People who got taller faster as teenagers were likely to participate in high school sports and activities correlated with higher teenage self-esteem, generating a long-lasting effect related to how...
It’s splitsville for MetLife and Snoopy
'The iconic MetLife blue carries forth the brand’s legacy, but has been brightened and now lives alongside a new color—green—which represents life, renewal and energy,' said a release about...
Honorable Mention
Brief or late-breaking items from or about AXA, BlackRock, ING, Voya Financial, Shlomo Benartzi, Lafayette Life, Goldman Sachs, Jack Bogle, WISER, Prudential Investments, Morningstar and PitchBook.
Ruark reports results of first FIA mortality study
The study covered 11 million contract years of data and 165,000 deaths from thirteen participating FIA issuers.
DC plan advisors to cut sales of VAs, active funds: Ignites
Because of the fiduciary rule, 7% of plan advisors expect to reduce their use of actively managed equity mutual funds in DC plans, and 8% expect to scale back...
“Boutique DC consultants” now in demand: Cerulli
'This influential and relatively new intermediary category is a bright spot against a difficult DC landscape characterized by negative net flows in the corporate DC market, fee compression, and...
Pension risk transfers have varied effects, actuaries say
Pension risk transfers may include the purchase of annuities from life insurers, the payment to plan participants of lump sums, and/or the restructuring of plan investments to reduce risk...
Honorable Mention
Brief or late-breaking items from Wells Fargo , Great-West, Raymond James, Prudential, LifeYield and Envestnet.
Envestnet’s new tools to aid compliance with DOL rule
Envestnet, the Chicago-based technology firm, is seizing the opportunity to help broker-dealers prepare for compliance with the DOL fiduciary rule, which becomes effective next April.
Ghilarducci book calls for new breed of DC plans
Economist Theresa Ghilarducci sees the existing 401(k) system as a half-full glass; she proposes a new glass, mandatory, without leakage, less tilted to high-earners, centrally managed and leading to...
Mercer offers new turnkey fiduciary services to plan sponsors
'Plan sponsors face an increasingly difficult regulatory environment, increased litigation risk and heightened demand on their limited resources to support their 401(k),' said a Mercer executive.
Women need advice on claiming Social Security: Nationwide
Despite the expiration of the 'file-and-suspend' claiming strategy, the need for general Social Security advice and guidance still represents a big opportunity for advisors--especially with older women, according...
Nationwide to acquire Jefferson National, provider of IO-VAs to RIAs
Jefferson National serves nearly 4,000 RIAs and fee-based advisors with its product Monument Advisor, an investment-only variable annuity with a flat monthly fee rather than an expense ratio.
Broker-dealers expect DOL rule to prompt exodus of advisors: LIMRA
“This is a transformational event in the financial services market,” said Kathy Krozel, research director, LIMRA Distribution Research.
Unexpected taxes can hurt seniors who work longer: Kotlikoff
"We are all made worse off when are pushed out of the labor market by policies that encourage them to retire," said Larry Kotlikoff, a Boston University...
Asset location tool could boost savings by 15% over 30 years: Betterment
'Asset location is the closest thing there is to a free lunch in wealth creation,' Boris Khentov, vice president of operations and a tax attorney at Betterment.
Russell and Envestnet roll out managed account option for DC plans
The Russell QDIA is called Adaptive Retirement Accounts; Envestnet Retirement Solutions Qualified Individualized Life Target Solutions delivers participant investment advice.
Jackson offers no-load VA for fiduciary era
'In today’s heightened regulatory environment, many of our distribution partners are choosing this type of product to serve their clients who are seeking strategies for retirement planning, a Jackson...
With eye on DOL, IRI hires Milliman to survey annuity comp
The survey is necessary to establish industry compensation benchmarks because the DOL didn’t define “reasonable” compensation except to say that it should follow 'a market based standard,' the Insured...
MassMutual, Envestnet enhance fiduciary services
Earlier this year, MassMutual and ERS, Envestnet's registered investment advisor, added '3(21)' service to their Fiduciary Assure program. Now they're adding a '3(38)' service.