the basis for the under review status remains intact as the retirement plans transaction itself does not have a significant impact on The Hartford’s overall financial condition.

“A.M. Best will continue to monitor developments regarding The Hartford’s restructuring and discuss with company management its future capital plans, including any deployment of proceeds from the sales of non-core businesses, to facilitate removing its ratings from under review.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

U.S. growth rate to hit 2.8% by end of 2013: BMO Economics

The North American economy should grow at a rate of two per cent in 2012 and improve during 2013, with a strong performance from residential building in the U.S. and commercial construction in Canada, according to the North American Outlook released by BMO Economics last week. The details, by country, include:

United States
The modest growth of 2% predicted for 2012 in the U.S. will pick up in 2013. Improved household finances and a strengthening housing market will help the economy accelerate to a growth rate of 2.8% by the end of next year.

“Home sales and starts have picked up from depressed levels, supported by record-low mortgage rates, pent-up demand and investor interest,” said Sal Guatieri, senior economist, BMO Capital Markets. 

“House prices are rising, lifting household wealth and encouraging first-time buyers to take the plunge. Rising house and equity values should allow households to soon recover the rest of the $16 trillion in wealth that was lost during the Great Recession,” he said.

Residential construction is now leading the expansion, he added, noting that housing starts are about 40% below demographic needs. Because of elevated unemployment, “we now expect the Fed will delay any rate hikes until mid-2015,” said Guatieri. 


Canada’s economy should grow 2% this year, reaching 2.4% by the end of 2013. “Business investment, though moderating, continues to lead the expansion,” Guatieri said. “Commercial construction is supported by low vacancy rates, and companies are taking advantage of the strong loonie [Canada’s dollar] to buy productivity-enhancing equipment.”

Elevated commodity prices will continue to drive investment in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador, he added. Central Canada and the other Atlantic Provinces will face challenges because of the strong currency and weak global demand. With the exception of autos, consumer spending has moderated in the face of high household debt, tepid job growth and rising cross-border shopping.

Personal loan growth has slowed the most in two decades, and the trade deficit continues to widen due to a strong dollar and weak external demand. The Canadian dollar is expected to trade close to parity against the greenback in the year ahead, benefiting from elevated commodity prices and steady capital inflows.

Recent mortgage and credit rule changes will restrain household debt growth, leading to a further moderation in consumer spending and housing market activity and a stabilization of home prices in most regions, Guatieri said. Exceptions will be British Columbia and Toronto, where high valuations point to weaker prices ahead.

Modest growth, low inflation, a strong currency, and tighter credit rules will encourage the Bank of Canada to maintain the current low-rate policy. “Further Fed easing should encourage the Bank of Canada to hold overnight rates steady at 1% for somewhat longer than we previously thought, likely until autumn 2013,” added Guatieri.

The eurozone breakup, pending spending cuts and tax increases in the U.S., a sharp correction in the Vancouver and Toronto housing markets and the potential for a hard landing in China still pose potential risks to the North American, he cautioned.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Envestnet adds FEG hedge fund research to its platform

Envestnet, Inc., the Chicago-based wealth management platform provider for investment advisors, and Fund Evaluation Group, LLC (FEG), an institutional investment consulting firm, have formed a “Hedge Fund Research Alliance.”

The partnership will add FEG’s research on more than 40 hedge funds and hedge funds-of-funds to Envestnet’s platform, complementing the existing research on separate account managers, mutual funds, ETFs and liquid alternative investments, according to a press release.

FEG’s hedge fund due diligence includes on-site meetings, operational due diligence, third party service provider verification and multiple reference checks, the release said. FEG also provides ongoing monitoring of hedge fund managers via performance analysis, risk monitoring, position level monitoring, quarterly conference calls and face-to-face meetings.

FEG advises on a reported $33 billion in assets for institutional clients and has more than $3 billion allocated to hedge fund managers via direct investment from their clients as well as discretionary access vehicles. 

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC.

Allianz Life to pay $10 million to settle index annuity complaints

Allianz Life Insurance Co. has agreed to take corrective action, continue a remediation plan, and pay $10 million to 23 states to settle charges that actions by agents selling its popular fixed indexed annuities (FIAs) from 2001 to 2008 led to unsuitable sales or sales based on misrepresentations, the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has announced.

