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Wirehouses still widest distribution pipeline: Cerulli

Despite their higher costs and the shrinkage of their share of financial asset sales since 2007, wirehouses are still the most inviting sales pipeline for product manufacturers, according to the June edition of the Cerulli Edge-U.S. Asset Management Edition, from  Boston-based Cerulli Associates.

The four remaining wirehouses are Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, UBS and Wells Fargo & Co. Their estimated share of sales has fallen to 41% from 48% since 2007, but that’s still more than double the market share of the next largest channel, regional broker/dealers, with 16%.

“Despite well-publicized market share losses, wirehouses still control the largest share of assets among advisor channels. Asset managers should consider these firms the single best opportunity to gain flows today,” said Bing Waldert, director at Cerulli Associates, in a release.  

“Our proprietary Opportunity Index helps asset managers and product manufacturers understand how to best allocate their resources among various distribution channels,” he added. “The index considers addressable assets, projected growth, and profitability. We analyze additional factors when evaluating the attractiveness of these opportunities, including advisor openness to working with wholesalers, use of packaged products, and predominance of proprietary products.”

“Cerulli still considers the wirehouses to be the most attractive distribution opportunity, with a score of 129, largely owing to their dominant asset market share,” Walters said. “Insurance broker/dealers, with minimal assets and heavy use of proprietary products rank last. The quickly growing registered investment advisor channel ranks on par with regional and independent broker/dealers.”

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

The Bucket

Number of cash balance retirement plans grows 500% in 10 Years

Kravitz’s 2013 National Cash Balance Research Report shows a 500% increase in new plans over the decade and a 12% increase for the most recent year. This growth rate surpasses all other sectors of the retirement plan market, including 401(k) plans, which declined 3% in the same period.

10 largest cash balance plansAlso known as “hybrid” plans, cash balance plans combine features of defined benefit plans, such as high contribution limits, with features of defined contribution plans, such  as investment flexibility and portability. Cash balance plans now make up 20% of all defined benefit plans, up from 2.9% in 2001.

There were 7,926 cash balance plans active in 2011 (the most recent year for which complete IRS reporting data is available), up from 1,337 in 2001. There are 11.1 million participants in cash balance plans nationwide, with $724 billion in assets.

 “With 401(k) contributions limited to $17,500 a year and tax rates rising, cash balance plans offer welcome relief for business owners who need to increase tax-deferred retirement savings,” said Dan Kravitz, President of Kravitz.  

The 2013 National Cash Balance Research Report showed that:

  • Companies more than double contributions to employee retirement savings when adding a cash balance plan. The average employer contribution to staff retirement accounts is 6.2% of pay in companies with both cash balance and 401(k) plans, compared with 2.5% of pay in firms with 401(k) alone.
  • Small businesses continue to drive cash balance growth; 86% of cash balance plans are in place at firms with fewer than 100 employees.
  • The 30-year Treasury rate remains the most popular interest crediting rate (ICR). While the 2010 cash balance regulations introduced a wider range of allowable ICR options, most plan sponsors have stayed with the 30-year Treasury safe harbor rate to avoid unexpected cost issues with the new ICR options.

Prudential’s board authorizes share repurchases

Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE: PRU) today announced that its Board of Directors has authorized the repurchase of up to $1.0 billion of its outstanding Common Stock during the period from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.

In June 2012, the Board authorized the repurchase of up to $1.0 billion of its outstanding Common Stock through June 30, 2013. The Company has repurchased approximately $150 million of its Common Stock through March 31, 2013 under that authorization.

Management will determine the timing and amount of any share repurchases under the share repurchase authorizations based on market conditions and other considerations. The repurchases may be effected in the open market, through derivative, accelerated repurchase and other negotiated transactions, and through plans designed to comply with Rule 10b5-1(c) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

Ameriprise advisors have new retirement engagement tool

Ameriprise Financial has launched Confident Retirement, a client engagement tool for its affiliated advisors that “leads clients to an understanding of their retirement needs based on their individual dreams and goals, and helps advisors figure out how to utilize their assets in retirement to help them achieve their expectations,” according to an Ameriprise release.

The Confident Retirement approach concentrates on four fundamental areas that advisors can address with their clients:

  • Covering Essentials
  • Ensuring a Lifestyle
  • Preparing for the Unexpected
  • Leaving a Legacy

Recent research revealed in the Retirement Check-In® survey found that on average, Americans nearing retirement report a gap of nearly $200,000 between what they have saved for retirement and what they believe they will need to live comfortably in retirement. The same survey shows that many Americans also lack confidence about being able to cover the essential expenses in retirement such as housing, food and taxes.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

IRI releases its 2013 Fact Book

The Insured Retirement Institute, the Washington advocacy group that evolved in 2008 from the National Association of Variable Annuities, has published its 2013 Fact Book, an annual “guide to information, trends, and data in the retirement income industry.”

The book contains useful descriptions of the retirement income market, historical sales data on variable and fixed annuities, definitions of the types of annuities and explanations of how they work, and demographic breakdowns of annuity ownership, among other information.

A wide range of readers—from insurance company executives looking for trends as well as individual investors trying to understand the differences between variable annuity share classes—is likely to find something useful in this 190-page spiral bound book.

According to an IRI press release, “The IRI Fact Book is published each year to help public policymakers, the media, advisors and their clients, and the entire insured retirement industry understand and keep current on changes in the retirement marketplace. The IRI Fact Book also is designed as a training tool and resource for those new to the business.”

Though designed for the public at large, the book doesn’t appear to be priced for maximum distribution. IRI members can obtain a free digital download of the Fact Book here or order a print copy for $74.95. Non-members can set up an account at IRI and purchase either a digital download or print copy at non-member rates ($249.95 and $149.95, respectively), according to IRI.  

To its credit, the book contains the good, the bad and the ugly about annuities and annuity trends, including a frank discussion of the impact of low interest rates on the annuity market and a discussion of the reasons for the withdrawal of some former variable annuity issuers from the marketplace.

Many insurance and investment companies contributed information to the book. Other contributors include many of the research firms in the retirement income space, such as Advantage Compendium, Beacon Research, Cerulli Associates, Cogent Research, Corporate Insight, GDC Research, Morningstar, and Practical Perspectives. 

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

More advisors use ‘behavioral finance’ techniques: Brinker Capital

Behavioral finance—the fancy name for client irrationality—was the focus of Brinker Capital’s regular proprietary survey of financial advisor sentiment this spring. The survey showed that many advisors are consciously and formally incorporating elements of behavioral finance into their relations with clients.

For instance, the April 2013 edition of the Brinker Barometer, showed that 27% of the 289 advisors surveyed said they develop a written “Investment Policy Statement” for every client, and that 45% use one with some clients. The rest do not use such a tool.

Such tools are designed to help clients stick to an agreed-upon investment plan when market volatility spikes or when an upsetting newspaper article appears (such as the recent New York Times article warning that $1 million is not enough savings to retire on).   

