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Federal judge denies MassMutual’s motion to dismiss ERISA suit

MassMutual was a “functional fiduciary” under ERISA sections 3(21)(i) and (iii) when it “determined its own level of compensation” as a service provider to a Kansas City-based flooring maintenance firm’s 401(k) plan, a federal district judge in Massachusetts has decided.

Judge Patti B. Saris ruled on May 20 in the long-running case of Golden Star Inc. versus MassMutual that the insurer became a fiduciary when it decided to collect a 1% revenue-sharing fee from third-party mutual fund companies that were offered as investment options under the plan.

“The case law is clear that a service provider’s retention of discretion to set compensation can create fiduciary duties under ERISA with respect to its compensation,” the judge wrote. She denied MassMutual’s motion to dismiss the case and said she will rule on the plaintiffs’ motion for class certification in the future.

The suit is one of several ongoing federal lawsuits in which 401(k) plan participants or sponsors have accused a retirement plan service provider of violating ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) by not acting as a fiduciary—a trusted adviser that puts client interests ahead of its own—in the manner or in the amount that it charged for recordkeeping or investment-related services.

“It appears to be in the MassMutual situation that because they could change the amount of the wrap fees inside their separate account vehicles at their own discretion, without plan sponsor/independent fiduciary approval, even if they weren’t a fiduciary before, they become a ‘functional’ fiduciary,” ERISA attorney and blogger Tom Clark told RIJ in an email this week.

“Any person or company that has the ability to control plan assets is a functional fiduciary. And then it follows that controlling your own compensation is self-dealing under the prohibited transaction and fiduciary duty rules. But please note, so far no liability has been found. Everyone still has their day in court,” he added.

“It has been the law for 40 years under ERISA that a fiduciary cannot control the amount of compensation it receives from plan assets. For example, you couldn’t just say to the recordkeeper, ‘Charge whatever you think is fair’ and throw them the checkbook to the plan trust account,” Clark wrote.

“Done properly, a non-plan sponsor fiduciary, or any plan service provider, is allowed to receive reasonable compensation from plan assets, but an independent fiduciary has to approve it. For example, a plan’s investment committee approves the hiring of a 3(21) investment advisor and approves her compensation at 30 basis points,” he said

“Whether or not that amount is reasonable under the law, the 3(21) [advisor] is not considered a fiduciary as to her own compensation, because it was the investment committee that approved it, although she will be a fiduciary as to investment advice given to the plan.

According to the latest court document, MassMutual had provided Golden Star’s retirement plan with recordkeeping services and investment options—including proprietary and third-party funds in separate accounts—through a group annuity contract since 1993. Under the contract, MassMutual was allowed to set separate account management fees at up to 1% of the daily market value of the accounts.

Aside from the determination of MassMutual’s fiduciary status, the case centers on a dispute over the practice of revenue sharing, and whether revenue sharing arrangements are sufficiently disclosed or if the payments enrich others at the expense of the plan participants.

Golden Star claims that the revenue sharing payments that MassMutual has been paid by third-party mutual fund providers are largely unrelated to services provided to Gold Star and are “pay to play” payments for access to the plan.

MassMutual has claimed that the payments were used to “offset the fees and other payments it would otherwise collect from [the Golden Star plan] or its participants as compensation for management of the separate accounts.”

Golden Star says there was no “dollar for dollar” offset. There’s also a dispute about when MassMutual told Golden Star about the revenue sharing arrangements, according to the court document.

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

EBRI reports IRA statistics for 2012

At year-end 2012, the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s IRA Database contained information on 25.3 million accounts owned by 19.9 million unique individuals, with total assets of $2.09 trillion, according to an EBRI release this week.

The data continues to show two trends. By far most of the money in IRAs gets there through rollovers from employer-sponsored retirement plans, and the average balances of IRAs tends to be much higher than the median balance—meaning that the average is skewed upwards by the presence of a relatively few very large accounts.

The total amount of savings in IRAs is much larger than the $2.09 trillion in the EBRI database. According to the Federal Reserve, IRAs represent about 24% of total U.S. retirement assets of $23.7 trillion, or $5.69 trillion.   

US Retirement Market Pie Chart

Among the highlights of the report:  

  • The average IRA account balance in 2012 was $81,660, while the average IRA individual balance (all accounts from the same person combined) was $105,001. Overall, the cumulative IRA average balance was 29% larger than the unique account balance.
  • Rollovers dwarfed new contributions in dollar terms. Ten times the amount of money was added to IRAs by rollovers than by contributions, even though the number of accounts receiving contributions (2.4 million) outnumbered the accounts receiving rollovers in 2012 (1.3 million accounts).   
  • The average individual IRA balance increased with age, from $11,009 (for those ages 25–29) to $192,961 (for those ages 70 or older).
  • Among individuals who maintained an IRA account in the database over the three-year period in question, the overall average balance increased each year—from $95,431 in 2010 to $95,547 in 2011 and to $106,205 in 2012.
  • Men had higher individual average and median balances than females: $139,467 and $36,949 for males, respectively, vs., $81,700 and $25,969 for females. The likelihood of contributing to an IRA did not significantly differ by gender within the database, however. Both Roth and traditional IRAs owned by either males or females (and those not identified by gender identified) were equally likely to receive contributions.
  • IRA owners were more likely to be male. In particular, those with an IRA originally opened by a rollover, or a SEP/SIMPLE IRA were much more likely to be male (57.4% of the former, and 58.2% of the latter).
  • Younger Roth IRA owners were more likely than older Roth owners to contribute to their Roth IRA. Forty-three percent of Roth owners ages 25–29 contributed to their Roth in 2012, compared with 21% of Roth owners ages 60–64.

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Don’t look for another boom year for life/annuity stocks: A.M. Best

After a 62% gain in 2013, the prices of U.S. life/annuity stocks fell three percent in the first quarter of 2014, according to the latest issue of Best’s Journal, the bi-weekly publication from A.M. Best.  “Further underperformance is expected as stocks are trading at historically high valuations,” the ratings agency said in a release.

Investors continue to be bullish on U.S. health insurance stocks, with results up 3.5% in the first quarter of 2014, the release said. Cash management activity remains strong, however.

The life/health insurance segment returned $3.6 billion to investors through share repurchases and dividends in the first quarter. Health insurers repurchased almost USD $3.4 billion worth of shares, an increase of nearly 133% over the same period of 2013.

Other highlights in this issue of Best’s Journal include as follows:

  • U.S. life/health industry continues to tread water in a benign economy:The current low interest rate environment has significantly curtailed near-term growth opportunities for the U.S. life/health insurance industry, according to a Best’s Special Report.
  • U.S. health exchange enrollment results may lead to higher utilization: This Best’s Special Report takes a look at the first Affordable Care Act open enrollment numbers and what they may mean for insurance companies.
  • Sustainable profitability is key for healthy capitalization of China’s non-life insurers: This Best’s Special Report looks at China’s new solvency framework and A.M. Best’s view of its impact on non-life insurers.

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Cerulli offers data on growth of index funds

Cerulli Associates has published the May 2014 issue of The Cerulli Edge – U.S. Monthly Product Trends. The current issue of the monthly newsletter examines passive investment strategies and the growth of passive mutual fund assets. It also includes a close look at enhanced indices, Cerulli said in a release.

