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Dual Fiduciary Standard Headed for Vote By July 4

A Treasury Department official says the Obama administration will push for including a broad fiduciary standard provision in the final financial services bill, National Underwriter reported.

At a conference organized by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority in Baltimore last week, Treasury Undersecretary Neal Wolin said the administration would fight attempts to weaken H.R. 4173, the Wall Street Consumer Reform and Consumer Protection Act, when talks to reconcile differing House and Senate versions of the legislation get under way June 15.

“We believe that retail brokers offering investment advice should be subject to the same fiduciary standard of care as investment advisors, and we will work to include that provision in the final bill. 

The Securities and Exchange Commission now requires investment advisors to put customers’ interests ahead of their own. Broker-dealers and life insurance distributors affiliated with broker-dealers must merely verify that the products they sell customers suit the needs of those customers.

So far, the House version of 4173 would provide two safe harbors for insurance agents and investment advisers. One says that receiving a commission doesn’t automatically violate the standard. The other says an agent or advisor that captive agents wouldn’t automatically violate the standard simply by selling one firm’s products.

The Senate version, supported by the life insurance industry, underwriters, agents and brokers, and the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) calls only for the SEC to study the issue and report back to Congress.

The House bill fiduciary standard provision and the Obama administration version are ambiguous, said NAIFA president Thomas Currey. An SEC study of the standard-of-care issue “would result in a fact-based approach to address real problems rather than by adopting a ‘one-size fits all’ amorphous fiduciary standard—the need for which is unsupported by any factual findings,” he said. 

Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said Monday in a memo that he wants the House to act on a reconciled bill June 29. That schedule would give the Senate 3 days to act before Congress is set to leave for its Independence Day break July 2.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

New York Life Tops 1Q Fixed Annuity Sales: Beacon Research

At an estimated $16.7 billion in the first quarter of 2010, U.S. sales of fixed annuities were down 15% from the prior quarter and down 52% from the record-setting year-ago quarter, according to the Beacon Research Fixed Annuity Premium Study.

New York Life reclaimed overall sales leadership from Western National, which dropped to fourth place. Allianz Life moved to second from third place on the strength of its top-selling MasterDex X indexed annuity. Aviva jumped two notches to come in third.

Book value annuit ies remained the dominant product type in first quarter 2010, but their 41% share was the lowest since third quarter 2007.  The indexed annuity share of sales hit a 12-quarter high of 40%.

“It is difficult to predict the near-term direction of fixed annuity sales. Fixed annuity rates are down, which typically dampens sales.  But the spread of corporate bond yields over Treasury rates has widened,” said Jeremy Alexander, CEO of Beacon Research.

“This generally provides fixed annuities with a rate advantage that boosts results,” he added. “Sales also may benefit from recent stock market volatility and the flight to safety.  Long term, we continue to expect growth for fixed annuities due to rising demand from Baby Boomers nearing and entering retirement.”

First quarter results include sales of some 425 products. By product type, first quarter estimated sales were:

Book value, $6.8 billion

Indexed, $6.7 billion

Fixed income (including income annuities), $1.8 billion

Market value-adjusted (MVA), $1.3 billion.

Sales for all product types were below prior and year-ago quarters. Year-ago results hit a record driven by book value sales, due to a flight to safety combined with a strong fixed annuity rate advantage. Sales data does not include sales through structured settlements or employer-sponsored retirement plans.

Relative to the previous quarter, MVA and book value annuities dropped 25% and 24%, respectively.  Income annuities were down 7%. Indexed annuity sales fell 2%.  Compared to first quarter 2009, book value annuity sales were 64% lower. MVAs were down 80%. Income and indexed annuities declined 6% and 5%, respectively.

First quarter results for the top five Study participants were:

  Total FA Sales (mm)
New York Life $1,727
Allianz Life 1,465
Aviva USA 1,173
Western National Life (AIG) 1,171
American Equity Investment Life 847

By product type, New York Life also led in book value sales, replacing Western National, and remained the dominant issuer of fixed income products. Allianz was again number one in indexed annuities. Hartford replaced American National as MVA sales leader.

The Allianz MasterDex X, an indexed annuity, was again the quarter’s best-selling product. The New York Life Preferred Fixed Annuity took second place and was the only book value product in the top five. Two indexed products, American Equity’s Retirement Gold and Aviva USA’s BPA Select 12, placed third and fourth.  The New York Life Lifetime Income Annuity was fifth.

Rank Company Name Product Name Product Type
1 Allianz Life MasterDex X Indexed
2 New York Life NYL Preferred Fixed Annuity Book Value
3 American Equity Retirement Gold Indexed
4 Aviva USA BPA Select 12 Indexed
5 New York Life NYL Lifetime Income Annuity Income

MasterDex X was again the top independent producer product. The New York Life Preferred Fixed Annuity was the new bestseller in banks. Among captive agents, the New York Life Lifetime Income Annuity took top honors. There were new leading products in the remaining channels, as follows:

Channel Company Product Product Type
Banks/S&Ls New York Life NYL Preferred FA Book Value
Captives New York Life NYL Lifetime Income Annuity Income
Ind. B/Ds MassMutual RetireEase Income
Ind. Prod. Allianz Life MasterDex X Indexed
Lg/Rg B/Ds NY Life NYL FA Book Value
Wirehouses John Hancock JH Managed FA Income

Credited rates increased slightly from fourth quarter, but their rate advantage was narrower relative to the conservative alternatives.  Top multi-year credited rates were in the 4% range on interest guarantee periods (IGPs) of seven years or more.  Rates at or above the threshold 5% level were available only for the first year of some multi-year and renewal rate products.  Book value annuity sales moved to shorter IGPs, apparently because buyers expected rates to rise and did not want to lock in the quarter’s low credited rates for long periods. MVA sales shifted from the middle to both shorter and longer IGPs.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Short Life Expectancy for U.K.’s Annuity ‘Mandate’

Politicians tend to exaggerate. Take, for example, this statement from the new “Lib-Con” coalition now governing Great Britain: “We agree to end the rules requiring compulsory annuitisation at 75.”

That sounds as if the UK government will no longer force its senior citizens to use their “pension pots”—i.e., tax-deferred retirement savings—to buy annuities. If true, the change would signify a monumental reversal of British pension policy.

But wait. Ian Naismith, the head of pensions at the touchingly named Scottish Widows insurance company, offered clarification. “There is currently no rule in the UK requiring compulsory annuitization at 75,” he told MoneyMarketing, a UK e-publication. (My inconsistent spelling of annuitisation is intentional. Bear with me.)

Here’s the spin-free story: the new UK government favors changing the current pension rules, which offer pensioners few if any attractive alternatives to annuitization, to a still-fluid set of new rules that allows choice and flexibility.    

As an American writing from Britain, it looks to me like the U.S. and U.K. governments are moving in opposite directions on retirement policy these days. But they’re heading toward each other, not away.

Ironically, if the new U.K. government encourages annuity usage less and the Obama administration follows through on signs that it wants to encourage them more, the two retirement policies could end up looking a lot alike. 

Anger at ageism

Strictly speaking, the current UK rules do not require annuitisation of tax-deferred retirement savings by age 75. Under current regulations, a person who has saved for retirement through a “tax-favored pension scheme” can take up to 25% of the account value as a lump sum at retirement, tax-free for all but the very wealthy. After that, the tax laws strongly encourage him or her to buy one or more annuities from private insurance companies with the balance of the money by age 75.