Of the advisors at insurance companies, independent broker-dealers and in one-person offices whom Brinker surveyed, 77% said they have discussed behavioral finance issues with their clients. “Loss aversion” is “the single most important behavioral finance tenet they integrate into their client work,” they said.  

Brinker found no consensus among advisors regarding their clients’ responses to a financial setback:  

  • 47% of advisors said that when a client is upset with a poorly performing investment, their next investing decision is likely to be “charged with emotion.”
  • 31% said the next decision would be “a wiser one since they’ve learned from the bad experience.”
  • 22% believed that “poor investment performance has little to no effect on the next investment decision.”

Advisors were almost unanimous (94%) in saying that they speak with their clients about the concept of “purchasing power” in retirement—i.e., what the income from their investments might buy in retirement. Only 38% believed that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was a satisfactory gauge of future spending power. A majority thought that using the CPI “plus three or four percent” was more effective.

Asked what asset classes they intend to allocate more to in 2013:

  • 48% of respondents said “absolute return” (vs. 46% in Q4 ’12)
  • 45% said “equities” (vs. 54% in Q4 ‘12)

Asked what asset classes they intend to allocate less to this year:

  • 58% said “fixed income” (vs. 51%)

Asked what asset classes they intend to allocate “about the same” to this year:

  • 60% said “private equity” (vs. 65%)
  • 49% answered “international” (vs. 57%)
  • 44% noted “emerging markets” (vs. 48% who said they’d allocated more to that asset in Q4 ’12)

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Vanguard issues its annual DC report: “How America Saves”

The 2013 edition of How America Saves, Vanguard’s annual compendium of data on its own full-service defined contribution business, which includes some 1,600 plan sponsors with three million participants and about $500 billion under management, or about one-eighth of all dollars in DC plans in the U.S. 

This year’s results show the steady growth in the use of target-date funds and managed account solutions by plan participants. “At year-end 2012, 36% of all Vanguard participants were solely invested in an automatic investment program—compared with just 17% at the end of 2007. Twenty- seven percent of all participants were invested in a single target-date fund; another 6% held one traditional balanced fund; and 3% used a managed account program,” the report said.

Vanguard expects the trend to continue. “Among new plan entrants (those participants entering the plan for the first time in 2012), a total of 73% of new participants were solely invested in a professionally managed allocation. Because of the growing use of target-date options, we anticipate that 55% of all participants and 80% of new plan entrants will be entirely invested in a professionally managed allocation by 2017,” the report said.

In terms of accumulations, there’s a “barbell” shape to the distribution of account values over participant income levels. For instance, 24% of accounts have $100,000 or more and 31% of accounts have less than $10,000. In between, the percentages drop to the single digits.

The average and median balances hide those extremes. “In 2012, the median participant account balance was $27,843 and the average was $86,212. Vanguard participants’ median and average account balances rose by 9% and 10%, respectively, during 2012. Over the five-year 2007–2012 period, median and average balances rose 11% and 10%, respectively,” the report said.

If an average participant had contributed nothing between the end of 2007 and the end of 2012, his or her account value would have gone up by a combined total of 12%, Vanguard’s data tabulators found. “Reflecting strong stock market performance in 2012, the median 1-year participant total return was 13.3%. Despite the dramatic decline in stock prices during the 5-year period, 5-year participant total returns averaged 2.3% per year or 12% cumulatively,” the report said.

The data show that about $150 billion of the $500 billion in Vanguard’s DC plans belongs to people who no longer work for the plan sponsor but who haven’t moved their money out of the plan. That’s $150 billion in potential IRA rollover money for competing fund companies and custodians.

“Participants separating from service largely preserved their assets for retirement,” the report said. “During 2012, about 30% of all participants could have taken their account as a distribution because they had separated from service in the current year or prior years. “The majority of these participants (82%) continued to preserve their plan assets for retirement by either remaining in their employer’s plan or rolling over their savings to an IRA or new employer plan. In terms of assets, 96% of all plan assets available for distribution were preserved and only 4% were taken in cash.”

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

The Ultra-Easy Money Experiment

The world’s central banks are engaged in one of the great policy experiments in modern history: ultra-easy money. And, as the experiment has continued, the risk of failure – and thus of the wrenching corrections and deep economic dislocations that would follow – has grown.

In the wake of the crisis that began in 2007, policy rates were reduced to unprecedented levels, where they remain today, and measures were taken to slash longer-term rates as well. Nothing like it has ever been seen before at the global level, not even in the depths of the Great Depression. Moreover, many central banks’ balance sheets have expanded to record levels, although in different ways and for different rationales – further underscoring the experimental character of the monetary easing now underway.

The risks implied by such policies require careful examination, particularly because the current experiment appears to be one more step down a well-trodden path – a path that led to the crisis in the first place.

Beginning with the sharp monetary-policy easing that occurred following the 1987 stock-market crash, monetary policy has been used aggressively in the face of every economic downturn (or even anticipated downturn) ever since – in 1991, 1998, 2001, and, with a vengeance, following the events of 2007. Moreover, subsequent cyclical tightening was always less aggressive than the preceding easing. No surprise, then, that policy rates (both nominal and real) have ratcheted ever downward to where they are today.

It can, of course, be argued that these policies produced the “Great Moderation” – the reduction in cyclical volatility – that characterized the advanced market economies in the years leading up to 2007. Yet it can also be argued that each cycle of monetary easing culminated in a credit-driven “boom and bust” that then had to be met by another cycle of easing. With leverage and speculation increasing on a cumulative basis, this whole process was bound to end with monetary policy losing its effectiveness, and the economy suffering under the weight of imbalances (or “headwinds”) built up over the course of many years.

The Swedish economist Knut Wicksell raised concerns about such problems long ago. He suggested that a money rate of interest (set in the banking system) that was less than the natural rate of interest (set in the real economy) would result in inflation. Later, economists in the Austrian tradition noted that imbalances affecting the real side of the economy (“malinvestments”) were of equal concern.

Later still, Hyman Minsky contended that credit creation in a fiat-based monetary economy made economic crises inevitable. Finally, many economists in recent decades have identified how excessive leverage can do lasting damage to both the real and financial sides of the economy.

Looking at the pre-2007 world, there was ample evidence to warrant such theoretical concerns. While globalization was holding down inflation, the real side of the world economy was exhibiting many unusual trends. Household saving rates in the English-speaking economies fell to unprecedented levels. Within Europe, credit flows to peripheral countries led to unprecedented housing booms in several countries. In China, fixed capital investment rose to an astonishing 40% of GDP.

Moreover, similar unusual trends characterized the financial side of the economy. A new “shadow banking” system evolved, with highly pro-cyclical characteristics, and lending standards plummeted even as financial leverage and asset prices rose to extremely high levels.

The monetary policies pursued by central banks since 2007 have essentially been “more of the same.” They have been directed toward increasing aggregate demand without any serious concern for the unintended longer-term consequences.

