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Prudential Launches HD Lifetime Income 2.0

Prudential Annuities, the U.S. annuity arm of Prudential Financial, Inc., has launched the latest iteration of its Highest Daily Lifetime Income rider. The new version, Highest Daily Lifetime Income  2.0, includes the introduction of a Highest Daily death benefit, according to a Prudential release.

Highest Daily Lifetime Income 2.0 retains the five percent annual compounded growth rate of the Highest Daily Lifetime Income product suite, while adding the new death benefit. Fees, age eligibility, payout bands and an investment fund choice have been adjusted for the new offering.

The August 20, 2012 “2.0” contract appears to supercede the prospectus filed on April 30, 2012, which described the Highest Daily Lifetime Income and Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime Income benefits. The prices are slightly higher on the new version of the popular rider and the age bands have shifted. The minimum age for 5% payouts, for instance, has moved up to 65 from 59 1/2.

Prudential’s optional Highest Daily income rider allows investors to reset the value of their lifetime income benefit base to the high water mark of their account value regardless of what day the high water mark occurs on. The account value itself fluctuates, however, and does not necessarily post a new high water mark every day on which the overall market shows a gain. The account’s asset allocation is subject to change by Prudential’s automatic risk management mechanism, depending on market conditions.

Many competing living benefit riders allow resets only if the high water mark occurs on a quarterly or annual contract anniversary. As noted above, the HD 2.0 benefits retains the previously-available 5% annual compounded “rollup” until an investor begins lifetime withdrawals, and a minimum 200% rollup of the income base (if withdrawals are deferred for 12 years). 

Specific details of the contract are outlined below:

  • Fees: 1.0 percent single life (up from 95 basis points), 1.10 percent for spousal (up from 95 basis points) and 1.50 percent for single with Lifetime Income Accelerator (LIA) (up from 130 basis points.
  • Minimum issue age: Age 50 for the full suite of living benefits (compared with no minimum issue age in the April 30, 2012 prospectus).
  • Age-banded payouts: New age banded payouts include:

– Ages 50-54: 3% (changed from 45-54)

– Ages 55-64: 4% (changed from 55-59 1/2)

– Ages 65-84: 5% (changed from 59 1/2 to 84)

– Age 85+: 6% (unchanged)

(Spousal versions are 50 basis points lower for all age bands.)

  • Investment platform: Within the lineup of asset allocation portfolios, the AST Horizon Growth Asset Allocation portfolio will become the AST J.P. Morgan Global Thematic Portfolio.
  • Enhanced death benefit: Highest Daily Lifetime Income 2.0 and Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime Income 2.0 introduce a new optional integrated death benefit that locks in account highs daily. This benefit replaces the Combination five percent roll-up and highest anniversary value death benefits. The combined fee for the enhanced death benefit and income guarantee is 1.50% for single and 1.60% for spousal.

Launched in 2006, the Highest Daily suite of living benefits offers other features, including: 

  • Real-time “stacking,” i.e., the ability to apply the guaranteed growth rate on top of the Highest Daily step-up on a real-time basis.
  • Nineteen actively managed asset allocation portfolios.
  • Post-withdrawal step-ups: After lifetime withdrawals begin, Highest Daily Lifetime Income 2.0 and Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime Income 2.0 provide annual opportunities for increased income based on the account’s highest daily value.

Overall election rates for Prudential Annuities’ variable annuity optional living benefits grew to 92% during the second quarter of 2012, the company said.

What Happened to the ‘Auto-IRA’?

Over the past decade, while the British were creating the National Employment Savings Trust, a “public option” workplace retirement plan that takes full effect this October, a small group in the U.S. was trying to promulgate a somewhat similar program here.

Called the “Automatic IRA,” the program would urge employers who don’t sponsor defined contribution plans to let their employees be auto-enrolled into a tax-deferred individual retirement account (IRA) and to let employees use the company payroll system to make automatic deferrals into it.

The policy goal in the U.S. was the same as the policy goal in the U.K.: To enable the millions of people who aren’t covered by DC plans to start saving in earnest, so that they would have more money in retirement and have less need to rely on public assistance.

But while the British pension wonks, after years of laborious trial, error, negotiation and legislation, made NEST a reality, their counterparts in America, despite early bipartisan support, have seen the Auto-IRA get mired in the “swamp”—as George W. Bush recently characterized it—of contemporary American politics.

At the height of its popularity, during the 2008 presidential campaign, the Auto-IRA appeared to have friends and champions in both political parties. But some political bloggers demonized it as a “retirement wealth and power grab” by the Obama administration, and the controversy over the Affordable Care Act soon upstaged it.

To be sure, the Auto-IRA still has a pulse. “There’s a bill in Congress right now,” said Mark Iwry, the Treasury official who, with David John of the Heritage Foundation, conceived the Auto-IRA about six years ago. But the Auto-IRA’s future is dim; its fate may well depend on the outcome of this fall’s elections.

The seed: ‘negative election’

The roots of the Auto-IRA concept, as Iwry tells the story, can be traced to the mid- 1990s. While working in the Clinton Treasury Department, Iwry learned about a technique involving passive enrollment of employees into defined contribution plans. It was called “negative election,” and he began exploring its potential for ramping up participation rates.   

“We had heard of this notion of ‘negative election,’” he told RIJ. “It was not widespread but the idea had cropped up. [In collecting feedback], we were asked, Is this legal? Or is it a violation [of IRS or ERISA code]? We decided that it was legal. But, more importantly, we wanted to make it legal, and we wanted to use it to encourage more participation in the plans.”

Iwry doesn’t claim to have invented auto-enrollment, but he’s at least one of its authors and promoters. “We refined it and improved it and in 1998 Treasury and IRS issued a revenue ruling that described something we named ‘auto-enrollment in a 401(k) plan.’ So we made a high profile announcement and tried to tell the market, Here’s an idea that you could try out.”

[The “negative option” was a common feature of direct marketing during the 1980s and perhaps before then. If you didn’t actively reject a junk mail solicitation, for instance, you might soon start receiving a classical music CD-of-the-month, accompanied by an invoice.] 

“It was a little lonely promoting [auto-enrollment] in 1999,” Iwry said. “When introducing it to businesses and consulting firms, we talked about why some employers were interested and not others, and how the participation rates of minorities and low income people tended to go up the most with auto-enrollment. It started to catch on.”

Six years later, during the George W. Bush administration, a provision of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 provided retirement plan sponsors who were still uncertain about the legal implications of auto-enrollment with the explicit clarification they needed to adopt it.

By then, Iwry was temporarily out of government and working at the Brookings Institution, the liberal-leaning Washington think tank. While there, he and David John (below, right) of the Heritage Foundation, the conservative Washington think tank, began working on a way to apply the auto-enrollment concept beyond the 401(k) plan.

David JohnDesigning the Auto-IRA

“We started with this simple notion: ‘Can we extend auto-enrollment to the rest of population even though they don’t have plans?’” Iwry told RIJ. “The next question was, ‘What can we auto enroll them into?” The solution that naturally suggested itself was to have the employer create a payroll deduction savings plan. That’s the key to the 401(k)—the savings comes out painlessly, and people don’t have to write a check the way you traditionally have to do with an IRA. So we thought, how about if we ask employers to auto-enroll people into tax-favored savings accounts without having to sponsor a formal 401(k) plan?”

Like the creators of NEST in the U.K., Iwry and John did not want their program to compete with or crowd out 401(k) plans, but rather create a starter-kit that might lead to 401(k) sponsorship. Unlike the creators of NEST, they ruled out the idea of trying to convince government policymakers to make sponsorship of a full-sized retirement plan or contributions to an Auto-IRA mandatory for employers.

“We didn’t want to try to require them to do this. We didn’t want to cross the line into forcing them to offer plans. So we said, we’ll leave small businesses with no obligations. But we’ll ask them to allow employees to get direct-deposit part of their paychecks into an IRA, just as they automatically make a mortgage or car payment,” Iwry said.

“When we developed the Auto-Ira, we realized that making employer contributions mandatory was a no-go,” David John told RIJ in a recent interview. “In fact, we used the IRA as vehicle because employer contribution aren’t allowed.”

The whole project, of course, needed buy-in from the private sector, and Iwry and John were careful not to alienate or antagonize the private sector. “We chose not to ask employers to make a contribution because we wanted position the proposal as pro-employer—and one that didn’t compete with 401(k). We didn’t want the new initiative to have any whiff of competition with or crowding out of 401(k) plans,” Iwry said. Since the contribution limits on IRAs were so much lower than those on 401(k) plans, the Auto-IRA would be weak competition at best.

“It was designed to pick up where the 401(k) left off,” he added. “We all felt that anything we could do to nudge more employers toward sponsoring [formal 401(k)] plans would be positive. We also thought employers might want to step up to the 401(k) after they saw how much employees appreciated the benefit.”

In the U.K., distributions from tax-deferred accounts are generally not allowed before retirement, but Iwry and John also saw that barring access would be non-starter in the U.S. “We thought about banning leakage, but our view was that there’s too big a connection between the participants’ willingness to contribute and their ability to get their money out if they desperately need it,” Iwry said.

“We thought briefly about starting with a clean slate and creating the ideal anti-leakage policy for the Auto-IRA, but we were trying to keep it simple. The IRA itself already strikes a balance [in that respect]. It’s not totally leaky or totally sticky. An IRA is an IRA; everyone knows what it is. We said, ‘The Fidelitys and the Vanguards already know how to run IRAs, so let’s use what’s already there.’ We also felt that once we got the plumbing in place, we could go back and tweak it,” he added.