“Strongly encourage” stops just short of “require.” Since 2006, U.K. retirees have in fact had a non-annuity option. The so-called Alternatively Secured Pension (ASP) allows individuals to take systematic withdrawals from their savings instead of buying an annuity. But the ASP’s withdrawal rules are complicated and restrictive and any undistributed funds are heavily taxed at death.  

But the ASP option never satisfied the U.K.’s anti-annuitization forces. Many U.K. pensioners resent the government’s assumption that, once they reach 75, they can’t be trusted to manage their own finances, so they must hand their wealth to an insurance company in return for a paltry monthly allowance.  

Many feel that the whole U.K. pension regime is just a game for the benefit of the insurance companies. They feel forced into what they perceive as a gamble that they’re likely to lose by dying young. Financial advisors, who naturally believe they can manage the money better than the insurers, have encouraged that view.  

The fact that annuity payout rates are at all-time lows only weakens the case for annuities. Pension industry expert Dr. Ros Altmann notes that, thanks to lower interest rates and rising life expectancies, £20,000 (about $30,000) would have purchased an income of £60 a week in 1990. By 2000, it bought only £35 a week and today it buys just £25.

New policy directions

So where is U.K. pension policy headed? According to Naismith of Scottish Widows, the simplest change would be to raise the current annuitisation age to 80 or 85. Another approach would be to leave the limit at age 75, but make the ASP more flexible and subject to a less onerous tax at death.

An unlikely third possibility would be not to call for annuitization at all, which would be tantamount to removing the minimum distribution requirements in the U.S.  Most Britons would reject that as a giveaway to the rich, however.  

A more complex alternative would be to copy the Irish system, which allows pensioners to spend their tax-deferred savings as they please as long as they buy enough guaranteed income to keep themselves above the poverty line. The eventual outcome will likely combine elements of all the above.

In the U.S., of course, the rules are very different. Our 401(k)s and other tax-favored retirement plans have required minimum distribution rules (RMD) instead of compulsory annuitisation. In practice, very few 401(k) plans even offer in-plan annuities.

But the Obama administration seems to want to encourage annuitization. The Departments of Labor and Treasury recently issued a Request for Information (RFI) regarding “Lifetime Income Options for Participants and Beneficiaries in Retirement Plans.” Question 13 asked:

“Should some form of lifetime income distribution option be required for defined contribution plans? If so, should that option be the default distribution option, and should it apply to the entire account balance? To what extent would such a requirement encourage or discourage plan sponsorship?”

Treasury and the DOL did not ask whether participants should be required to annuitize, only whether defined contribution plans should be required to offer annuity options.

More than 700 individuals and businesses responded to the RFI. The responses to question 13 tended to match the vested interests of the respondents. Manufacturers and marketers of retirement income products tended to favor annuity options. Manufacturers and marketers of investment products tended to favor target date funds over annuities.

Mid-Atlantic convergence

With the U.K. government about to relax annuitisation rules and the U.S. government eager to encourage lifetime income options, the two systems may begin to resemble each other. That’s not only possible, but likely.

I would expect U.K. policy to change faster than U.S. policy. The tendency in the UK is to act quickly when changing laws, rules, and regulations, and then correct mistakes or unintended consequences later. (The UK recently installed a new prime minister and cabinet in less than 24 hours!)

By contrast, the pace of legislative change in the U.S. is glacial.  The text of U.S. laws and regulations tends to be voluminous and painstakingly detailed. This phenomenon may reflect the higher proportion of lawyers in Washington. I would expect the outcome in the U.S. to provide more options for individual choice and less direction from government. 

The British tend to tolerate government involvement when it seems practical; in the U.S., there’s a deep inclination to  “keep the government out of people’s lives.” (It stems from an historic disagreement with a certain King George III.) 

Regardless of how pension policy evolves, it would be nice if the British and the Americans could agree on the proper spelling of the word that describes the conversion of savings to income. Should it be annuitization (U.S. style) or annuitisation (U.K. style)? Or maybe, as the Microsoft Word spell-checker seems to think, there’s no such word at all.    

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

A Jolly View of Financial Folly

In his new book, Retirementology: Rethinking the American Dream in a New Economy (FT Press, 2010), Greg Salsbury looks soberly at the varieties of financial intoxication that have led so many Baby Boomers to be ill-prepared for retirement.

Yet Salsbury, a vice president at Jackson National Life with a Ph.D. in organizational communication, approaches this serious topic in a mordantly funny way, amusing himself (and his readers) with a nonsense nomenclature of behavioral finance neologisms like“ohnosis,” “finertia” and “financia nervosa.”

Retirementology, a sequel to Salsbury’s But What If I Live? The American Retirement Crisis (National Underwriter, 2006), is based on focus groups with affluent Boomers and Salsbury’s own strong views. It catalogs the dumb things that smart people do with money they should otherwise be saving. It also points out the path to fiscal redemption. 

Recently, Salsbury chatted with RIJ about the book.

RIJ: How scientific or thorough a survey of the American public was the research behind your new book?

Salsbury: It was qualitative research, not empirical. We tried to get a wide swatch of ages, and tried to get typical clients of advisors. We were not particularly interested in the abject poor. They will be at the mercy of the prevailing social welfare systems. We were interested in people who had some savings, who were working toward retirement, who saw themselves as involved in investing.

In the book, you lament Americans’ lack of financial foresight. But how can we be in bad shape if Americans currently have $16 trillion in retirement savings currently invested?

There’s a very small percentage who have adequately saved and they control a disproportionate amount of the savings. A massive percentage of those funds are in a very small percentage of hands, if you will. Two-thirds of all investable assets are with the Baby Boomers, and it’s growing more that way.

But the Boomers represent a financial puzzle for a number of reasons.  Here’s a sobering statistic. Every day 10,000 Boomers, a group the size of the population of Sedona, Arizona, becomes eligible for Medicare and Social Security, the unfunded liabilities of which were $107 trillion before the financial crisis. Those are people who have most of the money to start with but who will be disproportionately draining the system as well.

Just because you have money doesn’t mean you aren’t making the mistakes that I talk about in the book. It might be someone who is buying too much car or buying a 56-foot sailboat. Folks who had multi-thousand-dollar credit card balances thought nothing of adding tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars onto their mortgages. The mistakes happen at all economic levels. There are a lot of boomers who have overspent. They were counting on their house or their vacation home to pay for their retirement.  

The 401(k) activity is disappointing. The number of active participants peaked in 2005, and enrollment hasn’t returned to that level since. People stopped saving. In 2006 alone, people spent $41 billion on their pets. That’s more than the GDP of many countries. Americans went on a spending binge. In the middle of 2005, 40% of all new mortgages were for non-residences. There was an orgy of spending, along with an abandonment of prudent savings.

With the new health care bill becoming law, that will burden the upper end on taxes even further. California is the poster child for the impact of taxes. For four years, more people have left that state than arrived. The wealthy are fleeing the state. The percentage of seven-figure wage earners has been cut in half since 2005. It’s one of the most tax punitive states in the country. And now they’re escalating taxes even further on the upper two percent. There are not enough of those people to generate enough revenue in the first place, and now you chase them out of the state. That’s what they’ve done.

Why are they having such trouble fiscally? One in five budget dollars goes to public pensions. It’s difficult to attack the policies without sounding like you’re attacking the professions. But look at the dollar amounts. The average policeman collects a $97,000 pension. In Vallejo, California, it’s up to $207,900 a year.  To fund the average captain’s pension, it takes $3 million. 

So what’s to be done?