Insurance commissioners and other state officials in Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, and Missouri led the regulatory action against Allianz Life. Florida alone will receive over $1 million, according to a release.

“Some consumers who purchased annuities during these years complained to Allianz regarding the suitability of the annuities for their circumstances or representations made by Allianz or its agents during the sale of an annuity,” the release said.  “Under the remediation plan, Allianz will implement a review process addressing new and previously filed complaints by customers who purchased an eligible fixed annuity product between 2001 and 2008. A list of the eligible fixed annuity products covered in this agreement can be viewed here.”

The products named in the agreement include annuity contracts that have been and continue to be among the most popular FIAs on the market. Allianz Life was the top seller of fixed annuities in the second quarter of 2012, with about $1.4 billion in sales, and its MasterDex X fixed indexed annuity was the third best-selling fixed annuity and the second-highest selling fixed indexed annuity, according to Beacon Research.

Fixed indexed annuity, or equity-indexed annuities as they were once called, are widely agreed to be highly complex products that are difficult to understand, even for the independent insurance agents who sell them.

Essentially, they are low-risk structured products consisting of bonds with a minor investment in options on common equity indexes. They are characterized as all-weather products, because the options offer upside when stocks do well and principal is guaranteed by the insurer. Their complexity comes from the fact that many different “crediting methods” can be used to translate the equity gains into higher contract value. It is difficult if not impossible for a layperson to make meaningful comparisons between the crediting methods.

The products were aggressively marketed with rich incentives and principal bonuses through independent insurance agents, and began drawing complaints from older people or their relatives who did not understand exactly what had been purchased. A television expose helped motivate then-SEC chairman Christopher Cox to lead an ultimately unsuccessful campaign to have FIAs regulated as securities.  

The sales of FIAs have been boosted recently by the addition of lifetime income riders to the contracts. Since these bond-based products entail less downside risk to principal than variable annuities, where the underlying investments include stocks, the FIA income riders can sometimes be more generous than the variable annuity income riders, giving the FIAs a competitive advantage.   

Under the multi-state agreement, consumers can have a re-review of their complaints based on the criteria spelled out in the agreed order. A new complaint can be filed by affected consumers until March 31, 2013, either through the “Contact Us” feature on the Allianz Life website or by telephone at 866-604-7488. If a complaint is found to be justified, the consumer will be offered a retroactive cancellation of their policy and a full refund. ​

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How to Maximize Social Security Income

One of the more vexing problems facing pre-retirees is when to claim their Social Security benefits. Many people cash in at the first opportunity, age 62, even though each year they wait, their benefit increases until age 70. Perhaps if they could see exactly how much potential income they were passing up, they might wait longer. 

Now there’s a software tool that can help them do that.  Impact Technology Group in Charlotte, North Carolina, has just introduced a product called Social Security Explorer (SSE) that enables advisors and pre-retirees to model up to hundreds of different Social Security claiming strategies and see how much income each one provides. (To access video, click here.)

The SSE tool requires minimum input—age, projected benefit at full retirement age, longevity expectations, investment rate of return and inflation. The computer does the heavy lifting and shows advisors how much clients would collect monthly and over the course of their presumed life expectancy, depending on which age they choose.

 “Often people take their Social Security benefits right away because they don’t know what they want or don’t understand their choices,” said David Freitag, vice-president of marketing at Impact Technology Group.

With SSE, for example, you can show that a single client (with a projected payment at full retirement age of $2,400, a longevity assumption of 85 and an inflation assumption of 2.5%) would receive only $1,800 per month and $660,623 over his or her expected lifetime by claiming at age 62. The SSE tool shows that the same person would collect $3,860 per month and $830,586 over their expected lifetime by delaying benefits until age 70.

Multiplying the options

The SSE tool is even more helpful when sorting through the 81 possible age options (nine per spouse) for married couples. It can also help married couples maximize benefits by comparing the seven different age-based strategies allowed by Social Security, which lead to a daunting 567 potential scenarios. Many of these options allow couples to receive some income while waiting until age 70 to collect maximum benefits. SSE helps advisors explore different outcomes for their clients.