But it is increasingly clear that ultra-easy monetary policy is impeding the necessary process of deleveraging, threatening the “independence” of central banks, raising asset prices (especially for bonds) to unsustainable levels, and encouraging governments to resist making needed policy changes. To their credit, leading central bankers have stated repeatedly that their policies are only “buying time” for governments to do the right thing. What is not clear is whether anyone is listening.

One important impediment to policy reform, on the part of both governments and central banks, is analytical. The mainstream models used by academics and policymakers differ in important respects but are depressingly similar in others. They emphasize short-term demand flows and presume a structurally stable world in which probabilities can be assigned to future outcomes – thus almost entirely ignoring uncertainty, stock accumulations, and the financial imbalances that characterize the real world.

Recalling John Maynard Keynes’s dictum that “the world is ruled by little else” but “the ideas of economists and political philosophers,” perhaps policymakers need new ideas. If so, the immediate prognosis for the global economy is not good. The latest fashion in policy advice is essentially still more of the same.

The call for “outright monetary financing” involves raising government deficits still further and financing them through a permanent increase in base money issued by central banks. Targeting the level of nominal GDP (or the unemployment rate, as in the United States) is a way of convincing financial markets and potential spenders that policy rates will remain very low for a very long time. All of these policies run the risk of higher inflation and/or still more dangerous economic imbalances.

Sadly, a fundamental mainstream reassessment of how the economy works is by no means imminent. It should be.

William White, a former deputy governor of the Bank of Canada and a former head of the Monetary and Economic Department of the Bank for International Settlements, is chairman of the Economic and Development Review Committee at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

© 2013 Project Syndicate.

The Fed at a Crossroads

I first entered the System as a neophyte economist in 1949. Then, as now, the Federal Reserve was committed to maintaining a pattern of very low interest rates, ranging from close to zero at the short end to 2½ percent or less for Treasury bonds. If you feel a bit impatient about the situation now, quite understandably so, recall that the earlier episode lasted 15 years.

The initial steps taken in the midst of the 1930’s continuing depression were at the Fed’s initiative. The pattern was held through World War II in explicit agreement with the Treasury. Then it persisted right in the face of double-digit inflation after the war, increasingly under the duress imposed by the Treasury and Presidential pressure.

The growing restiveness of the Federal Reserve was reflected in testimony by Mariner Eccles in 1948: “Under the circumstances that now exist, the Federal Reserve System is the greatest potential agent of inflation that man could contrive.”

That was pretty strong language by a sitting Fed governor and a long-serving Board Chairman. But it was then a fact that there were many doubts about whether the formal legal status of the central bank could or should be sustained against Treasury and Presidential importuning. At the time, the influential Hoover Commission on government reorganization itself expressed strong doubts. At any rate, over time calls for freeing the market met strong resistance.

Treasury debt had ballooned in the War, exceeding 100% of GDP, so there was concern about an intolerable impact on the budget if interest rates rose strongly. Ending Federal Reserve support might lead to panicky and speculative reactions, and declines in bond prices would drain bank capital. Main line economists, and the Fed itself, worried that a sudden rise in interest rates could put the economy back in recession.

All of that resonates today, some 60 years later, even if few now take the extreme view of the first report of the then new Council of Economic Advisors: “Low interest rates at all times and under all conditions, even during inflation” would be desirable to promote investment and economic progress. Not exactly a robust defense of the Federal Reserve and independent monetary policy.

Eventually, the Federal Reserve did get restless, and finally in 1951 rejected overt Presidential pressure to continue the ceiling on long-term Treasury rates. In the event, the ending of the “peg” was not dramatic. Interest rates did rise over time, but long bonds, with markets habituated for years to a low interest rate, remained at moderate levels. Monetary policy, free to act against incipient inflationary tendencies, contributed to 15 years of stability in prices, accompanied by strong economic growth and high employment. The recessions were short and mild.

No doubt, the challenge of orderly withdrawal from today’s broader regime of “quantitative easing” is far more complicated. The still-growing size and composition of the Fed’s balance sheet implies the need for, at the least, an extended period of “disengagement.” Moreover, the extraordinary commitment of Federal Reserve resources, alongside other instruments of government intervention, is now dominating the largest sector of our capital markets, that for residential mortgages. Indeed, it is not an exaggeration to note that the Federal Reserve, with assets of $3.5 trillion and growing, is, in effect, acting as the world’s largest financial intermediator, acquiring long-term obligations and financing short-term, aided and abetted by its unique privilege to create its own liabilities.

Beneficial effects of the actual and potential monetization of public and private debt, the essence of the QE program, appear limited and diminishing over time. The old “pushing on a string” analogy is relevant. The risks of encouraging speculative distortions and the inflationary potential of the current approach plainly deserve attention. All of this has given rise to debate within the Federal Reserve itself. In that debate, I trust sight is not lost of the merits—economically and politically—of an ultimate return to a more orthodox central banking approach.

I do not doubt the ability and understanding of Chairman Bernanke and his colleagues. They have a considerable range of tools and instruments available to them to manage the transition, including the novel approach of paying interest on excess reserves, potentially sterilizing their monetary impact. What is at issue—what is always at issue—is a matter of good judgment, leadership, and institutional backbone. A willingness to act with conviction in the face of predictable political opposition and substantive debate is, as always, a requisite part of a central bank’s DNA.

Those are not qualities that can be learned from text books. Abstract economic modeling and the endless regressions of econometricians will be of little help. The new approach of “behavioral” economics itself is recognition of the limitations of mathematical approaches, but that new “science” is in its infancy.

A reading of history may be more relevant. Here and elsewhere, the temptation has been strong to wait and see before acting to remove stimulus and then moving toward restraint. Too often, the result is to be too late—to fail to appreciate growing imbalances and inflationary pressures before they are well ingrained.

There is something else beyond the necessary mechanics and timely action that is at stake. The credibility of the Federal Reserve, its commitment to maintain price stability, and its ability to stand up against pressing partisan political pressures is critical. Independence can’t just be a slogan. Nor does the language of the Federal Reserve Act itself assure protection, as was demonstrated in the period after World War II. Then, the law and its protections seemed clear, but it was the Treasury that for a long time called the tune.

In the last analysis, independence rests on perceptions of high competence, of unquestioned integrity, of broad experience, of non-conflicted judgment and the will to act. Clear lines of accountability to the Congress and the public will need to be honored.

Moreover, maintenance of independence in a democratic society ultimately depends on something beyond those institutional qualities. The Federal Reserve—any central bank—should not be asked to do too much, to undertake responsibilities that it cannot possibly meet with the appropriately limited powers provided.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Disaster Flick

With an orange Volkswagen bus, a film crew and a poster inviting people to “Be part of the movie,” Chad Parks took off on a six-week journey last year to interview ordinary Americans about retirement. He cruised the Las Vegas Strip, hung out in Boulder’s pedestrian mall and waylaid passersby in a New Orleans park. He heard many versions of a single story: typical Americans aren’t ready for retirement.