Any retirement plan is doomed by over-expectations. It’s not reasonable to expect three vacation homes or to seven luxury cruises. People will have to look at their spending. They will have to reassess their priorities. They will have to re-examine the amount of assistance that they can or will give to children. They will have to reexamine their use of 529 plans. They will have to ask, ‘Do I fund my retirement properly or give my kid $50,000 and blow myself up?’ People have to make prudent decisions. A lot of people convinced themselves that they were geniuses during the boom. They had one or two homes that were appreciating. They didn’t think they needed a financial advisor.

You recommend the use of ‘holistic money managers.’ What do you mean by that?

Historically, advisors left people on their own for all of their money matters except for their investment portfolio. But those things can’t be as neatly divorced today as they were historically. What you’re doing with your vacation homes and your rental properties may have a material impact on your retirement portfolio. People’s homes morphed from their largest asset to their largest liability.  

How do you handle your own money?

 Personally, I have had more conversations with my wife about spending. I re-examined my household spending. I didn’t get as carried away as some during the boom, but I’ve tried to be even more cautious since then.  For instance, the other day, when I was still having my first morning cup of coffee, a woman walked up the back steps of my deck. She shook my hand and said, ‘Hi, I’m Lacey.’ I said, ‘I’m Greg Salsbury.’ She said, ‘Don’t you know who I am? I’m here for the dogs.’ My wife, unbeknownst to me, had signed up for a dog-walking service. I cut that frivolity out.

You didn’t refinance your house, not even for home improvements?

I refinanced, but I didn’t take money out. It was all about getting lower interest rates. I’ve always maintained a balanced approach on that. I’ve been pretty involved in behavioral finance, so I haven’t been terribly swayed by the momentum of the moment in the market. My 401(k) savings is in a pretty standard allocation. As a 52-year-old male, I have 40 to 45 % of my 401(k) in equities. I have other accounts of similar size that are 100% equities.

What would be your single piece of investment advice to readers?  How should they have handled the crash of 2008-2009? 

They should have been well diversified to begin with. Getting out in the middle of the crisis would have been an improper response. Those who pulled out at the trough in 2009 and who are still sitting on the sidelines aren’t doing so well. But those who stayed the course recovered nicely.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Jackson National Life Distributors LLC

“How believable do you normally find statements from people who work at one of these companies?”

“How believable do you normally find statements from people who work at one of these companies?”
  Completely Somewhat Not at all
Accounting firms 5% 62% 33%
Banks 4 57 38
Investment firms 2 52 45
Health insurers 2 49 49
Mortgage cos 2 47 51
Fin reg ag
(eg SEC)
4 43 53
Credit card cos 2 34 64
Based on an online survey of 2,755 U.S. adults between April 12 and 19, 2010 by Harris Interactive.

Consensus Emerges on Derivatives Market Structure: BNY Mellon

A surprising level of agreement exists among regulators and market participants on what the key components of a workable derivatives market structure should be, according to a survey conducted by BNY Mellon and the TABB Group.

For instance, nearly two-thirds of market participants say they have already implemented changes in advance of regulatory reform, with 79% expecting central clearing to become standard.

The report, “Derivatives-Protection without Suffocation: Thriving in a New Era of Regulatory and Market Transformation,” found substantial consensus on a more efficient, transparent global framework that will feature, besides central clearing, electronic price discovery and execution and collateral management standards.

“While market participants and regulators are at odds over certain aspects of derivative market reform, our research detected a strong movement toward creating a workable framework that will accommodate stronger regulations and risk reduction without suffocating market activity and ongoing innovation,” said Art Certosimo, senior executive vice president and CEO of Alternative and Broker-Dealer Services at BNY Mellon.

The reports findings, based on a survey of asset managers, broker-dealers and clearinghouses, include:

  • 63% of survey respondents have already implemented changes ahead of regulatory reform, with these changes primarily focused in the areas of clearing, front-, middle- and back-office operations, and trading currently being implemented.
  • 79% of respondents indicated that they believed central clearing for standard products will reduce systemic risk, while three-quarters acknowledged central clearing and execution will reduce profit margins.
  • 58% of respondents currently do not post or accept collateral when conducting OTC derivatives trades.  In addition, the majority of participants have concerns regarding potential changes in the types and amounts of collateral being used when moving from OTC to cleared environments.
  • Nearly half (47%) of respondents see movement towards electronic execution for OTC derivatives products, with the use of algorithms to trade OTC derivatives just starting to emerge.
  • 58% of respondents believe that joint oversight of the OTC derivatives market by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission would be a mistake, given their different approaches to oversight.

The report also indicates that while changes to the market will initially reduce revenue and profits for participants, revenue and profits will eventually increase as a result of standardization and higher volume.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Use of Summary VA Prospectuses Soars

NewRiver, Inc., providers of a central repository of mutual fund documents and data for financial services firms, announced the most recent statistics for the NewRiver Summary Prospectus Index, including results for variable annuities and retirement funds. 

The Company’s Indexes are a complimentary service that tracks all summary prospectus filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) EDGAR database. 

Firms offering or selling variable annuities, retirement services and mutual funds can actively monitor ongoing summary prospectus adoption within their respective industry. 

The most recent Index statistics through April, 2010 indicate significant growth in the variable annuity market. Summary prospectuses are now available for more than 29,000 sub-fund options, up from 2,509 in March. 

Additionally, more than 3,000 variable product contracts have at least one sub-account with a summary prospectus document. The number of standalone summary prospectuses for retirement funds rose to 45% from 37% in March, while adoption for mutual funds continues to grow.  More than 4,300 mutual fund summary prospectus documents are available for stand-alone delivery.

Monthly Index findings are available at

“With an average savings of $10 per contract holder a year, insurance companies and their fund partners could provide a windfall of over $220 million if they continue to adopt the summary prospectus,” said NewRiver CEO and chairman Russ Planitzer in a release.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Management Changes at New York Life and Aviva

Aviva North America, part of global insurance and annuities company Aviva plc, has appointed Dan Guilbert to the role of Chief Risk Officer (CRO), the company’s CEO, Igal Mayer, announced.

“By creating a separate regional Risk function… we’re sending a clear message internally and externally that we will consider risk in all decisions we make,” Mayer added.

Most recently, Guilbert served as Chief Actuary and Risk Officer for The Hartford Life Insurance Company in Connecticut as the culmination of a 14-year career with the insurer.

At Aviva North America, Guilbert will be responsible for bringing all aspects of risk—Enterprise, Financial, Operation and Regulatory, Life Insurance and Property and Casualty—under one function, and will work closely with Robin Spencer, Chief Risk Officer for Aviva plc.

In a separate move, New York Life has appointed Allyson McDonald senior vice president in its Retirement Income Security (RIS) operation, to lead relationship management for Third-Party Distribution. Ms. McDonald reports to Mike Coffey, senior vice president in charge of Third-Party Distribution.

Ms. McDonald and her team are responsible for developing and enhancing the relationships with the top third-party distribution partners who distribute both New York Life annuities and MainStay mutual funds.  Additionally, she is responsible for leading New York Life’s internal sales desk capability.

Prior to joining New York Life, Ms. McDonald was responsible for development and communications strategy at the Clinton Foundation. Before that, Ms. McDonald was senior vice president at Fidelity Investments in charge of sales and relationship management for their Charitable Services organization and also held positions at Goldman Sachs and Federated Investors. Ms. McDonald holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the College of Holy Cross.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Pew Report: Permanent Tax Cuts Would Raise National Debt

Extending the 2001 and 2003 federal income tax cuts would sharply increase the national debt, even if extensions are limited to individuals earning below $200,000, as proposed in the administration’s budget, according to a new report by the Pew Economic Policy Group.

The report, “Decision Time: The Fiscal Effects of Extending the 2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts,” examines the impact of several different extension options.