The findings in the current issue included: 

  • Index-based strategies pose the greatest threat to active traditional and core U.S. strategies. Flows to passive U.S. equity funds in 2013 outweighed flows to active equity funds by $60 billion to $3.4 billion. Active managers tell Cerulli they are developing new retail and institutional products (e.g., multi-strategy and outcome-oriented products) that don’t compete directly with passive strategies. 
  • According to a recent Cerulli survey, all asset managers surveyed believe that international and global equity and fixed-income passive strategies (including enhanced index and smart beta products) are likely to take market share away from active investment strategies in the institutional channels over the next 24 months. 
  • Mutual funds saw net inflows of $27.8 billion in April. For a second consecutive month, taxable bond mutual funds topped all other asset classes with monthly net inflows of $8 billion in April, despite bank-loan funds being in net redemptions during April.
  • April net inflows into ETFs of $18.5 billion helped lift the vehicle’s YTD flow total to $30.3 billion. International equity ETFs topped the flow league table in April with $8.5 billion. U.S. equity and taxable bond ETFs followed with net flows of $3.8 billion and $3.6 billion, respectively. 

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

The Bucket

The mass affluent tend to be grasshoppers, not ants: Merrill Edge

Neither public speaking, gaining weight nor going to the dentist induces more stress among mass affluent Americans than running out of money in retirement, yet many are not willing to consume less and save more to prevent that from happening, according to the latest Merrill Edge Report from Bank of America.

The bi-annual survey conducted among 1,000 Americans with $50,000-$250,000 in investable assets also found that most parents would cut spending on themselves to help their children; 35% said they’ve withdrawn money from their own savings to cover children’s expenses. 

In other survey findings:

  • More respondents (63% versus 48%) say that having enough money to live “in the here and now” is more important than saving more for the future.
  • More than a third of women report unexpected costs have gotten in the way of their retirement savings, compared to 28% of men.
  • About one in two mass affluent say financial stability is an attractive quality when considering a mate, while others are more likely to be drawn to an appealing sense of humor, money saved or a stable job.

While 55% of respondents surveyed said they’re frightened of not having enough money throughout retirement, 33% said they won’t consider cutting back on entertainment, 30% won’t cut back on eating out and 28% won’t spend less on vacations. Only 19% said they would make it a priority to set aside a windfall for retirement.   

More women than men (59% versus 51%) are frightened about the possibility of not having enough money when they retire. The fear of an uncertain retirement is also most common among 61% of Gen Xers (aged 35-50) and 61% Boomers (aged 51-64. Only 41% of Millennials (aged 18-34) feel this way.

Divorce is associated with retirement anxiety. Almost seven in 10 (68%) divorced survey participants say they are worried about not having enough money during retirement, compared to 53% of respondents who are single, married or widowed.

More than four in 10 respondents (43%) described “choosing among different investment products such as stocks, bonds and exchange-traded funds” as the most complicated part of investing. One in three said handling changes in the stock market is the most difficult and 9% found understanding how 401(k)s and IRAs work the hardest.

In terms of daily financial management, 89% of mass affluent investors set a household budget, but 66% of budget-setters said they often violate their budgets. The two most common obstacles to saving for retirement were the need to pay off debts and the need to cover unexpected costs.

Women are much more likely than men to be attracted to someone with a stable job (51% versus 24%) and to be attracted to someone with financial stability (64%). The mass affluent are often drawn to someone with an “appealing sense of humor” (74%) or someone with whom they “have chemistry” (66%).   

Millennials are more than twice as likely as respondents in other age groups to be attracted to someone who has some money saved (37%). Gen Xers are most likely to be drawn to people who have financial stability (59%).

Guardian, Morgan Stanley ink small 401(k) deal  

The Guardian Advantage and The Guardian Choice funding vehicles, both from Guardian Insurance & Annuity Co., will be added in the investment options on Morgan Stanley 401(k) sales platform, according to a release by The Guardian this week. 

Morgan Stanley operates the largest wirehouse retirement platform, the release said. The Guardian will also participate in Morgan Stanley’s Sales & Training Provider Program.

“Ninety percent of all plans in the 401(k) industry are in the small-plan market and a recent Guardian survey uncovered that 65% of financial professionals polled believe there is a large opportunity in this space,” said Michael B. Cefole, senior vice president of Guardian Retirement Solutions, in the release. “The Morgan Stanley platform allows Guardian to significantly extend our reach in this segment, which continues to be considerably underserved and holds vast prospects.”

The Guardian said that, in addition to getting shelf space at Morgan Stanley, it has broadened its investment options, increasing the size of its national sales team, earned the J.D. Power Call Center Certification award for the third consecutive year, launched a national series of educational seminars for financial professionals, and developed an enhanced enrollment magazine.

“Joining forces with Morgan Stanley provides accessibility to our full scope of retirement solutions to small-plan sponsors across the nation.  We continue to extend our reach across the RIA, broker-dealer and benefit broker segments to solidify our position as the country’s go-to provider of group retirement products in the micro- to small-plan market,” Cefole said.

Guardian also launched a new website ( that provides participants with a variety of educational tools to help them better understand their own investing styles and information about how to maximize their retirement planning.

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Short on Shares, Women Share Homes

The idea of widows and divorcees cohabiting to save money was a novelty in the late ‘80s, when it served as the premise for NBC’s hit comedy, The Golden Girls. It turns out that those girls—saucy Blanche, dizzy Rose, crusty Dorothy and wise Sophia—were ahead of their time.       

Today there’s a website,, built specifically to facilitate matchmaking between unattached women over age 50 who want to reduce their housing costs by doubling up or tripling up in a home or apartment with women like themselves.     

Roommates4Boomers was founded in 2013 by Karen Venable, who was living alone at age 55 and thinking about the importance of her women friends “to my well-being.” She searched online for a service that could help her locate a compatible, reliable roommate but didn’t find much.

Karen Venable

So she decided to start an online roommate-finder business for female Boomers. Roommates4Boomers works like Airbnb, the short-erm rental website, and eHarmony, the dating site. Over the past year, Venable has built a national database of roommate-seekers and an algorithm that matches women with similar preferences, attitudes, tastes, and habits.

A website is born

“We started creating the website a year ago,” Venable (right) told RIJ. “I’m a Boomer myself and found myself living alone a few years ago. There are a lot of women in the same situation, thinking about who they might live with and the benefits of a home share.”

About 13 million of the 39 million or so Baby Boomer women (born in 1946 to 1964) are divorced, widowed or have never married, said Venable. Of those, more than four million are over 50 and live in households with at least one other woman, according to the Census Bureau. 

While most Boomers still remain in their primary home, both pre-retirees and retirees foresee reasons for eventually moving out, according to the Society of Actuaries’ 2013 Retirement Risk survey of 2,000 Americans between ages 45 and 80. Mathew Greenwald & Associates conducted the survey. 

The SoA report found that 74% of retirees considered the reduced responsibility for upkeep and maintenance a deciding factor in leaving their primary home. Almost 80% said health or physical disability might compel them to give up their home, or changing needs after the loss of a spouse, or the attraction of lower expenses. Retired widows are the most likely of all retirees to consider harvesting the equity in their current home by downsizing (77%).