Parks’ videotaped interviews are the substance of “Broken Eggs” (, a new documentary that explores what he calls “the looming retirement crisis.”

The film, as the video clips posted on the website demonstrate, will introduce viewers to the flesh-and-blood people behind the familiar dry statistics: that nearly half of American workers have saved less than $10,000 for retirement and fewer than 30% have saved eshannonven $1,000, at a time when pensions are disappearing, Social Security’s trust fund is shrinking and 401(k) plans are proving susceptible to volatility.    

“This fatal combination of outsourcing our futures to the government, corporations abandoning their pensions, and people not taking personal responsibility and saving enough will hit us hard,” he told RIJ recently. “The term ‘a perfect storm’ has been overused, but that’s what it is. No one is taking a top down look and tying all these trends together so we can have a clear picture of the reality of the way people retire.”

Broken Eggs is intended to add detail to that picture. The documentary, which he produced, aims to delve deeply into the retirement problem and spark some ideas for solutions. The film records the struggles of Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers and Millennials as they cope with the chore of saving for retirement. By the end of this summer, Parks hopes to begin distributing the film, perhaps through Netflix, Hulu, PBS or one of the cable channels. He also plans to distribute copies to financial companies as well as to universities and schools for use as an educational tool.

“For me, a good documentary makes me change my behavior,” said Parks. “I hope that people who watch will really stop and think, yeah, I got to do something.”

Wobbly three-legged stool

 “Broken Eggs” was conceived as a marketing campaign for Parks’ own company, The Online 401(k), a San Francisco-based company that specialized in web-based 401(k) plans for small businesses. Parks and his marketing director, Sylvia Flores, envisioned a promotional film. But as they researched their topic, they gradually realized the immense scope of it.  

Parks now describes the film as a non-profit “artistic” project, independent of his company (the company contributed $400,000 to the production). To provide the filmmaking experience he lacked, he brought in former CNN producer Emily Probst Miller. Miller signed on, she said, because CNN had never addressed the topic, although she considers it “one of the biggest social issues of our time.”

The story is about the insecurity and fear that many Americans feel about retirement. If Social Security, private pension plans and 401Ks each represent a leg of the theoretical “three-legged stool,” there’s a widespread sense that the stool is tottering.

“Every age group now has a different expectation of what retirement means,” said Parks. “People in their 60s and 70s generally have the three-legged stool. People in their 50s and 40s maybe have two out of the three legs, maybe Social Security and personal savings.  People in their 30s and 20s and even younger may have nothing but their personal savings to count on. They don’t even know where to begin.”

The retirement dilemma is often described in terms of averages—average savings, average performance, average household debt load and so forth. But, except for that fact that most of the people who appear in Broken Eggs seem to come from the western half of the U.S., there’s not much about them that’s average. Every story is unique.

Meet Rusty, Terry and Shannon

In the film, for instance, you’ll meet Rusty (above right), a 50-something bearded motorcyclist who has managed a small motel in Colorado since a disability sidelined his career in construction work. He never believed his mother’s advice about saving for a rainy day, and seems to take each day as it comes. But you’ll also meet Terry (below, right)  an engineer in his 70s, who despite the fact that he prudently saved 10% of his income and earned a small pension from an aircraft manufacturerJeanne , finds himself still working because he lost over a million dollars betting on Nevada real estate.

Among the women interviewed in the film, there’s Shannon (above, left), a practical-minded Canadian who works for the Canadian government there but who worries that the conservative administration, which has already raised the full retirement age to 67, might reduce her pension further. Her situation was nothing like that of Jeanne (left)  a 41-year-old cellist in a professional orchestra with a three-year-old child, whose lawyer husband recently jolted her confidence in the future by asking for a divorce.

For comic relief, two struggling young stand-up comedians are interviewed on a sidewalk in Austin, Texas. They joke with occasional profanity—this footage is semi-raw—but offer a few serious insights that people seldom share, such as the disillusionment one of them felt when he lost his job and half of his 401(k) account balance at the same time, because the employer’s matching contribution wasn’t vested yet at the time of termination.

Still no answers

Americans have begun to adapt to the new reality, Parks has found. Families have compensated for tight budgets by living in multi-generational households that include grandparents, parents, children and extended family, all under one roof. But the future, as always, holds lots of unknowns. Will Boomers throttle back their consumption when they realize that their savings may have to last for 30 years or more?  How will that affect the economy? And will today’s workers, Terrymany of whom struggle with student loan debt, even be able to contribute to a 401(k)? Some wonder if a 401(k) is even the proper vehicle for one’s life savings.

There are no easy answers to most of the questions posed in “Broken Eggs.” Parks himself favors a hybridized 401(k) system in which the government requires each individual and employer to contribute automatically to an individual retirement fund. Australia has such a system and Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa has proposed a similar plan, he said.

“The looming retirement crisis will affect all of us, but it is avoidable,” writes Parks on the “Broken Eggs” website. “We need to redefine what retirement means, we need to think about our family structures, and we need to be willing to make short-term sacrifices for the greater good. We all need to save in order to literally save ourselves.”  

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Money managers are bullish on global equities

Institutional investors around the globe say they have a better handle on risk, but most worry about the challenges of rising volatility, inflation and low yields, according to a study by Natixis Global Asset Management (NGAM), which oversees more than $785 billion worldwide.  

The results, released by NGAM’s Durable Portfolio Construction Center, include insights from more than 500 institutional investors that collectively manage more than $11.5 trillion in assets.

Five years after the financial crisis upended markets, many institutional investors say the old rules of investing no longer apply in today’s markets. In the U.S., institutional investors (88%) feel strongly that traditional portfolio construction and diversification strategies aren’t ideal for most investors, and 60% of global institutions agree. Additionally, more than 70%, including a high concentration of sovereign wealth funds, say that setting asset allocation and taking tactical advantage of market movements is difficult.

The widespread attraction to equities continues, with investors particularly drawn to global stocks. Asked to project which asset class will perform best this year, the top choice was global equities (27%), followed by domestic stocks (19%) and emerging market equities (15%).

This optimism is reflected in most investors’ allocation plans for 2013, as 58% plan to increase their exposure to global stocks, 46% will add to their emerging market equity holdings and 42% will increase their weighting in domestic stocks.

Lower yields have made the risk-reward tradeoff of bonds less appealing for many investors, as 43% say they plan to scale back on their domestic bond exposure in 2013 and 42% will reduce their global bond allocations. U.S. investors are slightly more optimistic within their own borders, with only 29% saying they will reduce their domestic bond allocations. Investors worldwide are bearish on gold and cash, as more than 80% anticipate lowering or maintaining their current allocations to each.

Institutional investors have an above-average comfort level with alternative assets such as hedge funds, real estate, private equity and commodities. A large majority (85%) report that they own alternatives, and three in four say it is essential to invest in these strategies in order to diversify portfolio risk.