One part of the Auto-IRA design that remained vague was the designation of investment options. “Regarding the default investment, we haven’t tried to design that part of it. We thought we should go with the general weight of investment opinion. We looked to the QDIAs [qualified default investment alternatives, such as target-date funds]. This was a saving agenda, for people who are not saving now,” Iwry said.

“We weren’t trying to make people into sophisticated investors,” he added.  “We wanted to limit [the investment options] to perhaps three choices, with one of them being the default and the others being something that was already commonplace in the 401(k) world. The employers who started this would get a tax credit, but it would be a small one because there would be hardly any cost to setting one up.”

Support appears, and so do hostile bloggers

“David John and I formulated this and rolled it out in 2006. We wrote a paper, presented it at Heritage Foundation, had an event to roll the idea out. We got immediate interest and support from a variety of groups. We created the Retirement Security Project under the aegis of the Brookings Institute with funding from the Pew Charitable Trust.

“That was when things started to happen. The Hill contacted us. Gordon Smith and Jeff Bingaman sponsored Auto-IRA legislation in the Senate. Representatives Phil English and Richard Neal introduced it in the House.

The New York Times endorsed it, saying it was the ‘best pension idea’ around. The Washington Times endorsed it. And in the 2008 campaign, candidate Obama endorsed it and put it in his campaign materials as his first retirement initiative. John McCain also endorsed it. AARP endorsed it. Laura Tyson, Martin Feldstein of Harvard, and ASPPA [the American Society of Pension Professional and Actuaries]—we got all their support. ASPPA like it because they saw that, while this was not an employer plan, just an IRA, it might encourage more employers to eventually sponsor plans.”

“It was endorsed by Obama and McCain in the campaign,” David John said. Whoever won the 2008 election, “we expected to be able to move ahead in 2009.” After the Democrats won, Iwry joined the Obama administration as a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Retirement and Health Policy.

And they did move ahead. But the bipartisan support may have encouraged them to expand the program in ways that would provide anti-Obama administration bloggers with an opportunity to demonize it.

In mid-2009, Iwry met at the Treasury Department with a delegation of journalists from the National Press Foundation, and in a meeting at which RIJ was present, explained that the Auto-IRA contained several ambitious elements that would fill in some of its holes.

The improved Auto-IRA would enhance an existing tax break, the Saver’s Credit, and make it refundable so that it would serve in lieu of an employer match. The initial contributions would go into a new government security, called R-bonds. 

As RIJ reported in June 2009, “Managed by the government, the R–bond program would relieve private investment firms of the task of managing unprofitably small accounts. ‘The money would be in the R bonds until the account gets big enough for the money to go to the private sector,’ Iwry said.”

When President Obama introduced the Auto-IRA in his 2010 budget, however, and when Auto-IRA legislation included a mandate that all but the smallest employers enroll employees into an Auto-IRA unless they opted out, the hitherto feel-good, bipartisan Auto-IRA suddenly became a lightning rod for conspiracy theories in the blogosphere and online publications in the U.S. and abroad.

Obama as Uncle SamStories and even lurid political cartoons began to appear widely on the web. The Auto-IRA and the R-bonds were compared to Argentina’s recent nationalization of defined contribution accounts. The American Lantern Press in South Carolina described “The Obama Administration’s Secret Plan to Hijack Your 401(k)s and IRAs.”

A headline on a blog at asked, “Will the Government Nationalize Your Retirement Funds?” The EU Times website said, “US Said Preparing New Laws to Seize Americans Retirement Accounts,” and a column by Ron Holland at was titled, “The New Auto-IRA is Just Highway Robbery.”  

Introduced at the same time and in the same budget at the Affordable Care Act, the Auto-IRA proposal became conflated with the health care proposal, and opponents of so-called “Obamacare” and its mandates became opponents of the Auto-IRA and its mandate. 

In interviews, Iwry and John spoke only generally about the Auto-IRA being upstaged by the Affordable Care Act and falling victim to polarized Washington politics. “We went to draft the bill, and the same people were working on both health care and retirement, and health care became the first priority. After that, we lost a lot of momentum,” John said. “Also, people have assumed that the mandates in the health care law are paralleled in the Auto-IRA. One employer said, ‘Damn it, you just put in a bunch of new requirements for health care and now you want to stick on more with retirement.’ But this was a rare situation where the longer you discussed it, the more support built. We ended up with 75% support.”

Obama as Uncle Sam2“We have gone through a very turbulent period,” Iwry told RIJ. “We had the financial crisis and health reform, and all the Congressional dynamics around that. With the way things have gone the past few years, in an atmosphere that is more partisan than both of the [2008] presidential candidates had hoped, it’s been harder to get this through.

“With the financial crisis, the revenue issues have become more acute,” he added. “The situation with the national debt has made it harder to get new ideas enacted unless they have really broad support. But the Auto-IRA doesn’t cost much, so the deficit issue shouldn’t be a showstopper for this. The cost is estimated to be only about 1% of the amount we spend as a tax expenditure on retirement plans, which is somewhere above $100 billion. A mere 1% increase [in the expenditure] would increase [retirement plan] coverage by a dramatic percentage.”

Fading prospects

The Auto-IRA was again included in the Obama administration’s budget for 2012, and a bill was re-introduced earlier this year by Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass). It contains the much-vilified employer mandate to auto-enroll employees. For that reason, its prospects for passage are considered dim. At a conference last May, a reporter asked Dallas Salisbury, the president and CEO of the Employee Benefits Research Institute, whose members include many of the largest 401(k) plan providers and financial services firms in the country, what he thought its chances might be.

“As an observation, what we know is that mandates are not currently something that seems to be popular with policymakers or with the public,” Salisbury said. “It is the mandate in the Affordable Care Act that is at the center of the Supreme Court challenge currently taking place. And the auto-IRA proposal puts a mandate on small employers. Members of Congress in both parties have said that the inclusion of the mandate makes that [auto-IRA proposal] a difficult policy to adopt. And many interest groups have said they would oppose that because of the mandate. So setting aside the merits of auto-IRA per se, as a practical matter, the current debate about mandates affects very much what the likely outcome in that area is.

“It makes it quite unlikely, in the near term, that you would see that proposal enacted,” he added. “That is not a statement on whether they think more retirement savings is needed, it is a statement on current attitudes toward mandating that individuals or employers do things as opposed to having free choice.”

The future of the Auto-IRA may well depend not only on the outcome of the presidential contest this year, but also the contest to control the House and Senate. Either way, the problem that the Auto-IRA intended to address—the lack of retirement plan coverage by about half of America’s private-sector workers and a low savings rate among middle- and low-income Americans—remains. The consequences of not addressing that problem won’t disappear.      

“People really don’t understand how little they’ll be getting from Social Security,” David John told RIJ. “Years ago, [New York Senator] Patrick Moynihan feared that people would think they’ll be getting more from Social Security than they actually would, and wouldn’t make other provisions [to save]. If we don’t have a retirement savings system for everyone, there will be demand for more government services and benefits, funded by a tax on business.”

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

A Flock of Black Swans

Throughout history, major political and economic shocks have often occurred in August, when leaders have gone on vacation believing that world affairs are quiet. Consider World War I’s outbreak in 1914, the Nazi-Soviet pact in 1939, the Sputnik launch in 1957, the Berlin Wall in 1961, and the failed coup in Moscow of 1991. Then there was the Nixon shock of 1971 (when the American president took the dollar off the gold standard and imposed wage, price, and trade controls), the 1982 international debt crisis in Mexico, the 1992 crisis in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, and the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis in the United States.

Many of these shocks constituted events that had previously been considered unthinkable. They were not even on the radar screen. Such developments have been called “black swans” – events of inconceivably tiny probability.

But, in my view, “black swan” should refer to something else: an event that is considered virtually impossible by those whose frame of reference is limited in time and geographical area, but not by those who consider other countries and other decades or centuries.

The origin of the black swan metaphor was the belief that all swans are white, a conclusion that a nineteenth-century Englishman might have reached based on a lifetime of personal observation and David Hume’s principle of induction. But ornithologists already knew that black swans existed in Australia, having discovered them in 1697.  They should not have been viewed as “unthinkable.”

Before September 11, 2001, some experts warned that foreign terrorists might try to blow up American office buildings. Those in power did not take these warnings seriously.  After all, “it had never happened before.” Many Americans did not know the history of terrorist events in other countries and other decades.

Likewise, until 2006, most Americans based their economic behavior on the assumption that nominal housing prices, even if they slowed, would not fall, because they had not done so before – within living memory in the US. They may not have been aware that housing prices had often fallen in other countries, and in the US before the 1940’s. Needless to say, many indebted homeowners and leveraged bank executives would have made very different decisions had they thought that there was a non-negligible chance of an outright decline in prices.

From 2004 to 2006, financial markets perceived market risk as very low. This was most apparent in the implicit volatilities in options prices such as the VIX. But it was also manifest in junk-bond spreads, sovereign spreads, and many other financial prices. One reason for this historic mispricing of risk is that traders’ models went back only a few years, or at most a few decades (the period of the late “Great Moderation”). Traders should have gone back much further – or better yet, formed judgments based on a more comprehensive assessment of what risks might confront the world economy.