The Roommates4Boomers website uses several screening criteria when arranging matches. “We ask questions like: Are you liberal, do you exercise, do you have pets, do you like to read, do you like to listen to loud music, are you clean, do you have furniture, are you religious, would you share a bathroom, are you gay, do you work, and are you an early riser?” said Venable, naming just a few. The service is free until a match is found and a member is ready to contact the prospective roommate. After that, the cost is $29.95 per month.

While Roommates4Boomers focuses solely on matching senior women as roommates, other websites are capitalizing on the growing co-housing trend. is an Oregon-based company that allows senior men and women to post profiles online and find roommates for a $34.95 annual subscription fee. Subscribers can browse profiles and connect with other members. Another site,, provides information for senior men and women considering a shared housing arrangement. The site also features new co-housing communities out West.

Retirement risks for women

Anna Rappaport, an actuary and chair of the Society of Actuaries’ Committee on Post-Retirement Needs and Risks, told RIJ that older women need such a service. “Women face a number of retirement risks that relate to living longer than men, including outliving their savings, not having access to long-term care insurance, and financial hardship from widowhood. Deciding where to live is another problem many women face in retirement,” she said in a recent interview.

Housing is just one of many risks facing Baby Boomer women today, added Rappaport, who has focused on retirement risks for women. “Women generally have lower savings accounts, lower Social Security benefits, lower pension benefits, and lower 401(k) accumulations than men. That has long-term implications, since the life expectancy for women is longer than that of men,” she said.

“I definitely see a value for this type of website,” she told RIJ. “There is huge potential for co-housing arrangements because housing is the biggest item of expense for most retirees. Housing could also be integrated with support and care if people can find others who can share domestic responsibility and provide companionship.”

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

The Fiduciary Rule: Going, Going…

Years ago, the reporters, kibitzers and idlers who watched jury trials at the courthouse in Yellowstone County, Montana, had a rule-of-thumb that rarely failed: “The longer the jury stays out, the more likely it is to acquit.”

This truism, probably shared by courthouse loungers across America, comes to mind whenever the Department of Labor announces another delay in the re-proposal of its so-called fiduciary rule for 401(k) and IRA advisers (as it did this week, pushing the date back to at least the beginning of 2015).

The longer the DoL’s Employment Benefits Security Administration takes to draft a new version of the rule, I think, the likelier it is that the re-proposal—if one ever appears at all—will be declawed enough not to provoke the blowback from the investment industry that the first one did. It will probably absolve broker-dealers and registered reps of the ethical crimes implied by the first draft. 

Not that Phyllis Borzi, head of EBSA and the champion of a higher fiduciary standard for IRA advisers, wants it that way. I have spoken to her semi-privately on two occasions. Each time, she expressed her conviction that the money in rollover IRAs should be as safe from the potential predations of retail financial sales people as it was inside employer-sponsored plans.

She meant that as long as the money in an IRA enjoys the blessing of tax deferral, it represents pension assets, and should be handled with all the delicacy and restraint that a defenseless and irreplaceable nest egg deserves. If it were up to her, I think, by now she would have issued just as strong a proposal as the first one, critics be damned. Her position will not change.

But Ms. Borzi’s powers are not unlimited. She’s not the only member of the jury panel, so to speak, and it’s unlikely that either the wording or the spirit of the final proposal will be up to her alone. She’ll need support, and it’s not clear where it might come from. Neither her boss, the new Secretary of Labor, nor the soon-to-be lame duck POTUS seems poised to make her fight their fight.  

Her view isn’t invalid. As far as I know, no other developed country with an employer-based, tax-favored defined contribution plan allows the participants of that plan to move their accounts (often containing not just their own deferrals, but also substantial employer contributions and government credits) over to the less regulated, often high-priced, accumulation-driven playing fields of retail finance prior to retirement.

Even in the U.S., it’s not clear that anyone ever intended that most 401(k) money would eventually enter rollover IRAs and, consequently, pass through a period of custody in the retail channel before people began spending it in retirement. We should all marvel that such a state of affairs exists at all. 

But is this situation marvelously good or marvelously bad? It’s very good for the retail channel. It can be good or bad for the clients, depending on how smart they are and whom they decide to trust with their money. Personally, I cringe whenever I see a discount brokerage ad offering “up to $600” as a reward for rollovers; the thought of people day-trading with their retirement money must be one of Ms. Borzi’s worst nightmares.

In any case, it’s too late for her to change the rollover situation for Boomers. Trillions of dollars have already rolled from 401(k)s to IRAs. It will also take much more than a labor secretary, let alone an assistant labor secretary, to defeat the powerful investment industry on such a high-stakes issue. It would take a president with lots of political capital. Most importantly, owners of rollover IRAs (i.e., voters) aren’t clamoring for federal protection from advisers. Case dismissed.     

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Annuity Sales Rose 11% in 1Q2014: LIMRA

Led by fixed annuity sales, overall sales of annuities improved 11% in the first quarter of 2014, year over year, according to a survey by the LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute (LIMRA SRI) that covered manufacturers representing 95% of the market.  
Fixed annuity sales rose 43% increase in the first quarter, compared to prior year, reaching $23.5 billion. Total annuity sales in the quarter reached $57.7 billion.

For a list of top 20 annuity manufacturers, click here. For a bar chart of annuity sales since 2003, click here.

“Despite recent declines in interest rates—falling from just over 3% at the end of 2013 to 2.7% at the end of the first quarter—we are still predicting approximately 10% growth for fixed annuities in 2014,” said Todd Giesing, senior analyst, LIMRA SRI Annuity Research, in a release.

Fixed-rate deferred annuities, book value and market value adjusted (MVA), had another robust quarter, increasing 48% in the first quarter to reach $8 billion. Indexed annuity sales rose 43% in the first quarter, totaling $11.3 billion. 1Q2014 LIMRA Annuity Sales

“Product innovation has played an important role in growing the indexed annuity market—especially in new distribution channels. More companies are introducing uncapped crediting strategies that utilize volatility-controlled indices to manage the risk,” the LIMRA release said.

First quarter indexed annuity sales through the bank and independent broker-dealer (IBD) channels grew significantly. IBDs now account for 13% of FIA sales, up from just 3% in the year-ago quarter. In the same period, bank share of FIA sales grew to 16% from 10%.

“Traditionally, independent agents have represented most of the indexed annuity sales.  Recent sales growth in the bank and IBD channels has not detracted from the independent agent channel, which increased 15% in the first quarter,” Giesing said in the release. Indexed annuity guaranteed living benefits (GLBs) election rates were 68% (when available) in the first quarter.

Deferred income annuities (DIA) reached $620 million in the first quarter, 57% higher than in 2013. But DIA sales were down 13% from the fourth quarter of 2013. It was the first quarter over quarter decline for DIA products since LIMRA SRI began tracking them. 

But with five additional companies entering the DIA market in 2013 and more expected in 2014, LIMRA SRI expects more growth in the DIA market. Single premium immediate annuity sales improved 47 percent in the first quarter to reach $2.5 billion.

VA sales fell 3% in the first quarter, to $34.2 billion, their lowest level in four years. VA sales have fallen to 59% of the total annuity market from 68% in the first quarter of 2013. When available, GLB riders were elected 79% in the first quarter. Increased focus on accumulation and tax deferral, as well as changes in GLB riders has affected election rates of these riders.

