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How Boomer decumulation will impact investment returns

If the rise in stock, bond and housing prices over the past 30 years was driven largely by Baby Boomers saving for retirement, does it follow that asset prices will suffer if or when Boomers liquidate their assets during retirement and Generations X and Y can’t absorb them at current prices?

In a new research brief, Steven Sass of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College tackles this important question.

His conclusion: “The demographic transition will likely put downward pressure on investment returns—that is, on interest rates and on profits per dollar invested,” he wrote. “Just as a decline in interest rates raises bond prices, the demographic transition and decline in investment returns is likely to put upward pressure on asset prices until a new equilibrium is reached—an equilibrium with lower investment returns.”

This projected decline in investment returns is due to changes in the supply and demand for savings brought on by the demographic transition, he explained.  The demographic transition is due to the retirement of the Baby Boom generation, to be followed by younger cohorts of similar size. 

In terms of the demand for savings, “The sharp deceleration in the growth of the working-age population means that the economy needs far less savings to build new offices, factories, roads, and machinery than it had when the labor force was rapidly expanding. This decline in the demand for savings should lower investment returns,” wrote Sass, who is author of The Promise of Private Pensions (Harvard, 1997).  

While many expect an “asset melt-down” when the Boomers retire, Sass suggests that there won’t be a mass liquidation. The primary reason is wealth inequality in the U.S. The wealthiest elderly households (the 10% of the population that owns 85% of financial assets) won’t sell their assets; they’ll live on the interest and dividends. 

The “median net worth in the top three income quintiles of single retirees…  generally declined only modestly  [according to past studies],” the brief said. “Specifically, the top two quintiles, which hold the lion’s share of the net worth of all elderly households, show either increases or only a modest decline.”

That’s because of their “desire to hold reserves, primarily against the risks of outliving their savings or incurring high medical or long-term care expenses; a desire to leave bequests; and a general aversion by the elderly to drawing down their savings.”

International capital flows may actually increase this downward pressure on investment returns. Europe and Japan are aging much faster than the U.S. In many developing economies, the population is now aging into their high-saving years, from 40-65. Cuts in Social Security benefits in the U.S. could also lead American workers to save more, which would further increase the supply of savings and further reduce investment returns.

The demographic transition is primarily responsible for Social Security’s funding shortfall, Sass points out. To the extent that it also lowers investment returns, it will give Gen-Xers another headache: “The decline in returns will require [them] to save more to secure a given amount of income in retirement,” the brief said.

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.


Where U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Really Went

In the two decades from 1979 to 1999, the number of manufacturing jobs in the United States drifted downward, from 19 million to 17 million. But over the next decade, between 1999 and 2009, the number plummeted to 12 million. That more dramatic decline has given rise to the idea that the US economy suddenly stopped working – at least for blue‐collar males – at the turn of the century.

But it is wrong to suggest that all was well in manufacturing before 1999. Manufacturing jobs were being destroyed in those earlier decades, too. But the lost jobs in one region and sector were generally being replaced – in absolute terms, if not as a share of the labor force – by new jobs in another region or sector.

Consider the career of my grandfather, William Walcott Lord, who was born in New England early in the twentieth century. In 1933, his Lord Brothers Shoe Company in Brockton, Massachusetts, was facing imminent bankruptcy. So he relocated his operations to South Paris, Maine, where wages were lower.

The Brockton workers were devastated by this move, and by the widespread destruction of relatively high‐paying blue‐collar factory jobs across Southern New England. But in the aggregate statistics, their loss was offset by a bonanza for the rural workers of South Paris, who went from slaving away in near‐subsistence agriculture to holding a seemingly steady job in a shoe factory.

The South Paris workers’ good fortune lasted for just 14 years. After World War II, the Lord brothers feared that depression could return, so they liquidated their enterprise and split up. One of the three brothers moved to York, Maine; another moved to Boston. My grandfather went to Lakeland, Florida – halfway between Tampa Bay and Orlando – where he speculated in real estate and pursued non‐residential construction.

Again, the aggregate statistics didn’t change much. There were fewer workers making boots and shoes, but more workers manufacturing chemicals, constructing buildings, and operating the turnkey at the Wellman-Lord Construction Company’s Florida‐based phosphate‐processing plants and other factories. In terms of domestic employment, the Wellman‐Lord Construction Company had the same net factor impact as Lord Brothers in Brockton. The workers were different people in different places, but their level of education and training was the same.

So, during the supposedly stable post‐war period, manufacturing (and construction) jobs actually moved en masse from the Northeast and Midwest to the Sun Belt. Those job losses were as painful for New Englanders and Midwesterners then as the more recent job losses are for workers today.

