By Kerry Pechter
RIJ traveled to Hartford on Tuesday for a hearing on a bill that would require most Connecticut employers to offer a retirement plan and would create a default public retirement plan option. Brian Graff of ASPPA and Chad Parks of theonline401k were there too.
By Kerry Pechter
"I suspect that 2014 will prove to be a critical juncture for determining the future of the banking industry and the role of regulators within that industry," said the vice chairman of the FDIC in this speech, delivered on February 24 to a business group in Arlington, Va.
By Kerry Pechter
The latest ERISA suit from St. Louis plaintiffs attorney Jerry Schlichter (pictured) claims that Novant Health Inc. violated its fiduciary duty by paying excessive fees to Great-West Life & Annuity and to a Winston-Salem, NC, brokerage firm.
By Kerry Pechter
AIG Captive Management Services in Bermuda will manage the regulatory requirements, financial reporting, and administrative functions for all customers participating in Grand Isle SAC Ltd.
By Kerry Pechter
As people pass age 35 and near retirement, they grow less willing to retire later and more willing to downsize their expenses and lifestyle, according to a new survey by Franklin Templeton Investments.
By Kerry Pechter
Brief or late-breaking items from Vanguard, Prudential Financial, Nationwide Financial, LPL, Fidelity, Franklin Templeton, the American Bar Association and AARP.