Most (60%) plan to add to their alternative investments, or other assets that don’t correlate with the broader market, in the next 12 months, with the most popular target areas being real estate (41%), private equity (36%) and infrastructure (30%).

Most are also bullish on the near-term performance prospects for alternatives, with 71% predicting that the assets they own will perform better in 2013 than they did last year. Institutional investors in the U.S. are more cautious, with less than half (48%) projecting better year-over-year performance.

While 89% of institutional investors are confident in their ability to meet their own future obligations, that confidence does not extend to individuals saving for retirement. A large majority of institutions (81%) in the U.S. say the average citizen won’t have enough assets in retirement, and seven in 10 (70%) globally say the same – a powerful message considering that many respondents manage retirement assets professionally. Institutional Investors expressed greater concern in Latin America (88%) and the United Kingdom (84%).

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Advisors’ main goal: More wealthy clients

More advisors are optimistic about the economy than in previous years, but are concerned with rising interest rates and tax burdens, and few advisors rank social media as a priority for them, according to the Curian Advisor Survey: 2013 Outlook for Advisor Priorities.”

Curian is a registered investment advisor affiliated with Jackson National Life, a unit of the UK’s Prudential plc. In its sixth annual advisor survey, the firm polled 2,088 independent financial advisors with average AUM of $96.2 million at 186 firms.

Among the survey findings:

  • Acquiring more affluent clients was advisor’s most frequently stated goal for 2013 (72%). When asked the single biggest challenge advisors face, respondents reported growing and attracting clients and generating referrals (49%).
  • Fixed annuities ranked as the product that advisors were expecting to increase their usage of the least (at 2.5%)
  • 83% of advisors reported that they have access to adequate investment products to meet their clients’ retirement income needs.
  • More than 30% of advisors said they have 10% or more of their assets under management allocated to alternatives.
  • More than 87% of respondents said that tax efficiency and after-tax performance are important aspects of the solutions they propose to clients, while nearly 9% said they were not important (4% said they were unsure).
  • 54% of respondents believe the economy will improve in the next 12 months, while 26% were unsure. Only one-fifth of respondents reported they were pessimistic. In December 2011, only 34% of respondents felt optimistic.
  • Unemployment topped the list of the economic issues that advisors believe are the biggest threats to their clients’ wealth management plans at 23%, followed by government spending at 20%.
  • 30% of respondents reported that their clients also feel unemployment is the biggest threat to their wealth management plans, while 14% believe their clients perceive market volatility as the biggest threat. Declining Social Security benefits ranked as the lowest perceived threat for both advisors and their clients.
  • Nearly 95% of respondents were moderately or very concerned about rising interest rates and the impact this may have on the value of clients’ fixed-income investments; close to 6% were not concerned.
  • 63% of advisors also said they have access to and actively use tools and strategies to reduce the impact of taxes on clients’ investment portfolios. However, more than 28% of respondents said they have access to such tools but don’t use them.
  • 27% of advisors surveyed expect to increase their usage of separately managed accounts (SMAs) this year, while 24% said they expect to increase their usage of alternative investment products.
  • More than 31% of advisors report that they plan to increase their usage of alternative investments this year by 5-10%, and one-fifth of advisors plan to increase their usage by 10-15%.
  • 57% of advisors use multi-strategy open-end mutual funds, and 38% of advisors use single-strategy open-end mutual funds, to gain access or exposure to alternative asset classes.
  • More than three-fourths of advisors said they value ease-of-use of the platform and technology as the most valuable service from their advisory solutions provider, closely followed by strong performance history of the investment options provided (nearly 68%).
  • 94% of advisors said their existing clients garner them the most leads, followed by referrals from industry professionals such as CPAs, attorneys, insurance professionals and mortgage/real estate professionals (nearly 50%).
  • Only 6% of respondents selected social media, and fewer than 5% chose traditional media advertising, as one of their top three sources of leads.
  • Most advisors do not use social media within their practices, but those who do said they most frequently use LinkedIn (35%).
  • When asked what type of mobile device advisors would like to see from an asset management firm, the response was split; 49% preferred apps that mimic a firm’s primary website and 46% preferred calculators or tools for business purposes.
  • While one-third of advisors don’t use a tablet device, more than 50% of respondents reportedly prefer to use an Apple iPad or Apple iPad Mini; 7% use a Samsung Galaxy tablet, fewer than 3% use an Amazon Kindle Fire and other tablet devices had reported usage of less than 2% each.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Emerging market securities can boost a retirement portfolio: BNY Mellon

Adding real assets, emerging market equities and debt, and liquid alternatives to defined contribution plan investment line-ups could improve risk-adjusted returns, reduce volatility and protect against inflation, according to a recent white paper from BNY Mellon.  

The paper is entitled, Retirement Reset: Using Non-Traditional Investment Solutions in DC Plans. It claims that defined benefit (DB) plans tend to outperform DC plans primarily because DB plans include non-traditional assets and DC plans don’t.    

The report notes non-traditional approaches could enhance the success of investors in the current environment, which it expects to be characterized by lower long-term expected returns, higher volatility and heightened inflation risk. 

“If DC plans were constructed more similarly to DB plans, approximately 20% of the DC plan assets would be allocated to non-traditional strategies such as real assets, total emerging markets (which combine equities and fixed income) and liquid alternatives,” BNY Mellon said in a release.

“Equities comprise a higher percentage of the DC portfolios than they do of DB portfolios,” said Capone.   “We believe that applying the best DB practices to DC plans would reduce equity risk and home country bias as well as thoughtfully incorporating alternative investments to increase diversification, return potential and downside risk management.”

The real asset portion of the DC portfolio proposed by BNY Mellon is designed to hedge against inflation and would include Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), real estate investment trusts (REITS), commodities and natural resource equities. 

“Combining emerging markets equity and fixed income would provide a more blended and balanced approach than allocating only to emerging markets equities… The more balanced approach has the potential to reduce portfolio volatility and diversify country and currency risks,” according to the report.

BNY Mellon sees liquid alternatives as a way for DC participants to diversify with assets that have a low correlation with the equities market.  “There is a wide range of liquid alternative strategies. We are using three hedge fund indices as proxies for this asset class,” the release said.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Pershing launches online ‘practice management center’ for advisors

Pershing LLC, a BNY Mellon company, has established a new online Practice Management Center where its advisor clients can access the clearing organization’s practice management materials, including whitepapers, guidebooks and interactive tools.

Resources on the platform will be organized by Pershing’s practice management “pillars”: Growth, Human Capital, Operational Efficiency and Managing Risk.  A sampling of content available on the site includes:

  • Business Development and Planning–Becoming a Stronger Wealth Manager
  • Recruitment and Retention–The 30% Solution: Growing Your Business by Winning and Keeping Women Advisors
  • Platform and Workflow–Mission Possible III: Strategies to Sustain Growth in Challenging Times
  • Compliance and Supervisory Guidelines–Effective Sales Supervision and Compliance

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Is $1 Million Too Little to Retire On?

