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Symetra Solves An RMD Problem

Symetra Life Insurance Co. has enhanced its Freedom Income Annuity, making it possible for clients who buy it with tax-deferred assets or rollovers from IRAs or qualified plans to defer the income data past age 70½.

Freedom Income is a form of longevity insurance—a deferred income annuity designed to be purchased today with 10 to 15 percent of total savings and to deliver pension-like income in 10 to 20 years. By deferring payment and/or by making the contract life-contingent, a pre-retiree can purchase future income at a significant discount.

With the “patent-pending” enhancement, contract owners can use qualified or non-qualified money and select a date up to age 94 to begin collecting income. With lifetime income needs taken care of, the client has flexibility with the remaining portfolio. The fixed payouts can continue for life or a period certain.


“Previously, if a client wanted to use tax-deferred money for Freedom Income, or other longevity products in the marketplace, payments had to begin at 70½,” said Rich Lindsay, senior vice president of Symetra’s Life and Annuities division. “Because longevity insurance provides guaranteed money for the later years of retirement, extending the age when payments begin is an important option.”

As for the enhancement, “We created some liquidity in the product,” Lindsay said. “If you reach age 71 and aren’t scheduled to take income until age 75 or 80 or 85, we will let you have whatever liquidity you need to pay your RMD. As of now, we’re the only company doing this.”

There is some ambiguity in the RMD rules, he said, that would affect those who used a portion of their qualified savings to buy an income annuity whose payments didn’t begin until after well after age 71, he explained.   unclear 

Longevity insurance by definition offers income at a significant discount. For example, a 55-year-old man would pay about $50,000 today for an income of $2,500 a month for life starting at age 80 using the Freedom Income contract. If the same person waited until age 80 to buy such an income, it would costs about $230,000 at today’s rates, according to Symetra’s data.

For someone with $500,000 in investments, for instance, this type of contract would tie up a relatively small portion of the owner’s assets while allowing him or her to spend his remaining $450,000 more freely or invest it more aggressively between retirement and age 80. To get comparable protection against the risk of living to 85, 90 or beyond, the individual might have to set aside a reserve much larger than $50,000.

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Can Retirees “Thrive” On Deferred Income Annuities?

Motoring past the red-gold grain fields of the Mississippi valley a decade ago, Iowa insurance man Curtis Cloke cultivated an idea that would soon make him very successful and, in the process, demonstrate that Americans will buy guaranteed income if you spin the right story around it.

His idea is as simple as the difference between “wheat” and “chaff,” apparently. And it champions a hitherto obscure insurance contract, the deferred income annuity.

Since 1999, Cloke has used his Thrive Income Distribution System to sell about $20 million worth of deferred period-certain income annuities (DIAs) to about 200 clients. He and RISE Enterprise, the retirement consultants, have packaged it into a scalable sales program that they are now offering to insurance marketing organizations.

Starting this month, some 23,000 insurance producers associated with Crump Group, Inc., the organization formed by the 2007 merger of Crump Insurance and BISYS, will be able to use it. Crump Group identifies itself as the largest insurance wholesaler in the U.S.

“I say ‘bull’ to people who say income annuities aren’t marketable,” said Cloke from his cell while driving in the Quad-City area of eastern Iowa and western Illinois. A “Top of the Table” member of the Million Dollar Roundtable, Cloke started out as an advisor with Prudential Financial in 1987.

“In 1999, I became somewhat fearful about what I saw happening in the tech sector,” he told RIJ. “A number of potential clients were bitten by the tech crash, and I decided there must be a better way to secure income and perpetuate accumulation in retirement. The solution was to separate the assets and allocate portions to income and accumulation prior to retirement.”

In broadest terms, the Thrive system involves dividing a client’s savings into two parts, which it calls the “wheat” and the “chaff.” The client uses about 75% of the total, to build an income floor with a ladder of income annuities. That’s the wheat. He invests the rest in mutual funds for upside potential, emergencies, splurges or bequests. That’s the chaff.

It’s a variation on the old laddered annuity system. But instead of waiting until retirement to buy an immediate income annuity, Cloke’s clients start 10 years early. At age 55, for instance, they lock in income streams that will them a handsome income from age 65 to age 85.

Here’s an example from Thrive’s literature: A hypothetical 55-year-old has $1 million, including $600,000 in non-qualified accounts, $250,000 in qualified accounts, and $150,000 in a Roth IRA. He wants to retire at age 65 and expects to live until age 85. He needs $7,500 a month in retirement, of which Social Security will provide $1,625, plus annual cost-of-living increases.

Thrive Investable Assets: Wheat vs Chaff

The Thrive client spends $218,000 of his nonqualified money on a deferred five-year period certain income annuity that pays $5,386 per month with a 2% annual inflation adjustment starting ten years from now, and another $382,000 on a deferred 15-year period certain annuity that pays $5,355 per month starting in 2024. With $162,000 in qualified money, he buys a 15-year annuity that pays $2,271 per month from 2024 to 2039. The rest of the qualified money and the Roth IRA assets stay in mutual funds or cash.

This system touts several plusses. First, it allows a 55-year-old to eliminate sequence-of-returns risk by locking in 20 years of guaranteed income. Second, there’s 30% discount associated with deferring income for 10 years or more relative to a SPIA, according to a comparison with a Vanguard income annuity.

A 65-year-old client applying to Vanguard for a five-year, period-certain SPIA with a 2% inflation adjustment that pays $5,386 per month would be quoted about $313,280, or about $95,000 more than the person in Thrive’s example who postponed income from his five-year annuity for 10 years. (Quotes obtained from Vanguard’s online calculator June 1.)

Third, Thrive’s period-certain DIAs have predictable yields, which life annuities don’t. The contracts pay out during the designated period, no matter what. Clients can arrange for a lump-sum commuted payment for beneficiaries instead of a monthly income, if they wish–but Thrive doesn’t call it a death benefit. If all owners die during the income period, their beneficiaries receive the remaining payments.

“It’s an investment play, not an insurance play,” Cloke said. “You’re buying an income based on a rate of return, whether you live or die. In this case, the longer you defer, the higher the return.” The internal rates of return range from 4.5% to 7%, he said.

Cloke believes that his system extracts more income from an initial investment than a variable annuity with a guaranteed living benefit. “We’ve looked at the annuitization rates of GMIBs (guaranteed minimum income benefits) and we’ve looked at the GMWB (guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits). When you look at the payout they’ll produce as a cost of present value, they all require more present value than you’d need in the DIA,” he said.

There are other wrinkles to the program, such as tax and RMD strategies. Depending on a client’s preference, Thrive may also combine period-certain annuities with life insurance and/or pure longevity insurance that pays life-contingent income beyond age 85. But the essence of the product is the ladder of consecutive or overlapping period certain deferred income annuities, or DIAs.

So far, several life insurers, including Hartford and Symetra, offer DIAs or plan to, according to Garth Bernard, president of THRIVE and partner in RISE Enterprises, which built the Thrive software and marketing materials. Other carriers are considering offering DIAs, he added. “No other IMOs are selling these products. We’re creating a new market.”

Symetra, whose DIA is called the Freedom Income annuity, is bullish on DIAs. But the company’s annuity marketers have learned that it’s easier to sell a DIA with a death benefit (or, as in Thrive’s case, similar protection) than to sell a life-contingent DIA, even though a death benefit can add “30% to 60% to the price,” said Rich Lindsay, senior vice president of the Life and Annuities division at Symetra Financial.

“We created an earlier deferred income annuity as a non-death benefit product, but the feedback from the field was that [life-contingency] is a tough hurdle to overcome—although less so in the last six months” as a result of investors’ flight to safety, he added.

Even with a death benefit, a DIA strategy is cheaper than, say, buying a 10-year fixed-rate deferred annuity and then annuitizing it on a 10-year period certain basis. Symetra, which is part-owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire-Hathaway, thinks DIAs have a big future. “We’re putting a lot of emphasis in our distribution system behind these concepts,” he said. “There will be other good ones coming down the pipe.”

Moshe Milevsky, the York University finance professor who has written widely about retirement income creation, gives two cheers to Thrive.

“I think [Garth] has approximately 66.6% of the solution worked out,” Milevsky said. “Mutual funds and ETFs will continue to be a very important first component of income planning. Income annuities, both life-contingent and period certain, will be the second component. To that end, you can build fancy ladders, simple SPIAs, ALDAs or some combination of these.

