By Kerry Pechter
“Even if rates were to slowly rise, they would still be historically low. There would be less pressure on companies, but the overall portfolio rate of return could continue to go down,” said Mary Pat Campbell, a life insurance investment analyst at Conning.
By Kerry Pechter
An easy income recipe from Financial Engines: Put 15% of your savings in a triple- leveraged stock ETF and the rest in something safe, like a TIPS ladder.
By Kerry Pechter
Michael Finke of Texas Tech, John Salter of Evensky & Katz Wealth Management, Larry Cohen of Strategic Business Insights and others presented at the Retirement Income Industry Association's annual meeting, held this year at Dimensional Fund Advisors headquarters in Austin, Texas. (Above, the DFA lobby).
By Kerry Pechter
Either paranoid or perceptive, public pension administrators say they are being sandbagged by a pervasive, persistent stealth effort to convert their DB plans to DC and gain greater control over their collectively immense assets. Maybe they're just observing business as usual.