The New York Times, bless its good grey heart, informed its readers yesterday that $1 million in savings isn’t enough to retire on.

Many Times readers must have nodded in dolorous agreement as they read that story over their Sunday coffee, but I wasn’t one of them. To have a mere $1 million in savings is a hardship that I would wish on myself and on my closest friends.

Seriously, I understand where the Times is coming from. If your lifestyle costs $300,000 a year, which isn’t rare in Manhattan, then $1 million in savings probably won’t last for 20 or 30 years, even if you start riding the subway instead of using taxis (or a car service).     

So, I agree with this much: If someone in the highest tax bracket lulls himself into thinking that a $1 million nest egg will generate the same income he earned during his working years, he’s in for a nasty surprise.   

*           *           *

But there’s a straw man hiding in that argument.

Have we now set the benchmark for adequate retirement savings at a point where savings must generate not only 100% of pre-retirement income, but also hundreds of thousands more for long-term care and/or a legacy? And must we use today’s risk-free rate to calculate the initial stake? That’s what the article seemed to assume.

That’s putting a huge burden on the saving and investing side, and none on the cost-reduction side or risk-transfer side. For all but the wealthiest retires, the task of economizing—paying off one’s house and cars, shedding college or consumer debt, delaying Social Security until age 70 and considering annuities—will as important as the task of saving and investing.

Or perhaps, for a few people, we’ve re-defined retirement sufficiency upward to mean “independently wealthy.” An advisor recently told me that his most affluent clients don’t see any distinction between discretionary and non-discretionary expenses. Those clients will be difficult to satisfy.  

*           *           *

Aside from its fear-inducing overtone, another noteworthy aspect of the Times article was its assumption that the 4% withdrawal limit is the only way to avoid running out of money in old age.

The article suggested that $1 million could safely generate only $40,000 in income per year, and portrayed people with only $1 million as having few options. Outside of a major metropolitan area, a 65-year-old person (or couple) with $1 million actually has a lot of options.

If they’re truly dissatisfied with the 4% rule, a risk-averse couple could put $800,000 in a joint-and-survivor life annuity at age 65. Even at today’s terrible rates, they’d get $50,400 a year (with 100% continuation to the surviving spouse and an installment refund to beneficiaries), and still have $200,000 for emergencies or a legacy.

Alternately, a couple could put $500,000 in a 10-year period certain annuity paying $54,000 a year and invest the other $500,000 in a 10-year fixed rate annuity at 3%  (with the flexibility to withdraw up to 10% per year penalty free). At age 75, with no withdrawals, the fixed annuity would be worth $671,000. Or, if they have a bigger risk appetite, they could put the non-annuitized assets into a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds. They could go in a completely different direction and buy $200,000 worth of longevity insurance that pays about $60,000 a year at age 85.

But they still won’t be living the way millionaires expects to live, you say. That depends on how you look at it. As a Middle Eastern proverb says: “He who is not in debt is rich.”    

*          *           *

The Times article, which was the paper’s “most e-mailed” of the day, also bemoaned the fact that owners of high-quality bonds are earning negligible interest. On the one hand, I agree: Low rates are indeed a plague on people looking for a safe home for their cash.

On the other hand, low rates are a blessing for people who’ve been holding stocks for a decade or two.

Without rate repression, the stock indices might well be much, much lower today than they are. And therefore the equity side of Boomer retirement account balances would be much, much lower. (Wall Street apparently agrees: Stock and bond prices trembled after Ben Bernanke hinted in May that the Fed might slow down its bond purchases.)

Like the loveable hooligan in Damon Runyon’s story, “Earthquake,” who redeems himself by holding up the doorway of a burning school so that all of the children can escape the flames, Fed policy has effectively, if not intentionally, propped up stock and bond values to give Boomers a temporary doorway to exit through.   

So instead of cursing low annuity rates or waiting until interest rates go up (and stock and bond values to go down), maybe near-retirees should grab this opportunity to trade their appreciated assets for life annuities with 15-year periods certain.    

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Claiming SS at 62 or 70: A Comparison

A consensus in the financial planning profession is that while the Social Security claiming decision is quite difficult and there can be exceptions, it is often beneficial to delay the receipt of Social Security retirement benefits.

I will provide an exploration of this issue. What follows is not an effort to optimize any decision-making, but rather to observe the long-term impacts of two different types of claiming strategies. I’m considering the case of a 62-year-old male who has left the workforce. This person may or may not be married, and I’m not making any effort to separately determine about a spousal claiming decision.

The 62-year-old leaves the workforce and is estimated to have a $2,500 monthly Social Security benefit at the full retirement age of 66. If this person claims that Social Security benefit at 62, they are entitled to receive 75% of the benefit. On the other hand, if the person waits until age 70, they will be eligible to receive 132% of the benefit.

The 62-year-old has $1 million in assets and a lifetime inflation-adjusted spending goal of $60,000 per year.

The first option I consider is that this person begins Social Security at 62 and then uses financial assets to cover the remainder of their spending needs for as long as possible (as long as assets remain) throughout their retirement.

The second option is that this person delays Social Security until age 70, but purchases an eight year period certain immediate annuity. This is not a lifetime annuity, but an annuity that makes payments for eight years and then stops regardless of whether or not the beneficiary is alive.

This immediate annuity is not inflation-adjusted, so it will not provide precisely the same income as Social Security would have given with its inflation adjustments, but I otherwise assume that the individual withdraws what they need from their portfolio to spend $60,000 per year after accounting for any income first from the annuity, and then later from Social Security.

The age 62 Social Security monthly benefit is .75*2500 = $1,875. Currently, according to Cannex, spending $100,000 on an eight-year annuity provides monthly income of $1,084. Thus, with the second strategy, I assume the person spends $172,970 to purchase the annuity that will last through age 70 when Social Security benefits begin.

The following analysis is based on 2000 Monte Carlo simulations, with portfolio administration fees of 0.2%. Market returns and inflation are stochastic, and are based on the same current market conditions I have been using in recent research articles.

For the two strategies, I will track the real spending and real remaining wealth over retirement. The figures show the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of outcomes. For spending, the distribution is not wide since I assume that the person spends $60,000 per year (in inflation-adjusted terms) for as long as possible. When the dashed lines fall from the spending level constant, it means that wealth is depleted first at the 10th percentile, and then at the 25th percentile, and so on. When financial assets are depleted the only income that remains is the Social Security benefit (wealth is never depleted in the first eight years when annuity income is part of the budget).

For both strategies, I assume a fixed asset allocation of 40% stocks and 60% bonds for the financial assets.