“However, I think such an approach is missing 33.3% of the retirement income solution. In my opinion the third and missing leg is variable annuities with guaranteed living income benefits, or GLiBs. Or, if you don’t want to buy a variable annuity per se, you can buy pure put options or other true downside protection,” he said.

Not just any variable annuity issuer will do, Milevsky added. “The caveats are three: credit risk, increasing fees, and asset allocation restrictions. Make sure [to the extent possible] that the company backing the GLiB will remain in business for the 30-year duration of the contract. Make sure they can’t increase fees to existing policyholders, and make sure they can’t change your true asset allocation after the fact, by acquiring more bonds, less equity, etc.”

“We believe that [Dr. Milevsky] missed the point,” said Bernard after learning of the York University professor’s comments. “Thrive provides complete flexibility to incorporate an advisor’s favorite vehicles in the ‘Chaff’ component. In other words, a VA with GLWB, protected growth instruments, target date funds or any favored income or accumulation vehicles can be installed in the Chaff component.”

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

“Outcome-Driven Investing” Is The Future, DWS Exec Says

Having suffered big losses even in cautious balanced funds, U.S. investors are ready for structured investments that offer principal protection, according to Philipp Hensler, CEO of U.S. distribution for DWS Investments, a unit of Deutsche Bank.

“Advisors who offer predictability will prepare accordingly,” Hensler said during an address at the 5th annual Managing Retirement Income conference, sponsored by the Retirement Income Industry Association (RIIA) in Boston last February.

He told an audience of insurance and investment professionals that high correlation, high volatility and low returns last fall formed a “Bermuda triangle” in which trillions of dollars in savings disappeared.

Diversification failed in part because the correlation between the S&P 500 Index and the MSCI EAFE Index, which includes foreign stocks, averaged .47 in the 1980s, .54 in the 1990s, but .83 during the 2000s, and because the correlation between any two boxes in the Morningstar style chart reached .80 or more.

The financial world has left the “Harry Markowitz” era where Modern Portfolio Theory and Monte Carlo projections reigned, he said, and entered into an era of “Outcome-Driven Investing” where investors will match their health risks, market risks, and longevity risks with specific guaranteed and non-guaranteed products.

He described a European fund that guarantees an annual return of either 1.5 times the absolute return of a market index or zero return, depending on conditions. If the index rises by 8% for instance, the investor earns a 12% return. If it falls by 8%, the investor still earns 12%. But if the index loses or gains 20% or more, the investor’s return is zero.

In early 2008, Hensler’s company introduced the DWS LifeCompass Protect Fund, which offered U.S. investors exposure to a mix of stocks and bonds while allowing them to redeem their shares at the end of 10 years at the fund’s highest net asset value, or NAV.

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Older Worker Confidence in Retirement Security Drops Sharply, Watson Wyatt Survey Finds

Employees With Defined Benefit Plans Feel More Confident Than Those With 401(k) Plans Only

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 2, 2009 — Older workers are much less confident about their retirement security than they were two years ago as a result of the financial crisis, according to a new survey by Watson Wyatt, a leading global consulting firm. The survey also found that workers with defined benefit (DB) plans are much more confident in their retirement prospects than those who participate only in a defined contribution (DC) plan.

In its survey, Watson Wyatt found the percent of workers aged 50-64 who are very confident about having enough resources to live comfortably five years into retirement dropped to 44 percent from 63 percent in 2007. The numbers for affording a comfortable lifestyle 15 years into retirement are even bleaker. Only 18 percent think they have sufficient resources to be comfortable for this long, compared with 34 percent who felt that way in 2007. The Watson Wyatt survey, conducted in February 2009, includes responses from more than 2,200 full-time workers.

“Retirement security is a huge concern as individuals have seen significant amounts of their pension and retirement savings decline,” said David Speier, senior retirement consultant at Watson Wyatt. “And the financial crisis has been especially damaging to older workers who are worried about potential job losses and have experienced higher stress levels over the past year.”

The survey also found that retirement concerns are significantly eased for workers who have a DB plan rather than only a DC plan — 55 percent of workers with DB plans are very confident of having enough resources to live comfortably five years into retirement compared with 38 percent of those with only DC plans.

Confidence is higher for individuals with DB plans for longer time horizons as well, although the farther into retirement individuals look, the more confidence falls across the board. When looking at 15 years out, only 26 percent of workers with DB plans remain very confident, nearly double the level of workers with DC-only plans (14 percent). And, 25 years out, the numbers drop even more significantly.

Workers with DB plans are more confident about retirement than those with DC-only plans

Years into retirement

Very confident

Somewhat confident

Not too confident

Not at all confident

Defined benefit






Defined contribution only






“It’s not surprising that DB plans offer workers more confidence, but fewer workers will be covered by them in the years ahead,” said Jamie Knopping, senior retirement consultant at Watson Wyatt. “The pendulum is swinging toward 401(k)-only environments right now, but if employers find workers’ lack of retirement security creates issues relating to workforce transitions and reduced productivity, it may swing back to a middle ground. Account-based cash balance plans, for instance, offer features of both DB and DC plans, yet do not pose the same level of risk or cost for employers.”

Other findings include:

  • More active workers said that the financial crisis has resulted in higher stress about retirement security (31 percent) than about job losses (24 percent) and access to affordable health care (15 percent).
  • While some workers are increasing their savings (19 percent have increased savings to offset losses due to the financial crisis and another 34 percent are considering doing so), others have borrowed or withdrawn money from retirement savings (9 percent) or are considering doing so in the next 12 months (9 percent).

For more information, visit

For further information, please contact:

Ed Emerman
[email protected]

Steve Arnoff
[email protected]

About Watson Wyatt

Watson Wyatt (NYSE, NASDAQ: WW) is the trusted business partner to the world’s leading organizations on people and financial issues. The firm’s global services include: managing the cost and effectiveness of employee benefit programs; developing attraction, retention and reward strategies; advising pension plan sponsors and other institutions on optimal investment strategies; providing strategic and financial advice to insurance and financial services companies; and delivering related technology, outsourcing and data services. Watson Wyatt has 7,700 associates in 33 countries and is located on the Web at

Prudential Financial, Inc. Announces $1.25 Billion Common Stock Offering

A day after announcing that it would not accept financial assistance under the Treasury Department’s Capital Purchase Program, Prudential Financial said June 2 that it has commenced a public offering of $1.25 billion of its Common Stock.

Citi and Goldman, Sachs & Co. will serve as joint bookrunning managers for the offering. The underwriters will have a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional 15% of the offered amount of Common Stock from the company.

The company intends to use the net proceeds from this offering for general corporate purposes, which may include contributions of capital to its insurance and other subsidiaries and the repayment of short-term borrowings or other debt, or for potential strategic initiatives.

Prudential Financial, Inc., a financial services leader with approximately $542 billion of assets under management as of March 31, 2009, has operations in the United States, Asia, Europe, and Latin America.