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

RetirePreneur: Ron Mastrogiovanni

What I do: Our software focuses on healthcare costs in retirement. One product, our HealthWealthLink calculator, integrates variables such as age, gender, lifestyle, and health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer, to project individualized healthcare costs. Financial service professionals can then use the reports to help clients create savings plans to meet their future healthcare obligations.

Ron Mastrogiovanni RP box

On the income side, we concentrate on Social Security optimization and working in retirement. Some 70% of Baby Boomers plan to work in retirement. Many feel they’re too young to retire. Others may need to pay for healthcare. Most have no idea how these elements will impact their overall bottom line. We help retirees claim Social Security at the optimal time and reveal how annual income can affect Medicare premiums—two factors that, if properly planned for, can save clients tens of thousands of dollars throughout retirement.

Where I came from: The bulk of my career has been spent in financial services. I was one of the founders of FundQuest, which started in the 1990s. We were in the fee-based business, and back then, it wasn’t about fees; it was about commissions. We believed the industry was destined to move toward a more fee-based environment, and investors would find this approach more acceptable than traditional commissions. We were early in that business model, but eventually it became popular, and BNP Paribas acquired FundQuest in 2005.

Who my clients are: We work with financial service companies, including banks, insurers, broker/dealers, and 401(k) record keepers that need to help clients save for healthcare, whether it’s through capital market products, annuities, life insurance, or long-term care insurance. For retirees, future healthcare costs are projected to be equal to the cost of housing, food and transportation combined.

When we started this company, we expected our clients to be mass-market consumers between ages 55 and 70. But a Merrill Lynch survey showed that 80% of affluent Americans cite healthcare as a major concern. We found no real difference between high net worth investors, the affluent, or mass-market individuals. Our original target was Baby Boomers, but studies show that 70% of Gen X and Gen Y also consider healthcare an important issue. Simply put, rising healthcare costs affect everyone. However, if we shift to an advisor’s viewpoint, focusing on the more affluent clients certainly becomes important. If you can save your client $100,000 or more in healthcare costs, that’s good for business.

Why people hire me: The company was founded on this basic premise: “Wouldn’t it be valuable to address Americans’ most important retirement issue—healthcare costs—and complete the transaction in one single meeting?” Our methodology concentrates on four key domains: healthcare, long-term care, working in retirement, and Social Security. Our objective is to complement the traditional financial planning process as a standalone service or as an integrated application. We have not positioned ourselves to compete with the firms concentrating on comprehensive planning.

What drives me: I started out in large companies and quickly became bored. I interviewed with a small start-up and loved the pace. Most start-ups don’t know what they want to be when they grow up. They’re constantly changing—processing feedback from the market, seeing what works and what doesn’t work, evolving in different directions. I find that challenging and exciting.

How will I handle my own health care expenses in retirement: I hope that all of my research will at least enable me to afford my own healthcare when I retire. I have tried to remain diversified in capital market products as well as insurance so that I can control my Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI). This is just one of the many strategies clients can employ to ensure their Medicare premiums won’t go through the roof, and that’s what I do.

My retirement philosophy: I don’t like the word “retirement.” Some dictionaries define retirement as the withdrawal from an active working life, which to me is quite negative. I think “free-styling” is a better term. I like to think of Dennis Hopper in the old Ameriprise ads. He said, “This generation isn’t going to bingo night,” and “Dreams don’t retire.” For my retirement, I’d like to be just as productive as when I held a full-time job. My other goal is to never go to a nursing home. I want to save enough so that I can be in my own home as long as possible and retain control of my life. Independence is very important to me.

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Changes in family structure parallel rising inequality

Americans in non-traditional families—that is, not in families of married heterosexual couples with a child under 21—are much more likely to feel financially insecure than traditional families, according to LoveFamilyMoney, a survey of 4,500 Americans conducted by Allianz.

Even though 85% of Americans consider themselves as middle-class, the study found, 57% of non-traditional family members said they are “making ends meet,” “struggling financially,” or “poor.” That was 10 percentage points higher than members of traditional families. About half (49%) of modern families say that they currently live paycheck to paycheck, versus 41% of traditional families, and 25% are not saving any money at all.

Only 19.6% of U.S. households are the traditional married-heterosexual-couples-with-children today, down from the 40.3% in 1970, the study said.

Allianz defined non-traditional or “modern” family structures as one of the following:   

  • Multi-generational: Three or more generations living in the same household
  • Single parent families: One unmarried adult with at least one child under 18
  • Same-sex couple—Married or unmarried couples living together with a member of the same gender
  • Blended—Parents who are married or living together with a stepchild and/or child from a previous relationship
  • Older parent with young children: Parents age 40+ with at least one child under five in the household
  • “Boomerang” families—Parents with an adult child (21-35) who left and later rejoined the household
  • The study also found:
  • Only 30% of modern families felt a high level of financial security, versus 41% of traditional families.  
  • Nearly 36% of modern families have collected unemployment, versus only 21% of traditional families.
  • 35% of modern families have unexpectedly lost a main source of income, compared with 23% in the traditional category.
  • Twice as many modern families have declared bankruptcy versus traditional families (22% compared with 11% of traditional families).
  • 34% of modern families believe that they have “excellent/above average” financial planning knowledge/expertise, compared with 44% of their traditional counterparts.
  • 51% of modern families (versus 60% of traditional families) think that they are on track to achieve their financial goals.
  • 58% of modern families say that covering current expenses takes priority over planning for the future.

On the other hand, 54% of modern family members say they openly talk to their children about their personal financial situation, versus 47% of traditional families. Moreover, 47% of modern families have actively encouraged their children to invest and save for their own retirement goals, compared to only 38% of traditional families.

But modern families are unlikely to rely on professional assistance to build their own financial plan, Allianz said in its release. Less than half (43%) of modern families say they have ever used a financial professional, versus 53% of traditional families.

More than a quarter (26%) said they “don’t make enough money to think about financial planning for the future,” versus 18% of traditional families. Nearly a third (31%) say they have “too many expenses and/or debts to pay off before I can think about planning for the future,” compared to about a quarter (26%) of traditional families.

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

DoL to hold hearing on “facilitating lifetime plan participation”

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment Retirement Income Security Act Advisory Council will meet June 17 to June 19 at the U.S. Department of Labor,  200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20210. The meeting will be held from 9 a.m. EDT to 5:30 p.m. EDT on June 17 and 18, and from 8:30 a.m. EDT to 4:30 p.m. EDT on June 19.

  • On June 17 and 19, the meeting will take place in C-5320, Room 6.
  • On June 18, the meeting will take place in C-5521, Room 4.

Council members will hear testimony from invited witnesses and to receive an update from Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employee Benefits Security Phyllis C. Borzi. The council is studying these topics:

  1. Issues and considerations around facilitating lifetime plan participation;
  2. Outsourcing employee benefit plan services; and
  3. Compensation and fee disclosure for pharmacy benefits managers.

Descriptions of these topics are available on the advisory council page of the EBSA website.

The meeting is open to the public. Organizations or members of the public who wish to address the council or submit a written statement should email their requests by Tuesday, June 10, to the council’s executive secretary Larry Good at [email protected] or call 202-693-8668. 

 © 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Florida Senator proposes expansion of TSP

Rising conservative political star Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has proposed allowing more Americans to use the federal Thrift Savings Plan that only federal employees and members of Congress currently use. The TSP is similar to a 401(k) plan.