Strategy 1: Claiming Social Security at age 62

Real income

Pfau chart SS1

Real remaining wealth

Pfau chart SS2

Strategy 2: 8-year period certain annuity and claim Social Security at age 70

Real income

Pfau chart SS3

Real remaining wealth

Pfau chart SS4

With Strategy 1, the impact from claiming Social Security at an earlier age is that financial assets are more likely to be depleted and that income drops further in the event of portfolio depletion. The approach used in Strategy 2 of combining the annuity and delaying Social Security makes retirement spending plan more sustainable over the long-term horizon and reduces the harm caused by financial asset depletion. In other words, running out of financial assets is both less likely to happen and less damaging when it does happen.

The main reasons why this is the case is that the benefit increases built into delaying Social Security assume a real return on underlying assets of about 2.9%, which is quite favorable compared to what investors could expect with their portfolio.
The other interesting impact to observe is the distribution of remaining real wealth over retirement. Immediate uptake of Social Security can potentially allow for a higher bequest if one dies early in retirement, but the potential for leaving a bequest actually improves later in retirement with the delayed Social Security strategy. This has rather interesting implications for anyone seeking to provide a legacy to the next generation. 

We must think about the marginal utility of wealth. If someone dies early in retirement, they will leave a larger nest egg to the next generation, and the fact that Strategy 1 provides an even bigger nest egg than otherwise may not have all that much impact on the lifestyle of the recipient.

But in cases with a more lengthy retirement period, the nature of this bequests changes. Delaying Social Security makes it less likely that financial assets are depleted, which means there will be less strain on any potential bequest recipient [e.g., children] to provide reverse support to the retiree. The potential to leave a larger bequest actually is higher with delayed Social Security in these cases when the available bequests with both approaches are less and each dollar of bequest will count for more. In this sense, a retiree may actually be doing a favor for the subsequent generation by delaying Social Security, which may be a counterintuitive result.

© 2013 Wade Pfau. Reprinted by permission.

Don’t Call Them Investments

When people tell you that annuities aren’t the answer, maybe it’s because you’re not asking the right question. Or maybe because you’re asking the right question the wrong way.

Jeffrey Brown, Ph.D., of the University of Illinois has spent much of the last decade studying the way that ordinary people (as opposed to advisors or economists) respond to questions about life annuities. He focuses on how annuities are “framed” or contextualized.

People tend to favor life annuities over other retirement income solutions, he’s found, when the context plays to the strength of annuities—maximizing income and consumption—than when it plays to their weakness—minimizing exposure to market risk and upside potential.

In the end, it comes down to a matter of word choice. Brown has learned through surveys that when you use words like “spend” and “payments” when discussing annuities instead of words like “invest” and earnings,” people tend to like annuities a whole lot better.

At first glance, it sounds too easy: As if kids would eat more broccoli if you called it chocolate cake. But Brown is proposing something closer to: More kids will choose broccoli over chocolate cake if you ask, “Which is more nutritious?” than if you ask, “Which tastes better?”  

Although Brown’s research isn’t exactly intended to promote the sale of annuities, he thinks it can’t hurt.

“Our goal is to better understand consumer behavior and what it implies for our theories of consumer choice,” he wrote to RIJ in an email. “[But] My basic sense is that advisers share many of the same behavioral biases as consumers do.  That is to be expected, as these biases are deeply ingrained. My hope is that by framing the conversation in a more appropriate way with advisers as well as with consumers, we may get some traction.”

Refining the concept

In a just-released paper, Framing Lifetime Income (NBER Working Paper 19063), Brown and co-authors Jeffrey Klinger (Congressional Budget Office), Marian Wrobel (Health Policy Commission) and Sendhil Mullainathan (Harvard) offer some refinements to Brown’s previous findings about annuities, framing and consumer choice.

In the experiment described in the paper, researchers wanted to answer several questions:

  1. When comparing annuities with some other income solution, are people discouraged from choosing annuities if you mention the amount of the purchase payment/investment? In order words, does the mere mention of a large dollar amount make people afraid of losing liquidity or principal?
  2. If the criterion for choosing an annuity was its ability to generate a threshold monthly income, would more people be attracted an annuity, or would they appeal to a narrower audience, i.e., those with a specific gap between their retirement needs and their savings?   
  3. If you guarantee a full or partial return of principal when offering an annuity, will people be more likely to choose it over another solution?
  4. Do prospects’ gender, age, marital status, children or health status affect their preference for annuities under different frames?

To test these questions, Brown collected survey data from about 4,000 people in 2007 and 2008. Of those respondents, 43% were women and 57% were men. More than half were over age 60 and about one-third were over age 65.

On the first, second, and fourth questions, the researchers found little difference. That is, the advantage of the consumption frame over the investment frame stayed much the same whether or not you mentioned the dollar amount of the premium, whether you established a threshold income that only a life annuity could meet, or whether the respondent was male or female, younger or older, or had children or not.

On Question Three, however, the results did show that, in the investment frame, people were about twice as likely (43-47% vs. 20-24%) to prefer a life annuity with principal protection over a savings account paying 4% annual interest. It didn’t matter very much whether the life annuity offered guaranteed return of at least 80% of principal or 110% of principal.

“Within an investment framework,” the researchers wrote, “annuities appear more attractive when they include principal protection, an insight that may explain why consumers who do annuitize are often partial to including period certain guarantees in their products, despite the fact that these guarantees essentially reduce the insurance value of the products.”

These results could have important implications for life annuity issuers who want to increase sales, Brown believes. “Quite a few [annuity markers] have told me this line of research has influenced their thinking.  I am not sure that I should name names, however, but most of the big annuity providers are very familiar with the work,” Brown told RIJ. He added that his findings also support proposals to report 401(k) account accumulations in terms of monthly retirement income projections instead of or in addition to account balances.   

Brown’s research confirms what a lot of life annuity issuers have learned from experience: that annuities make more sense when viewed as retirement income vehicles than as investments, that consumers prefer annuities to a degree to which they are not aware, and that when advisors ask, “What’s the internal rate of return on a life annuity?,” they’re not asking the right question.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

DIA-monds in a rough patch

Sales of deferred income annuities reached a record high in first quarter 2013, according to the Beacon Research Fixed Annuity Premium Study. Results for these products increased for the fifth consecutive quarter and were nearly 150% higher than a year ago. The success of DIAs helped overall income annuity sales grow 1.4% year-over-year.

“Deferred income annuities were a bright spot in a difficult quarter,” said Jeremy Alexander, CEO of Beacon Research. “Ongoing product development and increasing sales underscore the importance of generating guaranteed retirement income for consumers and their advisors.”

But the industry continued to be impacted by the ongoing low interest rate environment. Total fixed annuity results were $15 billion in first quarter, down 11.7% from a year ago and 7.7% sequentially. However, fixed rate MVA sales dipped only slightly from the prior quarter, suggesting that consumers are willing to accept some potential interest rate risk in exchange for higher credited rates.  

Indexed annuity sales decreased 7.9% quarter-on-quarter to $7.8 billion, and fixed rate non-market value-adjusted (MVA) annuities fell 8.1% sequentially to $4.0 billion. Income annuities dropped 8.2%.

