Income Strategies
Whether you'd prefer the new Dimensional Target Date Retirement Income Funds over one of the "big three" TDFs might depend on whether you share Robert Merton and Zvi Bodie's...
Principal Adds ‘In-Plan’ Deferred Income Annuity Option
Participants in Principal Financial defined contribution plans will be able to buy deferred income annuities a little at a time or in a lump sum just before retirement.
Go Ahead, Buy the Harley
New research in the Journal of Personal Finance shows why retirees can spend 20% more in early retirement than the 4% rule allows. In our latest research roundup, we...
Takeaways from the FPA Conference in Boston
At the Financial Planning Association's Business and Education Conference in Boston last weekend, Bill Reichenstein talked about tax-efficient withdrawal strategies, Steve Deschenes made a case for income-oriented American Funds,...
A Conservative Retirement Portfolio in 3 Buckets
The Director of Personal Finance and senior columnist at Morningstar offers a three-bucket strategy for retirees who want to draw income from a diversified portfolio over a 15-year time...
How to Personalize Withdrawal Rates
Safe spending rates range from 2% to 10%, writes researcher Luke Delorme in the Journal of Financial Planning. It all depends on when people retire, how much guaranteed income...
Maximum Withdrawal Rate: A Historical Perspective
We obsess about safe withdrawal rates. But the developer of the "7Twelve Portfolio" shows that anyone retiring from 1970 to 1990 would have vastly underspent by using the '4%...
Investments + Annuities = Healthy Retirement
Many advisers still treat annuities and investments as apples and oranges--that is, not to be mixed up in a single retirement fruit salad. But experts Michael Finke, Wade Pfau...
The Overlooked Income Vehicle, III
Systematic withdrawals from DC plans are one of the simplest and cheapest ways to generate income from tax-deferred savings in retirement. Rollovers get the headlines, but more people advocate...
A three-bucket blueprint for de-accumulation, from the U.K.
Britain's public-option defined contribution plan, NEST, thinks that a decumulation strategy that used tax-deferred savings to fund a small cash bucket, a big income-generating bucket and a longevity annuity...
The Overlooked Income Vehicle, II
If more 401(k) plans offered systematic withdrawals, more money might stay in 401(k)s, and the DOL might not need to attempt the difficult and divisive task of policing rollover...
The Overlooked Income Vehicle
Systematic withdrawals from 401(k) plans are a widely-available but rarely-used way to create retirement income. Perhaps because electronic transfers are virtually free, nobody's championing them.
Decumulation? Most Americans don’t know the concept
More than half of those with retirement savings have no distribution plan for how they will access or stretch their money once they retire, with one in five not...
Secrets of Tax-Efficient Drawdown
In a regular new feature on the latest retirement-related research, we look at a variety of recent articles, including one that might just change the way you think about...
Hueler’s Income Solutions now offers QLACs
Vanguard, Alliance Benefit Group, Beneplace and several large plan sponsors offer the Hueler platform to their plan participants.
Value Investing for Retirement
“Purgatory is what I’m calling our set of forecasts,” said Ben Inker, GMO’s co-head of asset allocation, at the Morningstar Institutional Conference in Phoenix last week. “We won’t make...
At Second-and-Goal in Retirement, What’s Your Play Call?
Stocks are like a passing offense and bonds, arguably, are more like a running game. In a new article, Morningstar’s David Blanchett writes that most retirees would be better...
Pfau creates retirement ‘Dashboard’ and two indices
For advisors who love the convenience of dashboards and indices, Wade Pfau, Ph.D., who teaches retirement income planning at The American College, has created a trio.
The Ultimate Income Strategy
"By making the final years of life (should they occur) the insurance company’s problem, makes retirement investing feel more...
Short on Shares, Women Share Homes
Single, divorced and widowed older women are reducing their expenses by sharing a home or apartment with similarly situated women. A new website helps them find each other. ...