Starting in August 2007, supposedly singular black swans begin to multiply quickly. “Big banks don’t fail?” No comment. “Governments of advanced countries don’t default?” Enough said.

Debt troubles in Greece, especially, should not have surprised anyone, least of all northern Europeans. But, even when the Greek crisis erupted, leaders in Brussels and Frankfurt failed to recognize it as a close cousin of the Argentine crisis of 2001-2002, the Mexican crisis of 1994, and many others in history, including among European countries.

Nowadays, a eurozone breakup has become one of the most widely discussed possible shocks. Considered unthinkable just a short time ago, the probability that one or more euro members will drop out is now well above 50%. A hard landing in China and other emerging markets is another possibility.

An oil crisis in the Mideast is the classic black-swan event. Each one catches us by surprise: 1956, 1973, 1979, 1990. Oil prices can rise for many other reasons, as they have in recent years. But the most likely crisis scenarios currently stem from either military conflict with Iran or instability in some Arab country. The threat of a supply shock typically fuels a sharp increase in demand for oil inventories – and thus in prices.

The most worrisome financial threat is that currently over-priced bond markets will crash. In theory, inflation (particularly commodity-induced inflation, as in 1973 or 1979) could precipitate a collapse. But this seems unlikely. Default in some euro countries or political dysfunction in the US is a much more likely trigger.

Evidence of extreme dysfunction in US politics is already plain to see, reaching a low in 2011 during the debt-ceiling showdown (also in August), which cost America its AAA sovereign rating from Standard & Poor’s. In theory, as the “fiscal cliff” set for January 1, 2013, approaches, fearful investors should start dumping bonds now. But investors still believe that politicians, aware of the dire consequences of going over the cliff, will again find a last-minute way to avoid it.

Perhaps observers believe that a clear result in November’s elections, one way or the other, would help to settle things. A true black swan – low probability, but high enough to think about – would be a repeat of the disputed 2000 presidential election. There has been no reform since then to ensure that people’s votes will be counted or that a disputed outcome will not be resolved by political appointees.

Scariest on the black-swan list is a terrorist attack with weapons of mass destruction. There is a long-standing gap between terrorism experts’ perception of the probability of a nuclear event and the probability as perceived by the public. (Admittedly, the risk is lower now that Osama bin Laden is dead.)

Last on the list is an unprecedented climate disaster. Environmentalists sometimes underestimate the benefits of technological and economic progress when they reason that a finite supply of resources must imply their eventual exhaustion. But it is equally mistaken to believe that a true climate disaster cannot happen simply because one has not already occurred.

Have a nice vacation.

Jeffrey Frankel, a professor at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, previously served as a member of President Bill Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers.

© 2012 Project Syndicate.

RIIA’s Retirement ‘Bootcamp’

Wearing shorts, a cotton polo shirt, New Balance sneakers and a 24-hour stubble, Mike Hardin was carefully jotting down notes in a classroom at the Bertelon School of Business at Salem State University in Massachusetts last week.

Hardin is no schoolboy—he’s a tall, 40-something broker and advisor at First Tennessee Brokerage in Johnson City, Tenn. But he had traveled all the way from there to Salem, Mass., to study for and take an exam that he hoped would give him an edge over his fellow advisors in their competition for Baby Boomer clients.

“If you don’t know this,” Hardin told me, “you’ll be left behind.”

By “this,” Hardin was referring in general to the ability to build efficient, reliable retirement income portfolios and in particular to the curriculum of the Retirement Income Industry Association’s RMA (Retirement Management Analyst) designation, a credential whose exam Hardin hoped to pass in a few days.  

In June, RIJ wrote about retirement income credentials, including RIIA’s RMA, the American College’s Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP) designation and InFRE’s Certified Retirement Counselor designation, among others.

These sponsoring organizations provide concentrated instruction—videos, textbooks, live lectures, continuing ed—in how to evolve from an accumulation-minded to a decumulation-minded advisor. They bestow suitable-for-framing diplomas that may or may not carry weight with advice-hungry Boomers. And they are more or less rivals in a quiet but urgent hunt for enrollees, corporate grants, endorsements and prestige—as this week’s endorsement of the RICP by the Insured Retirement Institute implied.

To get a closer look at one of these courses, I drove up to Boston last week to spend a few days at the RIIA’s RMA “bootcamp.” As an inductee, I slept in a dorm room at Salem State. For several days I woke up to bagels, coffee and a presentation by one of the academic retirement gurus who are informally or formally affiliated with RIIA.

Wade Pfau, the Tokyo-based Princeton Ph.D. and blogger who is the RMA curriculum director, was there, along with Larry Kotlikoff, the Boston University author, economist, creator of the ESPlanner income planning software, and Zvi Bodie, the Boston University author, economist and pension finance expert. In addition, there was Dana Anspach, a Phoenix-based advisor who writes the column, “Money Over 55”, and Alain Valles, a Wharton-trained reverse-mortgage broker from Boston. RIIA’s founder and chairman, Francois Gadenne, and RIIA’s chief operating officer, former Fidelity and Merrill Lynch executive Steve Mitchell, also taught segments.

Seated in the classroom and absorbing each session’s smart-board presentations were, at various times, Danny Francisco, retirement income consultant at John Hancock Financial Network—who also presented on John Hancock’s success using Moshe Milevsky’s “Retirement Sustainability Quotient” calculator as a sales tool—Susan Yates, owner of a continuing ed company who came down from Toronto, and Grant Rondeau of Symetra, who came in from the Seattle area.  

In addition, there was a Salem-area advisor, Kathy Mealey, a local lawyer named Andy Stone who wanted to learn how to fund his own impending retirement, as well as Bob Powell, editor of RIIA’s Retirement Management Journal, Mike Hardin, and myself. It was a small group; just two or three were actually studying for the course. The RMA designation is only about two years old, has had only a couple of prior bootcamps at Texas Tech University and Boston University, and is still finding its feet. So far there are about 60 RMA designees.

There’s not enough room in this column to summarize the content of all of the presentations, but there are three things about RIIA you should know: Its decumulation philosophy is “build a floor and then seek upside;” it values process and open architecture solutions over product solutions; and it not only tolerates but fosters a diversity of economic and political opinions that it calls “the view across the silos.”    

Certainly, the bootcamp presenters were coming from very different places. Larry Kotlikoff insisted on the exclusive legitimacy of “consumption-smoothing” over one’s entire lifetime. Wade Pfau proved mathematically the long-held heuristic that you should buy a life annuity big enough to cover basic expenses and invest the rest of your money in stocks and bonds. Offering the brokerage perspective, Danny Francisco talked about how to make annuity product sales a slam-dunk. Offering the planner perspective, Dana Anspach, in the course of describing her own odyssey from aerobics trainer to high-visibility advisor, talked about creating holistic strategies and long-term relationships. Brokers and planners appear to be equally welcome under RIIA’s big tent.

Exposing investment myths and challenging conventional wisdom are standard activities at RIIA events, and at the bootcamp it was even more so. In his booming voice, for instance, Zvi Bodie assailed the idea that long holding periods neutralize the volatility of stocks. Like a lot of people, I had been told that if you held stocks for more than 10 years, you’ll probably end up with an average annualized return of 5% to 10%. But the idea that past averages give any hint at all about the potential range of returns in the future, Bodie argued, is pure nonsense.

“That is a fallacy. It has no validity, and it’s bordering on fraud,” Bodie, who was wearing a Hawaiian-style shirt, insisted. “If I were the SEC I would outlaw this. Time diversification is a fallacy.”

The bootcamp wasn’t an all-work-no-play affair. From Salem State University, where the RIIA bootcamp was held, it is only a short drive to Marblehead, Mass., a picturesque thumb of land that sticks out into the Atlantic Ocean. Many of Boston’s business tycoons, including Peter Lynch, the former Fidelity fund manager who was to investing what Red Sox great Ted Williams was to hitting a baseball, own palatial oceanfront or harborfront homes there.

Most days after the RMA presentations were done, the bootcamp attendees piled into cars and convoyed out to a cove on the west side of Marblehead for wine or gin-and-tonics on the veranda of the Corinthian Yacht Club, with its relaxed and privileged view of hundreds of tiny pleasure boats at anchor. From that perspective, financial success certainly looked worth studying for.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Six VA issuers that advisors love

Earlier this summer, some insiders in the variable annuity business were remarking on the mismatch between the rising demand for income guarantees and the waning supply, created by annuity manufacturers withdrawing from the market.

Now Cogent Research has data that sheds some light on that mismatch—and the opportunity it creates. It also names the annuity issuers that advisors like best.

“The demand for variable annuity products is expected to remain strong, and advisors’ interest in these vehicles shows no sign of waning despite recent volatility in the variable annuity market,” according to the Cogent Research Advisor Brandscape 2012 report.

“The contrast between providers pulling back from the VA business and advisors looking to VAs to meet their clients’ objectives creates an opportunity for the remaining providers to step up, ride out the risk, and potentially gain a strong hold on the market,” said Meredith Lloyd Rice, Senior Project Director and co-author of the report, an annual survey of over 1,700 financial advisors across all channels with at least $5 million in assets under management.

Overall, 77% of advisors expect to continue selling variable annuities and allocate 11% of their AUM towards these products, the report says. Of the 15 leading VA providers, Prudential and Jackson have increased their penetration among VA sellers by 7% and 12% respectively, and both firms lead in Advisor Investment Momentum (AIM) which measures advisors’ intent to increase or decrease usage of existing providers in the coming year.