The current debt-to-gross domestic product (GDP) ratio in the United States is 57%, compared to an average of 37% over the last 50 years. Making the tax cuts permanent for all taxpayers would cost $3.1 trillion, including interest on the national debt, over ten years and cause the national debt-to-GDP ratio to rise to 82%.

If the cuts are only extended to individuals earning less than $200,000 and married couples less than $250,000, the 10-year cost of the cuts would be $2.3 trillion (including debt interest) and the debt-to-GDP ratio would increase to 78%. Both of these ratios would be the highest since 1950, when the United States was still paying off debts incurred during World War II.

Extending the tax cuts for just two years to all taxpayers would cost $558 billion (including debt interest) and would increase the debt to 70% of GDP by 2020. This figure is only 2% more than if the cuts were allowed to expire at the end of 2010.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Morningstar Announces Conference Speakers

Morningstar, Inc., will host its 22nd annual investment conference for financial advisors Wednesday, June 23 through Friday, June 25, at McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago.

Jeffrey Gundlach, co-founder, CEO and chief investment officer of DoubleLine Capital, will speak on June 23; and Bill McNabb, president and CEO of Vanguard, will address attendees on June 24.

General sessions will feature:

  • Steve Romick of First Pacific Advisors, LLC; and Rudolph-Riad Younes of Artio Global Investors will discuss macro-economic views from the perspective of a stock fund manager on June 23.
  • Hersh Cohen, ClearBridge Advisors; Don Kilbride, Wellington Management; and Joe Matt, Capital Research Global Investors; will share their approaches to dividend investing on June 24.
  • Bob Reynolds, president and chief executive officer of Putnam Investments, will take part in a one-on-one conversation with Morningstar’s Don Phillips on June 24 about issues surrounding investing for retirement.
  • David Corkins, Arrowpoint Partners; Charles de Vaulx, International Value Advisors, LLC; and Hassan Elmasry, Independent Franchise Partners; will discuss where they are finding investment opportunities and their key learnings from recently helping to build new firms and ventures on June 25.
  • Staley Cates, Longleaf Partners; Bill Miller, Legg Mason Capital Management; and Richard Freeman, Legg Mason ClearBridge; will close the conference on June 25 by discussing where to find tomorrow’s great long-term investments.

As part of the conference’s “Investing 501” sessions, John Calamos of Calamos Funds will talk about investing in convertibles (June 24.); Rob Arnott of Research Affiliates will explore tactical asset allocation (June 24.); and behavioral finance expert and Terry Burnham of Acadian Asset Management, LLC, will talk about his book Mean Markets and Lizard Brains (Wiley, 2005) to improve your investment strategy (June 25.).

Breakout sessions on June 24 include:

  • Andy Acker of Janus Global Life Sciences Fund and Kris Jenner of T. Rowe Price Health Sciences Fund, who will analyze trends in healthcare investing in the wake of that industry’s changing landscape.
  • Philippe Brugere-Trelat, Franklin Mutual Series; Rob Gensler, T. Rowe Price; and Daniel O’Keefe of Artisan Partners; who will offer their take on global stocks.
  • Frank Armstrong, Investor Solutions; Christine Fahlund, T. Rowe Price; and Tom Idzorek, Ibbotson Associates; who will tackle the issues surrounding income strategies for retirees.
  • Brent Lynn, Janus; Wendy Trevisani, Thornburg Funds; and Mark Yockey, Artisan Partners; who will debate three different approaches to foreign stocks.
  • John Ameriks, Vanguard; Jerome Clark, T. Rowe Price; and Anne Lester,  JP Morgan Asset Management; who will provide their asset allocation guidance and thoughts on retirement portfolio construction.

Breakout sessions on June 25 include:

  • Curtis Arledge, BlackRock; Michael Hasenstab, Franklin Templeton; and Christine McConnell, Fidelity; who will talk about the challenges ahead for bond funds.
  • Cliff Asness, AQR Capital Management; Jan Van Eck, Van Eck Associates; and Rick Lake, Lake Partners; who will talk about how advisors can help pick the right alternative investments for their clients.

Senior members of Morningstar’s fund research staff will hold a roundtable on June 23 to discuss the current investing environment and highlight areas of opportunity and concern for fund investors. Morningstar’s ETF analysts will review the top trends in the rapidly developing ETF market on June 24. Finally, Morningstar’s equity research team will give their outlooks for the best opportunities in the equity and credit markets on June 25 .

On Wednesday, June 23, Morningstar will host its third annual Advisor User Forum training session for financial advisors who use Morningstar’s software and Web products, including the recently upgraded Advisor Workstation 2.0, Morningstar Office and Principia. The forum gives advisors the chance to ask questions, provide feedback, learn to apply advanced techniques, and get hands-on experience with Morningstar trainers. Chris Boruff, president of Morningstar’s software division, will deliver opening remarks at the forum and Pat Dorsey, Morningstar’s director of equity research, will give the luncheon keynote speech.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

It Ain’t Always Rocket Science

The other day on the radio I heard a talk show host describing a product that provided retirees all of the upside potential of the stock market with NO downside risk. 

And, if you acted now, there would be a “bonus” interest rate added to your account for the first year. 

In addition, you could begin a monthly income that would grow with the market, but could never go down.  And all of this “GUARANTEED”!!!!  A simple, single product solution that addressed every retiree’s concern. 

Throughout the program there was much discussion about other investments and the world economy. 

When I researched the host of this show, I discovered that he was not registered with a broker dealer, did not have a securities license nor any license that would allow him to advise on investments.  In other words, he was not regulated by the investment industry. 

Then, not long after this astounding presentation, I read a commentary stating that a properly designed retirement income portfolio must consider the pricing of puts and calls, risk premiums, forward pricing, lognormal assumptions and standard deviation. These discussions were led by Ph.D.s, MBAs and economists.

All I could think to myself was, “Thank God I’m not the average retiree trying to decide who or what to believe regarding what to do with my retirement savings.”

Simply stated, a retirement income solution should not be a single product, nor should it be based on some mathematical analysis that requires an advanced degree in quantum physics. 

In my opinion there are three steps to an overall retirement income strategy:

  1. Define and create an adequate “floor” of income that you cannot outlive.
  2. Segment your retirement into no longer than five-year increments.
  3. Create the proper mix of fixed and market opportunity asset classes.

Let’s begin with the floor. I define the floor as the source of payment for all those expenses that you can’t avoid (basic survival needs).  Typically, these expenses fall into the food, clothing and shelter categories.  Your sources of income to meet these expenses could include pensions, Social Security, life annuities, and deferred annuities with guaranteed income riders.

Now, on to segmentation.  Most of the additional expenses above your “floor” are important, but are not necessarily critical and don’t repeat themselves every year.  (Certainly they are desirable for a comfortable and worthwhile retirement.)  These would include travel, new cars, gifts, dining out, entertaining, etc.  For most retirees these expenses comprise 25%-50% of their total income need.

Dividing your retirement years into five-year segments allows you to adjust your income periodically in case these expenses change or go away.  Segmentation also allows for adjustments to events that are unplanned or out of your control, such as helping children or grandchildren, coping with changes in health, keeping up inflation or taking advantage of opportunities.

Finally, proper mix.  Having a proper mix of fixed and growth asset classes in your overall portfolio is important to ensure an inflation-proof income. The exact mix is a function of an easy acronym: TNT (Time, Need and Tolerance).  What is your retirement TIME horizon, how much income do you NEED and how high is your TOLERANCE for risk. 

