“U.S. retail channels have exhibited strong growth in recent years, driven primarily by Baby Boomers transitioning assets out of traditional institutional channels, such as 401(k) plans,” said Jennifer Muzerall,...
U.S. ranked 15th in pension excellence: Mercer
Both the Dutch and Danish systems were highlighted as “first class” in the seventh edition of the survey, while Sweden rose from sixth place to tie for fifth with...
The Bucket
Brief or late-breaking items from Voya Financial, TIAA-CREF, Prudential and MetLife.
Quote of the Week
"If some people have skills that are worth paying for, but it is difficult to determine who they are, everyone will be able to charge more. This mechanism is...
Longevity growth begins to slow: Society of Actuaries
“People are living longer, but longevity is increasing at a slower rate than previously available data indicated," said Dale Hall, managing director of research at SOA.
Financial Engines offers call center support to rank-and-file participants
While participant interest in online advisory services is strong (60%), interest in services that included access to financial advisors is even stronger (68%), a new survey by Financial Engines...
Bank annuity fee income dips 4.1% in first half of 2015
Wells Fargo & Company (CA), Morgan Stanley (NY), and Raymond James Financial, Inc. (FL) led all bank holding companies in annuity commission income in first half 2015.
RIIA’s RMA designation goes online
The course is designed for financial advisors with at least three years’ experience who want to master RIIA's retirement planning advisory process and "View Across the Silos" approach to...
The Bucket
Brief or late-breaking items from Conning Research, Milliman, the Dutch Pensions Federation, the Society of Actuaries,TrimTabs, Morningstar, Voya Financial, LIMRA and UBS.
Go Ahead, Buy the Harley
New research in the Journal of Personal Finance shows why retirees can spend 20% more in early retirement than the 4% rule allows. In our latest research roundup, we...
Prudential buys a chunk of JCPenney pension
A portion of plan assets and liabilities of some 43,000 retirees and beneficiaries will move to Prudential without a cash contribution from JCPenney, according to a release. The deal...
‘Robo’ assets grow 208% in 15 months: Corporate Insight
“Most of this growth can be attributed to the managed account model, as the appeal of the algorithm-based advice approach seems to have plateaued,” a Corporate Insight release said.
Who says America doesn’t save for retirement?
Assets in individual retirement accounts (IRAs) totaled $7.6 trillion at the end of the second quarter of 2015, up 0.4% from the end of the first quarter. Story includes...
Industry-sponsored legal study attacks ‘robo-advisors’
A recent paper by D.C. attorney Melanie Fein argues that “Robo-advisors do not provide personal investment advice, do not meet a high standard of care for fiduciary investing, and...
The Bucket
Brief or late-breaking items from T. Rowe Price, Wealth-X, MassMutual, Voya, AARP, JPMorgan and BNY Mellon Fiduciary Solutions.
Will DOL proposal trigger “ratings events”? Too soon to say: A.M. Best
"The DOL has been receptive to insurers’ concerns and the next proposal could have significant changes,” A.M. Best analysts wrote.
Voya adds volatility-controlled index to its FIAs
"The Point-to-Point Volatility Control Strategy tracks Deutsche Bank's proprietary CROCI (Cash Return on Capital Invested) US 5% Volatility Control Index," a Voya release said.
Kehrer Bielan releases bank annuity sales study for 2014
The ten largest third-party broker dealers, which support annuity and investment sales in 2,559 banks and credit unions, accounted for 38% of the total annuity premium sold through financial...
Life insurers will take ‘manageable’ GAAP charges in 3Q2015: Fitch
"We believe that the Fed's position increases the likelihood that life insurers will take GAAP charges in third-quarter 2015 tied to a revision in long-term rate assumptions," Fitch analysts...
Envestment managed accounts to be offered in MassMutual 401(k)s
The service is called “RetireSmart Ready Managed Path.” The asset allocations use investment options already offered by the plan. The service is available to MassMutual plans with at least...