Prudential, Jackson National, MetLife, Aegon/Transamerica, and RiverSource have managed to increase their penetration among VA users over the past year. In particular, Prudential appears to be making inroads among advisors in the Regional channel, the report says.

Meanwhile, RiverSource has improved its penetration among Independent advisors driven in part by an uptick in cross-selling among Ameriprise financial advisors. Lastly, Jackson National has experienced a significant increase in usage among advisors in the National wirehouse channel. In the AIM ranking, Prudential and Jackson National tie for first place, followed by Lincoln National, MetLife, RiverSource, and Aegon/Transamerica. All six firms earn above average AIM scores among the top providers.

The Bucket

Nationwide names new leaders for retirement plans and P&C Direct  

The leaders of Nationwide’s retirement plans business and its property & casualty direct channel will be switching roles, the company announced this week. Larry Hilsheimer will lead Nationwide Retirement Plans and Anne Arvia will lead Nationwide Direct, Affinity and Growth Solutions. The changes are effective immediately.

Larry Hilsheimer has been named President and Chief Operating Officer of Nationwide Retirement Plans. He will retain oversight of Nationwide Bank. He joined Nationwide as executive vice president and chief financial officer in 2007 coming from Deloitte & Touche USA, LLP where he served as partner, vice chairman and regional managing partner.

Anne Arvia has been named President and Chief Operating Officer of Nationwide Direct, Affinity and Growth Solutions (NDAGS). Arvia currently serves as the leader for Nationwide Retirement Plans. NDAGS includes Nationwide’s direct property & casualty sales channel, specialty insurance, affinity partnerships, and Veterinary Pet Insurance. Arvia joined Nationwide in 2006 as president of Nationwide Bank prior to assuming her role as leader of Retirement Plans in 2009. Previously, Arvia spent 15 years at ShoreBank in Chicago.

Additionally, Mark Berven has been named Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Product Management Officer. He will oversee strategy for the Nationwide enterprise and the product organization for property & casualty business lines. He joined Nationwide in 1994 and has served as a regional vice president and most recently as senior vice president of product and pricing for all P&C operations.

Hilsheimer will report to Kirt Walker, President and Chief Operating Officer of Nationwide Financial Services. Arvia will report to Mark Pizzi, President and Chief Operating Officer of Nationwide Insurance. Berven will report to CEO Steve Rasmussen.

Stout joins MassMutual Retirement Services as southeast sales director

Christopher Stout joined MassMutual’s Retirement Services Division on August 1 as sales director to support the Southeast region. He reports to Shefali Desai, emerging market sales manager for MassMutual’s Retirement Services Division.

Based in Canton, Ga., Stout is responsible for business development and sales support of MassMutual’s third-party and dedicated distribution channels focusing on retirement plans in the small-plan market. He will partner with MassMutual’s managing director, Jeffrey Keller, covering Ga. and Ala.

Previously, Stout was regional vice president of retirement plan sales with Guardian Insurance Company of America. He holds a BA from Stockton State College.

Transamerica Retirement Services website gets top DALBAR rating

Transamerica Retirement Services’ plan participant and plan sponsor websites have been rated “Excellent” in DALBAR’s first quarter Defined Contribution WebMonitor program. Transamerica outperformed more than 40 other retirement plan provider websites rated in the study, according to a company release.

Transamerica’s plan participant website earned a score of 93.35 out of a possible 100, an increase of 3.33 points since 4Q 2011, surpassing its own record WebMonitor score achieved by a plan participant website in the study’s history. This is the second consecutive calendar quarter that Transamerica’s plan participant website has set a record score for the DALBAR report.

Transamerica’s plan sponsor website also earned an “Excellent” designation – the only site to do so among 42 peers – and ranked in top position in DALBAR’s analysis of provider websites for retirement plan sponsors. Transamerica’s plan sponsor website has won this recognition for 10 consecutive calendar quarters.

Transamerica’s plan sponsor and plan participant websites have also been awarded DALBAR’s Seal of Excellence for eight consecutive years.

Each quarter, DALBAR identifies industry websites that attain a top-10 ranking based on scoring in five categories: functionality, usability, behavior centric attributes, content currency and consistency.

The worst of the global slowdown will soon be over: BNY Mellon

There will be a moderate strengthening of global economic indicators in late 2012 and 2013, according BNY Mellon chief economist Richard Hoey’s August 2012 Economic Update. He expects global GDP of 3% and a “growth recession” for 2012, as the worst of the global slowdown passes.

European policymakers will support the integrity of the euro rather than face the severe losses that would follow its dissolution, according to BNY Mellon. “For that reason, we do expect the euro to survive,” Hoey said in a release. “The euro should continue to include most of its current members.”

Hoey believes the rescue of the euro to come too late to stop a European recession, but foresees no financial apocalypse there.

“We believe that Europe is currently in the worst phase of the European recession and the stronger countries can exit recession in late 2012 or early 2013,” Hoey added. “We disagree with the disaster scenarios for Europe. However, even after the current European recession ends, we expect a multiyear period of sluggish economic activity, given unfavorable demographics, competitiveness challenges and legacy debt issues.”

Too many fund choices can spoil the portfolio, researchers say

Because ordinary investors tend to be overwhelmed by too many retirement fund options, they often adapt by choosing simple, intuitive diversification strategies that don’t necessarily reduce their overall portfolio risk. 

That conclusion was reached by a team of researchers from Rutgers, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Texas, and Boston College and reported in the August issue of the Journal of Marketing Research.

The researchers’ experiments showed that increasing the fund assortment size does two things: it increases the number of funds that people invest in and increases their tendency to spread the dollars evenly among those funds. As a result, people may be under-diversified and more vulnerable to market swings.

“People get overwhelmed by choice,” said J. Jeffrey Inman, a marketing professor and associate dean for research and faculty at the University of Pittsburgh. “It is one thing to be faced with a big assortment of mustards at the grocery store, where the stakes are low. The order of magnitude is greater with mutual funds, where you feel less informed.”

The study, “Investing for Retirement: The Moderating Effect of Fund Assortment Size of the 1/N Heuristic,” was co-written by Inman, with Maureen Morrin of the Rutgers University School of Business; Susan M. Broniarczyk of the University of Texas-Austin McCombs School of Business; and Gergana Nenkov and Jonathan Reuter of the Boston College Carroll School of Management.

IRA contributions increase nearly 15% since 2007: Fidelity

The average contribution to Fidelity IRAs was $3,930 for tax year 2011, up nearly 15% percent from $3,420 for tax year 2007, according to a five-year analysis by the giant Boston-based no-load fund company.

All age groups showed double digit percent contribution increases. Roth IRA conversion activity in 2012 continues to be double the level seen in 2009, the year before income limits were removed.

The analysis from Fidelity, which according to Cerulli Associates has nearly $700 billion in assets under administration in IRAs, shows positive contribution trends across all age groups:

Age Range

Average 2011 Tax
Year Contribution

Average 2007 Tax
Year Contribution

% Increase

























The analysis also examined usage trends of Roth and Traditional IRAs, highlighting the various benefits of each account. Findings from the analysis include:

  • On average, annual contributions to Roth IRAs have surpassed those made to traditional IRAs by 62.7% per year since tax year 2007.
  • For the past five years, investors in their 60s have had the highest Roth and traditional IRA contribution rates. For tax year 2011, these investors contributed an average of $4,930 to Roth IRAs and $4,790 to traditional IRAs.
  • For the past three tax years, an average of 41.6% of the contributions by investors in their 50s were made to traditional IRAs.
  • 84% percent of all contributions made by investors in their 20s for tax year 2011 were to Roth IRAs.
  • 85% of all contributions made by investors aged 70 and older were to Roth IRAs.

For the first half of 2012, Fidelity conducted more than 45,000 Roth IRA conversions with investors. This was a slight increase over the number of conversions conducted in the first half of 2011, and more than double (109%) the number conducted within the same timeframe in 2009, before income limits were removed.

How Will the LIBOR Scandal Affect Bank Shares?

Note: This article first appeared at Weiss Ratings, and the original, including charts that the story below references, can be found there.

The LIBOR rate-rigging scandal threatens to engulf some of the major banks in the world including JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup in the U.S. and, of course Barclays, plc in the United Kingdom.

LIBOR is an acronym for London Interbank Offered Rate. It’s a benchmark interest rate that affects how consumers and companies borrow money across the world. The LIBOR rate is set each week by the British Bankers’ Association (BBA) an industry group in London.  Each weekday, leading banks around the world submit a rate estimate for borrowing funds from other banks.  The BBA throws out the highest and lowest 25% of submissions and averages the remaining rates.  This establishes the LIBOR which is then calculated for 10 different currencies and 15 borrowing periods or terms such as for one-month, three-months or one-year rates.

 LIBOR is the benchmark used to set interest rates for an estimated $350 trillion financial instruments globally, including derivative swap transactions, futures contracts, home mortgages and even some credit cards.  Lenders use the LIBOR as a base and add additional interest to cover anticipated borrower credit risk. They may also add additional interest to reach the bank’s own profit targets.  Many variable mortgage and credit card interest rate adjustments are triggered and set based on changes in the LIBOR rate. When the LIBOR goes up, rates and payments on loans tied to it, rise too.