This mix will obviously be different for everyone, but a good rule of thumb is to put at least 25% of your portfolio in equity (growth) asset classes.  The first ten years of your retirement income should be taken from fixed accounts, while the remaining growth-oriented portfolios can be re-invested and ride the market’s turbulence.

There are a variety of products that are consistent with this 1, 2, 3 approach. Thoughtful consideration and research should be applied before you choose them. As you proceed, keep in mind:

  1. Don’t put all your retirement savings in one product.
  2. Guarantees come with a “cost.”
  3. Ideally, the advisor who specializes in retirement income planning should have multiple licenses, and have expertise in insurance as well as investment products.  

Philip G. Lubinski is president and CEO, Strategic Distribution Institute, LLC, Denver, CO.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Who’s Winning the Rollover War?

Follow the money. That adage was true for Woodward and Bernstein (first and second wave boomers will recall them) and it’s true for just about everyone who plays in the retirement income space.

Right now, retirement savings is moving into IRAs from 401(k) plans faster than ever. According to a new Cogent Research survey called “Assets in Motion 2010,” for the first time there’s more retirement money in IRAs than in employer-sponsored plans (ESRPs).

According to the Investment Company Institute (ICI), there was $4.2 trillion in IRAs and $4.1 trillion in defined contribution retirement plans.

Mutual fund companies/IRA custodians have been competing for rollover dollars for years. The dynamics are changing, however, with plan sponsors and providers saying they want to retain plan assets—perhaps because they’re feeling an increase in the negative flow.

Winners and losers have already emerged in the rollover battle, Cogent’s survey shows. Fidelity Investments and the Vanguard Group, for instance, are disproportionate recipients of rollover money, both as IRA custodians and as asset managers.

Almost 40% of affluent investors who expect to execute a rollover in the next 12 months told Cogent they plan to take their money to just five companies: Fidelity, Vanguard, Charles Schwab, Wells Fargo/Wachovia and Edward Jones. Another 21% weren’t sure where they would take their money.

That leaves only crumbs for two dozen other large firms. Indeed, rollovers have been a net drain for most asset managers—despite years of marketing and advertising campaigns.

As Cogent points out, “While the asset management industry has spent millions promoting their Rollover IRA capabilities, very few firms have been able to acquire a large number of rollover assets.”

It will surprise few people that much of the rollover money flows to Fidelity and Vanguard. For millions of plan participants, it’s a quick and easy step from one of Vanguard’s and Fidelity’s 401k plans to their IRAs and their no-load mutual funds.

2009 ESRP Retention RateThe ESRP providers with the highest retention rate (percentage of customers likely to choose the same firm as their IRA custodian are Vanguard (46%), Charles Schwab (45%), Edward Jones (44%) and Fidelity (37%).

Each of those firms offers low costs, lots of investment options, powerful brands (read: a deep reservoir of trust) and robust online and toll-free telephone services. Schwab (“Talk to Chuck”) and Fidelity (The “Green Line”) have strong marketing themes. Vanguard, not a prolific advertiser, has some interesting taglines, like “Would you buy this newspaper if it costs five times as much?”

Cogent’s findings are based on a survey of 4,000 American adults of all ages with $100,000 or more in investable assets. The median age of the participants was 57, 30% were fully retired, and 36% had assets over $500,000. About two-thirds work with financial advisors.

The number of investors and account owners in IRAs is rising (31% and 37%, respectively) while participation in ESRPs is falling, (by 25% and 42%, respectively), the survey showed. Among affluent investors, ownership of ESRPs dropped to 59% in 2009 from 77% in 2006. It dropped to only 29% last year among the oldest (and presumably retired) investors. Three years ago, it was 63%.

Beginning around age 54, savers have more money in IRAs than in ESRPs, the study shows. Gen X&Y and Second Wave Boomers have more money in ESRPs, but First Wave Boomers have more money in IRAs.

But only about one in ten (11%) of affluent investors in the survey expected to roll over money from an ESRP to an IRA in the next 12 months. Among those, 44% were “very likely” or “extremely likely” to rollover.

Still, Cogent extrapolated that to mean 5.9 million households were at least contemplating a rollover soon. Of all age groups, the Second Wave Boomers were most likely (15%) to roll over. Their 401(k)s had an average value of about $111,000.

Asset managers and plan providers need to act before the money finds a permanent home, Cogent says. “Mutual fund and 401(k) providers with asset management capabilities should seek to partner with distributors that are likely to gain most of the Rollover IRA assets over the next 12 months,” the Assets in Motion report said.

“Smart 401(k) providers should help key distributors, particularly advisors, identify Rollover IRA candidates within the plan. In addition, smart DCIO providers should work directly with home office contacts and their financial advisors to create value-added Rollover IRA materials and campaigns that distributors can use to attract and retain assets,” the report continued.

Data from other organizations adds to the picture of rollover behavior. In late 2007, the Investment Company Institute (ICI) surveyed recent retirees who had actively participated in defined contribution plans about how they used plan proceeds at retirement.

Just over half (52%) took lump-sum distributions, and another 7% received part of their distributions as a lump sum. The remaining retirees either delayed their withdrawal, received their distribution as annuities or installment payments, or chose some combination of options that excluded a lump sum.

Of those who took lump sums, only 14% of respondents in the ICI study, with only 7% of the assets, spent their entire distribution. The other 86% reinvested their money. Of those, 65% rolled everything to an IRA and an additional 23% rolled part of the money to an IRA.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

The View from the Income Summit

Some managers like to tackle big, hairy problems by giving people colored pushpins, felt-tip markers, and big sheets of newsprint and then telling them to pin the paper to the walls and start scribbling their ideas.

The Departments of Labor and Treasury seem to have had a similar goal in mind this spring when they issued their Request for Information (RFI) about adding lifetime income options to 401(k) plans.

But instead of having people post their ideas on newsprint pinned to the wall, the DoL solicited the ideas via the Internet and posted all of them—unless obscenity-laced—on the website of the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA).

Since that started, some interesting discussions have begun. Several of them unfolded last Thursday at the Lifetime Income Summit in Washington, D.C. Organized by AARP, ASPPA and WISER (Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement), the event was deemed a great success by the 250 or so people who attended—many of whose companies and organizations had submitted opinions to the RFI.

It’s not that anything dramatic happened. The one-day conference ended without producing any major decisions or conclusions, and none are expected soon. “[Labor Secretary] Phyllis Borzi believes in very deliberative decisions,” said Michael Davis, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor at EBSA.

But the meeting was attended by many of the most active players and thinkers in the institutional retirement space, and before the day was over, most of the major issues—like whether people are most likely to think about income before or after they leave their plans—had been aired.

Just to drop a few names at random: Bob Reynolds of Putnam Investments, Rep. Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) (pictured above), Mark Iwry of the Treasury Dept., Steve Utkus of the Vanguard Group, Sandy Mackenzie of AARP, Kelli Hueler of The Hueler Companies, Jody Strakosch of MetLife, Christine Marcks of Prudential, Dallas Salisbury of the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Francois Gadenne of the Retirement Income Industry Association.

There were a couple of clear “takeaways.” First, there’s no governmental plot to force participants to buy annuities, according to Jason Furman of the Treasury Department. But that doesn’t preclude a partial “default” into an annuity for people leaving 401(k) plans. Bureaucrats and Congressional staffers also emphasized that the Obama administration has no plans to dictate the course of retirement income industry. They made it equally clear that the industry shouldn’t expect any new tax breaks.

Fiduciary liability was the top issue for 401(k) plan providers. Their primary customers, the plan sponsors, fear participant lawsuits if they recommend an annuity and the issuer subsequently goes out of business. Before they will offer in-plan annuities, plan sponsors the government to identify a safe harbor solution that they can offer and not get sued.