Senior citizens should also receive a fixed sum for buying health care insurance from a private company or from Medicare, Rubio said at the National Press Club recently. The government would subsidize the cost of the insurance, pegging the subsidy to the cheapest available option. In addition, he called for Social Security payroll taxes to be suspended for workers who work past age 65.

Democrats were critical of Rubio’s plan. “Senator Rubio [has] renewed the GOP’s commitment to ending Medicare as we know it, forcing future seniors to spend more out of pocket on medical care when they need it most,” said Democratic National Committee spokesman Michael Czin.

Rubio says he will not decide whether to run for the White House in 2016 until after November’s midterm elections. If former Florida Governor Jeb Bush pursues the presidency, Bush and Rubio would compete for home-state money and support.

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Ruark completes study of FIA surrender patterns

In a follow-up to a similar study in 2011, Ruark Consulting, LLC (RCL) has conducted a fixed indexed annuity surrender study involving 12 carriers representing a majority of FIA sales, the Simsbury, Conn.-based firm said in a release this week.   

The study covered the period 2007 through third quarter of 2013 and consisted of 9.3 million contract years and 380,000 surrenders. The large volume, and the use of data scrubbing and validation, enabled it to draw “credible conclusions” about surrender behavior, RCL said. 

Among the factors analyzed were:

  • Duration
  • Imputed return
  • Surrender charge period
  • Policy size
  • Bonus
  • Time period
  • Living benefit presence and value
  • Market Value Adjustments

The study found the “expected but very graphic pattern” of low surrender rates during the surrender charge period, with a steep shock lapse in the year following the expiration of the CDSC, followed by single-digit surrender rates. Surrender rates of contracts with living benefits have been lower by one to three points per year.   

“Contracts with low annual imputed credited rates display worse persistency than higher-credited contracts – but this result does not extend clearly across the hierarchy of those higher-credited contracts,” the Ruark release said. “On contracts with an MVA feature, a positive MVA value correlates to higher surrender rates at points representing a nadir of interest rates.”

Ruark Consulting has performed policyholder behavior studies for the annuity industry and individual companies since 2007. Examined behaviors have included surrender, living benefit utilization, annuitization, mortality and longevity.   

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Merrill Lynch’s Intentions are “Clear”

Every major financial services company craves a share of the trillions of dollars in IRA rollover money—most of it germinated and incubated in subsidized 401(k) accounts, thank you—and announcements of new corporate initiatives in that direction occur almost weekly.    

Merrill Lynch is not a newbie in the pursuit of retirement savings. In March 2004, for instance, in a move seen at the time as a defensive response to Fidelity’s retirement efforts, Merrill Lynch launched a “Retirement Paycheck Service.” But that was a decade ago—before the financial crisis and before the absorption of Merrill Lynch into Bank of America.

Now “the Bull” has a new campaign around retirement. Last week, David Tyrie, managing director and head of Personal Wealth and Retirement at Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, hosted a webinar to launch Merrill Lynch Clear, a marketing and communication strategy designed to burnish the firm’s appeal as a rollover IRA destination.   

One obvious question—a question that arises when almost any firm announces such an initiative in this space—is whether there’s steak to go with the sizzle. With “Clear,” Merrill Lynch may be changing its marketing and communication strategy to better penetrate the Boomer retirement market. Clear “is a new way to engage clients and help them solve their goals,” Tyrie told RIJ in a recent interview. “It’s a better experience. And if we offer a better experience, more people will come to us.” But there’s no clear indication that Merrill Lynch intends to change, or feels a need to change, its accumulation-driven business model and culture. 

Neither a product or service per se

Big companies periodically re-discover that listening to customers and focusing on their wants and needs is the path to bigger sales, and that appears to be what Clear is all about. But whether a holistic, client-centric approach, which fee-only financial planners use, can thrive in the high-pressure, high-cost, sales-driven environment of a wirehouse remains to be seen.

“I want to be careful not to call it a product or a service. It’s an approach,” Tyrie said during the webinar. “It involves seven life priorities (below right). We frame the conversation around that, and we help the customer make the trade-offs that they need to make to realize their goals. We provide trusted guides—specially-trained advisers who are armed with new technology.”

Seven Clear Priorities

The new approach is based on listening tours and focus groups that Merrill Lynch has conducted over the past year. “People told us they were looking for a holistic approach to retirement,” Tyrie said during the webinar. “They said, ‘Don’t just send me to a website. Don’t tell me there’s a silver bullet. Don’t tell me there’s any kind of guarantee. And don’t call it retirement income;’ call it retirement outcome.

“In one of our focus groups, we asked 14 people what percent of the time a rocket traveling to the moon is likely to be ‘on track.’ The answer is: it’s ‘on track’ only three percent of the time; 97% of the time it’s off track. Mission Control is constantly correcting its course. People today don’t want to be put in a rocket. They want Mission Control. They want constant course correction. This fit perfectly into Merrill Lynch’s model. And that’s how we came up with Merrill Lynch Clear.”

Retirement income philosophy

When asked if there’s any particular retirement income philosophy, or method or tool that Clear is supporting, Tyrie didn’t point to anything in particular. But in fact, a team at Merrill Lynch recently published a whitepaper that promotes a “proprietary Goals-Based Wealth Management” process that includes the creation of retirement income. 

There’s not much here that’s new. This process (see graphic below) will sound familiar to most fee-only financial planners and to those who have read the Retirement Income Industry Association’s curriculum for the Retirement Management Analyst professional designation.

The GBWM process may represent a major change in the practices of Merrill Lynch advisors, however. It involves the incorporation of Social Security income and future health care expenses–household balance sheet items–into the overall planning process—making the process more holistic. Changing a sales culture to a planning culture, especially at a huge and tradition-bound institution, isn’t likely to be easy.

ML Clear Circle

Instead of investment risk being the main or the only consideration by the adviser, the GBWM calls for a consideration of the main retirement risks—longevity risk, sequence of returns risk, health care risk and inflation risk. It also embraces all of the products and processes that can mitigate those risks—“systematic withdrawal programs, variable and immediate annuities, longevity insurance… investments with market downside protection, life insurance [for legacy purposes] and long-term care insurance.”

There’s no major embrace of insurance products here, however. In the whitepaper, annuities are described as safety nets for “ a lower net worth client with a high desire for protection and low desire for protection.” For high net worth clients, “the resource allocation might focus on systematic withdrawal programs, self-funded long-term care and wealth accumulation.”

On the technology side, a major element of the Clear initiative, and perhaps its primary medium, is an iPad application that Merrill Lynch advisers can use with clients.

Long build-up to Clear

Merrill Lynch’s most recent pivot toward the retirement opportunity has been in the works for some time. Last July, Investment News reported on an internal Merrill Lynch memo describing the consolidation of the firm’s huge 401(k), its personal retirement, and its preferred-segment-solutions divisions into a Retirement and Personal Wealth Solutions unit under Andy Sieg, head of global wealth and retirement solutions. David Tyrie reports to Sieg.

The memo outlined an asset- and client-retention strategy starting in the 401(k) business and continuing on the retail side for the life of the client. The article quoted Tyrie as saying: “The magic formula is this relationship with the customer while they’re with a retirement plan — you build trust, there is an interest to stay with you. We have a field force of 15,000-plus advisers who are serving individual clients and if a participant chooses to work with an adviser, we can get them there.”

