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Managed-Payout Funds vs. Annuities: Who Wins?

Managed-payout funds promise to meet retirees’ need for sustainable lifetime income without relying on annuities. To see whether this promise can be fulfilled, I’ll answer three questions: What’s the best design for such funds? How do they compare to annuities? Can retirees do even better by combining managed-payout funds and annuities?

A managed-payout fund aims to provide sustainable retirement income, either over a fixed time horizon or over the lifetime of the investor. A handful of companies offer managed-payout funds and more are on the way. The funds have not gained much popularity because most were launched just before the financial crisis and immediately produced poor results.

PIMCO offers real-income funds based on TIPS ladders but with end dates, so the funds don’t offer longevity protection. Fidelity’s Retirement Income Series also uses target-liquidation dates. Vanguard’s Managed Payout Fund is more lifetime-focused with payouts targeted at 4% of fund balance. Schwab offers Monthly Income Funds that, like Vanguard, pay out a percentage of the fund balance.

However, Schwab varies the percentage payout to avoid dipping into principal, whereas Vanguard smoothes results over multiple years and aims to maintain the 4%. The latest entry in this category is the retirement spending account from Natixis. It is the most ambitious approach with a goal of providing inflation-adjusted retirement income for life but without an annuity.

Finding the best strategy

There is a natural question that arises from examining these different offerings: “Which strategy will work best?” By “working best,” we need to consider both the level of income produced and the risk that the strategy will fail. I’ll answer those questions by evaluating a few generic options and relate my results to specific fund offerings.

There are a variety of strategic choices for those designing managed payout funds:

  • Income generated – fixed at inception or varying with investment performance
  • Stock/bond allocation
  • Use of additional asset classes
  • Investment glide path – level or with increasing or decreasing stock allocation
  • Annual withdrawal percentages – level or varying with age

I’ll use an example to compare the impacts of various choices with the objective of identifying the best ways to produce as much income as possible without taking undue risk.

The example

This example is based on a 65-year-old female with a remaining life expectancy of 25 years. She has $1 million in savings and will be receiving $20,000 per year in Social Security. Her essential expenses are $50,000 per year increasing with inflation, so she needs to generate at least $30,000 per year in real terms to pay for essentials. I assume that she has sufficient insurance for contingencies such as long-term care and a separate emergency fund, so she can devote the full $1 million to generating retirement income.

In designing generic options for this example, I assume that stocks will earn a real return averaging 5.15% with a standard deviation of 20.5% and bond real returns will average 0.5% with a 7% standard deviation. These assumed returns are significantly below historical averages, reflecting current interest rates and a lower-than-historical equity risk premium. I deduct 0.15% as a base level for investment expenses and discuss the implications of higher expenses for actual product offerings. Monte Carlo simulations are used to generate yearly returns, and the year of death is also modeled stochastically. The analysis is pre-tax and future dollar figures are stated in real terms without inflation.

A Natixis strategy based on the 4% rule

I’ll start with a strategy based on the classic 4% rule, where the first year’s withdrawal equals 4% of savings and withdrawals increase each year for inflation. Withdrawals do not adjust for good or bad investment performance. This is a generalization of the strategy that Natixis uses for its retirement spending accounts, which are set up as separate accounts and include Natixis’s affiliate mutual funds and ETFs. They offer distinct strategies for investors starting retirement around years 2000, 2005, 2010 or 2015 and also offer a 5% rule option. The separate accounts are offered through advisors.

The chart below shows projected outcomes, first based on a simple 50/50 stock/bond allocation and then adjusted to incorporate strategic options aimed at improving the outcomes.Tomlinson Nataxis chart

First, some definitions. The average consumption combines the $20,000 in Social Security income and withdrawals from savings. The certainty equivalent consumption uses utility analysis and the assumption of diminishing marginal utility to recognize that the gain in psychological wellbeing from an additional dollar of consumption is less than the psychological diminishment from a dollar decrease. So for non-level consumption, the certainty equivalent will be less than the average consumption. For this particular analysis, I assume a risk-averse individual to recognize the potentially disruptive impact of depleting savings and not being able to pay for essential expenses.

Failure percent is the percentage of Monte Carlo simulations where consumption drops to a level that fails to meet essential expenses, and average shortfall is a measure that combines the probability, magnitude, and duration of failure. I also show median bequests.

The first line of the chart shows results with a 50/50 stock/bond allocation under a straightforward application of the 4% rule, and I will use this as a base case in comparing strategies. This withdrawal approach is likely to result in significant disruption to retirement plans. So we need to look for ways to improve things.

I’ll test an approach that mimics parts of the Natixis strategy. They indicate in their press release and marketing materials that they utilize a wide variety of asset classes, so I’ll first analyze how much outcomes can be improved by bringing in additional asset classes and fine-tuning the allocations. Natixis doesn’t provide asset class details, so I’ll use a generic approach based on return, risk and correlation assumptions from Sungard’s AllocationMaster software.

Sungard’s optimal portfolios include a significant weighting for international stocks and small-cap value. With a 50/50 stock/bond mix, gross average real portfolio returns increase from 2.83% for the base case to 3.75% with the fine-tuned asset allocation, and the standard deviation decreases from 10.83% to 10.66%. These changes are a result of optimizing the mix of asset classes; I have not added anything for investment selection skill.

I’ve also made an adjustment to reflect the Natixis annual expense charge of 1% versus 0.15% for the base case. The results are shown in the second line of the chart, and they are essentially the same as the base case. The improvements from the asset allocation are offset by the increased expenses.

The Natixis product features a trademarked Adaptive Retirement Income Glidepath, starting with a low stock allocation at retirement, rising until mid-retirement and then declining. To model the glide path, I start with the same expense and asset class return assumptions as in line 2 and replace the level 50/50 allocation with one that starts at 35% stocks rising to 65% at age 80 and falling back to 35% for age 95 and thereafter.

The primary purpose of such a glide path is to avoid sequence of return risk early in retirement. This is a similar approach to the rising equity glide path proposed a few years ago by Wade Pfau and Michael Kitces and described in this paper. The outcome of applying this glide path is shown in the third line of the chart, and the perhaps surprising result is that there is little effect on results.

This becomes less of a surprise if one goes back and examines the actual charts in the Kitces and Pfau paper. They show improvement using the rising glide path strategy, but the improvement is marginal. My view of what’s happening is that one can avoid volatility and bad return scenarios with a low stock allocation early in retirement, but a heavy investment in bonds with low returns locks in mediocre portfolio returns.

So what does all of this tell us about the Natixis product and other similar approaches to retirement withdrawals? Attempting to generate a withdrawal pattern that is set at inception and doesn’t adjust for investment performance is a big challenge. The Natixis patented glide path may have marketing appeal, but it does little to help performance. Asset allocation fine-tuning shows potential to help but is offset by expense charges. So success for this product will require significant additional returns generated though investment selection.

My rough calculation indicates that bringing the failure percentage down from over 25% to 10% would require an additional 1.70% of average portfolio return. Generating higher returns will be the big challenge for Natixis. They are offering a new product with an ambitious objective for meeting retirement needs, and their efforts will bear watching. I’ll now turn to other approaches.

Changing the withdrawal method

The Vanguard Managed Payout Fund (VPGDX) described here uses an approach where withdrawals are targeted at 4% of the ongoing fund balance rather than being set at inception. To reduce the volatility of withdrawals, Vanguard uses a three-year-average fund balance. In the chart below the top line is again the base case using the 4% rule and a 50/50 stock/bond portfolio, and the second line is my simulation of the Vanguard strategy.

Tomlinson Vanguard chart

Vanguard runs its Managed Payout Fund with a heavy concentration in stocks, so I have raised the assumed stock allocation to 75% in the second line above. I’ve also reflected Vanguard’s expense charges of 0.42% compared to 0.15% for the base case. Similar to Natixis, Vanguard fine-tunes its asset allocation, so I have used the same gross return assumptions I used for the Natixis analysis.

The Vanguard approach shows significant improvement over the base case in terms of income produced, risk measures and bequests. The main driver of these improved results is a withdrawal strategy that responds to investment results.

The Vanguard strategy beats the Natixis approach unless Natixis can produce dramatically superior investment performance. Unlike many Vanguard products, the Vanguard Managed Payout Fund relies heavily on active managers and a few uncommon asset classes (e.g., market neutral), so they are also betting on investment selection to a certain degree. I have not included any extra assumed return from investment selection.

For the final line of the chart I switched the Vanguard 4% approach to required minimum distributions (RMDs) that increase the withdrawal percentage as a function of age, but I kept all the other parameters the same. RMDs can be thought of as an economist’s life-cycle approach in that withdrawals are recalculated each year to smooth consumption over the remainder of one’s life.

With RMDs we are able to generate more average consumption but with more variability, so the certainty equivalent declines more. Whether this approach is superior to Vanguard’s or not depends on the individual tolerance for volatility of consumption and emphasis on consumption versus bequests. Either the Vanguard approach or RMDs can work well because withdrawals respond to investment performance. I’m not aware of any managed payout products built on this RMD approach, but it is worth considering.

Tomlinson annuity chart

For the full annuitization strategy, I assume the entire $1 million of savings is invested in an inflation- adjusted single-premium immediate annuity (SPIA) that pays $47,600 annually based on current market rates. Because the income doesn’t vary, the average consumption and certainty equivalent are the same. Also, because this strategy produces $67,600 of consumption per year for life, there are no shortfalls in relation to the $50,000 of essential expenses. However, there is also no bequest, regardless of length of life and no liquidity.

The third line of the chart above shows partial annuitization with $630,252 of savings used to purchase an inflation-adjusted SPIA, producing $30,000 of annual income to fill in the essential expense gap and the remaining $369,748 invested in an RMD strategy. This approach, which combines a SPIA and managed payouts, is attractive on all measures.


We can expect continued efforts from investment companies to develop managed-payout products. Those that vary withdrawals as a function of investment performance show the most promise. However, unless withdrawals are set at extremely conservative levels, such an approach will fail if investment performance is subpar or if the client lives a long time. SPIAs overcome these problems, but they are inflexible. The best results can be obtained by combining SPIAs and flexible withdrawals.