A majority of variable-rate commercial loans are tied to the LIBOR.  In fact, about 45% of prime mortgages and 80% of subprime adjustable rate mortgages in the United States have interest rates based on the LIBOR. And, about half the variable-rate private student loans are tied to the LIBOR.   

While it is not clear exactly what caused regulators to investigate Barclays Bank, plc now, there have been suspicions for some time that banks were submitting false rates to increase their own profits. In fact, regulators may have known as far back as 2008, but it has taken this long for them to close in on what was going on.

What Barclays did was have its trading unit convince employees responsible for submitting LIBOR rates to alter the bank’s rates based on their derivative trading positions. Traders even coordinated with other banks to lower rates as well. During the height of the financial crises, Barclays submitted artificially low rates to give the impression that the bank could borrow money more cheaply and was healthier than it was. The three-month Libor was set at or above 5.25% during the crises, but might have been higher in reality. The current three-month LIBOR is at 0.47%, as of July 18, 2012.

Barclays was investigated, and in June the bank was found guilty and fined over $450 million for manipulating the LIBOR as far back as 2005. The Barclays settlement does not include potential civil litigation by investors and others that may occur as the result of the fraud. 

While there has been no official mention of the banks suspected to be involved in the scandal or being investigated for possible wrong doing, it is clear Barclays did not act alone. So, other banks are likely to face regulatory scrutiny for similar price collusion and rate manipulation.  Looking at the table above, you can see the banks that might have more exposure based on the number of currency panels they sit on. For example, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and Lloyds Banking Group sit on all 10 currency panels and may have a higher risk of investigation and also a higher probability or incentive to manipulate the LIBOR rate.  

For those banks that may have the most exposure, let’s look at the potential hit to earnings based on regulatory fines and potential civil litigation.  The earnings-per-share (EPS) hit could translate to a drop in stock price if the institution is implicated in the scandal. 

For banks with fewer shares outstanding, the impact of fines and civil litigation on earnings per share (EPS) might be more severe. For example, Barclays, with more than 12.2 billion shares outstanding, would take an $0.11 per share hit on earnings (U.S. dollars) compared to the $2.42 per share hit on earnings for Deutsche Bank with only 929.5 million shares outstanding.

Barclays incurred price depreciation in the vicinity of 19% since the scandal was announced on June 28. If other banks are implicated, you may expect similar stock price depreciation for those institutions with the highest risk. The table above estimates what the resulting lowest stock price would be after depreciating 19% from its June 28 price, then compares it to the closing price on July 20 to project how much further the price could fall on a percentage basis. 

There may be more damage from the fallout than from the rate manipulation itself. Once again, we see that there is little backstop to keep banks from acting in their own self-interest, often at the expense of their own clients.  The very foundation of our faith in the integrity of the financial system and regulatory oversight has been badly shaken — yet again.  And the financial impact of fines and penalties loom large for the banks and investors in the financial sector. 

This scandal, even if it remains primarily outside the United States and the Federal Reserve’s control, will undoubtedly produce a major overhaul in the process to calculate the LIBOR rate. While it may take some time to overhaul the process, today’s sophisticated technology should make it possible to calculate the LIBOR based on actual bank data from existing contracts while tapping a broader base of banks to be in on the process than the 23 that are currently involved. This should make it more difficult for banks to skew results going forward. We also hope there have been many lessons learned by regulators that will translate to a more even playing field for banks, customers and investors. 

Gene Kirsch, senior banking analyst at Weiss Ratings, leads the firm’s bank and thrift ratings division and developed the methodology for Weiss’ credit union and global bank ratings.

Strategic Insight is Bullish on ‘In-Plan’ Annuities

The widening use of target-date funds as qualified default investments and the advent of technical solutions to portability issues should make defined contribution plan sponsors more receptive to offering so-called “in plan” annuities, according to In-Plan Guarantees, a new report that Strategic Insight is currently marketing.   

“Many of the challenges have been addressed,” said Tamiko Toland, managing director of Retirement Income Consulting at Strategic Insight and primary author of the report. “This market is still in its early stages, but it is more mature than many people realize.”

Marketers of in-plan guarantees that are covered in the report include Alliance Berstein, ING, AXA Equitable, John Hancock, BlackRock, Diversified/Transamerica, The Hartford, Genworth, Lincoln, MetLife, Great-West, Prudential and Mutual of Omaha.

Insurance companies are eager to market their lifetime income guarantees, especially living benefit riders, to defined contribution plan participants. Prudential has succeeded in that arena with its IncomeFlex program, and United Technologies seemed to set a precedent not long ago when it began offering Alliance Bernstein’s annuity program, which uses guarantees from three insurers.

Annuities are also a way to retain participant assets. Asset managers who sell institutional target-date funds can keep participants invested in their funds even after they retire if they sell them an insurance wrapper before they leave the plan. Otherwise, participants who retire often roll their money over to an IRA and buy new funds from a rival asset manager.

But many plan sponsors are still wary about in-plan annuities. Despite a nascent sense that they may have a fiduciary duty to provide exit strategies to retiring participants, they have been reluctant to offer them. Some fear liability for a future insurance company failure. Others worry that it will be hard to switch insurance providers once all the plumbing and wiring between the plan and the insurer has been installed.

According to a Strategic Insight release, In-Plan Guarantees: Identifying Trends and Opportunities in an Evolving Marketplace sheds light on this area. Some of the report’s observations and areas of interest include:

  • Products based on target date funds dominate the market – 70% of  lifecycle in-plan products are target date
  • Many 401(k) platforms view guaranteed income options as a competitive differentiator
  • Regulatory clarity will come after more plan sponsors, especially “jumbo” sponsors, adopt guaranteed income solutions

The report provides descriptions of 14 different in-plan guarantees as well as key information on the marketplace. Sections detailing challenges, areas of progress and opportunities provide a comprehensive understanding of the environment for in-plan guarantees.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

The NEST Approach to Risk

When U.K. officials were developing NEST, the auto-enrolled, publicly sponsored, low-cost defined contribution plan that becomes fully operational in October, they spent a lot of time and effort researching the risk-tolerance of likely NEST participants.   

They discovered that much of the NEST target audience—male non-savers, under age 35, and earning about £18,000 ($30,000)—were so averse to volatility that they were inclined to quit investing entirely if their NEST account values tanked and they lost principal.

That finding has had a huge bearing on the way NEST’s investment team plans to risk-manage the 46 target date funds (and the eight institutional funds that the TDFs will be built from). They’ll be using a variety of tools to smooth the long-range savings outcomes for the millions of U.K. subjects who are currently at risk of retiring with nothing but a feeble state pension to live on.

For this second of two articles about NEST, RIJ interviewed Paul Todd, the head of investment policy at the quasi-governmental organization, about his team’s use of active and passive management, its response to the “to” versus “through” debate about TDF asset allocation, and its use of something called the Black-Litterman model.

A lot is riding on the success of NEST. The U.K. national pension system has been described as complex and confusing. The British are hoping that NEST will succeed where earlier attempts to reform the system and get working class people to save and invest have failed. The potential consequences of another failure—higher taxes to fund a richer state pension or the prospect of millions of destitute elderly on the street—are both considered politically unacceptable.

TDFs, NEST style  

In some ways, NEST will work much like any big, up-to-date U.S. defined contribution plan. Each new participant will be auto-enrolled into the program and defaulted into an age-appropriate target date fund (TDF) whose mix of underlying stock, bond, and cash funds becomes more conservative as the participant ages.

“We spent a lot of time talking to people in the U.S. about target date funds. We came to the conclusion that the TDF is just a delivery vehicle. It’s flexible and efficient, but what you choose to put in it determines the success,” Todd told RIJ.

The designs of the TDFs in NEST differ in some important ways from U.S.-style TDFs. For instance, there’s a different TDF for every retirement year, not for every decade or half-decade, so there’s less chance for big disparities between long-range participant outcomes. “We wanted to reduce the dispersion of outcomes and avoid a birthday lottery effect,” he said.

“TDFs in the U.S. are five years apart and have predetermined glide paths. But the way we approach them, because we do it on a single year basis that gives us an enormous flexibility to manage the risks for that cohort. We can buy and sell different funds. We can be contrarian if we want to. We see this as a way to manage more proactively.”

Where the asset allocations of U.S. TDFs typically have continuous “glide paths,” NEST TDFs go through three distinct phases: a low-equity Foundation phase during the first five years or so when the fund seeks merely to match inflation, a long Growth phase when the fund tries to beat inflation by about 3% a year, and a Consolidation period that starts about 10 years before retirement and aims for a mix of 75% bonds and 25% cash at the retirement date.

“In the Foundation phase, which has been the victim of some misunderstanding, we still have the objective of matching inflation, and we have a sizable allocation to equities, but not as much as in the Growth phase. We have a risk target in the Foundation phase of 7% volatility, versus 11% in the Growth phase. For comparison, an all-equity allocation would have 18% volatility,” Todd said.

“At the start of the Consolidation you’ll still be in lots of equities, but by the time you get to your maturity year, you’ll be in about 75% annuity tracking assets, which includes corporate bonds and UK gilts, and 25% money market instruments. In the UK, people can take 25% of their retirement savings tax-free. There’s lots of debate about how you blur the line between working and retirement.”

The boundaries between phases may blur. NEST’s TDF managers will actively management their asset allocations during the transitions from one phase to another to avoid selling under adverse market conditions. “There’s been a debate in the U.K. about the dangers of dynamic asset allocation, about how you can make the wrong decision. But we think that whether you decide to go active or passive, you’re still making a decision,” Todd said.