For example, in a one-earner couple, with two healthy spouses, the earner, call him Jim, can elect to file for benefits at 66 (the full retirement age for those born from 1943 to 1954) but suspend collecting them.  (Full retirement age is also the age when recipients stop being taxed or penalized for earned income.) Jim’s wife Mary is the same age as Jim. As a stay-at-home mom, she never paid into the Social Security system, but she qualifies for a spousal benefit. She can apply for and collect half of Jim’s benefits, while Jim suspends his separate benefit until he turns 70 and becomes eligible for the maximum benefits on his record. 

Jim and Mary can even receive some Social Security benefits to live on while they delay receiving maximum benefits at 70. At full retirement age (66) Jim can file and suspend his benefit. Mary, at 66, can file for “restricted” benefits, or an amount equal to one-half of Jim’s benefit.  At age 70, both Jim and Mary can each start collecting their respective full benefits separately, resulting in almost a $1 million lifetime payout.

Of course, to fully enjoy this larger benefit, Jim and Mary have to live past 85. “The wild card is longevity, Freitag told RIJ Advisor. “My parents lived into their 90s, so there’s a strong likelihood I will live to over 85. On the other hand, I have a good friend who has been type I diabetic since age 10.  His longevity assumption is age 75 or less. For him the best solution might be taking Social Security benefits at 62.”

Inflation also affects the amount that clients receive. In today’s current environment where interest rates are near zero, “the value of Social Security is magnified intensively.” added Freitag.  Not to mention that Social Security automatically includes spousal benefits and built-in inflation protection.

Most clients will have to rely on other sources of income while they delay Social Security, said Steve Sass, program director of the Financial Security Project at the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. “The fundamental issue is where will they get income to pay their monthly bills?” It’s critical to have some pool of money or insurance set aside for medical emergencies, he said.

In a sense Social Security has become a default safety net for the variability of 401(k)s, says Sass. The baby boom generation is the first cohort that has had a substantial dependence on the 401(k).    “For the cohort that is currently retiring, you can’t get any return from bonds. And, if interest rates go up, you will have a capital loss.  The government is saying that in a 401(k) world; why not just delay Social Security.”

While people might do better in the stock market, “it will be difficult to get more income from your savings than from delaying Social Security,” Sass told RIJ Advisor.

Sass counsels advisors to make sure their clients anticipate the possibility of a long lifespan. “The risk of living too long is a difficult concept,” he said. “A lot of people think they’re going to die young and use that as an excuse to front-load the benefits.”

But many people will live into their 80s and 90s. “It’s the function of a good financial advisor to get people to understand what they want to do with their money and not to just succumb to momentary temptation,” Sass emphasized.

SSE should make it easier for advisors to show their clients how much they will benefit at different ages and using different strategies, said Freitag. Those decisions are more critical than many clients think and advisors now can show that. As Janet Reno, the vice president for income security at the National Academy of Social Security Benefits, has said: ‘The two most important decisions people make is when to stop working and when to declare Social Security.” Most people conflate the two. But choosing when and how to file for Social Security benefits could create a much more secure future.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Modest GDP rebound likely in Q3: Prudential

The latest commentary from John Praveen of Prudential International Investments Advisors offers the following data and analysis:

•  Despite the modest upward revisions, Q2 GDP remained below the Q1 pace of 2%. Looking ahead, the U.S. economy appears on track to a modest rebound with GDP growth tracking around 2.2% in Q3. Consumption spending is likely to recover to over 2% in Q3 from the anemic 1.7% pace in Q2.  July retail sales grew stronger-than-expected at 0.8% MoM (month-over-month) and core sales were up an even stronger 0.9% suggesting a good start to Q3 spending.  Business investment spending is also likely to strengthen. Industrial production was off to a strong start in Q3, rising 0.6% MoM in July driven by 3.3% jump in car production. However, business confidence is hovering around the 50 level, which suggests that lingering uncertainty will keep a lid on business investment spending. Consumer and business spending remain the main drivers of U.S. growth, supported by modest gains in income, profits, and a recovery in housing.

However, there are potential risks to the U.S. economy in late 2012/early 2013 with the potential massive fiscal cliff of large spending cuts and tax increases in 2013 resulting from expiring tax cuts and spending cuts set to be triggered at the end of 2012. A total of $576bn (3.6% of GDP) of fiscal adjustment is set to occur in January 2013 as a result of the expiration of the Bush tax cuts ($280bn, 1.8% of GDP), expiration of the payroll tax holiday ($125bn, 0.8% of GDP) and temporary unemployment benefits ($40bn, 0.3% of GDP), and spending cuts or so called “sequestration” ($98bn, 0.6% of GDP).  