New Variable Annuity Prospectus Filings, week of April 13

Information provided by Advanced Sales Corp.
Click Contract/Benefit title to access the SEC Filing.
Contract/Benefit Effective Date
Enhanced Death Benefit for Pioneer Prism contracts (National) 5/4/2009
GMIB Plus II (New York contracts) benefit 5/4/2009
GMIB Plus 2008 (non-New York version of GMIB Plus II) benefit 5/4/2009
GMIB II and GMAB benefits 5/4/2009
National Security
NScore Lite II contract Not given
Ohio National
ONcore Lite II contract Not given
GoldenSelect Premium Plus contract 5/1/2009
New England
GoldenSelect Landmark Contract 5/1/2009
Flexible Retirement Choice contract 4/10/2009
Group Variable Annuity I, II & III 5/1/2009
RetireReady Bonus contracts (National & NY) 4/21/2009
New York Life
LifeStages Flexible Premium Sep Acct I, II & III contracts 5/1/2009
ChoicePlus Access, ChoicePlus II Access & ChoicePlus Assurance (C-Share) 5/1/2009
ChoicePlus, ChoicePlus II & ChoicePlus Assurance (B-Share) 5/1/2009
Class XC 5/1/2009
Class VA, Class AA & Class B 5/1/2009
Class L 3 & 4 year 5/1/2009
Class C 5/1/2009
Class A 5/1/2009
Cova VA, Firstar Summit & Premier Advisor 5/1/2009
Empire Innovations 5/1/2009
Alterity 4/27/2009
High Five 4/27/2009
High Five L 4/27/2009
Rewards 4/27/2009
Valuemark II 4/27/2009
Valuemark III 4/27/2009
Valuemark IV 4/27/2009
Charter II 4/27/2009
Opportunity 4/27/2009
Pioneer Prism 5/1/2009
Pioneer Prism L 5/1/2009
Pioneer Prism XC 5/1/2009
Class XTRA 6 5/1/2009
Class XTRA 5/1/2009
Marquis Portfolios 5/1/2009
PrimElite IV 5/1/2009
Class S 5/1/2009
Class A 5/1/2009
Class C 5/1/2009
Class L 3 & 4 year 5/1/2009
Class VA, Class AA & Class B 5/1/2009
American Legacy III 5/1/2009
American Legacy III C-Share 5/1/2009
ChoicePlus Assurance Bonus, ChoicePlus Bonus & ChoicePlus II Bonus 5/1/2009
American Legacy C-Share 5/1/2009
American Legacy II 5/1/2009
ChoicePlus Assurance L-Share & ChoicePlus II Advance 5/1/2009
ChoicePlus, ChoicePlus Assurance B-Share & ChoicePlus II 5/1/2009
ChoicePlus Access, ChoicePlus II Access & ChoicePlus Assurance (C-Share) 5/1/2009
ChoicePlus Assurance Bonus & ChoicePlus II Bonus 5/1/2009
Financial Freedom Select B, L, C, e & e Bonus 5/1/2009
Preference Premier contract 5/1/2009
Preference Plus Select 5/1/2009
Preference Plus, Preference Plus (APPA), Financial Freedom Select contracts 5/1/2009
MarketFLEX Advisor 5/1/2009
BOA America’s Income 5/1/2009
Income Architect 5/1/2009
BOA America’s Future II 5/1/2009
BOA Choice Venue II 5/1/2009
BOA Elite Venue 5/1/2009
Future Venue & Heritage 5/1/2009
Destination L 5/1/2009
Destination C (formerly Exclusive Venue) 5/1/2009
Schwab Income Choice 5/1/2009

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

New Variable Annuity Prospectus Filings, week of April 20

Information provided by Advanced Sales Corp.
Click Contract/Benefit title to access the SEC Filing.
Contract/Benefit Effective Date
New York Life
LifeStages Select contract 5/1/2009
LifeStages Premium Plus & Premium Plus II contracts 5/1/2009
LifeStages Essentials contract 5/1/2009
Extra Credit & Smart Value contracts 5/1/2009
LifeStages Elite & Premium Plus Elite contracts 5/1/2009
LIfeStages Longevity Benefit contract 5/1/2009
Premier B, L & X Series contracts 5/1/2009
Premier Bb Series contract 5/1/2009
Advisors Choice 2000 5/1/2009
AS Cornerstone 5/1/2009
XT8 & Optimum XTRA contracts 5/1/2009
Select* Annuity III 5/1/2009
Advantage Century 5/1/2009
ING Encore & Encore Flex contracts 5/1/2009
Empire Traditions 5/1/2009
Architect 5/1/2009
Western Reserve
Freedom Premier III 5/1/2009
Freedom Multiple 5/1/2009
GoldenSelect ES II & Landmark contracts 4/17/2009
Schwab OneSource & Select contracts 5/1/2009
Equi-Vest 5/1/2009
Equi-Vest Express 5/1/2009
Equi-Vest Deluxe 5/1/2009
Equi-Vest Strategies 5/1/2009
Equi-Vest At Retirement 5/1/2009
Equi-Vest At Retirement 04 5/1/2009
At Retirement 5/1/2009
Equi-Vest 201 5/1/2009
Momentum 5/1/2009
Momentum Plus 5/1/2009
Crossings 5/1/2009
Pacific Life
Pacific One & One Select 5/1/2009
Pacific Innovations & Innovations Select 5/1/2009
Pacific Portfolios & Portfolios for Chase 5/1/2009
Pacific Value 5/1/2009
Pacific Voyages 5/1/2009
Pacific Journey 5/1/2009
Pacific Value Edge 5/1/2009
Overture Medley! 5/1/2009
Advisor Select No Load 5/1/2009
No-Load VA 5/1/2009
VA II 4/30/2009
VA A 4/30/2009
VA B 4/30/2009
VA I 4/30/2009
New England
American Growth Series 5/1/2009
American Forerunner Series 5/1/2009
Best of America IV 5/1/2009
Schwab Custom Solutions 5/1/2009
Waddell & Reed Advisors Select Preferred 5/1/2009
Schwab OneSource (NY) 5/1/2009
marketFLEX II 5/1/2009
marketFLEX 5/1/2009
Northwestern Mutual
Flexible Payment VA (Account A) 5/1/2009
Individual Flexible Payment VA (Account A) 5/1/2009
Flexible Payment VA (Account B) 5/1/2009
Flexible Payment VA (Fee-Based Account B) 5/1/2009
All American Gold 5/1/2009
BOA Achiever & America’s Horizon 5/1/2009
BOA V & NEA Valuebuilder Select 5/1/2009
Soloist 5/1/2009
Series XC 5/1/2009
Series VA 5/1/2009
Series L 5/1/2009
Series S 5/1/2009
PrimElite IV 5/1/2009
PrimElite III 5/1/2009
Marquis Portfolios 5/1/2009
Series XTRA 5/1/2009
Series XTRA 6 5/4/2009
Pioneer Prism 5/1/2009
Pioneer Prism L 5/1/2009
Pioneer Prism XC 5/1/2009
Access 5/1/2009

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Regulatory Cloud Stifles EIA Market

For the first time in the brief history of equity-indexed annuities (EIAs), consumer demand for these controversial structured insurance products is outpacing supply, said Sheryl J. Moore, president and CEO of, an insurance product data-gathering firm in Pleasant Hill, Iowa.

Life insurers simply aren’t introducing many new EIAs. Insurers are pressed for capital and waiting for the outcome of the legal battle over who—the SEC or the states—will regulate EIA sales and which industry—securities or insurance—will control sales of this lucrative niche product.

“Carriers are holding back to see what is determined in the 151A case against the SEC. We actually lost 27 products during the first quarter,” Moore told RIJ. Thirteen companies have exited the indexed annuity market since the fourth quarter of 2008, she said.

First quarter EIA sales totaled $7.0 billion, up 22.8% from the same period last year, according to the 47th Advantage Index Sales & Market Report. But sales were down 2.1% compared to the fourth quarter of 2008. Fifty EIA-issuing carriers were surveyed, representing 99% of production.

Index Annuity Sales By Quarter



Aviva was the top EIA seller in the first quarter, with $2.4 billion in sales, followed by Allianz Life, with $1.1 billion, American Equity Investment Life with $630 million, Lincoln National with $368 million, and Midland National with $359 million.

Lincoln rose to fourth place from tenth and Jackson National moved to sixth place from ninth. American Investors Income Select Bonus was the top product for the third consecutive quarter. Nearly 57% of indexed annuity sales come through Iowa-domiciled companies.

“Never has there been a better opportunity to manufacture or sell indexed annuities,” said Moore in a press release. “The demand for indexed annuities has never been greater because of American’s flight to quality from the equities markets.

“Unfortunately, the supply of annuities cannot keep up with the demand right now, because annuities are so capital intensive. This is the first time I have ever seen a mismatch between the supply and demand of these products—it’s a dilemma.”

EIAs are structured products that offer principal protection via a bond component that earns about 3% per year, plus modest exposure to equity market returns through the purchase of equity derivatives.

Indexed annuities, as they are also called, tend to thrive when investors are too risk-averse for equities but unwilling to buy bonds because of unattractive yields. EIA return calculations are complex and vary from contract to contract, but the products have historically delivered what they promise: downside protection and upside potential.

Only two new EIA contracts were issued in the first quarter of 2009: Forethought Life’s single-premium Income 125 annuity (25% bonus on income base) and American Equity’s Retirement Gold annuity (12% or 6% premium bonus, depending on age). Both products have mandatory guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits (GLWB).

Forethought’s Income 125 has a minimum initial premium of $25,000 and a 10-year surrender period with a first year charge of 12%. The 25% bonus is broken into five percent annual increases to the benefit base over ten years. It applies only to the guaranteed income base, not to the account value. The owner receives the bonus in the form of an enhanced annual payout, and only if he or she exercises the lifetime income option.