“You can’t overestimate the potential for litigation,” said Lynn Dudley, senior vice president, policy, of the American Benefits Council, a plan sponsor group.

There are other obstacles that need to be cleared away before annuities can be offered in 401(k) plans. One is the absence of a mechanism that allows participants of employer-sponsored plans generally to annuitize a portion of their savings or benefit and take the rest as a lump sum.

It wasn’t clear why this is so, especially when, as Dallas Salisbury, president and CEO of EBRI, noted, “It only takes annuitization of 10 to 15 percent of assets to ensure that people won’t run out of money.”

Another problem involves the lack of resolution over joint and survivor annuities. Most retirees, including couples, opt for single life annuities when they can. But some policy makers don’t want to see surviving spouses on welfare, so a joint-and-survivor contract is likely to be their choice for a default annuity.

The meeting was not a pure lovefest. There were hints of a deep disagreement within the retirement industry over whether rollover IRAs or 401(k) plans will be the arena where most Boomers will decide whether to buy an annuity or a payout mutual fund or not.

Steve Utkus of Vanguard’s Center for Retirement Research and William Gale of the Brookings Institution both tossed polite grenades into the punchbowl by suggesting that the workplace either will not (Utkus) or should not (Gale) be the locus of individual decision-making about retirement income.

“There nothing that has to be done at the employer level,” Gale said. “Years from now we’ll look back and wonder why we even considered this. There’s no reason why distribution from defined contribution plans should be firm-specific. It would be better if employers let it go. Employers pay salaries but don’t worry about how employees spend them. They give people health benefits but don’t tell them which doctors to go to. Firms can care about their employees’ retirement security and not try to control how they spend their savings.”

Of course, the retirement income opportunity is big enough to accommodate both scenarios. It may come to pass that millions of rank-and-file participants are auto-enrolled, auto-invested in target date funds, make auto-escalated contributions and are defaulted into some kind of joint-and-survivor annuity-all without leaving the plan. That will enable current plan providers to continue to manage the money.

But, even if that happens, it won’t prevent millions of mass-affluent or high net worth participants from consolidating tax-deferred savings accounts from half a dozen jobs into one rollover IRA and collaborating with an advisor on a bespoke retirement income strategy. That will provide plenty of opportunity for financial advisors.

In other words, it’s not necessarily a zero sum game. But the competition for assets is nonetheless serious. At the end of last year, a tipping point was reach. The amount of money in IRAs exceeded the amount of money in 401(k) plans for the first time, by $4.2 trillion to $4.1 trillion. (See cover story “Who’s Winning the Rollover War?” for more on that.)

Coincidentally or not, large plan sponsors recently reversed course and said they now prefer that former employees keep their assets in their plans. It could be a sign that the fight for Boomer assets is intensifying. As DoL and Treasury officials pore over the RFI submissions and try to develop helpful public policy in this area, they should take care not to get caught in the crossfire.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.


A Sobering VA Outlook, Via Cerulli

A new update from Cerulli Associates offers both good and bad news about the state of the variable annuity industry (“Cerulli Quantitative Update: Annuities and Insurance 2010”).

The bad news, says Cerulli analyst Lisa Plotnick, is reflected in the feeble amounts of new cash flowing into the VA space. Net inflows were only 14%, or $17 billion, in 2009. That’s about half what they were in 2007. “The VA industry is having a very difficult time attracting money right now,” she told RIJ.

“When we see such a concentration of sales among the top sellers, that’s indicative of an industry that’s not growing,” she added. “That doesn’t imply a lot of exchange activity; it implies that the others aren’t pulling in any money.

“The entire annuity industry is still feeling some of the fallout from the Great Recession. There remains a lot of distrust among advisors and consumers. Financial strength rating is the most hyped attribute of an insurance company, which is something we’ve never seen before.”

But the “bad news is not unaddressable,” she noted. If the industry comes through its current period of “stabilization and rationalization” with more willingness to listen to advisors rather than pitch products to them, they’ll be in a better position to recover lost ground.

“They need to clean up their image and be more transparent,” Plotnick told RIJ. “We are not in the same environment as 10 years ago. Jumping onto [product] bandwagons and chasing after RIAs (registered investment advisors)—none of that will work unless serious consideration is given to what advisors are looking for and how the annuity products can fit alongside other products in a clients portfolio.”

Cerulli suggests that variable annuity marketers should prospect for sales in the following areas:

Qualified money. More qualified than unqualified money is flowing into VAs. As of 2009, 70% of total VA premiums consisted of qualified money, up from just 52% in 2000.

Mass-affluent investors. This is part of the qualified money story. Among the mass-affluent, qualified assets represent the majority of their retirement savings.

Rollover IRAs. The great majority of DC plan assets are rolled over into IRAs, and more advisors are said to be considering annuities as investments for rollover dollars. Plotnick writes: “Fifty-seven percent of advisors surveyed in 3Q 2009 would consider both immediate and deferred annuities for rollover dollars, up from 41% in 2005.” Cerulli expects $1.8 trillion in rollovers between 2009 and 2014.

Financial planners. It’s an enduring fact that while advisors on the whole don’t love VAs, advisors intermediate 98% of VA sales. Financial planners “are considerably more likely than their counterparts in other practice types to recommend annuities for rollovers,” Plotnick wrote in the update.

Simpler product designs. Although several VA issuers are still committed to contracts that are loaded with options and potential expenses, Cerulli seems to agree with the side of the industry that’s banking on cheaper, no frills contracts for the advisor market.

On the other hand, “the market isn’t quite ready for simplified variable annuities,” Plotnick said. Advisors still want lots of investment choices, she said. John Hancock’s simple Annuity Note contract got a chilly reception last summer when it offered just one investment option.

Long-term care insurance/annuity hybrids and living benefits on mutual funds. Insurance companies see these two product/distribution areas as offering the most opportunity in the future, Cerulli says. The addition of living benefits to UMAs and the idea of distributing VAs in the workplace are “viewed with less fervor.”

* * *

Advisors continue to say at conferences and in panel discussions that VA wholesalers approach them the wrong way. The wholesalers focus on insurance features, but the advisors want to know about the investments. Wholesalers pitch VAs as an all-inclusive product, but advisors want to hear about blending annuities with other products.

“VA wholesaling must evolve to incorporate product positioning—not product pitching—as a central element, in order for wholesalers to successfully capture advisors who infrequently use variable annuities,” Plotnick wrote.

Although annuity marketers are hoping that the financial crisis will awaken a larger appetite for guaranteed products, that hasn’t happened, Cerulli has found. Although 30% of advisors have “increased their use of guaranteed income streams,” most advisors still have accumulation-focused practices and “remain reluctant to embrace holistic retirement planning” that includes guaranteed income streams and budget analysis.”

On the question of product design, Cerulli thinks less is more. Based on research in the first quarter of 2010, the firm “determined that the most comprehensive features are not necessarily the most effective in generating assets.” Providers should “optimize, not maximize” their offerings, and position them “within a holistic retirement income plan.”

Within the next year or two, it should become clear whether the variable annuity with the GLWB will play a larger role in serving the Boomer retirement market, or if life insurance companies will call off the chase, and return to their core competency of mortality pooling.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

From an IVA, New Blood for Insurers

At a presentation a few years ago, Peng Chen, president of Ibbotson Associates, projected a slide that plotted the positions of several retirement income products on a risk/return diagram.

In the northwest corner of the chart, as lonely as Pluto on a black map of the solar system, stood the immediate variable annuity (IVA). All other factors held equal, the IVA’s reward-to-risk ratio was highest. Yet no one ever buys it.