Joe Tomlinson, an actuary, financial planner, researcher and writer, is managing director of Tomlinson Financial Planning, LLC in Greenville, Maine. This article first appeared at

The People’s Retirement Industry Group

Ten years after the Retirement Income Industry Association appeared on the financial services scene, some people still wonder exactly what RIIA stands for, whom it represents, or where its French-born founder and chairman, Francois Gadenne, will take it next.

Relatively small in terms of membership or war chest, RIIA is unlike other financial trade groups. It doesn’t lobby for regulatory change. It doesn’t organize splashy trade exhibitions. Distinct from other groups in its space—the acronyms include IRI, ARA, SOA, LIMRA, DCIIA, FPA, NAPFA, SPARK—it doesn’t cheerlead for any particular industry sector or profession.  

RIIA’s contributions have largely been conceptual. It introduced the cross-disciplinary perspective of the “View Across the Silos.” It elevated a familiar annuity sales proposition (“First build a floor, then expose to upside”) to a guiding principle. It created a new advisor designation, the Retirement Management Analyst, and a curriculum for achieving it.

Founder-led organizations tend to be idiosyncratic, and so it is with RIIA. If its meetings have an unscripted academic vibe, if the guest and speaker lists are eclectic, if the tone is more entrepreneurial than corporate, if RIIA seems oddly consumer-centric for a trade group, and if some of the ideas are heretical, that’s because they reflect Gadenne’s own interests, values and personal history.

RIIA is preparing to mark its 10th year with its annual conference and an anniversary gala in Indianapolis on September 16-18. Gadenne recently spoke with RIJ about the organization’s past, present and future. (For transparency’s sake: RIJ has no formal ties to RIIA, but I helped edit drafts of early RIIA publications, attended many of its annual meetings, its webinars, and two of its advisor boot camps, and am an individual member of the organization.)

No solo silo

RIIA is primarily an educational organization. Its “Body of Knowledge” is a voluminous paperback textbook that advisors and individuals can use to create safe-money retirement income plans. The book is based on ideas about risk and return. Household economics and demographics come from economists Zvi Bodie and Robert Merton, Andrew Rudd of Advisor Software Inc., researchers at Strategic Business Insights and others.  

One of RIIA’s founding concepts, the View Across the Silos, gave the “retirement industry” a name and provided a map of its components. These included manufacturers (annuity issuers and mutual fund firms), distributors (wirehouses, independent advisors and insurance agents) and consumers (rich, poor and in-between). RIIA called this map the “opportunity matrix.” It showed the elements of the industry as well as their relationships, relative strengths and potential synergies. No one else had ever done this.

RIIA’s slogan, “First build a Floor, then Expose to Upside,” refers to the idea, not original to RIIA, that retirees need a foundation of safe income plus growth potential through risky investments. It was shorthand for a sophisticated recognition, which Gadenne attributes to Bodie and Merton, that while accumulating wealth involves risk-taking, retirement planning involves taking certain risks off the table. 

The Society of Actuaries had already done a good job of cataloging the risks of retirement—longevity risk (the risk of outliving your money), inflation risk, market risk, sequence risk and others—but RIIA has helped raise awareness of them. “There are only four ways of dealing with risk,” Gadenne likes to say. “You can diversify it away, pool it, hedge it or reserve against it.”   

This’ll floor you

The two concepts—the “silos” and the “flooring”—are linked. RIIA’s philosophy is that the path to retirement income security leads through numerous combinations of products and advice channels on the opportunity matrix. Flooring can consist of bonds, bond ladders, income annuities, variable or fixed annuities with living benefits; upside exposure can come from any risky asset. The methodology embraces almost the entire universe. That explains the RIIA big-tent membership philosophy. RIIA Institutional members

The open architecture idea gave RIIA no natural constituency, however. In RIIA’s first three years, Gadenne and his Boston-based team reached out to the 401(k) industry to secure their membership base. When that industry retrenched after the financial crisis, RIIA received support from the life insurance companies. Over the past few years, RIIA has found an audience among independent advisors, to whom it offers a philosophy, a planning process, and one-week “boot camps” leading to an exam and a Retirement Management Analyst designation. Last June, The Wall Street Journal endorsed the RMA as one of the three best retirement designations in the U.S.

A journalist recently asked Gadenne if he thought the training for the other two designations (from The American College and the CFA Institute) was necessarily wrong. “The others weren’t wrong, we said. They’re incomplete. One measure of their incompleteness is that they only use asset allocation for risk management in retirement,” Gadenne said.

“The RMA uses all four risk management techniques. They don’t use risk management or risk avoidance. And, from what I know, they have no process. All the other offerings are toolboxes. With the RMA, you have a procedural flow chart and a framework. Having a framework is more than just having a laundry list.”


The RIIA message defies conventional wisdom about retirement planning. Traditional retirement investing has been similar to accumulation investing, but with a shift toward bonds. Where most retirement planning still relies on probabilities about market performance, longevity and inflation, RIIA’s method aims to achieve outcomes with a degree of certainty.

Where mainstream retirement planning still focuses on investable assets and the products they buy—Gadenne calls this the “market view”—the RIIA method considers all of the assets and liabilities on each household’s “balance sheet.” That includes home equity, human capital (education and earning power), insurance, social capital (e.g., Social Security and Medicare) and debt. 

RIIA procedural prudence mapRIIA may also be the only financial trade group that takes the client’s point of view. It’s eclectic because there are lots of methods for generating retirement income, and because most retirees will eventually use several of them, at different times or in various combinations. In the brave new defined-contribution, serial-employment world, more Americans and advisors need to know this stuff.     

The client whose eyes RIIA first looked through was Gadenne. Ten years ago, while still in his 40s, he found himself in a position to retire. Having just been a purveyor of retirement services, he became an unusually well informed, motivated, inquisitive high-net-worth consumer of them.

That helps explain RIIA’s counter-intuitive character. “I am patient zero,” he told RIJ recently. “The view of the client is the view across the silos. It’s the same idea, except that one is expressed in industry view. As a client, I’m not interested in your silos. I’m interested in my household balance sheet. The client wants to buy a whole planning pizza and [financial services] companies want to sell him slices.”

French connection

Gadenne, who is 59, grew up in Lille, a small French industrial city near the Belgium border. His father was a notions wholesaler. Across a narrow street, his family’s home faced the wall of a factory that brewed Coq Hardi lager. Educated through high school by Jesuits, he received a business degree from the Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris. America beckoned; he took the GMAT and got an MBA at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management in Evanston, Ill.

Stints at Abbott Laboratories and Arthur D. Little consulting followed, but it was during his 10-year employment at the Bank of Boston that he became involved in three major components of the retirement business: mutual fund manufacturing, fund distribution, and the new field of technology-driven, web-mediated advice. He led a team that developed the “Wizard,” a client-server application for selling funds and servicing clients.  

This being the mid-1990s, he left big business and became an entrepreneur. In 1996, he and his partners created Rational Investors, Inc. and patented a technology that would allow 401(k) participants to create their own risk-based investment portfolios on the Internet—something akin to Financial Engines, which now dominates the market for automated 401(k) advice. 

Dot-com tycoon

Gadenne, as president and CEO of Rational Investors, became a wealthy man when, at the peak of the dot-com boom in 1999, he and his partners sold the company to Standard & Poor’s. S&P used the technology to drive its “401(k) Advisor,” a vehicle for putting S&P’s vast database to work in the burgeoning defined contribution industry. At 45, Gadenne suddenly faced the challenge of managing a big chunk of money over a period of four or five decades.

The path from there to RIIA was somewhat accidental. In 2004, Gadenne and partners, under the name Retirement Engineering, Inc., applied for a patent on a process for enabling 401(k) participants to build a pension—that is, create a defined benefit plan inside a defined contribution plan—that they could take as a lump sum or as an annuity when they retired. (A similar concept was the basis for the unsuccessful MetLife/BlackRock “SponsorMatch” program of the mid-2000s, and it underlies the Treasury Department’s QLAC deferred income annuity regulation.) 

During this pre-crisis, repressed interest rate period after the dot-com bust, Gadenne shopped his firm’s “DB in DC” technology to major asset managers. He peddled the notions that “retirement” was a discrete new business opportunity and that retirement planning was distinct from and unlike pre-retirement “accumulation” investing. He exchanged ideas with academics and authors such as Bodie, of Boston University and Moshe Milevsky of York University in Toronto. At Bodie’s urging, Gadenne became a part-time faculty member at the BU Questrom School of Business.

A trade group is born

While guest-speaking at industry conferences, Gadenne realized that no trade association yet existed that could distill intellectual and financial support for these ideas, codify and communicate them, and achieve a self-perpetuating critical mass. None of the existing trade groups bridged the cultural, informational and regulatory boundaries that divided the insurers and asset managers, the manufacturers and distributors, the brokers and planners, or the corporations and the entrepreneurs.

In 2005, the Institute for International Research, the organizer of the conferences where Gadenne spoke, suggested that he lead a retirement conference. “They said, ‘Would you like to be the chairman?’ I said, ‘Yes, but it will be done in the name of the Retirement Income Industry Association,’ ” he told RIJ. “We held the first RIIA conference at the Lafayette Hotel in Boston. The trigger was that IIR asked me to do a conference. During that conference, the ‘View Across the Silos’ emerged.” To eliminate conflicts of interest, Gadenne said, he put his patent-based business interests into a blind trust.

RIIA started with 28 institutional members, many of whom still support the association. (See list of current institutional members below.) Its website lists 1,138 individual members, including employees of institutional members, executives of other companies in the retirement industry, industry vendors and consultants, several dozen financial advisors who have achieved the RMA designation, and others.

As the retirement industry has convulsed over the past decade, RIIA’s base has evolved. As mentioned above, DC plan providers, then annuity manufacturers and then distributors have emerged as RIIA’s primary constituency. The writings of retirement researcher Wade Pfau, Ph.D., helped attract advisors to RIIA when he was aligned with the organization; he is now a professor at The American College. Indianapolis-based OneAmerica, whose affiliated agents and advisors sell American United Life Insurance products, is the primary sponsor of RIIA’s fall conference in that city.

To keep in touch with its members, to spread the RIIA message and to burnish its own thought-leadership credentials, RIIA has published a seasonal academic journal, the Retirement Management Journal, since 2012. Robert Powell, who writes the Retirement Weekly column at, edits the RMJ as well as a periodic supplement, Between the Issues, for RIIA. Issues of the RMJ, as well as the textbook for the RMA designation, are available on Amazon.

