People in Motion
In making the announcement, Milliman president, CEO, and interim chairman Steve White said, "Ken Mungan is an innovator and entrepreneur and has built a global consulting practice dedicated...
Jack of Alternatives
"I believe that alternative investments—in four broad categories—are areas where people should diversify," said former Jackson National Life executive Clifford Jack in an interview with RIJ. His book, 'Generation...
O’Brien retires; NAFA looks for new chief
A spokesman for the National Association of Fixed Annuities said it was coincidental that Kim O'Brien's retirement became effective the day that her letter requesting qualified longevity annuity status...
Gene Steuerle wins TIAA-CREF’s Samuelson Award
The Urban Institute economist won the 19th annual award for his book, 'Dead Men Ruling: How to Restore Fiscal Freedom and Rescue our Future,' which RIJ reviewed last summer....
Murphy to run Great-West retirement business
Edward Murphy III, previously the head of defined contribution at Putnam, will lead the second largest provider in the U.S. defined contribution market with nearly seven million participants and...
Bill Sharpe’s New Retirement Blog
On the verge of his 80th birthday, Sharpe, who won the 1990 Nobel Prize for his Capital Asset Pricing Model, has been writing a blog that documents his work...