 “You have this massive group of people moving to retirement, and it’s built on this initial stage of retirement; there is no guidance for this second stage,” Mr. Tyrie said. “The industry should adopt the strategy of to and through retirement. That’s what customers want.”

Retirement Mountain ML

Merrill Lynch has also moved to establish its thought leadership status in the retirement space. In 2013, the firm financed the creation of The Journal of Retirement, a scholarly journal published four times a year by Institutional Investor Journals and edited by annuity and pensions expert George A. “Sandy” Mackenzie, who has held senior positions at AARP and the International Monetary Fund.

In March, Merrill Lynch’s director of Investment Analytics and the co-author of the white paper on GBWM, delivered a presentation on that topic at the RIIA’s spring meeting. In April, a director in the Merrill Lynch Personal Retirement Solutions Group, Bill Hunter, was a panelist at LIMRA’s Retirement Industry Conference in Chicago.

Next steps

There’s no reason to doubt that Merrill Lynch is serious about securing its ability to retain and grow assets, but one former Merrill Lynch insider said that style may be outweighing substance in the new positioning and that certain peripheral factors are likely to affect how the firm deals with the retirement opportunity.

More so that its rivals in the wirehouse space, such as Wells Fargo and UBS, Merrill Lynch has a bias against technologies “not invented here,” he said. In the retirement space, that would mean that the firm would want to build a retirement assessment or product-allocation tool in-house.

But technology resources are always limited, and a robust tool for creating retirement solutions out of investments and annuities might not get priority over projects brought from more vital parts of the business, such as separately managed accounts, or SMAs, he said.

As might be expected, annuities are not a favored product at Merrill Lynch, he added. The compliance department is said to be wary of annuity sales, and puts them through a disproportionate amount of suitability review. In addition, compensation for annuity sales at Merrill Lynch is lower than at other wirehouses, specifically to disincentivize potentially conflicted sales, he said. 

A high net worth client who worked with a Merrill Lynch adviser last year told RIJ that his adviser had no ideas about generating retirement income other than systematic withdrawals from an SMA, and that his only retirement tool was a calculator that predicted chances of portfolio ruin at different withdrawal rates.

“The products that I wanted to talk about”—such as deferred income annuities—“are not things that their advisers use or like to use,” the client said. His adviser wanted to sell him “very expensive private REITs.” But that bias could be changing, the client said. The adviser recently told him that he was about to receive additional retirement training.

Since January, about 10,000 of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management’s 15,000 advisers have been “made aware” of the Clear initiative, Tyrie said. About 3,000 advisers have been trained to use the Clear iPad application. Asked if Clear would soon be the subject of a media campaign, a Merrill Lynch spokesman told RIJ, “Ongoing Merrill Lynch advertising will begin to focus more around the seven life priorities this fall, with placements in traditional and non-traditional media.”

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

MetLife’s New DIA, and Its Competition

The expression “arms race” doesn’t suit the staid world of income annuities, but MetLife’s announcement of a new deferred income annuity (DIA) this week raised the pace of competition a bit in this newish and fast-growing annuity product category.

The new contract, called MetLife Guaranteed Income Builder, appears to be the first DIA to offer the option of a commuted value during the deferral period. Contract owners don’t have to die to get their money back. If they haven’t started receiving income payments, they can surrender the contract and receive at least 92% of their purchase premium.

This feature has a price: Contract owners will get lower monthly payouts if they choose it. But MetLife expects people to welcome the opportunity to choose. “People have a fear of locking up their money,” said MetLife senior vice president Elizabeth Forget.

“We don’t have any data yet [on the way it affects sales], but it adds a lot to the conversation at the point of sale. People may or may opt for it. It could be like the inflation protection option. Everybody wants it until they see how much lower it makes the monthly payment.”

All or most competing DIA contracts offer an optional cash refund death benefit during the deferral period equal to the premium (or 90% of premium growing at a compound 3%) as well as a cash refund or installment death benefit equal to any unpaid premium during the income period. Death benefits undermine (but don’t eliminate) the best feature of an income annuity—the boost that comes from pooling mortality risk—but it’s hard to sell these products without them.   

New York Life remains the issuer to catch in the DIA race, if it can be called that. The big mutual, according to the industry data it cites, sold 40% to 50% of the $2.2 billion in DIA premium gathered in 2013. Northwestern Mutual is, anecdotally, the closest follower, with about a quarter of the market. 

Click on table below to compare the features of different products.

DIA Chart June 2014

The new MetLife DIA—it replaces an older “longevity insurance” DIA that provided income from age 85 on—also lets contract owners move their income start date twice (most products allow only one change) during the deferral period. They can move the start date up to five years earlier or five years later than the original start date. This option is available to people with contracts that have guaranteed periods or a cash refund feature.

In another nod to the vagaries of life and consumer indecision, MetLife lets DIA owners in the deferral period split their original purchase premium into two parts and buy two income streams with different start dates. Both start dates have to be inside the 10-year window around the original start date.

Evidently hoping to appeal to a younger audience, MetLife has a minimum premium of only $2,500. Most DIAs have minimum purchase premiums in the $5,000 to $20,000 range, with $10,000 the most popular. Contract owners can add as little as $500 at a time thereafter.  

MetLife will distribute the Guaranteed Income Builder through its affiliated advisers and through third-parties. Four of its competitors—Guardian, MassMutual, New York Life and Principal are sold—and are said to be selling very well—through the Fidelity Insurance Network.   

Not mentioned in the MetLife product literature is the availability of an option to withdraw up to six months of monthly payments in a lump sum after income payments begin. Several companies allow contract owners to do this once. Lincoln Financial’s Deferred Income Solutions contract permits this convenience three times.

So far, Northwestern Mutual Life is the only issuer to offer DIA contract owners the option of receiving the same annual dividend that its life insurance policyholders receive. The dividend, though not guaranteed, has lately been 5.5% or thereabouts.

People who buy the Select Portfolio version of the DIA receive a slowly rising percentage of the full dividend each year during the deferral period and may receive the full dividend by the time they take income payments. Contract owners can take the annual dividend in cash or use it to buy additional income, or do some of each.

The Select version of the product offers no annual dividend. But it does offer a significantly higher level of guaranteed income than the Select Portfolio. In the hypothetical illustration in Northwestern Mutual’s product literature, the guaranteed income in Select for a $200,000 premium, a five-year deferral, and a single life contract for man taking income at age 65 is $13,700 a year.

For the same owner, the guaranteed income in a Select Portfolio contract would be only $10,374 at age 65, if all dividends (based on the 2013 dividend) in the deferral period were spent on more income. But by the start date, when the full dividend kicked in, the total income (if 80% were taken in cash and 20% were used to buy more income) would be $13,666. By age 70, in the hypothetical, income would be $15,004.

That sounds good, but there’s another factor. The amount of the dividend is linked to amount of unreturned premium. The dividend check could therefore shrink over time, depending on how much of the check the owner uses to buy more income.  

In terms of marketing, most of the eleven DIA issuers seem to be recycling story lines that have been used for years in the SPIA space. DIAs are variously pitched as ways to cover any essential expenses that Social Security and pensions don’t; they protect against the risk of outliving one’s money; they can provide the safety that allows retirees to take more equity risk with their remaining assets; the income can help cover health care expenses later in life.   