The future

Asked about the future of RIIA and of the retirement industry, Gadenne said, “My crystal ball is as bad as the next guy’s.” As for the industry’s future, “Two things are likely to become bigger stories. How big, I don’t know,” he said. The first was the growth of what he calls the “client-centric view” and the weakening of the “market-centric view” in retirement planning. “This notion of product allocation is a market point of view. “By market-centric I mean financial market-centric. This notion of product allocation, for instance, is a market point of view. ‘60-30-10’ is a market-centric view. The client-centric view is to look at the entire household balance sheet.”

The other major phenomenon, he predicted, will be the growth of robo-advice technology as tools for advisors more than for consumers. “The algorithm alone can do input, processing and output. And we can argue about whether or not it functions well enough to handle exceptions. But you need to sell me first. Something has to happen upstream of the tool. That the robos can do retirement planning, I have no doubt. But they will leverage something that involves interaction with a human.”

As for RIIA’s future, he’s excited about getting more advisors to use RIIA’s new RMA “Procedural Prudence Map” (at left above; click on graphic) which offers retirement advisors a checklist that can guide their work with clients. He hopes to raise awareness of PwC’s (PricewaterhouseCoopers) Retirement Income Model (RIM), which uses agent-based predictive modeling to help advisors customize plans for individual clients. 

 “I don’t have specific goals for increasing the membership, or increasing the number of RMAs,” Gadenne told RIJ. “The most important goal is to find something that moves the needle and that works to the good. ‘Tell me your clients are better off because of what you’ve learned as an RMA.’ We could get lifted by a big wave; or only a small number of people may become interested in it. Our measure of success is, ‘Are we doing good?’ I’m hoping we will.”

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Of Fly-Fishing and Financial Advice

In late August, not long after watching the four-day webcast on the Department of Labor’s proposed fiduciary rule for IRA advice, I went fly-fishing for trout in southwestern Montana. Brown trout, brook, cutthroat, grayling or rainbow—any old trout would do. I needed a break.

They say it takes a lifetime to learn how to fly-fish, and I started late. My knowledge of the fishable waters south of Bozeman is also limited. So I hired a guide. On a Google search, I picked one of the three guide services in Big Sky, MT, put down a deposit for a half-day wade and prayed for luck.

Hiring a fly-fishing guide can be a gamble. A professional guide costs at least $250 and easily much more. It depends on the length of your trip and whether you travel by foot, in a drift boat or on horseback. Success isn’t guaranteed. But once you see the image of a gleaming 20-pound fish on the outfitter’s webpage, of course, you tend to forget the odds—and the expense.

I’ve found it worthwhile to hire a guide, especially as someone new to this sport. Even if you catch nothing, you’re likely to learn a lot. Mark, my guide at Big Sky, was a bearded 28-year-old who spends his summers in Montana and his winters in Patagonia. We met at the fly shop, then climbed into his pickup and headed up Route 191 alongside the rocky, north-flowing Gallatin River. It was 9 a.m. Other anglers had already staked out positions on the well-known stream.

Let’s not fish your usual spots, I said to Mark as we drove. Let’s go someplace you don’t usually go, away from people and traffic. He suggested that we hike up Swan Creek, which was nearby. The fish won’t be as large as in the Gallatin, he said, but we’ll avoid the road noise and the crowds. Perfect, I said. Montana flyfishing art

Aside from the specialized rod and reel, fly-fishing involves patience, intelligence and an endless amount of lore. It starts with reading the streams. You look for flat, glassy pools or for stretches of braided water, known as riffles. Then you cast your fly lightly into the hole or let it float along the edge of the riffle, waiting for an unseen fish to take it.      

Your guide’s duties, meanwhile, resemble those of an expert golf caddy. The guide himself does not fish. He studies the stream. He hunkers down and peers through polarized lenses across the surface of the water, noting spots where trout like to hide. Where in golf a caddy interprets a lie and recommends a club, a flyfishing guide interprets a stream and recommends an imitation bug.

My guide and I had a successful morning. The clear bright stream looked like a vintage ad for Coors. The pink-and-green brook trout were gullible. A better fisherman would surely have caught two dozen; given my early stage of apprenticeship, I was happy to land four. They included as large a brookie, my guide kindly said, as one could hope to pull from a small Montana creek in August.

Later, back at the fly shop, I settled my bill. When the guides operate as agents of an outfitter, it is customary to pay the outfitter a pre-arranged fee and to offer the guide a discretionary tip. In this case, I paid $260 to the outfitter and offered $120 to my guide. Having paid more for less on previous trips, I had no quarrel with it.    

While writing this, and recalling the DOL hearings, it occurred to me that I and most other people would hope that our investment advisors or financial planners would render us the same quality of service, at least in spirit, that I received from my Montana fishing guide last week.

That service, I imagine, would include receptivity to our concerns, a degree of expertise and experience that we lacked, and a method of compensation that linked his (or her) success with ours. As it happened, Mark told me that one of his parents, a Certified Financial Planner, wants him to follow her into the business. I told him that he already possessed several of the most important skills.

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Jackson National adds income rider to indexed annuity

Jackson National Life, the U.S. life insurance unit of Britain’s Prudential plc, has added a lifetime income benefit called LifePay to its AscenderPlus Select line of fixed indexed annuities (FIAs). The new contract replaces the current AscenderPlus Select contract and is available in all states but New York.

Jackson may be trying to balance out its big book of annuity business. While Jackson dominated the variable annuity business in the first half of this year, with $11.8 billion in sales and an 18.4% market share, it isn’t among the 20 largest sellers of fixed annuities, according to LIMRA.

FIAs have been the main driver of sales growth in the annuity industry in recent years, with steady sales increases in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Rising FIA sales have compensated for declines in VA sales, which have slowed despite strong equity markets. This year, however, total annuity sales are headed for their first YOY decline since 2011.

Now, even FIAs have lost their momentum. Sales in the second quarter of 2015 were down 4%, to $12.5 billion, compared to the same period a year earlier. The second quarter drop pulled FIA sales for the first half of the year down by one percent, to $24.1 billion, according to LIMRA, whose quarterly sales survey covers 62 issuers representing 97% of the market.

The LifePay rider costs 50 basis points for single life and 80 basis points for joint life contracts. It features a guaranteed 5% roll-up in the benefit base for every year a withdrawal isn’t taken during the first 10 contract years, plus the potential for “step-ups” on the contract anniversaries if the account value exceeds the benefit base.

The payout rate, based on the age of the youngest annuitant, starts at 3% for those ages 45 to 54 and climbs in 50-basis point increments to 7.5% at age 85 and older. The surrender period lasts 10 years, starting at 8.5% (or nine years, starting at 8.25% in California).

In addition to the living benefit option, Jackson said it has added a new proprietary index, the Strategic4 Index, to AscenderPlus Select’s index options. “Strategic4 is exclusive to the Jackson AscenderPlus Select FIA and provides contract-holders the opportunity to further diversify their income through a U.S.-focused market index composed of 120 companies within the S&P 500 Index,” the company said in a release. “The index is designed for broad diversification across each of its four pre-determined and weighted selection criteria.”

Each year, Jackson re-stocks the Strategic4 Index with equal investments in:

  • Each of the 30 companies in the S&P500 that have the strongest return-on-invested-capital and best price-to-book ratios.
  • Each of the 30 that have the highest free cash flow yields.
  • Each of the 30 that “generate positive cash flow and provide high total yield to shareholders.”
  • The three companies with the highest dividend yields in each of the ten industry sectors of the S&P500. 

The contract offers two other indexes, the S&P 500 Index and Jackson’s proprietary Multi-Strategy Index. This index represents equal investments in five categories: the 10 companies in the DJIA with the highest dividend yields, 10 select large-cap stocks, 100 select small-cap stocks, 15 global stocks and 25 value stocks. Contract-holders can allocate their premiums to any combination of indexes, in whole percentages.

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Annuity sales up in second quarter, but down for first half of 2015: LIMRA

U.S. annuity sales totaled $60.2 billion in the second quarter 2015, three percent lower than sales recorded prior year, according to LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute’s second quarter U.S. Individual Annuities Sales Survey.

“Second quarter annuity sales results were 10% higher than in the first quarter. Annuity sales were strong—since 2010, quarterly annuity sales have only reached $60 billion five times,” noted Todd Giesing, senior business analyst, LIMRA Secure Retirement Research. “However, last year’s sales were particularly strong and lower interest rates played a role in undercutting this year’s growth.”

In the first half of the year, total annuity sales reached $114.6 billion, 5% lower than prior year. LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute’s second quarter U.S. Individual Annuities Sales Survey represents data from 97% of the market.

The Institute’s research shows variable annuity (VA) sales have been stronger in the second quarter than in the first quarter for the past 11 years.  This was the case this quarter as well. VA sales jumped 11% from first quarter. But VA sales were $36 billion, one percent lower than prior year. Year-to-date, VA sales were down three percent, to $68.4 billion. 

Preliminary results indicate that election rates for guaranteed living benefit (GLB) riders when available will be slightly higher than prior quarter (77%).

While interest rates have risen throughout the year, they still are below the rates enjoyed at the same time of 2014.  As a result, total sales of fixed annuities were down six percent in the second quarter, to $24.2 billion.  In the first six months of 2015, fixed sales were down seven percent, to $46.2 billion. 

Fixed rate deferred annuities declined five percent in the second quarter, totaling $7.5 billion.  In the first six months of 2015, fixed-rate deferred sales were $14.0 billion, 14% lower than last year. 

Indexed annuity sales were $12.5 billion, the second strongest quarter in history.  However, the best sales quarter for indexed annuities occurred in the same period of last year, resulting in a four percent decline for the second quarter 2015.

“We are seeing a purposeful shift in market share among the top indexed annuity companies. LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute predicts total indexed annuity sales in 2015 to be level to slightly less than 2014 results,” Giesing said. 

Year to date, indexed annuities sales equaled $24.1 billion, down one percent compared to prior year.

Preliminary results for indexed annuity GLBs election rates (when available) are 68% (level with prior quarter). 