NEST participants can’t inject their own behavioral risks into their accounts because they don’t have direct control over them. They can’t trade in and out of funds at the worst possible times. Like all U.K. DC participants, they generally can’t access their money until they reach retirement age: no loans, no hardship withdrawals, no rollover IRAs.

Modest growth objectives

“Our number one focus is on thinking about the amount of risk we want to take and then allocating to different assets, rather than saying here’s what we want to invest in and we’ll see what the risks are,” Todd told RIJ. “We work within risk budgets. Our investment committee talks about what the risk budget should be, and that usually means talking about volatility numbers.”

NEST is aiming for so-called absolute rather than open-ended returns. “We have some specific return objectives, but it’s really all about outperforming inflation. For a lot of our members, it’s the first time they’ll be saving for the long term and the first time they’ll be exposed to certain terms. To shoot for benchmarks doesn’t feel appropriate for our membership. We’re focusing on real incomes so that they can buy the things they need in retirement.

“We’re very public, and quite bold, in saying that we will outperform inflation by 3% a year, and do that within a risk budget. At least, that’s one of our objectives. Our aim is to achieve our objective with the least risk, and never take risks that we don’t think are necessary. We’re trying to prevent extreme losses. We don’t care only about the end result; we want as smooth a journey as possible. We know that there’s no free lunch and that you have to take a certain amount of risk, but we don’t want to do anything stupid,” he added.

Up to 90% of NEST participants are expected to invest in a TDF that matches the date they are eligible for the British state pension. But they have other options. Muslim participants can opt into a Sharia-compliant fund. Socially conscious participants can invest only in an Ethical fund. There’s also a high-growth option, a low-growth option, and a 75% bond/25% cash fund for new NEST participants who are already near retirement.

For the eight funds that underlie its TDFs (see box), NEST decided to rely on well-known asset managers, not all of whom are from the U.K. So far, the chosen managers include BlackRock, UBS, State Street Global Advisors, HSBC, F&C, and Royal London Asset Management. Four of the funds are index funds, three are actively managed funds and one, a “diversified beta” fund, is a hybrid.

The Building Blocks of NEST Target Date Funds  

Global Equity Fund


FTSE All World Developed Index


UK Gilts Fund


FTSE Actuaries All Stocks Index

State Street (SSgA)

Index-Linked Gilt Fund


FTSE Actuaries Index Linked Gilts Over 5-Years Index

State Street (SSgA)

Low-Risk Liquidity Fund




Diversified Beta Fund

Mostly Passive

UK Risk Free Rate +2% to +4%


Global Ethical Equity Fund


MSCI World


Sharia Compliant Global Equity Fund


Dow Jones Islamic Titans 100


Sterling Bonds


iBoxx Sterling Non-Gilt All Maturities Index

Royal London Asset Management

Source: “Developing and delivering NEST’s investment approach,” NEST Corp. 2012.

“We’re making a buy-build decision at the moment; in the future we may not always use existing pooled products. Wem ight use segregated mandates or bring them in house, but so far we’ve taken a position of not replicating what’s already out there,” Todd said.  

One of the index funds that NEST chose is the BlackRock Aquila Life Market Advantage “diversified beta” fund, a concept relatively new in the U.K., The fund had lost 46% in the 2008-2009 crash, but was reengineered by BlackRock to “incorporate strategies to manage portfolio risk at market extremes,” according to the magazine Pensions Insight. In 2011, the fund returned 2.3% from February to December while the overall market lost 3.6%. The version of the fund created for NEST has an expense ratio of 25 basis points.

So far, risk management at the NEST TDF level is being done with asset allocation, not derivatives. “In terms of fancy things, we work with BARRA to use their risk allocation tools, and we use the Black-Litterman model. We do all of that in house. We’ve done some back-testing on the financial crisis, and we think our strategy would have held up. We have no insurance policies,” he said, meaning derivatives. “We’ve looked at that and our concern with those things is that when you need them most they’re so expensive that you lose the value you’re going for.” But he doesn’t rule them out for the future.

 (The “Black Litterman” model is not a term you hear very often—if ever—outside of the most esoteric discussions about investment management. Developed by Fischer Black and Robert Litterman of Goldman Sachs, this type of asset allocation model combines two main theories of modern portfolio theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Harry Markowitz’s mean-variance optimization theory created by Harry Markowitz. According to a 2005 paper by Thomas Idzorek (now president of Morningstar’s Global Investment Management Division, then of Ibbotson Associates), portfolio managers often avoided Markowitz’ risk-and-return optimization method because it led to overly concentrated portfolios, and it was over-sensitive to assumptions about the expected returns that were plugged into it. Black and Litterman produced better performance by using a “mixed estimate of expected returns” based on a combination of historic returns and the portfolio manager’s own “subjective views” expected returns.)

Fixing market failure

Another reason for keeping NEST’s investment risks low is to counter-balance the volatility of the lives that many of the participants will lead. “My understanding from the U.S. experience is that people there see human capital as something that’s steady and stable, like a bond. If that’s your position, then the argument for putting young people in mostly equities makes a lot of sense. If you also assume that people have exposure to other assets, like home ownership and private savings, then holding a large proportion of equities in your pension pot seems reasonable.

“But if you look at the demographics of our target group, they have equity-like human capital, and they are quite linked to the U.K. economy. They’re the first people to experience redundancy [layoffs]; they may not have property [real estate] or personal savings, so there’s a lot more volatility to their human capital. That makes you think harder about what’s suitable for them. Our research showed that for people who don’t have diversification of resources, it’s not helpful to expose them to high levels of volatility right off the bat.”

Ultimately, NEST is intended to help traditional non-savers to save, and to help them end up with as much savings as possible so that they can rely on more on their own resources in retirement and less on public assistance.

“We identified a market failure on dealing with people with low incomes,” Todd told RIJ. “Private providers couldn’t serve that part of the market profitably. Charges were high. There was a need for a scheme that will take anybody, no matter what, no matter how few workers, or how small their accounts are. That’s what NEST is.”

To achieve the necessary economies of scale and to generate enough revenue to pay back its seed money to the U.K. Treasury, NEST is going to have to grow quickly. Todd quoted figures from the Pension Policy Institute that NEST will be managing “in the billions of pounds” by 2018 and perhaps £300 billion by 2050.

“The expectation from our modeling is that we will achieve high scale, and that small employers will get access to reasonable, decent products at reasonable costs,” Todd said. “A plan like this, with these 46 TDFs, and fees of only 30 basis points, with an extremely sophisticated risk allocation, has never been available for this demographic before.”

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Crump Life Insurance expands relationship with AXA Network

Crump Life Insurance Services will provide enhanced technology and life brokerage sales support for the more than 5,000 financial professionals in the AXA Network, according to a Crump release.

The expansion of the firms’ existing partnership will give AXA Advisors access to “highly-rated non-proprietary products that offer a full spectrum of life-related insurance solutions for their clients, as well as disability income insurance products and variable annuities,” the release said.

Effective July 2, 2012, AXA Network’s 119 employees at its Harrisburg, Pa., location became employees of Crump, continuing to service AXA Advisors financial professionals exclusively as a national account of Crump Life Insurance Services.

“After looking at multiple options, we concluded that expanding the relationship with Crump would best meet the needs of our financial professionals and their clients, as well as the employees within AXA Network,” said Bucky Wright, chairman and chief sales officer of AXA Advisors, LLC.

“This change will allow our financial professionals to leverage Crump’s breadth and depth of expertise in brokerage to bring industry-leading capabilities in technology, sales tools, and marketing resources to help them grow their business and enhance client services.”

AXA Advisors financial professionals will access long-term care and disability insurance products exclusively through Crump, and use Crump’s “turnkey policy-review program and advanced markets expertise at the distribution level to support complex sales on a multi-carrier platform,” the insurance distribution firm said.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

$17 billion flows into stock and bond funds in July

Ignoring warnings about “a bond bubble,” investors put almost $30 billion into bond funds in July, bringing the total flows for the first seven months of 2012 to almost $180 billion. That’s 50% higher than the full-year results for 2011, according to Strategic Insight.

Investors’ appetite for income and/or safety fueled demand for corporate and U.S. government bond funds, high and low credit quality funds, and Global bond strategies (in open-end and closed-end mutual funds, excluding ETFs and funds underlying variable annuities).

Those flows came at the expense of stock flows. U.S. equity funds registered net redemptions of $13 billion in July, while international equity funds benefitted from small positive inflows of $1 billion.

“Investors continue to dismiss the positive trends reflected in steady gains in the economy, employment, real estate prices, and the potential for capital appreciation through higher allocation to stock funds. Instead, investors stay very focused on capital preservation for the near term,” said Avi Nachmany, SI’s Director of Research.

“Lingering economic and political uncertainty and expectations of very low interest rates for years to come suggest that fund investors will continue to favor the near-term lower risk of bond funds during 2H’2012,” Nachmany said, “yet fund strategies offering balanced investing and exposure to wealth creation through stock allocation remain a common avenue bridging near-term concerns with long-term wealth aspiration.”

But money was in fact going into stocks via exchange traded funds, or ETFs. Strategic Insight said US ETFs enjoyed $14 billion in net inflows in July 2012, another very strong month, mostly through stock ETFs. That brought total ETF net inflows (including ETNs) to nearly $90 billion so far in 2012.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Will my clients have to pay the new Medicare surtax?