The product has four income options: a 5% annual payout for life, a 4% payout with a 2% inflation adjustment, a 4%payout with spousal continuation, and a 3% payout with a 2% inflation adjustment and spousal continuation. After income begins, the income base automatically steps up to the account value, if greater, once a year.

Income 125 offers a choice of three crediting methods: annual point-to-point, monthly average, and monthly point-to-point, all with 100% participation in S&P 500 Index gains up to 5.25% annually, 6.25% annually, and 2.25% monthly, respectively. The commission is 8.5% for purchasers to age 75.

American Equity’s Retirement Gold product, a flexible-premium EIA with a $5,000 minimum initial premium, has a GLWB with four age-band payouts: 4% annually for those ages 50-59, 5% for those ages 60-69, 6% for those ages 70-79 and 7% for those over age 80. The payout for spousal continuation is one percent less in each age band.

Retirement Gold offers five annual crediting options, all pegged to the S&P 500. There are two annual point-to-point options, one with a 100% participation in equity gains up to 6.5%, and one with 25% participation and no cap on gains. There are two monthly averaging options, and one monthly point-to-point with 100% participation up to 2.6% per month. The producer commission is 8% for purchasers to age 78.

Both products, with their initial surrender charges over 10%, appear to violate the so-called “10/10 rule” that many securities broker-dealers have adopted in recent years. Those broker-dealers have declared that, if they begin supervising EIA sales, they won’t sell any EIA contract with a surrender charge over 10% or a surrender period over 10 years.

Moore said both products were technically within the 10/10 rule. “The bonus on the Forethought product is credited to the GLWB benefit base, so it does not count as far as state [regulators] are concerned,” she said. “The AEIL product has a net effective first-year surrender charge of 0.5% [because of its 12% premium bonus]. So, it passes.”

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

The Launch of Retirement Income Journal

Welcome to Retirement Income Journal, the only publication for and about the complex industry that has formed around the challenge and opportunity of helping Baby Boomers turn their life savings into lifelong income.

On our website you’ll find an accumulation of industry statistics, article archives, research papers, conference schedules, directories, RSS feeds and other resources that will help you succeed.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to register to receive our free weekly e-newsletter. As a newsletter recipient, you’ll get timely news and thoughtful analysis of events in the so-called “decumulation industry.” We’ll cover annuities of all types, structured products, DC plan income options, reverse mortgages, long-term care/annuity hybrids and more.

Our goal is to create a first-stop shop for retirement income aficionados, a ‘long-tail’ compendium of data or links to data about every aspect of this growing and exciting field.

We urge you to visit the site often and send us your comments, questions, company news and ideas for improvement.

Kerry Pechter
Editor and publisher
Retirement Income Journal
[email protected]

Fixed Products Lift JNL’s Annuity Sales By 8% in 1Q 2009

Thanks to an 81% year-over-year increase in fixed annuity sales, Jackson National Life Insurance generated $2.6 billion in total annuity sales in the first quarter of 2009, up 8% over the same period in 2008. Net flows (premium minus surrenders, exchanges and annuitizations) of $1 billion were 21% higher than in 2008.

First quarter retail sales and deposits, including deposits from mutual funds and Jackson’s separate account subsidiary totaled $2.7 billion, in line with retail sales and deposits in the first quarter of 2008. Jackson is a unit of the United Kingdom’s Prudential plc.

“Customers and advisers favor a business partner that is consistent throughout all phases of the business cycle,” said Clark Manning, Jackson’s president and CEO. “Jackson’s prudent approach to product pricing and risk management is a significant competitive advantage in the current market environment.”

Although Jackson’s variable annuity sales fell $300 million, to $1.5 billion in the first quarter of 2009 from $1.8 billion in the first quarter of 2008, sales of traditional fixed annuities were $693 million, up from $382 million. Index annuity sales were up 83%, to $354 million, versus the first quarter of 2008.

“In this turbulent market, advisers and their clients are increasingly attracted to the stability of Jackson’s franchise,” said Clifford Jack, executive vice president and chief distribution officer for Jackson. “Jackson’s product offering and wholesaling force has remained relatively consistent, and the company’s financial strength ratings are unchanged.”

As of March 31, 2009, Jackson was rated A+ (superior) by A.M. Best; AA (very strong) by Standard & Poor’s; AA (very strong) by Fitch Ratings; and A1 (good) by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. In the first quarter of 2009, Jackson sold $12 million in life insurance products, compared to $14 million in the first quarter of 2008. Jackson did not sell any institutional products during the first quarter of 2009, as the company redirected available capital to support higher-margin annuity sales.

Curian Capital, Jackson’s separately managed accounts subsidiary, accumulated $140 million in deposits during the first quarter of 2009, down from $310 million during the same period in 2008. As of March 31, 2009, Curian managed $2.3 billion, down from $2.6 billion at the end of 2008, due primarily to a double-digit decline in equity markets during the first quarter of 2009.

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Prudential Retirement Weds GLWB to TDF

Searching for a product that will help it capture rollovers from 401(k) plans and give its plan sponsors an income option for participants, Prudential Retirement has wedded its existing in-plan income guarantee, IncomeFlex, to its new line of EasyPath target-date funds (TDFs).

The new offering, a group variable annuity called IncomeFlex Target or IFX Target, is designed to be fully automatic. If not exactly a “cradle-to-grave” plan for qualified plan participants, it’s potentially a “first-job-to-grave” plan.

Here’s how it works: A participant in a Prudential-managed 401(k) plan could enroll—voluntarily or by default—into one of nine new EasyPath TDFs with retirement year targets ranging from 2015 to 2055. Like other TDFs, the EasyPath funds grow more conservative over time, but will always have at least 60% in equities.

Ten years before the participant’s TDF maturity date, the IncomeFlex lifetime income rider would automatically switch on, locking in a minimum income base at an annual cost of one percent of assets. The rider puts a floor under the income base,  protecting participants from sequence-of-returns risk—the risk that a bear market will occur shortly before they retire. 

“The migration of the [lifetime income guarantee] to the qualified plan environment is the future,” said Mark Foley, vice president of the Innovative Simplicity program at Prudential Retirement.

For insurance companies, $10 trillion-plus in qualified retirement plans represents a much larger market for the GLWB rider than the $1 trillion-plus variable annuity niche will ever be. Qualified plans are the massive glaciers from which rivers of rollover money will flow.

“The vendors want to find ways to continue to service those employees once they retire, whether it be through rollovers or an annuity stream,” noted Trischa Brambley, president of Resources for Retirement in Newtown, PA. “If participants like their plan and are familiar with the vendor’s name, then the opportunity to sell them something into retirement is something most vendors would like to pursue.”

For plan sponsors, the question is more complicated. They feel an obligation to offer in-plan income options, but they don’t want lifelong responsibility for former employees. So they’re proceeding with caution, if at all, in choosing income options.

“The plan sponsor community is still coming to grips with what happens when people leave the program,” said David Wray, president of the Profit-Sharing Council of America, a trade group composed of plan sponsors.

“Small companies are overwhelmed,” he added. “They don’t have the expertise or scale to get best practices, and they’re concerned that employers who take the next step take responsibility. When you choose an insurer to provide an income stream, you’ve made a decades-long commitment. That’s not something you do lightly.”

TDFs—the controversial QDIA
Prudential Retirement manages about $156 billion for some 3.6 million plan participants. Of that, about $150 million has been invested in the the original IncomeFlex program across 120 or so plans. The carrier plans to roll out IFX Target to Prudential-managed plans and also license it to other plan providers. As of late April, plan providers Mercer and Hewitt Associates were already signed up.

Prudential hopes IFX Target will ride the coattails of the popular target date funds, which the Pension Protection Act of 2006 blessed as a qualified default investment alternative (QDIA) for automatic enrollment of plan participants. In 2007, TDFs attracted $58 billion in new deposits—more than all other fund categories combined.

“The TDF has become the most popular QDIA,” added Foley. “We know TDFs are challenged, but rather than ask, are they good or bad, we asked, How can we make them better? How can we make them do what they’re intended to do?”

By “challenged,” Foley referred to the ongoing debate over the adequacy of TDFs as retirement savings vehicles. Many fund companies offer them, but there’s no industry standard. Funds with identical target dates may have different asset allocations, different risk levels, and earn different rates of return.