Low interest rates impacted single premium income annuity (SPIA) sales in the second quarter. SPIA sales were off 15% for the quarter to $2.2 billion. In the first six months of 2015, SPIA sales were $4.2 billion, down 18%. 

Deferred income annuity (DIA) sales were $551 million, 23% lower than second quarter of 2014. This is the lowest quarterly sales level since second quarter of 2013. 

LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute reports there are now 16 carriers offering DIAs, up from nine in 2013. Nine companies are now offering the QLAC, a DIA for qualified (tax-deferred) money.

The 2015 second quarter Annuities Industry Estimates can be found in the updated Data Bank. To view the top twenty rankings of total, variable and fixed annuity writers for second quarter 2015, please visit 2015 Second Quarter Annuity Rankings. To view variable, fixed and total annuity sales over the past 10 years, please visit Annuity Sales 2005-2014

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

After nine years, Boeing settles 401(k) fiduciary suit

Boeing, the Seattle-based airplane manufacturer, has settled Spano v. Boeing, the class action federal law suit brought against it nine years ago by Schlichter, Bogard & Denton, the St. Louis law firm that specializes in filing such suits against large 401(k) plan providers and plan sponsors for breach of fiduciary duty toward participants.   

The suit, filed on behalf of 190,000 Boeing employees and retirees, had accused the aircraft builder of charging excessive investment fees to participants in the $44 billion Boeing Voluntary Investment Plan, the nation’s second largest 401(k) plan. Despite the settlement, Boeing denied the allegations and said it complied in all respects with the law.

In a complaint originally filed in September 2006, the plaintiffs alleged that Boeing breached its fiduciary duties under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). Plaintiffs alleged that Boeing mismanaged the 401(k) plan to the detriment of its employees in violation of its fiduciary obligations.

Specifically, plaintiffs alleged Boeing knowingly allowed the recordkeeper, CitiStreet, to charge employees and retirees excessive fees. In addition, plaintiffs alleged Boeing kept expensive and unduly risky investment options in the plan, leading to a loss of retirement assets to employees and retirees.

A notice of the settlement was filed by the parties in the Court of Chief Judge Nancy J. Rosenstengel of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois.

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Pensions should fear longevity gains more than low rates: Fitch

Defined benefit (DB) plan deficits are more vulnerable than to longevity risk than to the low interest rates, Fitch Ratings has warned German and UK financial companies, according to a report in

While a fall in the discount rates used by DB plans had recently driven up liabilities, its impact was not a serious as long-term increases in longevity, Fitch said.

According to the ratings agency’s analyses, pension deficits rose 38% in 19 UK listed companies and 44% in 14 German listed companies over the course of 2014 as a result of low rates.

For the UK schemes, however, Fitch suggested that an increase in longevity assumptions by two years would immediately add £1.3bn, or 9.2%, to average deficits in its sample, with little chance of a reversal.

By contrast, the agency said, yields for corporate bonds used in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) would eventually rise and reduce liabilities on that front.

“It would take discount rates to move from the current 3.5% to 4.7% to wipe out the current average deficit of £2.7bn based on our sample of UK corporates,” Fitch said.

“Low rates have been the main factor behind big increases in corporate pension deficits in the UK and Germany. But interest rates are expected to increase in the medium term, which will eventually at least partially reverse the deteriorating deficits.

“An increase in longevity beyond what has already been factored into expected pension obligations, however, would lead to an increase in deficits and would be highly unlikely to be reversed. Historically, pension schemes have tended to underestimate these improvements, suggesting their longevity assumptions may have to be revised up,” Fitch’s report added.

Fitch said there were few significant changes in longevity assumptions used in company pension scheme accounting in 2014 compared to 2013.

The ratings agency said expected increases in interest rates and longevity could offset each other, with its impact on funding depending on the timing of the change, the discount rate and investment returns.

“If the longevity assumption improves further in future – the pension deficits will follow suit,” it added.

© RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

The Bucket

Annuity sales improve in 2Q2015: IRI

Industry-wide annuity sales in the second quarter of 2015 reached $58.4 billion, a 10.8% increase from $52.7 billion in the first quarter of 2015, but a 2.5% percent decline from $59.9 billion in the second quarter of 2014, according to the second-quarter 2015 sales survey by the Insured Retirement Institute, Morningstar and Beacon Research.

Variable annuity total sales rose sharply in the second quarter of 2015 to $35.6 billion, according to Morningstar. This was an 11.7% increase from $31.8 billion in the first quarter of 2015 and virtually unchanged from the second quarter of 2014. Meanwhile fixed annuity sales totaled $22.8 billion in the second quarter of 2015, according to Beacon Research. This was a 9.5% increase from $20.9 billion during the previous quarter, but a 5.9% decline from $24.3 billion in the second quarter of 2014, when sales reached their highest level in five years. 

According to Morningstar, variable annuity net sales were estimated to be $2.9 billion, returning to positive territory, as sales and additional premiums outpaced redemption activity. Variable annuity net assets also were up at the end of the second quarter of 2015. Variable annuity net assets were $1.98 trillion, a 1.8% increase from $1.95 trillion at the end of the first quarter of 2015 and a 2.5% increase from $1.93 trillion at the end of the second quarter of 2014. Within the variable annuity market, there were $23.2 billion in qualified sales and $12.4 billion in non-qualified sales during the second quarter of 2015.

“The second quarter jump in variable annuity sales was consistent across the board, with eight of the top 10 insurers posting sales gains in the second quarter compared with the first quarter,” said John McCarthy, Senior Product Manager, Annuity Products, for Morningstar. “While demand appears to be picking up, year-to-date sales are tracking slightly below last year’s levels, largely because of weaker equity market performance and historically low interest rates.”

[Click here to access complete variable annuity sales data in the PDF version of this release.] 

According to Beacon Research, sales of all types of fixed annuities increased from the previous quarter, with fixed indexed annuities leading the way in terms of overall sales. Sales of fixed indexed annuities recorded their second best quarter of all time, totaling $12.6 billion. This was an 8.3% increase from first-quarter sales of $11.6 billion, and down just 2.7% from the all-time high of $12.9 billion set in the second quarter of 2014. For the entire fixed annuity market, there were approximately $13 billion in qualified sales and $9.8 billion in non-qualified sales during the second quarter of 2015.

“Overall sales were strong in Q2, with gains in all fixed product types,” Beacon Research President Jeremy Alexander said. “Fixed indexed sales led the pack, with close to a billion dollar increase from Q1. The growth in fixed indexed sales was strong across all distribution channels. Captive agents, wirehouses, independent broker-dealers, as well as banks and savings and loans reported record indexed sales with quarterly increases of 29%, 30%, 38%, and 12%, respectively.”

[Click here to access complete fixed annuity sales data in the PDF version of this release.]

Illness, unemployment drive early SS claims: Nationwide

More than four in five recent retirees (83%) started taking their benefits before their full retirement age (FRA) and received 49% income less than those who claim benefits later, according to a new survey conducted by Harris Poll and sponsored by the Nationwide Retirement Institute.

The survey of more than 900 adults aged 50 or older who are retired or plan to be in the next 10 years showed that 76% of recent retirees who are currently collecting Social Security benefits would not change the decision to claim early. More than half (61%) said a life event forced them to file.

Of the 76% who would not change their decision, 38% said they filed early because they needed the money, 30% said they had health problems, ad 24% said they had lost their jobs. Retirees who started getting Social Security early reported an average monthly payment of $1,174, compared with $1,590 for those who started at the FRA and $1,752 for those who started later.

According to the survey:

  • More than a third of future retirees (36%) plan to work in retirement, but just one percent of those who are retired actually do.
  • One in four retirees who plan to draw benefits early (24%) say they will do so because they worry Social Security funding will run out before their FRA.
  • One in five future retirees (21%) say Social Security should be enough on its own to help them live comfortably in retirement. One in four recent retirees have no other source of retirement income (26%).
  • Future retirees expect Social Security to cover 52% of their retirement expenses when in reality it’s closer to 40%. 
  • One in five (22%) future retirees who plan to draw benefits early say they plan to do so because they don’t think they will live long enough to make it worth optimizing.
  • Only two percent of future retirees expect to get divorced in retirement, but 18% of current retirees actually did.

Northern Trust expands retirement business

Northern Trust Corp., which custodies $6.2 trillion and manages almost $1 trillion, is expanding its Defined Contribution Solutions team with key hires, the company has announced.

Sabrina Bailey has joined Northern Trust Asset Management as Global Head of Defined Contribution, a new position. Bailey had been head of the U.S. defined contribution segment for Mercer Investment Consulting.

Prior to working at Mercer, Bailey held senior consulting, client service and management roles at Towers Watson and two other firms. She earned B.A. and M.B.A. degrees from George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon.

Northern Trust also hired Gaobo Pang, Ph.D, as Senior Behavioral Finance Specialist. Pang is known for his work at consultant Towers Watson and the World Bank, where he dealt with macroeconomic and policy research, statistical and econometric analysis of workers’ labor behavior, savings adequacy and investment choices, and developing and evaluating optimal strategies, particularly about qualified default investment alternatives and retirement income solutions.

He has published extensively in periodicals including the Journal of Retirement, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance and Financial Analysts Journal. Pang earned a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Maryland, College Park, master’s degrees from Tsingua University in Beijing, China, and the University of Maryland, and a B.A. in International Economics at Fudan University in Shanghai, China.

In addition to the external hires, Brian Bursua and Patrick Gaskin have also joined the DC Solutions group in sales and service roles from within Northern Trust, to serve the recordkeeper channel.

Defined contribution assets under management at Northern Trust have grown to approximately $120 billion as of June 30, 2015, including more than $7.5 billion in target date investments, the company said in a release. Northern Trust also administers about $290 billion in defined contribution assets. 

Asset managers intend to change share class offerings: Cerulli

Close to 60% of investment management firms plans to modify their class offerings, according to the findings of Cerulli Associates’ 2015 Business Strategy Survey, which were reported in the August 2105 of The Cerulli Edge – U.S. Monthly Products Edition.

Of those 60%, about one in four (24%) plan to add share classes, primarily cited as R6 or some zero revenue share class. Another 24% plans to move away from B-shares and higher 12b-1 share classes. The remaining 12% plan to consolidate share classes or make other changes. 