During the 2000s, American blue‐collar jobs were churned more than they were destroyed. Until 2006, the number of manufacturing jobs decreased while construction jobs increased. And in 2006 and 2007, losses of residential construction jobs were offset by an increase in blue‐collar jobs supporting business investment and exports. It was not until the post‐2008 Great Recession that blue‐collar jobs began to be lost more than churned.

Because there is always some degree of churn, a more accurate perspective on what has happened is gained by looking at blue‐collar jobs as a share of total employment, rather than at the absolute number of manufacturing workers at any given time. In fact, there was an extremely large and powerful long‐run decline in the share of manufacturing jobs between World War II and now. This gives the lie to the meme that manufacturing was stable for a long time, and then suddenly collapsed when China started making gains.

In 1943, 38% of America’s nonfarm labor force was in manufacturing, owing to high demand for bombs and tanks at the time. After the war, the normal share of nonfarm workers in manufacturing was around 30%.

Had the US been a normal post‐war industrial powerhouse like Germany or Japan, technological innovation would have brought that share down from 30% to around 12%. Instead, it has declined to 8.6%. Much of the decline, to 9.2%, is attributable to dysfunctional macroeconomic policies, which, since Ronald Reagan’s presidency, have turned the US into a savings‐deficit country, rather than a savings‐surplus country.

As a rich country, the US should be financing industrialization and development around the world, so that emerging countries can purchase US manufacturing exports. Instead, the US has assumed various unproductive roles, becoming the world’s money launderer, political‐ risk insurer, and money‐holder of last resort. For developing countries, large dollar assets mean never having to call for a lifeline from the International Monetary Fund.

The rest of the decline in the share of manufacturing jobs, from 9.2% to 8.6%, stems from changing trade patterns, primarily owing to the rise of China. The North American Free Trade Agreement, contrary to what US President Donald Trump has claimed, contributed almost nothing to manufacturing’s decline. In fact, all of those “bad trade deals” have helped other sectors of the American economy make substantial gains; and as those sectors have grown, the share of jobs in manufacturing has fallen by only 0.1%.

In this era of fake news, astroturf social movements, and misleading anecdotes, it is imperative for anyone who cares about our collective future to get the numbers right, and to get the right numbers into the public sphere. As the Republican Party’s first president, Abraham Lincoln, put it in his “House Divided” speech, “If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do and how to do it.”

J. Bradford DeLong is Professor of Economics at the University of California at Berkeley and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He was Deputy Assistant US Treasury Secretary during the Clinton Administration, where he was heavily involved in budget and trade negotiations. He helped design the bailout of Mexico during the 1994 peso crisis.  

© 2017 Project-Syndicate.


Real and Fake News on State Auto-IRAs

Senate Republicans voted Wednesday to reverse a ruling by the Obama Department of Labor that would have helped states like California and Oregon proceed with plans to require employers without retirement plans to let their workers be auto-enrolled into state-sponsored Roth IRAs so they could save for retirement through payroll deduction.

In other words, the Senate’s majority voted (on House Joint Resolution 66) to make it harder for states to sponsor such plans. This week’s vote book-ended a similar vote (on H.J. 67) in April that applied to municipal versions of so-called “auto-IRA” plans that cities such as New York and Philadelphia hoped to establish.

Hypocrisy aficionados noted that Republicans, traditional champions of state’s rights and less federal regulation, voted solidly against state’s rights and against relief from federal regulation. And industry groups that supposedly favor workplace savings urged the Senate to thwart plans that, incidentally, low-income and minority union members in solidly Democratic states wanted.

The votes won’t necessarily stop the states from executing their plans. At the Pension Research Council’s conference on Saving and Retirement in an Uncertain Financial Environment today, David John of AARP said, Five states are continuing with their plans. A number of other states are continuing their efforts. This is not the end.” 


This week’s vote was, at least for some, a slight surprise. After the vote on the city exemption last month, an auto-IRA advocate at a Washington non-profit told me that some headway had been made in educating Republican senators about the auto-IRA or “Secure Choice” plans, and that they might still be persuaded to vote for these plans at the state level.

Republicans who had voted to reverse the municipal exemption, she said, did so in the mistaken belief that the Obama DOL had tried to force states to herd workers into IRAs where they would not be protected by the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, or ERISA.

On the contrary, the states had reached out to the DOL and asked for a ruling that confirmed that states could sponsor and run auto-IRAs without the burden of DOL red tape. (The plans would work like 529 college savings plans; state-sponsored but run by big asset managers. State Street, for example, is set to manage the money in Oregon’s plan.)