Indeed, Prudential cited research by Ernst & Young showing that retirees who rely solely on TDFs for retirement income have a one-in-three chance of running out of money if they tap savings at an inflation-adjusted rate of five percent. IFX Target is intended to make sure TDF investors don’t run out of money.

The Easy Path TDFs are predominantly index funds with a REIT as an alternative investment. ““The glide path is a little different from [our] other TDFs. You start out at 90% equities and glide down. But as you move into the retirement phase, you keep a higher equity and alternative allocation, which never goes below 60%,” Foley said.

In addition to the 100 basis-point annual fee for the lifetime income guarantee. The guarantee provides a five percent annual lifetime payout at age 65 (4.5% for joint coverage). Income can start as early as age 55 with a 4.25% annual lifetime payout, or after 70 with a 5.75% payout. The annual expense ratio for all of Prudential’s 2015 to 2055 EasyPath TDFs will be 59 bps.

Under the guarantee, the income base would step up to the account value, if higher, on the investor’s birthday. “We reserve the right to increase the fee at the step up,” Foley said. “But there’s never a withdrawal charge or penalty for taking money out. Operationally, this works and feels like any other investment option. You have the flexibility to walk away at any time.”

Portability is a big hurdle for in-plan income options, according to Wray. As people move from job to job, and income guarantees become more common, participants could accumulate a hodge-podge of small accounts that might be inconvenient for them and unprofitable for providers.

Foley said IFX Target is portable at the participant level and at the plan sponsor level. If participants leave their employers or their plan sponsor changes providers, their money can stay with Prudential. But the participant would lose the guarantee if he or she moved the insured assets into another company’s products.

So far there’s little or no consensus among qualified plan experts on the merits of the handful of participant income options that have been launched so far—such as IncomeFlex, the MetLife/Barclays SponsorMatch program, the Genworth ClearCourse plan or the Hueler’s online single premium immediate annuity (SPIA) platform.

“This new offering is representative of the innovation that has been constant and ongoing in the 401(k) system since it came into being,” said Wray. “There is clearly interest in finding new ways to deliver some kind of guarantee in 401(k) plans.” His group doesn’t evaluate or comment on specific products.

Brambley noted, however, that “anything that has the words ‘guarantee’ or ‘preservation of capital’ in it will sell.”

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Mr. Indexed Annuity Goes To Washington

On a sultry afternoon in Washington, D.C. in early May, the U.S. Capitol looked stark, lonely, and forbidding. The famous white dome, broad steps and balustered porticos glowed like the Taj Mahal but appeared deserted except for two or three black-clad sentries cradling automatic rifles.

Eighty-some members of the National Association for Fixed Annuities (NAFA) were undaunted and undeterred, however. In groups of four or five they had cabbed to the Hill from the gilded luxury of the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel and were bound for appointments with their legislators—or at least with their legislator’s legislative aides.

The purpose of the meetings—a “March to the Hill” orchestrated for NAFA by the lobbying arm of the Washington law firm Blank Rome—was to educate senators and congressmen or their aides about indexed annuities and SEC Rule 151A, which made equity-indexed annuities subject to SEC regulation.

Most of all, the purpose was to urge legislators from both major parties to co-sponsor a bill that would reverse 151A, which reclassified index annuities as securities rather than insurance products. The rule was approved by the SEC last December but doesn’t take effect until 2011.

The new bill, which apparently has not yet been submitted or given a number, would nullify 151A and “clarify” the Securities and Exchange Act of 1933 to ensure that EIAs are exempt from federal securities regulation. The original co-sponsors of the bill are Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY) and Tom Price (R-GA). There is no companion bill in the Senate yet.

Rep. Meeks’ legislative director, Tre Riddle, explained the Queens, New York congressman’s interest in the bill: “We have a number  of constituents who hold annuities who have expressed concern about this issue, as have independent insurance agents who live or work in our district and insurance companies based in New York.

“As a member of the House Financial Services committee, we’re acutely aware of the financial markets, globally, nationally, and in New York. We’re also sponsoring the bill because we disagree with the SEC interjecting itself in a traditionally state-regulated matter.”

The Meeks-Price bill is part of NAFA’s “two-pronged assault” on 151A, which includes a lawsuit filed against the SEC by indexed annuity manufacturers and wholesalers, including American Equity Life, National Western Life, Midland National Life, OM Financial Life, BHC Marketing and others.

The lawsuit argues that indexed annuities are annuities, with guarantees that shift risk from the consumer to the insurer, and therefore should be regulated as other insurance products are—by the states, not by the SEC. It rejected the SEC’s claim that indexed annuities are risky assets because their upside is variable, even though they guarantee principal.

If successful, the lawsuit and the legislation would eliminate the ambiguity of EIAs’ regulatory status forever. “Litigation locks the door and legislation throws away the key,” said Danette Kennedy, NAFA’s government affairs director.

Rule 151A has roiled the world of EIAs, which are a type of structured product in which most of the assets are invested in bonds and a small portion is used to buy options, typically on the performance of the S&P 500. The bonds offer principal protection (less costs) and the derivatives allow the contract owner to participate in S&P gains, if any.

Such products—especially those issued by Allianz Life—sold extremely well after the 2001 dot-com crash, when many investors felt paralyzed by a fear of buying stocks and the absence of attractive returns in fixed income investments. EIAs might be expected to shine in the current environment—a murky outlook for equities and low interest rates—but uncertainty about the outcome of the fight over 151A has caused far more EIA manufacturers to pull products off the market than introduce new ones.

Privately, many in the EIA industry claim that the SEC created Rule 151A to divert lucrative EIA transactions from insurance agents and IMOs to broker-dealers and their registered reps. Kim O’Brien, the executive director of NAFA, said that, while NAFA is fighting 151A on legal grounds, the stakes are ultimately economic. “Clearly, [the broker-dealers] are desperate for money,” she told RIJ.

Others have said that then-SEC chairman Chris Cox, a Bush administration appointee, was moved to regulate indexed annuities after watching a Dateline NBC news episode in the spring of 2008 that depicted alleged mis-selling of EIAs to senior citizens for whom the products were inappropriate.

If 151A takes effect in January 2011, as scheduled, only those with securities licenses will be able to sell EIAs, and all EIA sales will have to be cleared through broker-dealers. To avoid seeing their EIA business diverted to broker-dealers, insurance agents will have to get securities licenses and IMOs must consider becoming broker-dealers—at no small cost.

That’s what one large IMO, Financial Independence Group of Cornelius, NC, is doing, according to Brian K. Williams, its chief operating officer. “We want to be prepared for whatever comes along,” he told RIJ at the NAFA annual meeting.

Before the NAFA members dispersed in taxis from the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel to their various meetings at the Capitol and the Dirksen, Hart, Longworth, Russell, Cannon and Rayburn office buildings, they received some inside tips on how to lobby Congress.

“Most folks in Congress want to do the right thing,” Rep. Price said. “But when it comes to insurance, they don’t know what the right thing is. You know much more than they do about fixed annuities, so you have to educate them. Above all, be passionate, or your representatives won’t feel compelled to act. Show passion for their constituents, not for your pocketbooks. And don’t be discouraged if you don’t get to meet your representative. The legislative aides are the key people here in Washington. They’re the ones you need to impress.”