Other findings of The Cerulli Edge:

Overall, asset figures increased in July, with mutual funds ending the month up 0.1% at $12.5 trillion and ETFs up 1.4% to $2.1 trillion. While mutual funds bled nearly $11 billion during July, reducing the YTD total flow to $113.7 billion, ETFs rebounded from a June dip to reap flows of $25.3 billion. 

Low-fee passive institutional strategies experienced significant outflows in 2Q 2015. Cerulli believes that the framework of the active/passive debate will change from an either/or proposition to how both approaches can be used in more customized, objectives-based multi-asset-class strategies (MACS).

Independent advisory firm aligns with Lincoln Financial

Wealth Advisors Group, an independent financial services firm, said it has realigned its broker-dealer affiliation with Lincoln Financial Advisors (LFA), one of Lincoln Financial Network’s two broker-dealers.

According to Stefan Lambert, managing director of LFA’s Greater Washington, D.C., office, Wealth Advisors Group president David Urovsky and his team will be affiliated with LFA’s Washington, D.C. regional planning office. The office includes a local planning department, local operations department and local technology team.   

In other news, Lincoln Financial Group’s Retirement Plan Services business named Javier Obando as director of business development on its Institutional Retirement Distribution (IRD) team.

Obando, based in Los Angeles, will work with government plan sponsors, national and regional independent registered advisor and consulting firms in the western region of the country, helping plan sponsors and advisors address fiduciary governance and plan design issues. He reports to Jason Key, IRD head of business development for Lincoln’s Retirement Plan Services business.

Prior to joining Lincoln, Obando was regional sales director for Empower (formerly Great-West Retirement Services), where he focused on the government sector. Obando was also a retirement consultant with Benefit Funding Services Group and a regional director at Prudential Retirement.

Obando received a B.S. degree in business administration from California State Polytechnic University. He holds series 6 and 63 FINRA registrations and California Life and Disability licenses.

Allianz Life appoints new CIO

Allianz Life Insurance Co. of North America has promoted Todd Hedtke to senior vice president and chief investment officer for Allianz Investment Management (AIM) US, reporting to Allianz Life president and CEO Walter White.

Hedtke succeeds Carsten Quitter as head of the AIM investment leadership team and joins the company’s Executive Leadership Group. Quitter will join Allianz S.p.A. in Italy as chief investment officer.

As CIO, Hedtke is responsible for investment management, liquidity planning, hedging, and trading of more than $100 billion of insurance assets for Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty and San Francisco Reinsurance. He is also a member of the global AIM Board, which services the Allianz Group insurance companies.

A 15-year veteran at Allianz Life, Hedtke previously led the General Account Investment Management function within the AIM division. Before coming to Allianz Life, Hedtke held various investment and finance positions at Cargill, EBF & Associates, and American Express Financial Advisors. He has a BA in Management from Hamline University and an MBA from the University of Minnesota. He holds the chartered financial analyst (CFA), financial risk manager, and FLMI designations.

The Principal acquires AXA’s Hong Kong pension business

The Principal Financial Group, Inc. has completed its acquisition of AXA’s Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) and Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (ORSO) pension business in Hong Kong.

On Nov. 7, 2014, The Principal announced a definitive agreement to acquire AXA’s MPF and ORSO business in Hong Kong. The deal includes an exclusive 15-year distribution agreement to provide pension products through AXA’s extensive agency network in Hong Kong.

With this acquisition, The Principal becomes the fifth largest MPF provider in the market, increasing assets under management of its Hong Kong pension business to more than US $6 billion. The transaction is expected to be accretive to EPS and ROE in the first full year.

© 2015 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

RetirePreneur: Edward Dressel

What I do: I’m the president and owner of Trust Builders, Inc. We provide retirement planning software for retirement advisors who serve the 401(k), 403(b) and federal spaces. Our software, The Retirement Analysis Kit (TRAK) offers financial planning retirement calculators including: Pension Maximization, Paycheck Analysis, Gap Calculators (with the ability to illustrate over 600 public pension plans), Tax Wise Distribution Strategy, Roth Conversion, Split Annuity, and Participant Benchmark reports. Our purpose is to keep it simple enough for individuals to understand. 

How we keep it simple: For example, when advisors use Paycheck Analysis, they don’t focus on increasing a person’s contribution from 3% to 8%. They ask participants, ‘By how much could you afford to reduce your take-home pay?’ Then the calculator illustrates the effect of an increased contribution to their qualified plan. Ed Dressel copy blockTRAK’s software might show their current paycheck and then a proposal that suggests a new take-home pay of, say, $2,000 versus $2,233. It makes it simple and easy to understand.

Who my clients are: We work with advisors in the retirement planning world who work with ‘middle America.’ Many middle-class Americans don’t get adequate retirement planning help. Participant education isn’t always enough. Plan sponsors are told to educate, but participants aren’t engaged. It’s more effective to say, ‘Here’s your statement and here’s what retirement will look like for you,’ based on your plan assets, outside assets and marital status. The DOL wants people to think about retirement planning when they come home from work, but that generally doesn’t happen. This software engages individuals about their retirement in a way that gets them to make decisions.

My business model: We license the software to advisors and to retirement plan providers like Metlife and MassMutual.

Where I came from: I have held various software development and marketing positions with the company since 1988.  

My entrepreneurial spirit: I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was a kid. I had a paper route, sold Kool-Aid as a kid. As an adult I did contract work for programming. I’ve always had the passion to go out on my own. Sometimes I miss the security of working for a company, but the advantages of having my own business—setting the goals, leading a team, developing long term relationships with customers—has been a lot of fun.

The most challenging part of growing a business: Federal regulations. That is absolutely the most challenging part. We’ve been through six rounds with FINRA on the same report, just trying to get their compliance approval. And then there is the challenge of finding personnel in small-town America. We are based in Dallas, Oregon, a town of only 15,000 people.

On operating from a small town: I like the quality-of-life here. I’m three minutes from home. There’s one stoplight between my home and the office. But, as we feel the pressure to hire more high-quality employees, we will eventually need to move to Salem, a city of several hundred thousand. That’s part of the growth process.   

How my values affect my business goals: I’m a faith-based person, and I see poverty as a real problem. Our company helps people retire and, the way I see it, that helps alleviate poverty. It’s hard to see people working in their 70s because they need the resources. There are bigger problems in the world, but I am passionate about this issue.

On volunteering with the local fire department:  I volunteer as a fire and medic chaplain. I work with men and women in my community who, when the alarm sounds, drop whatever they are doing and race to the emergency. As a chaplain, I work with the people affected by the event. After a house fire, I will help bring in the Red Cross in, or sit with someone while the medics assist a loved one. Some of those experiences have been difficult, but I like to bring comfort to those experiencing the brokenness of this world.

What I see ahead for retirement income: I see more use of online tools by advisors. People may try to do their own retirement planning on a website, and that model is being pushed on people. But it hasn’t been successful. I find the downplaying of the advisor’s role to be disappointing. People are intimidated by the task of retirement planning and an advisor can help them tremendously.

My view of robo-advisors: To create an asset allocation, one robo-advisor I know asks only three questions, including ‘What is your name?’ How does that help the client?   

The best retirement income plan for most people: The best plan is to be personally engaged. Most people need to be saving more now. Delays have a significant impact. As for annuities, there are all sorts of ways to fit them into retirement. Some people can’t sleep when they’re invested in equities. Also, when people understand the difference between needs (a place to live) and wishes (an annual European vacation), it helps them allocate their assets between guaranteed sources of income and risky investments.

What the retirement income industry can do better: A lot of software that advisors use is overly complex. Then there’s Monte Carlo analysis, which many people associate with gambling. By the time you explain what it really is, they’re disengaged. Even the concept of asset allocation is too academic for many people. The message, and the tools, should emphasize saving more today.

My view on the DOL fiduciary proposal: The DOL’s proposals will decrease the service that individuals get. The result will be to reduce retirement savings overall.  

My retirement philosophy: I would like to see people retire and not live in poverty or see a significant decline in quality of lifestyle. I don’t see myself retiring. I enjoy working and helping people succeed.  

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

DOL Hearings: Wonkishly Stimulating

There was conflict, and it was interesting.

Although not as entertaining as, say, Megyn Kelly and the first Republican presidential debate, the three days of testimony and debate on the Department of  Labor’s conflict-of-interest proposal this week proved to be much more absorbing than your average C-SPAN broadcast.

And why not. The terms and conditions of managing $7.2 trillion in rollover IRA money are getting hashed out.

The webcast hearings, which end at mid-day today, have involved the testimony of over 100 witnesses, including financial industry advocates, attorneys, law and finance professors, consumer rights activists, at least one martyred whistleblower and a couple of just-folks insurance agents from the farm-and-ranch belt. 

The DOL grouped the witnesses into 25 panels of three or four each, often pairing natural antagonists in a way that prevented imbalance and monotony. There were boring patches where witnesses simply read written statements. But these patches were typically followed by a wonkishly stimulating Q&A period in which a panel of DOL officials, led by Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor Tim Hauser, probed, prodded and sometimes provoked the witnesses. 

The hearings made one thing clear: The DOL specifically wants its proposal to close a 40-year-old “loophole,” written before the invention of 401(k)s and IRAs, that allows advisers considerable discretion in deciding when the legally-binding burden of “fiduciary” conduct applies to their conversations with and recommendations to clients. It was equally clear that advisers don’t want to surrender that discretion.

Overall, the DOL maintains that its proposal—now more than five years in the making—aims to lower costs and raise transparency in transactions involving tax-deferred savings, without unnecessarily restraining trade. Those likely to be most affected by the proposal—those who earn commissions on selling variable annuities and mutual funds to IRA owners—say it won’t work. 

Is the DOL naïve?

Will the proposal accomplish the DOL’s goal? It depends on the workability of the compromise at the heart of the regulation, which would allow brokers and agents to keep using the third-party commission compensation model as long as they sign a pledge to act “in the best interest” of the client “without regard” to their own compensation.

At the hearing, even the DOL seemed to have doubts whether such a compromise is practicable. At one point, Hauser asked Mark Smith of the Sutherland Asbill law firm if the DOL was “naïve” to believe that such a compromise could work. Smith said, “No.”

Yet most of the industry representatives who testified said brokers and agents couldn’t operate within the confines of this compromise. Tom Roberts of the Groom Law Group said, “The best interest standard is incompatible with any selling model that I have seen. It is exclusively in the interest of the [advice] recipient.”