If you’re an advisor, many of your clients are likely to be subject to the 3.8% Medicare surtax that the 2010 Affordable Care Act makes effective starting in 2013. The tax is both old news and new news. In case you’ve ignored it until now, we provide the following summary.

First, a warning: your clients don’t necessarily have to be extremely high earners to encounter this tax. If their modified adjusted gross income (AGI) and their investment income combine to put them over one of the income thresholds, they will owe the tax.

For instance, an individual with only $150,000 in wages but $70,000 in investment income would owe the surtax because her combined income of $220,000 puts her $20,000 over the $200,000 threshold for a single person. She’d owe $760 (.038 x $20,000). Spouses earning $110,000 each who have an additional $50,000 in investment income would also owe the surtax on the amount that their income exceeds $250,000, or $20,000.

Now here’s the basic stuff you may or may not already know by heart:

The 3.8% surtax applies to whichever is less: a person’s net investment income (dividends, rents, interest, capital gains, passive income, royalties, net of losses) or the amount of their modified adjusted gross income (including investment income) that exceeds certain thresholds. Distributions from qualified pension plans, nonqualified deferred compensation or municipal bond interest are not subject to the surtax, according to a report from BNY Mellon.

The aforementioned thresholds are $200,000 for individual taxpayers, $250,000 for married taxpayers filing jointly, and $125,000 for married taxpayers filing separately. Total income under these amounts isn’t subject to the tax. Note that the thresholds aren’t indexed for inflation. So, as wages grow, the amount exposed to the surtax will presumably grow.

The surtax applies to trusts and estates as well as to individuals. The annual surtax payable by a trust or estate is 3.8% of whichever is less: the undistributed net investment income or the excess of adjusted gross income over the amount at which the top income tax bracket for trusts and estates begins. The top bracket started at $11,200 for 2010, but will be indexed for inflation.

The Medicare surtax is not to be confused with next year’s hike in the individual portion of the Medicare payroll tax. That tax, coincidentally, will also rise to 3.8% next year. It is currently 2.9% (with employer and employee each paying 1.45%). Starting in 2013, an additional 0.9% (for a total of 2.35%) will be levied on the portion of wages that exceeds $200,000 for single earners and $250,000 for couples.

Note: Moving assets into a tax-deferred annuity today can reduce or eliminate the surtax in future years by shielding investment income from taxes until after retirement, when your client’s AGI may be far below the Medicare surtax threshold, says Robert Keebler, of Keebler Associates in Green Bay, Wis. “Some people are critical of that strategy because of the fees [associated with deferred annuities],” he said, but noted that fees needn’t be prohibitive if you use a top-ranked insurer with competitive rates.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Two JFP articles you shouldn’t miss

The August 2012 issue of the Journal of Financial Planning contains a couple of highly useful articles on retirement income planning. One article involves using a line of credit associated with a reverse mortgage. The other describes a framework for comparing distribution strategies in retirement.

In the reverse mortgage article, entitled “Standby Reverse Mortgages: A Risk Management Tool for Retirement Distributions,” authors John Salter, Shaun Pfeiffer and Harold Evensky describe the advantages of leveraging the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Saver.   

Under the strategy they suggest, homeowners age 62 and older with small or paid-off mortgages can open a standby home equity line of credit, but borrow from it only during bear markets in order to avoid selling assets at depreciated prices. When the assets recover, the retiree can sell them, pay off the line of credit, and recapture the equity in their home.

The line of credit would, in effect, eliminate or reduce the need to maintain a large and unproductive cash reserve—e.g., the first “bucket” in a bucketing strategy—as a buffer for meeting immediate needs during a downturn. Using the HECM Saver line of credit also offers certain advantages over a standard reverse mortgage as a source of cash or using a conventional home equity line of credit.

The tough question is, how do you optimize the timing of this strategy with regard to market behavior? Much of the article is devoted to providing answers, based on the results of simulations that try to help identify the “trigger for borrowing rebalancing, and paying back the HECM Saver line of credit.” 

The second article is “A Framework for Finding an Appropriate Retirement Income Strategy.” It acknowledges the existence of a wide range of decumulation strategies beyond the traditional systematic withdrawal program (SWP), and tackles the challenge of making apples-to-apples comparisons between them. 

The author, Manish Malhotra, has a stake in all this: his company, Income Discovery, makes a software tool that runs simulations that allow advisors to see how different distribution strategies would perform under a variety of hypothetical future scenarios. 

Except perhaps for advisors whose clients are deep in what advisor Jim Otar calls the “green zone”—with a very high resources-to-expenses ratio—few will argue with the author when he points out that “The art of building an income plan lies in finding the right balance between SWP and fixed sources of cash flow that provide acceptable confidence and reasonable protection in unfavorable markets with a potential to leave a legacy (if so desired) in favorable markets.”

The article appears to break new ground in the breadth of risk factors, capital market assumptions, and types of financial tools and resources—including fixed immediate annuities, variable deferred annuities with living benefits, TIPS ladders, and Social Security—that it embraces in its comparisons.  

Decumulation, it is often said, is much more complicated than accumulation—partly because there are no second chances and partly because there are so many different ways to do it. As more boomers retire, and turn to advisors for help with income planning, tools that allow them to test the viability of competing strategies in advance should come in handy.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

What Retirement Advisors Most Want to Know

Most advisors are well schooled in managing the pre-retirement, accumulation stage of the human life cycle. But when it comes to the post-retirement decumulation stage, advisors tend to have more questions than answers.

What are their most common questions about decumulation, and what are the answers? That’s what the Retirement Income Industry Association (RIIA) is in the process of finding out. The Boston-based organization intends to survey large numbers of advisors on their methods for handling decumulation. The survey answers, whatever they might be, will help RIIA put together what RIIA’s Steve Mitchell called “a collection of knowledge” that would reflect existing methodologies and perhaps yield a treasury of best practices. 

At a recent webinar hosted by RIIA and attended by some 70 to 80 people—of whom about 40% were advisors—Mitchell asked attendees to suggest questions that RIIA might include in that large-scale survey of advisors. Here are 17 of the questions I jotted down while tuned in to the webinar:

Q. What kinds of planning software do you use for decumulation?

Q. Do you establish a minimal acceptable return for the client’s entire portfolio when making allocations between investments and insurance products? 

Q. How do you “address human capital leading up to retirement”?

Q. How do you deal with the impact of taxes in retirement planning?

Q. Do you use a different kind of compensation system for clients who are in retirement? 

Q. What kinds of support do you expect from insurance product wholesalers and the firms they represent?

 Q. What models or strategies do you use? Systematic withdrawal? Bucket methods? A combination of products, some of which  create “floor income” and some of which generate “upside”?

Q. Do decumulation strategies create more or less work for you?

Q. What functions do you outsource, either to specialists or to software solutions?

Q. How do protect clients from the impact of inflation when using annuities?

Q. How do you draw income from bonds or equities during down markets? 

Q. Do you use the Social Security Administration’s calculators to help clients choose the best time to claim their benefits?

Q. Do you have alternatives for the phrase, “retirement income”?

Q. Do you provide advice about Medicare and health care planning in general?

Q. Which money managers do you use or recommend?

Q. If the expression, “Build a floor, and then seek upside” doesn’t resonate with clients or seem self-evident, what other kinds of analogies or explanations do you use to convey the same principle?

Q. Other than earn a retirement-specific professional designation, how do you differentiate yourself from accumulation-oriented advisors?

None of the webinar attendees, I noticed, suggested questions related to longevity risk. I would have expected a question like, ‘Do you assume average longevity for planning purposes?’ Or, ‘How do you handle the topic of death when advising retirees?’ Likewise, there was no mention of widowhood or widower-hood, even though every retired couple will need to prepare for it.

No questions were asked about the use of home equity in retirement planning either, even though reverse mortgages or lines of credit can be useful even to affluent households. And there was no mention of legacy planning, even though a retiree’s desire to make a bequest often sets the boundaries for other parts of the income planning process. 

I suppose that only goes to show how many “unknown unknowns” are associated with decumulation planning. Retirement itself entails too many different kinds of risks, and lifetime income strategies have too many moving parts, to bring to light in a single one-hour brainstorming session.

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Is There an Annuity-Life Insurance Arb Opportunity?

Taxes on the affluent are almost certain to rise, so many advisors are looking for ways to trim their clients’ tax exposure. By funding a life insurance policy with the income from a life annuity, they can sometimes turn a highly taxed asset into a tax-free bequest.

Not long ago, for instance, a woman came to Teckmeyer Financial, in Omaha, Nebraska, with a deferred variable annuity. According to Joseph Hearn, one of Teckmeyer’s advisors, her contract had an account value of $85,000, a lifetime income rider with a benefit base of $128,000, and a death benefit worth $104,000. Her purchase premium had been $70,000.

Were she to liquidate the annuity, she would get the $85,000 account value and pay ordinary income taxes on the $15,000 gains. Were she to die with the contract in force, her son would owe ordinary income tax on the difference between the original cost basis and the death benefit.  For someone in the 28% tax bracket, the tax would be about $9,500.

The client had two goals: to get a little more money to live on, and to pass on the remainder to her son as tax efficiently as possible.

If she annuitized the contract, she could collect an income stream for life based on the larger $128,000 income base. That would bring in $764 a month or $9,168 per year, but it would also negate the death benefit.