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

New Variable Annuity Prospectus Filings, week of April 27

Information provided by Advanced Sales Corp.
Click Contract/Benefit title to access the SEC Filing.
Contract/Benefit Effective Date
MarketLock for Life Plus (Single & Joint) Benefit 5/1/2009
MarketLock Income Plus (Single & Joint) Benefit 5/1/2009
Accumulator Select 8.0 (2/09) Product 5/1/2009
Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefit for Life-Single & Joint (Lifetime GMWB) Benefit 5/1/2009
Accumulator Plus 9.0 Product 6/8/2009
RetireReady Bonus (National & NY) Product 4/21/2009
LifePay Plus & Joint LifePay Plus with Income Optimizer (Lifetime GMWBs) Benefit 5/1/2009
LifePay Plus & Joint LifePay Plus with Income Optimizer (Lifetime GMWBs) Benefit 5/1/2009
John Hancock
Income Plus for Life w/Annual Step-Up-Single (Lifetime GMWB) Benefit 5/1/2009
Class XTRA 6 (NY) Product 5/4/2009
Enhanced Death Benefit 
GMIB II Benefit 5/4/2009
GMIB Plus 2008 (GMIB Plus II)  Benefit 5/4/2009
GMIB Plus II (New York) Benefit 5/4/2009
Series XTRA 6 Product 5/4/2009
Enhanced Death Benefit 
GMAB Benefit 5/4/2009
GMIB Plus II NY Benefit 5/4/2009
National Security
GMIB Benefit 5/1/2009
GMIB Plus Benefit 5/1/2009
GMIB Plus w/Annual Reset Benefit 5/1/2009
Annual Stepped-Up Death Benefit 
GMIB Plus w/5 Year Reset Benefit 5/15/2009
Guaranteed Principal Protection (GPP) Benefit 5/15/2009
10% Lifetime Income Option-Single & Joint (Lifetime GMWBs) Benefit 5/1/2009
7% Lifetime Income Option-Single & Joint (Lifetime GMWBs) Benefit 5/1/2009
America’s Achiever Annuity (C-Share) Product 5/1/2009
America’s Achiever Annuity (L-Share) Product 5/1/2009
America’s All American Gold (C Share) Product 5/1/2009
America’s All American Gold (L Share) Product 5/1/2009
America’s Future Annuity II (C-Share) Product 5/1/2009
America’s Future Annuity II (L-Share) Product 5/1/2009
Destination C Product 5/1/2009
Destination L Product 5/1/2009
New England
GMAB Benefit 5/1/2009
Enhanced Death Benefit 
GMIB II Benefit 5/4/2009
GMIB Plus 2008 (non-New York version of GMIB Plus II) benefit 
GMIB Plus II (New Yorks) benefit 
Ohio National
5% GMDBR80 Plus (DB) Benefit 5/1/2009
ARDBR (DB) Benefit 5/1/2009
GMDBR80 Plus (DB) Benefit 5/1/2009
GMDBR85 Plus (DB) Benefit 5/1/2009
GMIB Benefit 5/1/2009
GMIB Plus Benefit 5/1/2009
GMIB Plus w/Annual Reset Benefit 5/1/2009
GMIB Plus w/Annual Reset (2009) Benefit 5/1/2009
GMIB Plus w/Annual Reset II (with & without inv. restrictions) Benefit 5/1/2009
5% GMDBR80 Plus (DB) Benefit 5/15/2009
5% GMDBR85 Plus (DB) Benefit 5/15/2009
Annual Stepped-Up Death Benefit 
ARDBR Benefit 5/15/2009
ARDBR II Benefit 5/15/2009
GMDBR80 Plus (DB) Benefit 5/15/2009
GMDBR85 Plus (DB) Benefit 5/15/2009
GMIB Plus w/5 Year Reset II Benefit 5/15/2009
GMIB Plus w/Annual Reset Benefit 5/15/2009
Pacific Life
CoreIncome Advantage (GMWB & Lifetime GMWB) Benefit 5/1/2009
Flexible Lifetime Income Plus (GMWB) Single and Joint Benefit 5/1/2009
Income Access (GMWB) Benefit 5/1/2009
Penn Mutual
Growth and Income Protector-single & joint (GMAB, GMWB & Lifetime GMWB) Benefit 5/4/2009
Purchasing Power Protector-single & joint (Lifetime GMWB) Benefit 5/4/2009
Contract Value Death Benefit 
ProtectiveValues Product 5/1/2009
ProtectiveValues Access Product 5/1/2009
ProtectiveValues Advantage Product 5/1/2009
Return of Purchase Payments Death Benefit 
SecurePay Advantage-single & joint (Lifetime GMWB) Benefit 5/1/2009
SecurePay w/R72-single & joint (Lifetime GMWB) Benefit 5/1/2009
SecurePay-single & joint (Lifetime GMWB) Benefit 5/1/2009
GRO Plus 2008 (GMAB) Benefit 5/1/2009
Highest Anniversary Value DB 5/1/2009
Highest Daily GRO Benefit 5/1/2009
AccessChoice Select C & L Shares Product 5/1/2009
Spinnaker Choice Product 4/30/2009
Retirement Income Choice 1.2-single & joint (Lifetime GMWB) Benefit 5/1/2009

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

The End of the VA Arms Race

Part I: The Great De-Risking

Part II: Why the Arms Race Ended

Part III: The Future of VA Living Benefits

Part I: The Great De-Risking

The fabled variable annuity arms race is over. The new reality is reflected in the dozens of “de-risked” VA contract prospectuses filed ahead of the recent May 1 SEC deadline. Life insurers have decided to quit making 30-year promises they can’t afford to keep.

In their latest filings, most of the top VA manufacturers have either raised the fees and reined in the benefits of their once-generous guaranteed living benefit riders contracts, or they’ve withdrawn the contracts entirely. Gone are the gaudy seven percent annual roll-ups, the quarterly step-ups, and the aggressive payout rates.  (See “New VA Product Filings” stories in this issue of RIJ.)

Why did the VA arms race end? The final blow was the unusual coincidence of a vertical bear market and historically low interest rates. But the deeper reason was that the product spread itself too thin. To satisfy all its stakeholders—issuers, shareholders, contract owners, fund managers and distributors—it needed a sustained bull market.

To compete with fund companies for the trillions of dollars that will roll out of retirement plans in coming years, life insurers (mainly the publicly-held insurers) built a product that seemed to offer Boomers everything: downside protection, upside exposure, guaranteed income, full liquidity and even a bequest.

But in vying with each other for market share, the insurers embraced a features race and price war, raising each other’s exposure to market risk.   The products’ doomsday scenario came far sooner than expected, and by late 2008, VA guarantees suddenly outweighed account balances by $240 billion, according to Milliman.

Now there’s a vacuum in the formerly go-go retirement income “space.” Insurance product developers need new killer-apps for capturing qualified plan rollovers. Boomers need new options to cure their retirement blues. Whether fixed annuities, income annuities, or indexed annuities can fill the void remains to be seen.

A fast fall starting last fall
The VA arms race took a dozen years to heat up but only a few months to go stone cold. It started with Jerry Golden’s guaranteed minimum income benefit (GMIB) at The Equitable in 1996, and climaxed in 2008 with double-your-money roll-ups on guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits (GLWBs).

Then, last fall, the retrenchment came fast, broad and deep. “I’m seeing kind of a reverse arm’s race [in living benefits] right now, except nobody’s declaring that there’s a reversal. Features are being scaled back quietly,” Moshe Milevsky, the York University finance professor and author, said in April. In early 2007,  Milevsky had written about the under-pricing of living benefit, but the warning was ignored. 

At least 20 insurance companies have taken some 40 VA contracts with living benefits off the market, according to Sue Saip, a VA analyst at Milliman. Among those companies were some of the biggest VA marketers, including AXA/Equitable, MetLife, Prudential, Principal Financial, Nationwide, Jackson National, Lincoln Financial Group, Sun Life Financial, The Hartford and Pacific Life. (See accompanying story, “VAs with No More Shelf Life.”)

In March, for example, Allianz Life put out the following obituary: “Effective April 1st we will suspend sales of the C-share option and all living benefits (Lifetime Plus, Lifetime Plus II, Lifetime Plus 10 and Target Date 10) on these products; the optional death benefit will remain available. Removing the living benefits is a bold step, but given these tough economic times our first obligation is to ensure that we continue to meet the promises we’ve made to our customers.”

“A lot of insurers have de-risked their variable annuities,” Saip told RIJ. “Withdrawal rates have gone down by as much as one percent on every age band. Roll-ups that had been seven percent a year for 10 years have come down five percent or six percent, and double-your-income-base rollups are going to 12 years from years” or disappearing entirely.

“Quarterly ratchets are becoming annual ratchets,” she added. “Rider fees are up 10 to 50 basis points across the board.” In addition, asset allocation restrictions have been tightened or eliminated and in-force policies are no longer taking additional premiums.

A review of GLWB (guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits) at several of the 25 largest individual annuity insurers by Conning Research showed an average increase of 30 basis points—a 40% hike from the original price, in some cases. “Some insurers altered their product line, reducing benefits or removing them from products. The use of investment restrictions is a common approach to reducing the increased investment risk in guaranteed benefits,” the Conning report said.