Lorry Stensrud wants to change that. Or rather, he still wants to change it. Just a few years ago, as an executive at Lincoln Financial Group, he championed Lincoln’s fascinating but complex i4Life deferred variable income annuity.

Now, as CEO of Chicago-based Achaean Financial, he’s back with a new, patent-applied-for customizable IVA chassis that he calls IncomePlus+. He wants to license it to life insurers, who he hopes will use it as the “Intel Inside” for a new generation of guaranteed income products.

Stensrud, who is 60, thinks that investors, asset managers, plan sponsors, and advisors are ready for an IVA that’s financially engineered to provide a cash refund or a death benefit. But first he has to convince life insurers to believe in it. He hopes they’ll see it as a magnet for new sales and a broom to sweep costly VAs off their books.

He claims to be winning that battle. “The life insurers’ first reaction is that it’s too good to be true,” Stensrud told RIJ. But when they learn more about it, he said, they warm up. “Their next question is, ‘Will the distributors and investors buy it?’”

How it works
So far, Stensrud has been careful about revealing how the product works, partly to protect his intellectual property and partly because different life insurers are expected to customize it in different ways.

Based on his description, however, it’s clearly not as simple as a plain vanilla IVA, which offers a payout that varies up or down from a starting payment that’s usually based on an assumed interest rate (AIR) of about 3.5%. Contract owners can often tinker with the asset allocation and there are no refunds or death benefits.

IncomePlus+ is more complex. It uses a zero-percent AIR so that the first payment is unusually low. Subsequent payments can never go lower than the initial one. On the other hand, there’s a payment cap, and excess earnings go into a reserve fund. It has a “bi-directional” hedging program includes both puts and calls. And it offers a cash refunds (whole or partial) and/or a death benefit that can be enhanced by assets in the reserve fund.

That’s a lot to digest. But, bottom line, on a $100,000 premium, IncomePlus+ would pay a single 65-year-old male about $570 a month to start with a rising floor and ceiling.

“At first we thought we needed to be within 5% to 10% of a SPIA payout rate, and that if we added upside potential we would be competitive,” Stensrud said. “But the distributors told us that nobody buys a SPIA at 65. They’ll compare us with systematic withdrawal plans (SWPs), so the payouts only need to be in the five percent range. A lower starting payment also means we can give larger increases when we have positive performance.”

A textbook SWP pays out 4%, or $333 a month per $100,000. (Without eating principal, of course.) A life-only IVA with a 3.5% AIR would pay about $616 a month initially, and fluctuate with the markets. A life-only SPIA would pay a flat $654 a month, according to A SPIA with an installment refund would pay a flat $619 a month.

A variable annuity with a GLWB, by contrast, would pay just $417 a month to start. But most investors arguably regard that product primarily as an investment, and regard the income option less as a “full-size tire” than as a “donut” spare that they keep in the trunk for emergencies. In other words, they don’t necessarily have the same expectations of the income component that a SPIA or IVA buyer would. So it’s an apples-to-oranges comparison.

(Additional information about IncomePlus+ can be found in Stensrud’s interview in March with Tom Cochrane of, “Achaean Financial is Proving Innovation is Alive and Well in the Annuity Business.”)

Is the timing right?
Life insurers, or at least certain life insurers, will be receptive to his product, Stensrud believes, because it might help them free up some of the statutory reserves that they’re currently dedicating to underwater GLWBs. If they add IncomePlus+ as a settlement option to those contracts and persuade even a fraction of in-the-money policyholders to use it, they’ll save a lot, he said.

Insurers will also like IncomePlus+ because it’s reinsurable, which can’t be said for GLWBs, according to Stensrud: “The reinsurance aspect is important for most life companies. If they need to offload the business they have the opportunity to do that. There isn’t reinsurance available on any GLWB in the country.”

Others wonder if Stensrud’s reading of the marketplace is accurate. “I’m not sure if there are a lot of GLWB issues trying to find a way to get those contracts off their books,” said Jeffrey Dellinger, author of Variable Income Annuities (Wiley Finance, 2006) and a former colleague of Stensrud’s at Lincoln Financial. “It’s too soon to tell if there’s a demand for what Lorry is selling.”

Income annuity purists like Moshe Milevsky, meanwhile, wonder why some people are still determined to add liquidity to income annuities, when doing so only compromises their income-generating power, which arises from mortality pooling.

“The only free lunch in the annuity business is mortality credits,” said the Toronto-based academic and author of The Calculus of Retirement Income (Cambridge University Press, 2006) and other books. “If you are willing to give up dinner when you die, you can get a better lunch. These mortality credits increase with age and can be fused onto either variable investments and/or fixed investments. End of story.”

On the other hand, the primary audience for IncomePlus+ isn’t purists, and it isn’t even investors at this point. The audience is life insurers, asset managers, and financial advisors, and Stensrud thinks that many of them are looking for a product that’s somewhere between the GLWB and the SPIA.

The assumption underlying Stensrud’s strategy is a conviction that the variable annuity with a typical GLWB can’t deliver rising income in retirement under most circumstances. Indeed, even GLWB manufacturers concede that high fees and annual distributions are likely to stop the underlying account balance from reaching new high water marks, which are a prerequisite to higher payouts. But a properly engineered IVA can produce rising income, Stensrud thinks, and do it at lower risk and lower expense than a GLWB while still providing liquidity.

It may not be as simple or as elegant as a barebones IVA, or offer as much upside as one. But, historically, those don’t sell.

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.


Low Rates Keep U.S. Solvent. But for How Long?

According to the Department of Treasury’s auction staff, the U.S. auctioned $8.8 trillion in bills, notes and bonds in fiscal year 2009. That number is greater than the entire publicly traded debt, which is currently $8.4 trillion.

The reason for the enormous amount of debt issuance is due to our surging annual deficits and rollovers that must occur more frequently because of the government’s decision to issue debt on the short end of the yield curve.

The astronomical size of debt the Treasury must auction each year raises a question; who will buy it? The U.S. saved $464.9 billion last year and is currently saving at a $304 billion annual rate in March. China liquidated $34 billion in Treasuries in December of 2009, while Japan and Europe are struggling to meet their own government obligations.

Since we do not have the domestic savings to fund our own debt and foreigners may not have the will or means to continue to funnel their savings to the U.S., the result is we must depend on current holders to rollover their debt on a continual basis.

However, if interest rates begin to rise to their historical levels (the average yield on the 10-year note is 7.3%) investors may balk at rolling over their debt, which would increase our interest rate expenses and could bankrupt the country.

Of course, that leaves our central bank as the buyer of last resort and is the primary reason why gold is rising in all currencies and recently reached an all-time nominal high in U.S. dollars.

The U.S. is now more addicted to artificially-produced low interest rates than at any other time in her history. But that’s not just my opinion.

Listen to what Ben Bernanke said before the House Financial Services Committee regarding whether the U.S. faces a debt crisis similar to Greece; “It’s not something that is 10 years away. It affects the markets currently…It is possible that the bond market will become worried about the sustainability [of deficits over $1 trillion] and we may find ourselves facing higher interest rates even today.”

Separately, Bloomberg reports that the “Maestro” himself, Alan Greenspan, is so concerned about a sudden sharp increase in interest rates that every day he checks the rate of the 10-year note and 30-year bond, calling them “the critical Achilles heel of the economy.”

And what does China think of the fiscal state of the country and the precarious state of our bond market? Deputy Governor of the People’s Bank of China Zhu Min said in December that “the world does not have so much money to buy more U.S. Treasuries.”