•  With U.S. elections due in November and the nation highly polarized, it appears unlikely that any agreement will be reached before the November 6 elections. However, a fiscal agreement is likely to be reached between the November election and year-end on extending at least some of the tax cuts and/or preventing the spending cuts. As a result the fiscal drag is likely to be smaller, around 1% of GDP, rather than the -3.6% drag from the full fiscal cliff.  However, the uncertainty about the fiscal cliff remains a risk for the U.S. economy and financial markets.

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Data mavens may be interested in the following section of Praveen’s report:

•  U.S. Q2 GDP growth was revised up modestly to 1.7% QoQ (quarter-over-quarter) annualized rate from 1.5% in the advance estimate. The major contribution to the upward revision was trade, which swung from a -0.3% drag to a 0.3% positive contribution. However, this was offset by inventories which swung from a 0.3% contribution to a -0.2% drag. In revisions: Consumer spending was revised up (to 1.7% from 1.5%); the contraction in government spending was revised smaller (to -0.9% from -1.4%) while investment spending was revised down (3.0% from 8.5%).

•  Consumer spending was revised higher but remained soft.  Consumption grew 1.7% in Q2, revised up from 1.5%, after 2.4% in Q1, with upward revisions to both durable goods and services spending. Service spending was the largest contributor to Q2 consumer spending.  Government spending was revised to a smaller decline of -0.9% from -1.4% initially reported, after -3% with weakness in state and local spending.  Trade added 0.3% to Q2 GDP growth after 0.1% in Q1 with exports adding 0.8% and imports subtracting -0.5%. Exports grew 6%, while imports grew a more modest 2.9%.

•  Investment spending was revised down to 3.0% from earlier reported 8.5% growth. Spending on equipment and software grew 4.2%, revised down from 5.4%, after 7.5% in Q1. Residential investment grew 8.9%, revised down from 9.7% after 20.6% in Q1. Residential investment has now contributed to real GDP growth for five consecutive quarters and reflects the modest ongoing recovery in the housing market.

•  U.S. Q2 GDP growth was driven by revised contributions from consumer spending (1.1%), business investment (0.4%), net exports (0.3%) and residential investment (0.2%). Meanwhile, the largest drags came from decreased government spending (-0.2%) and shrinking inventories (-0.2%).

Japan gets younger, but still struggles with longevity risk

Average lifespans in Japan have shortened to 79.44 years for men and 85.9 years for women, according to a survey by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare reported by The citizens of Hong Kong are now the world’s longest-lived. 

That’s of little interest to Japanese corporate pension funds, because they generally offer optional lump-sum retirement payouts, and have already adjusted to longevity risk by creating fixed-term pensions and adding optional extensions to the guarantee period. (See snapshot of Japan pension system.)

Nor does it relieve the anxieties of a healthy 60-year-old with a 20-year fixed-term pension who hopes and expects to live to 90 or beyond.     

The Ministry survey indicates that, among 60-year-olds, 64% of men and 82% of women will live to age 80, 23% and 48%, respectively, will reach 90, and 8% and 23%, respectively, will reach 95. One percent of men and 6% of women who reach age 60 will reach 100. Given this broad range, individuals will find it difficult to plan for retirement.

Japan’s public pension system tries to guarantee a minimum standard of living, but doesn’t always succeed. The minimum cost of living for the elderly is currently close to the model pension payment (¥238,000 or $3,032 per month for husband and wife combined).

However, this is not necessarily the case on an individual level, where daily expenditures, for example, can vary widely depending on the geographic region.

As one Japanese writer put it in recently:

“Longevity risk cannot be overcome on an individual basis. Neither can corporations bear the risk. It is something that must be dealt with at the national level. Discussions should be separated into two parts: averages and the portion beyond the average.

“Self-efforts should aim for average levels, while the government should introduce in parallel some sort of public risk-sharing framework for the portion exceeding this. The crucial factor is sustainability. A system should not dump the risk on one party, but use a flexible approach, even if imperfect, that guards against new burdens.

“Traditionally children would inherit their parents’ longevity risk. However, family sizes are shrinking, and the economic circumstances of parents and children have reversed. The last bastion has thus disappeared. The problem needs urgently to be addressed.”

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