Steve Saxon, also of Groom Law Group, said, as he has said before, that the proposal’s “without regard” clause, which requires advisers to promise to turn a blind eye to their own compensation when formulating advice, was too absolute, and would create too much legal liability for advisers.

One after another, industry representatives called the proposal “unworkable.” The changes in reporting responsibilities necessitated by compliance with the proposal would break their IT budgets, they said, and having a different standard of conduct for managing IRA money and taxable retail money would just confuse clients.

Addressing that last point, the DOL’s Hauser said,  “Congress created a statute that said there should be a special regulatory regime created for tax-preferred accounts, and we’re it. We do not want to make the broker model impossible. We agree that not everyone needs an ongoing advisory or RIA relationship. We just want to tamp down the conflicts.”

As for the accusation implicit in the DOL proposal that the industry has problems that require new regulation, no industry witness acknowledged the existence of problems. Indeed, the industry advocates and attorneys offered no direct response to the assertions by consumer activists and academics who, in their testimony, claimed that brokers’ recommendations are often determined more by a desire to enhance their own or their firms’ compensation than by the clients’ needs or interests.   

There was, in fact, considerable evidence to that effect. Mercer Bullard of the Business Law Institute at the University of Mississippi described in detail the way compensation dominates sales behavior in broker-dealers. His testimony was unique in laying bare brokerage compensation practices that appear designed to maximize sales. 

Arthur Raby of Rutgers, Jonathan Reuter of Boston College, Michael Finke of Texas Tech and others cited various studies that showed that commissions lead advisors to recommend sub-optimal investments or insurance products.

“Economic incentives matter. When a person or firm has chance to get much higher compensation, the allure of the higher compensation nearly always wins, to the disadvantage of consumers,” said Ron Rhoades of Western Kentucky University. Antoinette Schoar of MIT described a 2012 study where mystery shoppers sent to brokerages were steered away from index funds and encouraged to believe in the wisdom of chasing returns.

Several consumer advocates opposed the plank of the DOL proposal that sends client-broker disputes into mandatory binding arbitration. Joe Peiffer, president of the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association, argued that the arbitration system is biased in favor of advisers. Consumer advocates also pointed to the ineffectiveness of disclosures in providing the transparency that clients need from brokers and financial advisers. 

Variable annuities as lightning rod

In the hearings, variable annuities received special attention. At least two consumer advocates cited instances where an adviser recommended that clients roll over 401(k) assets from low-cost institutional funds to high-fee variable annuities, to their detriment. At the same time, several industry advocates cited instances where buying a VA protected clients from market volatility and longevity risk.

VAs, perhaps because of their opaque fees, multiple moving parts and high commissions, have been singled out for special treatment in the DOL proposal. The proposal selectively requires commissioned sellers of VAs to take the “best interest” pledge that the industry finds unacceptable, while allowing fixed annuities to continue being sold under the long-standing and more flexible Prohibited Transaction Exemption 84-24.

Another contentious area involved the question of whether the proposal would backfire by reducing the access of small investors to advisory services. From the industry’s perspective, third-party commissions incentivize brokers to serve people who don’t have enough assets to interest fee-based advisers or who are unwilling to pay out-of-pocket for advice. In other words, these low-balance clients benefit from what might be called vendor financing.  

Consumer advocates rejected this as illogical. Since clients pay indirectly for such vendor financing without knowing it, they said, they clearly can afford to pay for advice in a more transparent framework. Sheryl Garrett of the Garrett Planning Network dismissed the idea that the proposal would deprive the middle-market of advice, pointing to advisors in her network who currently provide conflict-free advice to thousands of middle-income clients. 

She and others refuted arguments that taking away brokers’ incentives to advise the middle market meant the middle market would go without advice, or pay much more because the only alternative was wrap accounts. “We would categorically reject the idea that conflicted commission-based advice is always cheaper than non-conflicted fee-based advice,” said Christopher Jones, chief investment officer of Financial Engines, which provides web-based managed account services to retirement plan participants and retirees.

What happens next? After the hearings, the DOL will invite further comment, and then incorporate the new comments into the next draft—perhaps the final draft—of the proposal. Although Hauser said that the DOL wants to accommodate industry concerns, one witness, Caleb Callahan, representing the Association for Advanced Life Underwriting, made a surprise comment that the DOL’s mind is already made up about what it will do next.

Callahan referred to a letter from Secretary of Labor Tom Perez to Missouri Congresswoman Ann Wagner stating that the DOL is ready to move to a Final Rule. RIJ obtained a copy of the letter from a Wagner staff member. At one point, the letter says: “We will move forward towards issuing a Final Rule that balances the input we have received.”

The letter concludes, “We continue to welcome input on how to refine and streamline this Proposal so that when we publish a Final Rule, we can all be sure it is reflective of relevant input and achieves its desired goals.”

Two advisors have suggested to RIJ, somewhat darkly, that the Obama administration is deliberately circumventing Congress with the DOL proposal in order to achieve some narrow or partisan gain.

“The idea of using the Department of Labor to regulate our entire industry is a strong-arm tactic by the current administration,” one advisor told RIJ in an email yesterday. “I can’t stand this overreach of government regulation, just because some people are angry about how other people get paid. That’s honestly what this entire thing is about.”

© RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Summer issue of Journal of Retirement is released

The Journal of Retirement, vol. 3, no. 1, Summer 2015, is now available online, according to the journal’s publisher, Institutional Investor Journals. The articles in the new issue include:

  • “Illustrating Retirement Income for Defined Contribution Plan Participants: A Critical Analysis of the Department of Labor,” by Mark J. Warshawsky.
  • “A Glide Path for Target Date Fund Annuitization,” by Moshe A. Milevsky, Huaxiong Huang, and Virginia R. Young.
  • “Dynamic Choice and Optimal Annuitization,” by David Blanchett.
  • “Social Security’s Individual Value and Aggregate Burden,” by Liqun Liu, Andrew J. Rettenmaier, and Thomas R. Saving.
  • “Minimizing the Risk of Opportunity Loss in the Social Security Claiming Decision,” by Brian J. Alleva.
  • “Retirement and the Great Recession,” by Alan L. Gustman, Thomas L. Steinmeier, and Nahid Tabatabai.
  • “Financial Literacy and Economic Outcomes: Evidence and Policy Implications,” by Olivia S. Mitchell and Annamaria Lusardi.
  • “Financial Planning and the Reality and Requirements of Retirees with Private Pensions,” by Liam Foster.

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Sumitomo Life buys Symetra for $3.8 billion, a 32% premium

Sumitomo Life Insurance Co. will acquire all of the outstanding shares of Symetra Financial Corp., which is part owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway and former Buffett company White Mountains Insurance Group, Symetra announced this week.  

The total combined transaction consideration of $32.50 per share is approximately $3.8 billion in aggregate and represents a 32% premium over Symetra’s average stock price of $24.64 for the 30 days ending August 5, 2015. Symetra will give Sumitomo Life its first significant operational platform in the U.S.

Symetra’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Thomas M. Marra, and the current management team will continue to lead the business from Symetra’s headquarters in Bellevue, Washington. Symetra will maintain its current brand, employees, distribution channels and product mix.

Symetra shareholders will receive $32.00 per share in cash at closing, plus a previously announced special dividend of $0.50 per share in cash, payable on August 28, 2015 to Symetra shareholders of record as of August 10, 2015. The amount of the special dividend was established in connection with the determination of the total combined transaction consideration.

Sumitomo Life, founded in 1907, is a leading life insurer in Japan with multi-channel, multi-product life insurance businesses. It provides traditional mortality life insurance, nursing care, medical care and retirement plans through sales representatives, insurance outlets, the Internet and bancassurance.

As of March 31, 2015, Sumitomo Life had $229 billion in assets, approximately 6.8 million customers and 42,000 employees.

Symetra, founded in 1957 and based in Bellevue, Washington, provides employee benefits, annuities and life insurance through a national network of benefits consultants, financial institutions and independent agents and advisors. As of June 30, 2015, Symetra had $34 billion in assets, approximately 1.7 million customers, and 1,400 employees nationwide.

Symetra’s largest shareholders, White Mountains and Berkshire Hathaway, representing approximately 18% and 17% ownership of common shares, respectively, have agreed to vote in favor of the transaction.

Warren E. Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway chairman and CEO, said, “Tom and his management team have done a good job running the company and have executed a great deal for shareholders. I wish them the best for future success under their new owners.”

The transaction is expected to close late in the first quarter or early in the second quarter of 2016 and is subject to the approval of Symetra’s shareholders and regulators, and to other customary closing conditions. Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC is acting as financial advisor and Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP is acting as legal advisor to Symetra.

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Tax-efficient fund management pays off, study shows

Tax-efficient funds have tended to outperform other funds in before-tax and after-tax returns, according to “Tax-Efficient Asset Management: Evidence from Equity Mutual Funds,” a paper by Clemens Sialm of the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin and Hanjiang Zhang of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

The authors hoped to find out whether or not tax-efficient fund management might in fact hurt after-tax returns by constraining the fund managers’ investment strategies. They found the opposite.

Shareholders of taxable mutual funds pay an average of about 1.12% of the value of their fund holding each year in dividend and capital gains taxes, the authors found. The annual tax burden rivals fund expenses and management fees, whose impact receives far more attention.

The authors examined U.S. equity mutual funds from 1990 through 2012, based largely on information from the CRSP Survivorship Bias Free Mutual Fund database that tracks fund returns, dividend and capital gains distributions, total net assets, fees, flows, and investment objectives.

On average, mutual funds that followed tax-efficient investment strategies generate better after-tax returns for taxable investors than funds that do not, the researchers found. Funds in the lowest tax-burden quintile over the prior three years exhibited excess returns net of taxes of -0.19% over the subsequent year. Funds in the highest tax-burden quintile, by comparison, exhibited excess returns of -2.29% after taxes. In other words, tax-efficient funds impose relatively less fee drag on the raw index returns.

The pre-tax return on funds in the lowest tax-burden quintile over the previous three years averaged 0.91 percentage points higher, in the subsequent year, than funds in the highest tax-burden quintile. Tax-efficient funds did not perform worse than their peers with regard to pre-tax returns.