The United States is the largest debtor nation in history. Our continued solvency depends upon low interest rates. But low rates are engendered either naturally from increased savings or artificially from money printing.

Without having the adequate savings to bring down rates, the Fed has supplanted savings with monetization of debt. However, money printing eventually leads to intractable inflation and will send bond yields much higher, especially on the long end of the curve.

To make matters worse, we currently see the difference between revenue and spending headed further in the wrong direction.  The budget deficit for the month of April was reported to be $82.7 billion. That figure was nearly 4 times last year’s reported deficit in April, which was $20.9 billion. The April shortfall was the second for that month since 1983. The deficit for fiscal 2010 to date, which ends in October, is $799.7 billion.

Revenue fell 7.9% YOY while spending increased 14.2%. According to the CBO, the nation’s publicly traded debt will reach 90% of GDP in 2020 and, most importantly, interest payments are projected to quadruple to more than $900 billion annually by that year. Of course, as daunting as that trillion-dollar annual interest rate expense will become, it could be much greater if rates do in fact rise.

Indeed, if rates rise significantly the country will face a liquidity and solvency crisis the likes of which the planet has never before witnessed. There is a significant amount of pent-up selling pressure in our bond market. Nearly fifty percent of our publicly-traded debt is held by foreigners and 63% of foreign central bank reserves are held in dollars.

The Fed must quickly move away from its zero percent interest rate policy, otherwise inflation will ravage the country just as it has done every other time the Fed has taken rates below inflation and left them there for a protracted period. If they delay too long, they will be forced to bring the yield curve much higher to fight that insidious inflation.

It seems to me the sooner they move the less they will have to raise rates. Therefore, it’s imperative for the Fed to act now before they are forced to aggressively raise rates to fight inflation or the market forces interest rates higher on its own; which, given our extreme level of debt, will render the U.S. insolvent.

 Michael Pento is chief economist of Delta Global Advisors and is a senior contributor to This essay first appeared on

Nervous Americans Not Flocking to Annuities

Annuity sales are suffering, despite reports that volatility-shocked Americans want guarantees. (See “Total First Quarter Annuity Sales.” ) Low interest rates are hurting fixed annuity sales while variable annuity issuers, still hurting from the financial crisis, have not enjoyed the bounce that a recovering stock market often brings.

Total annuity sales for the first quarter were $47.4 billion, down 6.9% from $50.9 billion in the previous quarter, and down 27%, from $64.4 billion in the first quarter of 2009, according to a combined report from the Insured Retirement Institute, Morningstar, Inc., and Beacon Research.

Fixed annuity sales for the first quarter were $16 billion, down from $19 billion in the previous quarter, representing a 14.7% decline. Year-to-year quarterly sales of fixed annuities were down 51.9%, declining from $34 billion in the first quarter of 2009.

“The quarter-to-quarter drop in fixed annuity sales was due mainly to lower book value and MVA results. It appears that prospective buyers expected higher rates in the future and did not want to lock in first quarter’s credited rates,” said Beacon Research President and CEO Jeremy Alexander.

“A year ago, fixed annuity sales hit a record high because of the flight to safety and strong fixed annuity rate advantage. It’s not surprising that year-over-year results were down substantially,” he added.

Variable annuity sales for the first quarter were $31.4 billion, down 1.5% from $31.9 billion in the previous quarter. Year-to-year quarterly sales of variable annuities were up marginally, posting a 3% increase from first quarter 2009 sales of $30.4 billion. First quarter 2009 net sales were $3.4 billion. There were $21.7 billion in qualified sales and $9.6 billion in non-qualified in the first quarter.

“While total sales were down slightly from fourth quarter levels, we saw continued strength in the sales of products offering robust living benefit guarantees,” said Morningstar, Inc. Director of Insurance Solutions Frank O’Connor.

“Products offering lifetime guaranteed withdrawal benefits with value enhancers such as step-ups and bonus credits represented the lion’s share of sales,” he said. “This is a reflection of the VA investor’s desire for higher returns in a low rate environment coupled with a willingness to exchange a percentage of those potential returns for the protection offered by these benefits.”

© 2010 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

First Quarter Index Annuity Sales Down 3.9%: AnnuitySpecs

First quarter 2010 sales of indexed annuities were $6.8 billion, down 3.9% from the same period last year, according to the 51st edition of’s Indexed Sales & Market Report. Forty-three issuers participated in the report, representing 99% of indexed annuity production.

Sales were down 3.4% compared to the last quarter of 2009, according to Sheryl Moore, president and CEO of AnnuitySpecs, who was not surprised by the results.

“Typically, the fourth quarter is the biggest sales push of the year. Agents submit the bulk of their business in the fourth quarter so that they can qualify for rankings and incentives,” she said. “Plus, sales in 2009 set records in the indexed annuity industry. It is always hard to top sales levels when the benchmark is set that high.”

In the first quarter, Allianz Life again led all issuers with a 20% market share. Its MasterDex X was the top selling product for the fourth consecutive quarter. Aviva repeated in second place, followed by American Equity, Jackson National and ING.

Jackson National Life dominated the bank and wirehouse channels for the second consecutive quarter.

For indexed life sales, 33 carriers in the market participated in the’s Indexed Sales & Market Report, representing 100% of production.

First quarter sales were $143.0 million, a decline of nearly 12% from the previous quarter and a 9.3% reduction from the same period in 2009.

“The indexed life market experienced a similar phenomenon as the indexed annuity business. Last year was the second-highest year ever for IUL sales, so that means the data is going to be comparatively less favorable,” Moore said. “Several companies that are newer to the market had impressive gains this quarter. In addition, we are still expecting new entrants before the close of 2010.”

Aviva’s led all rivals in sales with a 20% market share, followed by Pacific Life, National Life Group, AEGON Companies and Minnesota Life. Aviva’s Advantage Builder was the best-selling indexed life product in the first quarter. Over 84% of sales used an annual point-to-point crediting method, and the average target premi um paid was $5,724.

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Fidelity Launches Corporate Bond Fund

Fidelity Investments has launched a new Corporate Bond Fund that will invest at least 80% of assets in investment-grade corporate bonds and other corporate debt securities, and repurchase agreements for those securities.

“We saw a gap in our mutual fund lineup and interest from our advisor customers, and we think we can offer expertise in that area of the market,” said Sophie Launay, a Fidelity spokesperson.

The fund will track the Barclays Capital U.S. Credit Bond Index, a value-weighted index of investment-grade, corporate fixed-rate issues with maturities of one year or more. Retail and advisor shares will be offered.

“We currently offer investment-grade bond funds that invest in the entire market, as well as those that focus on specific underlying sectors or maturity ranges,” said John McNichols, senior vice president, Investment Product Management, Fidelity Personal Investments.

“With this new fund, we’re able to offer investors targeted exposure to corporate bonds, which represent about 20% of the investment-grade bond market. Through the fund, investors and advisors will gain access to the debt of many of the largest and most successful companies in America.”

McNichols added, “With the future possibility of rising interest rates, investors may be concerned about the near-term outlook for bond returns. However, historical data shows that even during periods of rising rates, the frequency and magnitude of negative returns for bonds was far lower than that for stocks, suggesting an allocation to bonds still reduced the volatility of an investment portfolio.”

Fidelity Corporate Bond Fund is co-managed by David Prothro and Michael Plage. Prothro currently manages credit-only strategies for institutional clients, as well as investment-grade bond portfolios available exclusively to Canadian retail and institutional investors. Plage, who joined Fidelity in 2005 as a fixed-income trader, also manages a number of credit-related portfolios for institutional investors.

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