The VA business is now a drag on insurers instead of the growth engine they’d hoped for. Hartford Financial, to choose one example, has had to shut down its VA businesses in Japan and the United Kingdom, VA deposits fell to only $702 million in the first quarter of 2009, from $2.5 billion a year earlier. VA cash flows were a negative $2 billion, from a positive $1.2 billion a year earlier. The value of VA assets fell over 40%, to about $70 billion.

“Product development has come to a standstill if not gone backward, both from a product feature and a risk management perspective,” said John Yamauchi, former vice president at Nationwide. “This is a perfect storm, and at this point most companies would rather not be in this business. If they’re in it, it’s to maintain a presence. Companies are hunkering down and saying ‘How can we make it through this?’’

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Read Part II: Why the Arms Race Ended

VAs with No More Shelf Life

The end of the variable annuity “arms race” has been marked by the removal of many contracts and/or living benefits—the guaranteed minimum income benefit (GMIB), minimum accumulation benefit (GMAB) or lifetime withdrawal benefit (GLWB)— from the marketplace.

Milliman variable annuity analyst Sue Saip has compiled the following list of recently discontinued products and, in most cases, the type of living benefit they offered for Retirement Income Journal. The exact reason for discontinuation of a specific contract was not available.

Company Product
Allianz Lifetime Plus (GLWB)
Target Date Retirement Benefit (GMAB)
Lifetime Plus 8 (GLWB)
Lifetime Plus (GMAB)
American United Life Lifetime Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit Rider (GLWB)
Owner & Spouse Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit Rider (GLWB)
Guaranteed Return of Premium Rider (GLWB)
AXA/Equitable GMIB with 6.5% rollup
Fidelity Investments Life Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefits (GMIB)
Genworth Payment Optimizer Plus
Jackson National LifeGuard Ascent/Ascent with Joint Option
John Hancock Principal Plus for Life (GLWB)
Principal Returns (GLWB)
Lincoln National Smart Security Advantage (GLWB)
Mass Mutual Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit 5 (GMIB)
Lifetime Payment Plus (GLWB)
Guaranteed Income Plus 6
MetLife Compounded Plus Death Benefit (GMDB)
Nationwide CPPLI (GMAB/GLWB)
Old Mutual Financial OM Financial Asset Allocation Models
Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefits (GLWB)
Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefits (GMDB)
Pacific Life Foundation 10 (GLWB)
Penn Mutual Guaranteed Lifetime Benefit Withdrawal Rider (GLWB)
Phoenix Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit (GMIB)
Principal Financial Investment Protector Plus 2 (single life only) (GMWB)
Protective Life SecurePay GMAB
Prudential Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit (GMIB)
Highest Daily Lifetime 5
Sun Life Financial Secured Returns for Life Plus (GLWB)
Income ON Demand II (GLWB)
Income ON Demand II Plus (GLWB)
Transamerica/Aegon 5 for Life (GLWB)
5 for Life with Growth (GLWB)
Income Select for Life (GLWB)

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Without Golden, Will MassMutual’s RMA Lose Its Glow?

Jerome S. Golden, who developed the first variable annuity living benefit while at Equitable Life in 1996, has retired from his post at Mass Mutual, leaving some uncertainty over the future of the Retirement Management Account, a proprietary system for creating ladders of income annuities inside rollover IRAs.

MassMutual said Golden’s departure does not mean that the company plans to abandon the RMA concept, which Golden had developed as an independent consultant before joining the insurer in 2005.

“The RMA remains available,” said Mark Cybulski, a MassMutual spokesman. “We’re reviewing our entire retirement income business, and until the review is complete it’s premature to comment. We continue to see opportunity in the retirement income market,” he told RIJ.

As for Golden’s next move, “My immediate plans are to do some consulting, but I expect to find some interesting business opportunities in this dynamically changing environment,” he told Investment News last week.

In 1996, Golden created the guaranteed lifetime income benefit, the first variable annuity living benefit. It allowed the owner of a rollover IRA to stay invested in the stock market while getting protection from market risk, sequence-of-returns risk, and longevity risk. At the time, Golden was president of the Income Management Group at Equitable Life.

Starting at least seven years after purchase, any owner of that product between ages 60 and 83 could apply the purchase premium, grown at a guaranteed six percent annual rate during the intervening years, to the purchase of a life annuity with a 10-year period certain, based on rates guaranteed at the time of purchase.

Through the product’s “Assured Payment Option,” the investor also had access to cash value after the lifetime income was purchased. Equitable, now AXA-Equitable, has since become a leading issuer of variable annuity contracts.

After leaving The Equitable and starting his own company, Golden Retirement Resources, Inc., Golden remained an advocate of income annuities. He created the RMA, and in 2005 MassMutual acquired his company and the RMA technology and brought Golden on as president of its Income Management Strategies Division.

With the RMA, advisors invest a client’s rollover IRA assets in MassMutual’s Oppenheimer mutual funds. Then they gradually use chunks of those assets to buy a series of single-premium immediate annuities, or SPIAs. The program is designed to be largely invisible to the client, who receives a single monthly distribution check and one account statement.

This form of annuity laddering moves clients into annuities at a pace or on a schedule that matches their need for income. By purchasing annuities incrementally, the program reduces investment risk and eliminates the need for a large lump-sum annuitization. The annuities offer optional cost-of-living adjustments.

“It’s not a product, but a program,” said Golden in a 2006 interview. “Combining equities and annuities is the best way for people to secure lifetime income, and it appears that gradual laddering of the annuities is the way to go. The RMA can give clients more security than simply investing their savings and drawing on them year after year for income. And it provides more flexibility than simply buying a lifetime annuity with a lump sum, which can limit a client’s options if unexpected needs or emergencies arrive.”

The RMAs “sweet spot is people ages 55 to 75 who have already rolled out of a 401(k) or 403(b) plan and have an IRA,” he said. The product was initially available only through investment advisor representatives of MML Investors Services, Inc., a MassMutual affiliate, but was expected to be more widely offered later.

The client and advisor decide when the client will begin receiving income from the IRA, and how much he or she will receive each year. Based on that determination, they decide how to divide the assets between mutual funds and annuities. The annuities can be purchased at an optimal time, such as when interest rates are favorable.

“We offer a universe of funding strategies, ranging from keeping all of the money in mutual funds, to putting it all into an annuity upfront, to gradually shifting from the mutual funds to the annuity,” Golden said. “The beauty of this is that in the IRA account, it’s all tax-deferred.” The advisor earns a commission on the sale of each SPIA, as well as an asset-based fee for ongoing services to clients.

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Democrats Expected to Tweak, Not Scuttle, IRAs and 401ks

Contrary to conventional wisdom, the Obama administration is more likely, not less likely, to pursue an activist social spending agenda in the face of the global financial storm, said Washington attorney James M. Delaplane at the annual LIMRA Retirement Industry Conference in Orlando April 1-3.

In his wide-ranging presentation, Delaplane, a partner at the Washington law firm of Davis & Harman LLP and a financial services industry lobbyist, also discussed how the arrival of the Obama team and the Democratic advantages in Congress might affect the interests of the retirement industry.   

The combination of Democratic control of Congress and the trauma of the financial debacle will bring greater scrutiny of the financial services industry in general and will make it “tough to get new tax incentives for savings vehicles” passed, Delaplane said.

With votes from the two liberal Republicans from Maine, Olympia Snow and Susan Collins, Democrats can muster a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, he noted. A phalanx of liberal legislators from California—Nancy Pelosi, Henry Waxman, and George Miller in the House and Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer in the Senate—also contribute to the Democrats’ strength. 

Emphasis on middle-class retirees
The Obama-led Democrats bring a “distributional perspective” to government, Delaplane said. They will favor programs that help lower middle class earners over programs that help the rich—who are defined informally as those earning $250,000 or more a year. Since the tax benefits of insurance products, for example, accrue disproportionately to those in high tax brackets, he said, the administration is likely to question those benefits.

A tactical change in the budget rules may be used to further that strategy. Democrats may revive the “pay-as-you-go” budget rule—i.e., the requirement that new spending must be offset by cuts in spending or rescission of tax breaks—which the Bush presidency did not follow, Delaplane said. If they do so, insurance tax incentives might be sacrificed to pay for middle class tax relief.  

Clues to Obama’s legislative priorities are evident in the budget he sent to Congress in March, Delaplane said. For instance, a program requiring workers without access to a retirement plan to enroll in an IRA and a program that would finance a government matching contribution to retirement accounts were both in the budget. An initiative to require auto-enrollment of employees in their employers’ defined contribution plans was not.