Judging by the illustrations in their product literature, Symetra (and First Symetra) and First Investors (Foresters) may be the only issuers who are still positioning their DIA as pure longevity insurance—not providing income until age 85—to protect against outliving one’s money or ending up a “burden” on one’s children.

Symetra’s product literature describes a hypothetical 68-year-old woman who uses 10% of her $500,000 in savings to buy an income of $2,475 a month at age 85. First Investors’ literature offers an illustration of a single 65-year-old man who pays $100,000 (one-seventh of his assets) for an income of $3,312 per month at age 85. Both examples use a life-only contract to show the maximum income available.

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

The One True Path to Income

Every May, when the lawn grows green and shaggy again and the John Deere roars to life after its six-month snooze, the word-scapers here at Retirement Income Journal return to one of their favorite subjects: Income annuities.

Last week we tried to deconstruct the “crowding out” effect of Social Security on retail income annuities. This week we’ll examine that old-made-new product, the deferred income annuity, or DIA.

From a negligible sales base in 2011, when New York Life wrote the first modern DIA contract, DIA sales jumped to $1 billion in 2012 and then more than doubled, to $2.2 billion in 2013, according to LIMRA’s Secure Retirement Institute. By comparison, sales of immediate annuities (SPIAs) grew by $600 million in 2013, to $8.3 billion.

Eleven insurers now offer DIAs in the race. (See today’s cover story.) The sales leaders tend to be mutual companies (which like asset-liability matched products) with stellar strength ratings that assure clients that they’ll still exist in 40 years. New York Life accounts for about half of annual sales. Northwestern Mutual, MassMutual and Guardian Life are in pursuit. But MetLife, Principal, and other publics just getting started.

Career agents sell 57% of DIAs, according to LIMRA. Full-service national broker-dealers sell 40% and banks sell the rest. Though those numbers hide it, New York Life, MassMutual, Guardian and Principal Financial are reported to be selling DIAs with great success through Fidelity’s annuity platform.    


AIG and Principal DIAs are currently quoted and offered for sale on the Income Solutions web platform operated by the Hueler Companies, and other  brands will soon join them, according to CEO Kelli Hueler. Established to give 401(k) plan sponsors with a direct, open-architecture, low-cost “out of plan” SPIA option they can offer to participants at retirement, Hueler now wants to offer DIAs as well.    

Today’s DIAs, which typically start providing income five to 15 years after issue, are a hybrid of two earlier types of DIAs that never got much traction in the marketplace: the flexible premium annuity and “longevity insurance.”

People used those more traditional DIAs to buy future income at a steep discount. The discounts were funded by long years of compounding and by mortality pooling. But these products had little appeal in the marketplace because they lacked liquidity and, just as importantly, exposure to the equity premium.

The new breed of DIA is a more palatable compromise. The deferral period is usually just long enough to allow insurers to back them with longer and slightly riskier bonds, but the income doesn’t seem hopelessly distant. The latest designs remove the biggest barriers to sales.

Add a death benefit to allay fears of forfeiture and the product lends itself to the type of  “best of both worlds” framing that helps producers close sales among retiring Baby Boomers who are looking for pension-like income. DIAs, along with fixed indexed annuities with income riders, may also be absorbing some of the demand left by the diminished supply of variable annuities with generous guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits.

The monthly payout of a single-life DIA purchased with a $100,000 premium by a man at age 59½ with a 10-year deferral and a cash refund of unpaid principal on death is comparable to the guaranteed payout of a variable annuity with a GLWB that offers a 10-year, double-your-benefit-base deferral period and a 5% payout at age 69.

The highest current DIA payout for such a contract would be $990.80 per month, according to Cannex, which provides the most up-to-date DIA quotes. The hypothetical GLWB payout would be $1,000 a month for life. The GLWB, whose underlying assets would include equities, would have more upside potential than the DIA, but it would also have higher costs. 

DIAs have an advantage over SPIAs. A 55-year-old investor who wanted to protect himself from sequence of returns risk during the run-up to retirement could, as an option, put money into a 10-year fixed annuity and wait until age 65 to decide whether to buy a SPIA. To provide liquidity, the insurer would have to back the product with short-term, high quality bonds. 

The same investor could get a somewhat larger income stream with a DIA, all else being equal. “The mortality credit drives about a quarter of the difference and the rest comes from our ability to take advantage of the yield curve,” an actuary at one of the DIA issuers told RIJ. “Besides going a little longer in maturity, to 10 or 15 years, we can also take some calculated credit risk. We’re not talking about anything exotic, just double or triple Bs.”

One obstacle to buying a DIA is that they tend to require planning ten or more years in advance of retirement, which most people don’t do. People who are considering buying a DIA qualified money, such as rollover IRA assets, should probably start thinking about the decision before age 60.

That’s especially true for people buying a DIA with qualified money. Several DIA issuers set the latest purchase age at 68, 68½ or 69, for qualified premiums, because the payouts must begin before age 70½, when required minimum distributions begin. People who are trying to leverage the higher mortality credits at older ages might find that restriction a bit confining.

Those who are buying a DIA with non-qualified, or after-tax money, face no such restrictions. Maximum-issue ages for these assets are as high as age 95. For such clients, DIAs can also help spread the income tax due on the interest earned on the principal over a period of many years. Once all principal has been distributed, however, the payments are 100% taxable as ordinary income. 

DIAs are a useful new arrow in the product quiver of SPIA manufacturers. While SPIAs are mainly purchased by people in their late 60s or older, DIAs give issuers a product that they can offer to people in their 50s, thus broadening their market. Like SPIAs, DIAs can be positioned as a way for retirees to reduce risk in one part of their portfolios so that have more freedom to take risk with the rest of their assets.

As a risk-averse person approaching retirement without a defined benefit pension, I find the DIA concept appealing but the payouts still underwhelming. Low interest rates aren’t the only reason for the unimpressive payout rates. Adverse selection—the tendency for healthy people to buy annuities and vice-versa—inflates the contract price by about 10%.

I try to rationalize the low-interest rate problem by telling myself that low rates have driven equity prices up. Ergo, if I sell inflated equities to buy my DIA, I’m not hurt by the low rates. It’s a comforting thought, but not very.

I also tell myself that complaining about low rates is just a way of dodging the reality that I just haven’t save enough. Many of us still seem to expect growth and appreciation, as opposed to sheer saving (and the sacrifices it entails), to painlessly fund our retirements. That may turn out to be true for some, but you can’t count on it.

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Piketty and the Zeitgeist

 I get the same question these days wherever I go and from whomever I meet: What do you think of Thomas Piketty? It’s really two questions in one: What do you think of Piketty the book, and what do you think of Piketty the phenomenon?

The first question is much easier to answer. By sheer luck, I was among the earliest readers of the English-language version of Capital in the TwentyFirst Century.  Piketty’s publisher, Harvard University Press, had sent me the pre-publication galleys, hoping that I would contribute a blurb for the back cover. I did so happily, as I found the scope, depth, and ambition of the book impressive.

I was of course familiar with Piketty’s empirical work on income distribution, carried out jointly with Emmanuel Saez, Anthony Atkinson, and others. This research had already produced startling new findings on the rise of the incomes of the super-rich. It had shown that inequality in many advanced economies has reached levels not seen since the early part of the twentieth century. It was a tour de force on its own.