An investment in 1990 of $10,000 in mutual funds in the highest tax burden decile would have compounded in 2012 to $55,800 before taxes and to just $37,800 after taxes. On the other hand, an equivalent investment in mutual funds in the lowest tax burden decile would have compounded to $58,900 before taxes and to $48,800 after taxes over the identical time period. Thus, investing in tax-efficient funds would have increased the final wealth of a typical taxable investor by more than $10,000.

Tax efficiency depends in part on the investment style of the fund. For example, small-cap funds may be forced to liquidate holdings in a company whose market capitalization gets too big, and vice-versa for a large-cap fund. Tax burdens also tend to be higher on funds that hold stocks paying high dividend yields and on funds that see high rates of redemptions and volatile investor flows.

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Study alleges fund “favoritism” in bundled 401(k) plans

Do 401(k) participants sometimes get second-rate proprietary mutual funds from their bundled 401(k) providers, and does that hurt their ability to save enough for retirement? New research from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College suggests as much.

“Where mutual fund companies serve as plan trustees—indicating their involvement in the management of the plan—additions and deletions from the menu of investment options often favor the company’s family of funds,” the August 2015 research brief said.

“This bias is especially pronounced in favor of affiliated funds that delivered sub-par returns over the preceding three years. And participants do not shift their savings to undo this favoritism, especially the favoritism shown to subpar affiliated funds. … [and] the lackluster performance of these sub-par funds usually persists.”

The study was based on plan data from 1998 to 2009, so the sample predates the possible reformative effect of recent federal class-action suit judgments against major plan providers and plan sponsors for failing to minimize fund expenses. It was written by Veronica Pool, Clemens Sialm and Irini Stefanescu of Indian University, the University of Texas and the Federal Reserve, respectively.

The data was culled from SEC Form 11-K filings and Form 5500 filings of 2,494 plans with about nine million participants. Three-quarters of the plans had trustees that were affiliated with mutual fund companies. Most of the plans offered proprietary funds as well as outside funds.

“The bias in favor of affiliated funds is particularly pronounced for poor performers,” the authors wrote. “Plans remove just 13.7% of affiliated funds in the lowest performance decile, dramatically less than the 25.5% deletion rate for unaffiliated funds in the lowest performance decile.”

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

BlackRock now manages $123 billion in Japanese savings

BlackRock, the world’s largest fund manager, was the biggest beneficiary of a move by Japan’s Y137tn ($1.14 trillion) Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) to ramp up its exposure to domestic and foreign equities, reported.  

Raising the assets it runs for GPIF and other public defined benefit pension plans in Japan to Y13.8tn from Y9.4tn, BlackRock became Japan’s second-largest manager of DB assets after Sumitomo Mitsui Trust, according to the Japan Pensions Industry Database.

The overhaul of the GPIF’s assets, announced last October, came after two years of pressure from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who wanted GPIF to take on more investment risk in hopes of meeting rising pension liabilities and to help end years of deflation.  

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust lost Y718bn of assets over the 12 months ending last March 30, but held the top spot in pension assets. BlackRock moved up to second spot from third position after increasing its total Japan assets to Y15.4tn ($123.1 billion). The other three top-five spots went to Mizuho Trust, State Street Global Advisors and Diam, respectively.

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Edward Jones to pay $20 million SEC fine

St. Louis-based brokerage firm Edward Jones and the former head of its municipal underwriting desk have agreed to settle charges that they overcharged customers in new municipal bonds sales, the SEC announced this week.

In the SEC’s first case against an underwriter for pricing-related fraud in the primary market for municipal securities, the firm also was charged with separate misconduct related to supervisory failures in its review of certain secondary market municipal bond trades.

An SEC investigation found that instead of offering bonds to customers at the initial offering price, Edward Jones and Stina R. Wishman took new bonds into Edward Jones’ own inventory and improperly offered them to customers at higher prices.  Municipal bond underwriters are required to offer new bonds to their customers at what is known as the “initial offering price,” which is negotiated with the issuer of the bonds. 

In other instances, Edward Jones entirely refrained from offering the bonds to its customers until after trading commenced in the secondary market, and then offered the bonds at prices higher than the initial offering prices.

The firm’s customers paid at least $4.6 million more than they should have for new bonds.  In one instance, the misconduct resulted in an adverse federal tax determination for an issuer and put it at risk of losing valuable federal tax subsidies.

Edward Jones agreed to settle the case by paying more than $20 million, which includes nearly $5.2 million in disgorgement and prejudgment interest that will be distributed to current and former customers who were overcharged for the bonds.  Wishman agreed to pay $15,000 and will be barred from working in the securities industry for at least two years. 

According to the SEC’s order instituting a settled administrative proceeding against Edward Jones, the firm’s supervisory failures related to dealer markups on secondary market trades that involved the firm purchasing municipal bonds from customers, placing them into its inventory, and selling them to other customers often within the same day.  Because of the short holding periods, the firm faced little risk as a principal and almost never experienced losses on these intraday trades.  The SEC’s investigation found that Edward Jones’ supervisory system was not designed to monitor whether the markups it charged customers for certain trades were reasonable. 

Edward Jones consented to the SEC order without admitting or denying the findings and   undertook a number of remedial efforts and now discloses the percentage and dollar amount of markups on all fixed income retail order trade confirmations in principal transactions. Wishman consented to a separate SEC order without admitting or denying the findings.  

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Conflict of Interests

Three and a half days of hearings on the DOL’s controversial fiduciary proposal, which will be available to viewers worldwide through a live webcast, begin at 9 a.m. next Monday morning at the Francis Perkins Building, a stolid limestone cube on Capitol Hill.

I will watch from home on my laptop, hoping for spectacle but prepared for something more like a C-SPAN speech-athon. (Click here for a link to the schedule.)

Given the stakes, and the underlying emotion, this hearing would, in less polite society, turn into a melee. The DOL’s proposal, in its current form, would disrupt the funding mechanism of the sales and distribution of load mutual funds and variable annuities to rollover IRA owners. The industry that relies on that mechanism, and any intermediary who receives third-party compensation for advising retail clients, would suffer financially if it becomes the regulation of the land.

Brokers, agents and certain investment advisers would probably either have to accept a smothering new layer of recordkeeping tasks and compliance chores, or get out of the vendor-financed advice business. This way of delivering financial products and services, they believe, works better than any alternative. But it is now threatened by digital advice, fee compression and the Obama administration’s zeal to reform it.

It’s a turf war, and the turf is very valuable. The DOL believes that the $7.2 trillion in rollover IRAs is 401(k) money that went AWOL; in a perfect world, it should be treated with the same forbearance that applies to ERISA plans as long as it stays tax-deferred. Ideally, in the DOL’s world, it would be used to buy lifetime income.

The financial services industry believes that the rollover IRA money is, aside from the nuisance of tax deferral and required distributions, no different from the money in ordinary after-tax retail accounts. Neither side is right, and neither side is wrong. The status of rollover IRA money is ambiguous. Hence the struggle.

Neither side has a good solution to a very complicated problem with an ad hoc and opportunistic history. Both appear to be in denial. The DOL doesn’t recognize what a huge expensive mess that its proposal would create in the financial services world. The industry doesn’t admit to the deception that’s implicit in its third-party payment regime.

The saddest part is that both sides seem to think that it’s possible to “manage” conflicts-of-interest. It isn’t. The conflicts are embedded in the product designs, the compensation schemes and even in the business models of the financial service industry.  Unless those change, the conflicts (and the effects of the conflicts) that the DOL frets over will still exist.

These hearings haven’t gotten much attention outside of the financial industry, even though the proposal’s impact would be huge. The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd didn’t even mention it in her recent review of President Obama’s campaign of regulatory activism. Most of the world finds the retirement business boring, I guess.

So, while I’m hoping for fireworks, the hearings will probably be sedate and bureaucratic. About 100 witnesses, most of them representing companies, institutions, and advocacy groups, will testify. Department of Labor panelists will ask questions. If the witnesses just read the comments that they posted on the EBSA website, I may surf over to C-SPAN for relief.

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.



How to Build an ‘Income-Oriented’ Portfolio

Before the financial crisis, many affluent retirees relied on a “total return” approach to income generation. A diversified, age-adjusted and risk-adjusted stock-bond portfolio, they figured, could generate enough interest, dividends and/or capital gains to meet their needs. 

But the income stream from a total return portfolio can be uneven, forcing retirees to tighten or loosen their belts unexpectedly. In the jittery post-crisis world, more risk-averse retirees are said to be looking for a portfolio that will give them income that’s both robust and predictable.

Writing in the Spring 2015 issue Journal of Portfolio Management, David Blanchett and Hal Ratner of Morningstar Inc. propose a framework for building what they call “income-oriented portfolios” to meet that demand. On paper, at least, they were able to create the desired portfolios by tapping the riskier regions of the bond universe.

To see how total-return and income-oriented portfolios differ at the extremes, check out the pie charts below, reprinted from the research paper (“Building Efficient Income Portfolios”). At left is the total-return portfolio. At right is the income-oriented portfolio. Both hypothetical portfolios are built to deliver a 7.5% expected average annual return (based on historical returns for the selected asset classes from 1997 to 2014). Both also use a fair amount of high-yield bonds to achieve it.

 Blanchett pie charts cover 08062015

But in reaching for an ambitious overall return, the two portfolios use the rest of their risk budgets differently. The total return portfolio opts for small-cap value stocks and U.S. real estate, while the income-oriented portfolio looks for similar levels of risk and return in emerging market debt and long-term investment grade corporate bonds.

The payoff from using that particular all-bond asset allocation is a higher, more predictable income. “The income return for the total-return portfolio is 140 basis points below that of the income portfolio,” write Blanchett (head of retirement research at Morningstar) and Ratner (head of global research).

“When looked at from traditional efficiency metrics, such as Sharpe ratio or total return-to-CVaR ratio, the total-return portfolio is more attractive,” they write. “But in this case, the income investor is indifferent to total-return efficiency and more concerned with income predictability.”

What are the trade-offs? Less chance for capital gains, for one. Within limits, the income-oriented investor can ignore fluctuations in the prices of his bonds. The total return investor relies on opportunistic asset sales for part of his income. Taxes are another trade-off. The income-oriented investor faces a larger tax bill, mainly because interest is taxed as ordinary income at up to 35%.