With help from her advisor she found a permanent, universal life insurance policy with a $100,000 death benefit for only $366 a month. Over time, this would replace the annuity death benefit and come with the added advantage of being tax-free to her son. Meanwhile she could keep the remaining $398 to cover taxes on the annuity distributions and add to her income.

“It was a win-win-win,” Hearn told RIJ. “It’s not going to work for everybody, but she had an annuity already with a high income benefit, a high death benefit and a low contract value.”

The same goal can be accomplished using an annuity/life insurance arbitrage, says Glenn Daily, a fee-only advisor in New York City. The advisor should shop for the highest-paying life annuity from one insurer and then hunt for life insurance with low premiums from another insurer.

“People who are in poor health can buy a substandard annuity that usually has bigger payouts,” said Daily. (With a “substandard,” impaired,” or “medically-underwritten annuity,” as they are variously called, someone with compromised health can receive the payout rate of someone with a higher age.)

Daily admits that most of the time when he runs the numbers, this arbitrage doesn’t work and advisors have to really dig into the details of the life insurance policy. It is most likely to work if there’s a favorable disparity in underwriting between the life annuity and the life insurance policy. If the client buys a no-lapse life policy, he’ll have guaranteed benefits on both the annuity and life insurance. But “good insurance policies with low premiums are harder to find these days because of greater reserve requirements,” Daily noted.  

One trap to be wary of when buying a non-guaranteed universal life policy: If an insurance agent says he can credit the life insurance account at 5%. “That means they’re still getting the benefit of older bonds in their portfolio,” said Daily. “In this interest rate environment, that’s bound to change, so if the advisor is running the numbers, he or she should be using a value closer to 3%.” He warns that insurance agents will often simplify the tradeoffs to make the sale.  

To make sure the evaluation is done right, advisors should look to see that three different amounts of after-tax annuity payments are going into the life insurance policy in sequence, said Daily. These would reflect the payments that are partly taxed under the exclusion ratio, the payments that are fully taxed after the cost basis has been recovered, and payments that are made during the period of up to one-year between the two.

“You should see three numbers on the analysis if it’s done properly,” he said. If the advisor doesn’t do this level of analysis, his proposal may be “just a sales pitch thrown together to get the client to buy something.” If the money is coming from a qualified plan, of course, this analysis is irrelevant.

Bob Keebler, a partner at Keebler & Co. in Green Bay, Wisconsin also uses this annuity/insurance combination as an added component of an estate tax reduction strategy for high net worth clients. fter he’s finished moving qualified assets out of a client’s taxable estate  He moves IRA assets, for instance, to an irrevocable living trust (ILIT), thus reducing the estate, then buys life insurance with the assets to create the tax-free legacy.  

“I had a lady who had $6 million in an IRA and $10 million in other property,” he explained. “She annuitized $4 million from the IRA and used the income stream to buy a whole life insurance contract in an ILIT.” While she would still have to pay estate taxes on assets above $5 million, “this was a step in the right direction,” Keebler said.

Few clients have enough wealth to need an ILIT for tax purposes, given today’s $5 million estate tax exemption ($10 million for couples), but no one knows how the exemption will change next year when the Bush tax cuts expire, he pointed out.

San Diego-based CPA Leonard Wright recommends ILITs even for the merely affluent, because it’s a way to protect assets that they want to bequeath from potential lawsuits. “I’m a strong proponent of ILITs because unexpected things happen like divorces and car crashes,” he said. “If the money is in an ILIT, it’s protected by the trust and attorneys can’t get their hands on it.”

The annuity/life insurance arbitrage, as it were, does have drawbacks. The client loses flexibility on both the annuity sides and the life insurance side, says Keebler. “Once you give up control over your money and turn it into a stream of income payments, you’ve locked yourself in and may get nothing back from the life insurance policy if you change your mind. If you let the payments lapse you may have nothing but an annuity.”

Furthermore, Wright said that now is a particularly bad time to buy a life annuity. “I would never recommend it since interest rates are at historic lows,” he said. Instead he believes that a well-diversified portfolio will provide better rates of return to fund permanent life insurance. He is skeptical about using the arbitrage strategy. “Using an annuity to fund an ILIT is such a sales-y thing to me,” he says. “I’m not really big on this because I see two commissions there. The client is going to pay 3% or 4% on that.”

Nonetheless he would consider funding life insurance if the client already has an annuity or craves the security of a steady income stream. “There’s the emotional aspect where consumers are shell-shocked because of the capital markets and are gravitating toward some kind of certainty,” Wright said.

“That appeals to the emotional instinct in all of us—having the certainty of a fixed income annuity and a life insurance policy where the payments can’t rise,” he added. “I personally don’t like it except where it’s in the best interest of a client who wants that peace of mind, and where it makes sense in the context of their financial plan.”

© 2012 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

The Bucket

Insurance Technologies launches VisibleChoice 3.0  

Insurance Technologies, LLC, a provider of sales and regulatory automation solutions to the insurance and financial services industry, announced today the launch of VisibleChoice® 3.0.

The latest version of Insurance Technologies’ annuity sales and suitability solution for broker-dealers and advisors includes new features aimed at simplifing and streamlining the annuity sales process.

VisibleChoice 3.0 new features include:

  • Annuity Sales and Suitability Capabilities: Delivers annuity data access for the entire industry and integrated suitability modules that broker-dealers and advisors can use to reduce compliance risk and increase sales suitability and productivity. It also includes enhanced management reporting, which provides broker-dealer home offices with valuable sales and comparison intelligence such as product usage and business replacement percentages.
    • Provides broker-dealers and advisors with the ability to perform direct comparisons for all annuity types, filtering important criteria such as rating, class, and risk tolerance so advisors can recommend the most suitable annuity option for each client. With easy to understand Annuity Summary Reports, advisors can quickly and effectively communicate complex product information to clients, which increases transparency and understanding for the customer.
    • Helps advisors meet the home office suitability forms process requirements in an automated manner through VisibleChoice Suitability®, a rules based suitability forms platform. VisibleChoice Suitability provides broker-dealer home offices with a flexible platform that can be integrated into existing business processes and systems to assist advisors in managing compliance with FINRA rules 2090 “Know Your Customer” and 2111 “Suitability”.
  • Mobile Access: Now advisors can access VisibleChoice 3.0 from multiple devices, which helps them to make their practices more portable. Version 3.0 enables e-signatures and paperless suitability reviews and allows firms to create an electronic audit trail on their annuity product comparisons and recommendations. Bringing key functions such as annuity product reviews, completion of the suitability process and electronic signing of documents to a remote format allows advisors to meet with more clients and close business on the spot. This leads to stronger client relationships, more efficient bookkeeping and better management of compliance requirements.

Protective reports second quarter 2012 results

Protective Life Corporation has reported results for the second quarter of 2012. Highlights include:

  • Net income of $76 million, or $0.91 per share
  • Operating earnings of $71 million, or $0.85 per share
  • Year-to-date operating earnings up 23% to $170 million
  • 46% of year-to-date earnings returned to shareowners in dividends and share repurchase

Net income available to PLC’s common shareowners for the second quarter of 2012 was $76.2 million or $0.91 per average diluted share, compared to $87.6 million or $1.00 per average diluted share in the second quarter of 2011.After-tax operating income was $70.9 million or $0.85 per average diluted share, compared to $75.4 million or $0.86 per average diluted share in the second quarter of 2011.

Net income available to PLC’s common shareowners for the six months ended June 30, 2012 was $175.2 million or $2.10 per average diluted share, compared to $146.5 million or $1.67 per average diluted share for the six months ended June 30, 2011. After-tax operating income was $170.0 million or $2.04 per average diluted share, compared to $137.9 million or $1.57 per average diluted share for the six months ended June 30, 2011.

New investment options for Securian retirement plan participants

Securian will begin offering 21 new investment options to retirement plan clients, the company said in a release.

The net operating expenses for most the new Securian options are 0.2% or less. All revenue sharing funds from investment companies are passed on to plan participants on a daily basis using a 20-year-old process called Securian’s Actual Allocation Method.

Advisors can find more detail about the new options on the “Financial Professionals” page at

Prudential Retirement selected as recordkeeper for MGM Resorts 401(k) plan

Prudential Retirement, a unit of Prudential Financial, Inc., will serve as recordkeeper for Las Vegas-based MGM Resorts International’s 401(k) plan, the company said in a release. The plan has roughly 24,500 participants and approximately $858 million in assets, which were transferred to Prudential in the second quarter of 2012.

Advantage Financial Group joins LPL Financial

LPL Financial announced that Advantage Financial Group and its 63 affiliated independent advisors are transitioning their securities registrations from their current broker-dealer to LPL Financial, bringing client assets of approximately $2 billion.

Based in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, AFG provides professional services to its independent financial advisor members in the Midwest, Great Lakes and Southeast regions. Structured as a professional partnership, AFG is owned by its advisor members, who share an equity interest in AFG as a separately managed professional services firm.  AFG generated trailing 12 month revenues of $11.2 million.

AFG will affiliate with LPL Financial under its current producer group structure, and continue to grow under its own existing brands and organization.  Also as part of this transition, the LPL Financial RIA Platform will become the primary custodian for AFG’s sister company and Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) firm, Advantage Investment Management (AIM), which will continue to provide fee-based solutions to the advisor members of the AFG producer group.