But the book goes far beyond the empirical work, and narrates an intriguing cautionary tale about the dynamics of wealth under capitalism. Piketty warns us not to be fooled by the apparent stability and prosperity that was the common experience of the advanced economies during a few decades in the second half of the twentieth century. In his story, it is the un-equalizing, destabilizing forces that may be dominant within capitalism.

Perhaps more than the argument itself, what makes Capital in the Twenty-First Century a great read is the sense of witnessing a superb mind grapple with the big questions of our time. Piketty’s emphasis on the political nature of the distribution of income; his subtle back-and-forth between the general laws of capitalism and the role played by contingency; and his willingness to offer bold (if, to many, impractical) remedies to save capitalism from itself are as refreshing as they are rare for an economist.

So I would have liked to claim that I was prescient in foreseeing the huge academic and popular success that the book would have upon publication. In truth, the book’s reception has been a big surprise.

For one thing, the book is hardly an easy read. It is almost 700 pages long (including the notes), and, though Piketty does not spend much time on formal theory, he is not beyond sprinkling an occasional equation or Greek letters throughout the text. Reviewers have made much of Piketty’s references to Honoré de Balzac and Jane Austen; yet the fact is that the reader will encounter mainly an economist’s dry prose and statistics, while the literary allusions are few and far between.

The economics profession’s response has not been uniformly positive. The book’s argument revolves around a number of accounting identities that relate saving, growth, and the return to capital to the distribution of wealth in a society. Piketty is very good at bringing these abstract relations to life by hanging real numbers on them and tracing their evolution over history. Nevertheless, these are relationships that are well known to economists.

Piketty’s pessimistic prognosis rests on a slight extension of this accounting framework. Under plausible assumptions – namely that the wealthy save enough – the ratio of inherited wealth to income (or wages) continues to increase as long as r, the average rate of return to capital, exceeds g, the growth rate of the economy as a whole. Piketty argues that this has been the historical norm, except during the tumultuous first half of the twentieth century. If that is what the future looks like, we are facing a dystopia in which inequality will rise to levels never before experienced.

Yet extrapolation is dangerous in economics, and the evidence that Piketty adduces to support his argument is hardly conclusive. As many have argued, the return to capital, r, may well start to decline if the economy becomes too rich in capital relative to labor and other resources and the rate of innovation slows down. Alternatively, as others have pointed out, the global economy may pick up speed, buoyed by developments in the emerging and developing world. Piketty’s vision needs to be taken seriously, but it is hardly an iron law.

Perhaps the source of the book’s success should be sought in the zeitgeist. It is difficult to believe that it would have had the same impact ten or even five years ago, in the immediate aftermath of the global financial crisis, even though identical arguments and evidence could have been marshaled then. Unease about growing inequality has been building up for quite some time in the United States. Middle-class incomes have continued to stagnate or decline, despite the economy’s recovery. It appears that it is now acceptable to talk about inequality in America as the central issue facing the country. This might explain why Piketty’s book has received greater attention in the US than in his native France.

Capital in the Twenty-First Century has reignited economists’ interest in the dynamics of wealth and its distribution – a topic that preoccupied classical economists such as Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and Karl Marx. It has brought to public debate crucial empirical detail and a simple but useful analytical framework. Whatever the reasons for its success, it has already made an undeniable contribution both to the economics profession and to public discourse.

Dani Rodrik is Professor of Social Science at Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study and author, most recently, of The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy.

© 2014 Project Syndicate.

Prudential launches new SPIA

As part of a broad effort to diversify its risk exposure away from the equity markets and issue products that tie up less capital, Prudential Annuities has introduced a single-premium immediate annuity (SPIA) with an optional cash refund feature and a one-time option to access future payments in a lump sum (under the life with period certain income option).

“We’ve had SPIA products for many years, but this is an updated version,” said Bruce Ferris, president, Prudential Annuity Distributors, in an interview with RIJ this week. “We had a SPIA that hadn’t been refreshed in terms of administration or marketing for many years, and it wasn’t available on Cannex, where most SPIAs are illustrated and quoted. [Getting the product on Cannex] was part of our motivation for reissuing the product.”

From an enterprise risk perspective, SPIA sales also have the potential to help balance Prudential’s heavy weighting toward equity-linked products. “This launch is reflective of a broader strategy of growth through diversification. We want a broader, complementary solution-set that fits the company’s capital deployment strategy,” Ferris said.

“A SPIA is an asset-liability matching product. The behavioral risks associated with it are much lower than with the variable annuity, for several reasons. The contract owner is giving up access to the money, and the company doesn’t need to try to predict when the contract owner might draw income.”

Prudential managers have said in the past that as a stock company Prudential Financial has to deliver profits that excite shareholders—the types of profits that are more likely to come from selling equity-linked products. SPIA and the relatively new Prudential bond-based deferred income product don’t deliver those types of returns, but they do help diversify risk. Although new sales of Prudential variable annuities with living benefits have declined steeply from their peak, the VA book of business still delivers huge revenues, thanks to fees that are linked to the booming equity values of the subaccounts in its existing contracts.

Whether Prudential is now selling bond-linked products instead of, as opposed to alongside, equity-linked products, Ferris could not say. But he noted, “We’re taking a different approach from competitors. Some of our competitors seek success by controlling supply. We seek success by managing risk. That’s why you see diversified products from us—the SPIA, the Prudential Defined Income product, our traditional variable annuity with a living benefit, and our investment-only variable annuity, which is intended to be a tax-deferred accumulation vehicle.”

© 2014 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Reinsurance once again available to VA issuers: Fitch

Improved pricing and less aggressive investment guarantees are leading to a re-opening of the reinsurance market in the variable annuity space, giving writers of VAs a risk mitigation alternative to in-house VA hedging programs, according to a new report from Fitch Ratings.

But “it is unclear how much of an impact this will have on the risk profile of VA writers,” a Fitch release said. “It could result in a reduction in the industry’s exposure to VA risk or, conversely, it could simply allow insurers to sell more VAs than they otherwise would. Fitch expects the ultimate answer to lie somewhere between the two extremes.”

Like the equity markets, the supply of VA reinsurance market has been volatile in recent decades, Fitch said. It was very active in the 1990s, dried up after the correction in 2000-2002, sprang back to life in 2006-2007, and dried up again after the 2008-2009 financial crisis.  

Fitch said it has seen an increase in reinsurance transactions involving VA risk. CIGNA, previously a reinsurer of variable annuity risk, entered into a reinsurance transaction in February 2013 with a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway on an in-force book of variable annuities.

In the fourth quarter of 2013, Lincoln National Corp.’s (LNC) largest insurance operating subsidiary entered into a reinsurance treaty with Union Hamilton Reinsurance, Ltd., a Bermuda-domiciled subsidiary of Wells Fargo & Co. This transaction was particularly notable in that the reinsurance agreement involved future new business. Under the terms of the treaty, Union Hamilton will reinsure the living benefit guarantee on 50% of new VA sales from Nov. 1, 2013 through Dec. 31, 2014, up to $8 billion of new living benefit guarantee sales. LNC will retain 100% of the product cash flows, excluding the living benefit guarantee.

Fitch believes that more VA writers are exploring potential opportunities to cede a portion of the risk associated with their VA guarantees, but no other significant announcements of such treaties have yet emerged.

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