Taxes being a bigger problem for wealthy retirees and income sufficiency being a relatively bigger problem for the middle class, Blanchett and Ratner’s conclusion that “less-wealthy investors in comparatively low income brackets with relatively little risk capacity will derive the greatest utility from an income-oriented strategy” comes as little surprise.

Annuities where annuitants share longevity risk 

The prospect of longevity gains creates a significant financial risk to insurance companies that issue annuities. Here’s a suggested alternative for issuers: deferred life annuities that adjust to rising longevity by delaying the start of payments, according to an index of longevity gains in the larger population.

This is proposed in an article by European finance professors M. Denuit, S. Haberman and A.E. Renshaw, “Longevity-Contingent Deferred Life Annuities,” in The Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 14 (3) 2015.

The article, heavy on equations, is aimed more at economists and actuaries than annuity product developers. But this concept for annuity redesign, which offers clients the benefit of lower premiums to compensate for uncertainty about the income start date, is already past the development stage. Some countries with aging populations, like Germany, have already applied it to their social security systems. “Considering the difficulties that have been experienced in issuing longevity-based financial instruments, this might well be an efficient alternative to help insurers to write annuity business,” the authors venture. 

Comparisons of withdrawal strategies, from Wade Pfau

Retirement expert Wade Pfau of The American College, whose work we cite regularly in Retirement Income Journal, has three more articles that will interest advisers:  

  • Making Sense Out of Variable Spending Strategies for Retirees” (March 2015) compares 10 drawdown alternatives for spending wealth over the 30 remaining years of life, based on client’s preferences. He looks at everything from the Required Minimum Distribution schedule to an annuitized floor with aggressive discretionary spending to his own and other prominent decision rules.

Stepping stones to bigger Social Security checks  

It’s smart to delay claiming Social Security benefits until age 70. The monthly payout, after all, is 75% higher than at age 62. And if you want to retire before age 70, use your investment portfolio to bridge the income gap.

In his paper, “Bridges to Social Security” (Journal of Financial Planning, April 2015), Jonathan Guyton shows how to fund this gap at the beginning of retirement without increasing longevity risk at the other end of retirement.

The client, he says, should take a lump sum from savings that’s equal to the cumulative amount she would have received from Social Security during the delay period (from age 66 to age 70 in this example). That money should be invested conservatively, and then liquidated in a manner that replaces the foregone income from Social Security (including cost of living adjustments).   

Over those four years, she can supplement that income by withdrawing from her remaining savings at the rate of 4.5% per year. Then, when she reaches age 70, she can live on the higher payments from Social Security and 4.5% a year from savings. This segmentation strategy works better, on an after-tax basis, than simply spending 6.5% a year from savings starting at age 66 (to meet 100% of income needs) and reducing that rate (to make room for full benefits from Social Security) at age 70. Guyton describes all this in a brief, not a full journal article, so not all of his assumptions are visible.

Aging aside, retirement can be good for your health

Is retirement good for your health or bad for your health? Of course, it depends on a lot of variables. In studying unhealthy retirees, researchers have had difficulty determining if they’re unhealthy because they retired or if they retired because they weren’t healthy enough to work.

Aspen and Devon Gorry of Utah State University and Sita Slavov of George Mason University tackle that question in a new study, “Does Retirement Improve Health and Life Satisfaction?”

Their answer: Retirement doesn’t make you unhealthy. On the contrary. The researchers use data from a survey of Americans over age 50 that asks people questions about their health and daily activities (Sample question: Do you agree or disagree with the statement, “In most ways my life is close to ideal”). They conclude that retirement does improve life satisfaction. Over time, it even improves health, they posit, which can help reduce health care expenditures. 

How much does America spend on medical care for those age 65 and over?

Not long ago, the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Fidelity Investments released estimates that Americans should be saving at least $250,000 just for expected medical expenses in retirement.

Fear over the possibility of high medical bills, especially the expense of long-term residential care, is known to drive a lot of saving behavior, especially by those too wealthy to qualify for coverage by Medicaid.

Given the natural infirmities of old age, older Americans use much more health care than younger people. In 2010, medical bills for those aged 65 or older were 2.6 times the national average, according to government data, and accounted for over one third of all U.S. medical spending.

A new report, “Medical Spending of the U.S. Elderly,” takes a closer look at these costs. Written by Mariacristina De Nardi of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Eric French and Jeremy McCauley of University College London and John Bailey Jones of the University of Albany, it’s based on an analysis of government data for the period from 1995 to 2010.

Among their findings:

  • Medical expenses more than double for those between ages 70 and 90, with most of the increase coming from nursing home spending.
  • The top 10% of all spenders are responsible for 52% of medical spending in a given year.
  • Those currently experiencing either very low or very high medical expenses are likely to find themselves in the same position in the future.
  • The government pays for 65% of the elderly’s medical expenses; the expenses that remain after government transfers are even more concentrated among a small group of people.
  • The poor on average consume more medical goods and services than the rich, but are responsible for a much smaller share of their costs.
  • While medical expenses before death can be large, on average they constitute only a small fraction of total spending, both in the aggregate and over the life cycle.
  • Medicare covers well over half of the elderly’s medical expenditures. Private health insurance, Medicaid, and out-of-pocket expenditures each cover between 11 and 13% of the total.
  • In 2013 personal health care expenditures in the U.S. amounted to $2.5 trillion in 2014 dollars, representing 14.7% of GDP.
  • Low-income people consume more medical resources per year. The higher spending on the poor consists mostly of greater expenditure on nursing homes. When nursing home care is excluded, the income gradient is much less pronounced.

© 2015 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

RetirePreneur: Bo Lu

What I do:  I am the co-founder and CEO of FutureAdvisor, an investment advisory firm based in San Francisco that helps people manage their long term investments. We manage multiple goals for individuals including retirement planning and college saving.  Our software helps those that are looking at how to set everything up correctly as they enter their retirement phase, and also to assist saving for college on behalf of their grandchildren.

The software takes less than two minutes to get started and there is free portfolio analysis for users and recommendations. The software also helps minimize investment fees. We work with Fidelity and TD Ameritrade in managing accounts. We have a relatively straightforward custodian relationship with Fidelity and TD—very similar to what they have with thousands of advisors. Bo Lu copyblock

Who my clients are: Our average client is 42 years old and has $150,000 in assets being managed by us. That number represents the majority of their liquid net worth, so we would define clients as middle class, middle America families who are looking for investment help.

My business model: Just like every other investment advisor, we are fee-based. We charge half a percentage point on the assets we manage annually, not including college savings assets, which are managed for free. We change half or less than half of what a local advisor would charge and we start at a minimum of $10,000 in investable assets, which is much lower than many other advisors.

Where I came from: I’m the lead investment advisor for FutureAdvisor and I hold a Series 65 license. Before co-founding this company, I earned a degree in computer science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with a minor in technology and management. Jon Xu, FutureAdvisor’s other co-founder, is the chief technology officer who previously worked at Microsoft.

My entrepreneurial spirit: For me, the major motivation to solve this problem was that it was a problem worth solving. I saw a problem that was so stark. Rich families have financial advisors and that’s it, many in the middle class and poor families don’t have that same opportunity. I felt that my duty to the world was to fix this problem. It’s so obvious that every single person in the country deserves access to quality, unbiased financial management. The poor care just as much, but they don’t have the tools or money. 

The most challenging part of starting and growing a business: When you have something you’re truly passionate about, the actual work and execution of that idea are a pleasure and exciting.  At the start, the most challenging part was the things you don’t go into it thinking about – things like incorporating, and getting registered with the SEC.  Things like finding office space and accounting and setting up phones.  At the start, it was surprising how much more time the operational aspects of the business took than I expected. As you continue to grow the biggest challenge becomes finding the right people.  Especially early stage, the people you choose to work with are paramount to your success – finding those people in a crowded marketplace can be a challenge.

What I see ahead for retirement income: I think that there’s good news ahead. What I see for the future of retirement income is that everyone will have a team managing their assets for them. Quality, unbiased, affordable retirement planning will not be reserved for only the wealthy. There are people who rather than spend their time looking at the markets, want some help, but may not be able to afford pricier advisory services. I hope, and our mission is, that more people will be able to go out and enjoy their lives, and worry less about the future, because a team is managing retirement assets for them.

The best retirement income plan for most people: The reason why this company was started was because the best financial income plan does not exist for most people. People have different situations and varying degrees of risk tolerance. It’s so different for each person. The problems are personal therefore the solutions must be personal.

My view on the robo-advisor label: We have been called a robo-advisor. But it’s really bigger than the term. Software has an ability to help those who do not qualify for high-quality expensive financial management. That said, we couldn’t imagine that in 10 years time, that software will play a smaller role. Software is here to stay and we believe in a mix of licensed CFPs to answer questions and the use of software. It’s reasonable to incorporate software into retirement planning.  Advisors who don’t incorporate software will get left behind.

How we train our algorithms to think more like people: Computers are completely logical. They take the most mathematically correct actions, even when those actions aren’t particularly intuitive. When the impact of those actions is relatively small, and where an investor might assume something is broken/wrong when seeing them, we have trained our algorithm to not make them.

For example, the algorithm might want to sell a particular ETF in your IRA and then buying the same ETF in your taxable account. Even to the saviest investor, this might seem like an error, and cause distrust or even fear that the system is broken. Causing that type of alarm just isn’t worth the .0001% extra efficiency that the algorithm is capable of. There are a lot of little things like that, which don’t have a measurable impact on performance, but which could cause undue stress or unnecessary churn in users’ portfolios.

What the retirement income industry can do better: Help needs to be more accessible to the masses.  If you look at what the industry’s impact has been as a percentage of the country it’s embarrassing.  Incentives are misaligned, and the people who need help the most are precisely the ones who have been viewed as “too small to spend time on.” It’s why we are focusing so heavily on providing more advice digitally.  It lets us throw the status quo on its head, and give everyone the attention and advice they deserve.

My retirement philosophy: I think the thing we think about is that people should not worry, but be cognizant of their financial future earlier rather than later. I would encourage people who are younger to do that. Our median client is not 50 but in their early 40s and are actively engaged in planning for their own future. If you are actively engaged and planning, you would be a person well served.

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