Estimated Fixed Annuity Sales by Product Type (in $ millions)





Fixed Rate


Fixed Rate


Q1 ‘13






Q4 ‘12






% change






Q1 ‘13






Q1 ‘12






% change






Allianz was once again the top fixed annuity company in first quarter 2013, followed by Security Benefit Life, New York Life, American Equity and Jackson National. Security Benefit Life moved to second place. New York Life remained in third place, American Equity moved up a notch to come in fourth, and Jackson National rejoined the top five in fifth place.

First quarter results for the top five Study participants were as follows:

Total Fixed Annuity Sales (in $ thousands)

Allianz Life                        1,163,724

Security Benefit                  1,105,733

New York Life                    1,079,443                          

American Equity                   929,899           

Jackson National                  743,682                                                                                            

In first quarter, Western National Life moved from fifth place to take the lead in bank channel and fixed rate non-MVA sales. The other top companies in sales by product type and distribution channel were unchanged from the prior quarter.

Security Benefit Life had two of the quarter’s five top-selling fixed annuities for the first time. Its Total Value Annuity was the quarter’s bestseller, up fourth place last quarter, and Secure Income Annuity joined the top five in third place. New York Life’s Lifetime Income Annuity, the quarterly bestseller throughout 2012, finished second. American Equity’s Bonus Gold and Allianz’s Endurance Plus indexed annuities both dropped two notches, but remained in the top five at number four and five, respectively.

Rank      Company Name                    Product Name                                  Product Type

1            Security Benefit Life                     Total Value Annuity                              Indexed

2            New York Life                                NYL Lifetime Income Annuity            Income

3            Security Benefit Life                     Secure Income Annuity                        Indexed

4            American Equity                           Bonus Gold                                              Indexed

5            Allianz Life                                     Endurance Plus                                       Indexed

“We expect that fixed annuity sales in the coming months will follow the pattern set early in the year,” Alexander concluded. “Sales may increase slightly coming off from a record year for indexed and income annuities, but low interest rates will continue to hamper significant growth in the near future.”

© 2013 Beacon Research.

GAO criticizes “pervasive marketing” of IRA rollovers

In April, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a study that examined and criticized the process that job-changers go through when deciding whether to roll 401(k) savings into a rollover IRA or to transfer them to their new employers’ plans.

Click here for a pdf of the report, entitled “401(k) Plans: Labor and IRS Could Improve the Rollover Process for Participants.” 

The GAO, reflecting the government’s general wish to see Americans keep their tax-favored savings in institutionally priced employer-sponsored plans rather than roll them over to retail IRAs when they change jobs, found evidence that 401(k) providers often make the path to a proprietary rollover IRA easy for job-changers, while making the path toward a roll-in relatively difficult.

The report suggested that, for participants, the process of dealing with retirement accounts following job changes is confusing, non-standardized, and frequently shaped by the business interests of the organizations involved—sometimes to the detriment and sometimes to the benefit of the participant. 

“The effort [job-changers] have to make to understand their options and pursue a course of action can be daunting. As a result, participants can be easily steered towards IRAs given the number of administrative obstacles and disincentives to staying in the plan environment and the pervasive marketing of IRAs by 401(k) service providers and IRA providers generally…

 “GAO recommends that Labor and IRS should take certain steps to reduce obstacles and disincentives to plan-to-plan rollovers. Labor should also ensure that participants receive complete and timely information, including enhanced disclosures, about the distribution options for their 401(k) plan savings when separating from an employer.”

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

VA Sales Lack Clear Trend

The performance of the variable annuity business in the first quarter of 2013 was mixed.

This year isn’t starting out as strong as 2012 did. Net cash flow into VA contracts—sales minus surrenders, exchanges and distributions—was 76.3% lower in the first quarter of 2013 than in the same quarter a year earlier, according to Morningstar’s Annuity Research Center. At $34.3 billion, total first quarter sales figures were down from $35.7 billion in 1Q 2012.

But 2013 started better than 2012 ended. Net cash flow in 1Q 2013 rose versus 4Q 2012 ($900 million vs. minus $600 million) and sales were up slightly, from $33.9 billion in the final quarter of 2012. Helped by a bull market that pushed the DJIA over 15,000 for the first time, VA assets under management at the end of the first quarter 2013 reached a new record of $1.72 trillion, up from $1.64 trillion at the end of 2012.

Companies Issuing VAs at a FASTER Rate in 1Q 2013 than in 2012

Companies Issuing VAs at a SLOWER Rate in 1Q 2013 than in 2012


Ratio of 1Q Sales to 2012 Total Sales (%)


Ratio of 1Q Sales to 2012 Total Sales (%)

Midland National


John Hancock


Minnesota Life


Guardian Life


Fidelity Investments Life


UNIFI Companies




Security Benefit


Pacific Life










ING Group


Lincoln Financial




Source: Morningstar, Inc. 2013

The overall figures are hard to interpret, however, because the industry is still shaking out and products continue to evolve. The sales leaders are still thriving—especially Jackson National—but the products are generally stingier. “The remaining active retail market companies are largely above water on a net basis, while cash drains from group contracts and exited companies con tinue to be the main culprits driving the low industry number,” wrote Frank O’Connor, director of the Annuity Research Center, in his quarterly report.

De-risking of products can only hurt sales. When VA income riders were patently underpriced in 2005 through 2007, advisors recognized the opportunities and took advantage of them.  As products have become more accurately, and even defensively, priced, demand will inevitably suffer, even at a time when 10,000 Boomers are reaching age 65 daily. 

Billion-Plus VA Sellers in First Quarter 2013


1Q Sales ($bn)

Jackson National


Prudential Financial






Lincoln Financial




AXA Equitable




Pacific Life


Ameriprise Financial




Source: Morningstar, Inc. 2013

The fastest growing product in the first quarter was Jackson National’s Elite Access B share. A year ago, shortly after it was launched, it was ranked 217th in sales. At the end  of 1Q 2013, it was ranked 10th, with $785.5 million in sales.

Other contracts that have moved up significantly in the rankings over the past year are AXA’s Structured Capital Strategies B-Series, and two from Pacific Life: the Destination O-Series and Innovations Select. Neither Elite Access nor Structured Capital Strategies  is aimed at providing lifetime income, but rather to offer tax-advantaged exposure to alternative investments and a buffer against losses, respectively. 

In the various distribution channels, competition is most intense in the asset-rich wirehouse channel. Prudential, Jackson National and Lincoln Financial were the first quarter 2013 leaders in the wirehouses, with sales of $575.8 million, $562.8 million and $526.1 million, respectively. Meanwhile, Lincoln Financial and MetLife fought for leadership in the regional broker/dealer channel, with sales of $670.2 million and $639.7 million, respectively.  

The VA industry remains highly consolidated. The ten largest issuers accounted for about 79% of all sales in the first quarter, and the five largest issues accounted for more than half of all sales.

© 2013 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.