Social Security reform “has a pulse” in the new administration, Delaplane said, despite the conventional wisdom that tampering with the popular social insurance program is politically dangerous. The retirement security of the middle class is one of Obama’s principal concerns, he added, noting that the president has created a task force on middle class families under the direction of vice president Joe Biden.

Tweak of 401ks foreseen
There will probably be no radical reform of the 401k-based defined contribution system in the foreseeable future—despite Congressman Miller’s criticisms that the 401k plan “has deep flaws that were hidden during the good times” and that the “30-year experiment with the 401k has failed,” Delaplane said.

Miller chairs the House Education and Labor Committee, which has held widely publicized hearings on the 401k. Three congressional committees are said to be studying the collapse of retirement account values last year, a phenomenon that legislators are calling the “Boomer Bust.”

Ironically, there’s little evidence that the crash is changing Boomers’ behavior. Although a study by Transamerica in January showed that Americans have lost confidence in their ability to retire comfortably, Delaplane said, the number of people taking hardship withdrawals or borrowing money from their retirement accounts has not gone up.

If the White House or the congressional Democrats do push for 401k reform, they are likely to focus on greater fee transparency and to question the value of target date funds (TDFs), which are said to become less risky as the owner approaches retirement, Delaplane said.

Though the government has allowed TDFs to serve as default investment choices for retirement plan participants who don’t choose their own investments, TDFs apparently have problems. For instance, they aren’t standardized. Equity allocations within supposedly comparable TDFs have been found to vary from a low of 8% to a high of 62%. And they aren’t necessarily safe. One TDF designed for people retiring in 2010 reportedly lost 40% of its value since last fall.

Another likely area of scrutiny will be the glaring absence of retirement distribution options in most defined contribution plans. “Annuities as a default distribution option is on the radar—not for 2009 but in three or four years,” Delaplane said.

Democrats may also reevaluate the tax deferrals associated with IRAs. According to Delaplane, those accounts cost the government an estimated $110 billion in revenue each year. Since Obama’s people generally regard tax deferral as a transfer to the wealthy, Delaplane predicted that Democrats might try to replace the IRA tax benefit with a 28% tax credit or a federal matching contribution.

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

EIA Trade Group To March Against Rule 151A

The fixed annuity trade association, NAFA, is urging insurance producers to converge on Washington, D.C., and march in protest against the federal regulation of equity-indexed annuities.

In a recent broadcast e-mail to those who sell EIAs and others, NAFA executive vice president Kim O’Brien said, “the annuity industry is at a boiling point.” She invited producers to attend NAFA’s annual meeting and join in a “March to Capitol Hill” in Washington on May 6-8, 2009.

Last summer, the Securities and Exchange Commission, under then-chairman Christopher Cox, ruled that EIAs should be federally regulated as securities and not as state-regulated insurance products because, despite the principal guarantees they offer, their returns are uncertain. The ruling, known as 151A, is set to take effect in January 2011.

The ruling rocked the EIA industry, because it in effect denies insurance agents the right to sell EIAs and earn substantial commissions from doing so. The vast majority of EIAs have been sold by insurance agents, only some of whom also have licenses to sell securities.

“The fact is, the SEC is out to take control of the insurance industry,” O’Brien said in her letter to producers, reflecting the opinion in some insurance circles that the SEC ruling was a disguised attempt by the securities industry and its broker/dealers to arrogate the lucrative EIA business. 

EIAs are a type of structured product, issued by insurance companies, that offers protection against losses and the opportunity to benefit from rising stock prices. EIAs vary in design, but they all involve an investment in bonds coupled with a much smaller investment in equity index options.

None of the assets are invested directly in equities. The bonds offer safety and the options allow the investor to participate in positive equity returns. EIAs are well suited to a low interest rate environment like the one that followed the dot-com crash of 2001 and the one that currently prevails.

Many of the insurance companies that manufacture EIAs have allied themselves with NAFA on this issue by contributing to a 151A “opposition fund.” As of April 8, the fund had raised $83,500, or about one-third of its $250,000 goal. The money will be used for legal fees and marketing.

Among those companies are AIG American General, Allianz Life, American Equity, Conseco, CUNA Mutual, Genworth Financial, Jackson National Life, Lincoln Financial Group, Midland National, Old Mutual, Protective Life, and Sun Life Financial. Also listed as “premier partners” in the opposition fund are several independent marketing organizations, which act as EIA wholesalers, including Ann Arbor Annuity Exchange, Creative Marketing, and others.

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.        


The Sage of Omaha Says GLWBs Were “Crazy”

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett has criticized some life insurers for taking on “crazy” financial risks by selling variable annuities, or retirement products that promised unrealistic guarantees to buyers, Reuters reported.

“I always thought they were crazy when they were doing it,” said Buffett, at a press conference in Omaha, his hometown, because of the financial risks to the insurer. The products are tied to stock market performance and in some cases guaranteed a certain periodic return, while principal could not be eroded by investment losses.

Insurers such as The Hartford and Genworth Financial have been badly burned by over-selling these products, which performed badly as the credit crisis sent markets plummeting. Buffett, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is said to be the world’s best investor.

Roger Lowenstein, one of Buffett’s biographers, wrote that the Sage of Omaha was invested mainly in cash when the 1974-1975 bear market struck, and bought a slew of Fortune 500 company stock at historic discounts.

Of the variable annuity living benefits, Buffett said: “If you buy a policy, you the policyholder get some of the upside, and [the insurers] guarantee you always get your premium back.” From a company’s perspective, “that’s poison.” Life insurers have also lost money on investments securities linked to commercial mortgages, he added.

Berkshire was asked to reinsure variable annuity guarantees, and declined, Buffett said. “Life companies had those two temptations, one on the asset side, one on the liability side, and those that succumbed are in real trouble.”

The Dow Jones U.S. Life Insurance Index (DJUSIL) has fallen nearly 65% since the beginning of 2008, as investment losses, declining revenues from asset-based fees, and rising costs to hedge variable annuity guarantees have decimated many insurers’ profits.

But Buffett predicted the government would assist any major life insurer that was in danger of collapse. The government has already offered Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) funds to some U.S. life insurers. Of those offered TARP money, Allstate Corp., has declined it. Prudential said May 15 that it had not yet made a decision.

© 2009 RIJ Publishing. All rights reserved.

Annuities Are Just Part of Our Story

After seeing so many stories about annuities in our first issue on May 21, Francois Gadenne, president of the Retirement Income Industry Association, asked if will cover all “silos” of the decumulation industry.


Our publication covers all of the products that Boomers will use to turn their assets into lifetime income. That includes structured products, payout mutual funds, reverse mortgages, life settlements, as well as all manner of immediate, deferred, variable and fixed annuities.

Wherever the decumulation trend goes, we will follow it.

No single product or group of manufacturers can satisfy the Boomers’ need for guaranteed income. As Moshe Milevsky notes in this week’s cover story—and in his recent book, Are You a Stock or a Bond?—an income-driven portfolio should include a diversity of risk-reducing products, including insurance-based, derivative-based and diversification-driven investments.

At the same time, our publication is for everyone who participates in the business that has formed around the so-called Boomer retirement opportunity. That includes home-office veeps at insurance companies, asset managers and broker-dealers; wholesalers, brokers and producers in the field; software developers, actuaries, regulators and attorneys; academics and public policy wonks.

It’s a big job, but …

While this is only our second issue of, I and my associate publisher, Randi Goldsmith, an experienced web business developer and html wrangler, were encouraged to see the warm reception to our first mailing.  New subscribers have been registering at our website every day.

Besides publishing a free weekly e-bulletin of news and analysis of the decumulation trend, we plan to build a warehouse of useful information at our website. We’ll have compilations of historical data, a research library of links and pdfs, as well as a continually expanding archive of articles and charts.

We’ll put an emphasis on stockpiling information that will help you do your job better—information that will have tangible economic value to you and your company or organization. We think you’ll find it worth paying for. While our newsletter will always be free, we eventually plan to limit access to our website to those who pay an annual subscription fee.

The fee, you’ll find, will not be huge. But only by charging for our publication, I feel, will we be able to maintain an independent voice and to dedicate the many hours that it takes to deliver quality journalism.  That may sound a bit hokey. But it’s never been truer than it is today.

Kerry Pechter
Editor and publisher
Retirement Income Journal
[email protected]