After analyzing the situation and determining that ERISA oversight wasn’t necessary for these plans, the Obama DOL complied with the states’ requests and issued an exemption that clarified the situation. A similar exemption for cities soon followed. The states can still set up auto-IRAs without an explicit exemption from ERISA, but some states might not for lack of legal clarity.   

But press releases from the American Council of Life Insurers and the Investment Company Institute, who should be pro-savings, this week congratulated the Senate for killing the exemption. They said the vote preserved essential ERISA protections for workers. 

That’s a tactical mischaracterization. The Senate, the ACLI and the ICI worry that if states require small employers currently without plans to provide access to a payroll deferral IRA at work, and if a cheap, simple public option is available, then many small employers will be lost as potential clients to the advisor-sold 401(k) industry. Advisor-sold retirement plans are an important distribution channel for large asset managers.

AARP, which is consumer-driven, supports the state plans. This week it criticized the Senate votes. Charging that “ H.J. Res. 66 does significant harm to a common-sense bipartisan solution that creates private investment vehicles to help middle class families save through a simple payroll deduction,” AARP promised to inform its 38 million members how each Senator voted.

November’s election results, of course, had doomed the exemption. From a political perspective, the state auto-IRA initiatives can’t expect to find much love in Washington, D.C., these days. States where auto-IRAs have gotten traction—California, Oregon, Connecticut, Illinois, and Maryland—are “blue” states where Democrats control the legislatures. (The initiative has been proposed in other states but hasn’t made nearly as much progress there.) These are states, almost by definition, where unions have influence in the legislatures. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) in particular has supported the state auto-IRAs as a near-necessity for their members.

The state auto-IRAs aren’t a perfect solution to the lack of retirement plan coverage at small businesses. The ACLI, the ICI and other retirement industry groups have argued that a federal mandatory auto-IRA would be better policy than a bunch of different state plans. Privately, some have said that state auto-IRAs will only do harm by channeling small employers and low-income employees into feeble savings plans that lack the incentives and capacity needed for long-term success.

But there’s a deeper reason, and it’s not a secret. A few years ago, an official at ASPPA (the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries; now part of the American Retirement Association) explained to me the importance of incentives in the retirement business.

The fundamental driver of defined contribution plan coverage in the United States, in the small and micro-plan market, is the army of brokers and advisors who sells them, he said.  This army is incentivized not only by fees earned from selling and servicing a plan to a small business, but also by the prospect of cultivating high net worth principals in the businesses as individual advisory clients.

More specifically, he explained that only when a broker or advisor demonstrates to small business owners that the tax benefits of sponsoring a 401(k) plan are big enough to justify the expense and labor involved, do many small business owners agree to start a plan.

According to this view, state-mandated auto-IRAs will only introduce an inferior product into the marketplace. Through a crowd-out effect, they will unintentionally rob small business employees of the opportunity eventually to participate in a 401(k). But that supposed opportunity is really a phantom opportunity for millions of low-income workers, and not a valid argument against trying something new. 

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.     

If retirement were college, most older Americans would flunk out

A recent Retirement Income Literacy Survey from The American College of Financial Services showed that older Americans (ages 60 to 75, with at least $100,000 in investments) are less retirement income-literate than they think.

While more than three-fifths (61%) of about respondents thought they understand retirement income, only 33% of those surveyed could pass a quiz on life expectancy, long-term care expense, investing and generating retirement income that was administered by The American College (See grade range below). 

Retirement Income Literacy Grades

The demographic divide

There are significant differences in literacy rates between men and women, college educated and non-college educated, and between wealthier and less wealthy respondents.

  • Only 17% of women passed the quiz, as opposed to 35% of men 
  • 49% of respondents with over $1 million in assets passed as opposed to 20% of respondents with below $1 million in assets
  • 40% of those with a graduate degree or more passed – as opposed to just 9% of respondents without a college degree who passed 

Clueless on strategies to improve retirement security

  • Only 33% understand that it is more effective to work two years longer or defer Social Security for two years than to increase retirement contributions by 3% for five years just prior to retirement
  • Only 45% recognize that a life annuity can protect against life expectancy risk
  • Only 38% of participants in the survey know that 4% is the amount they can afford to “safely” withdraw per year from a retirement account

Long-term care: Out of sight, out of mind

  • 82% of respondents do not expect that most older Americans will need long-term care at some point in their lives. When considering long-term care, respondents lack knowledge on several critical items.
  • Only 33% know that Medicaid pays for the majority of long-term care expenses provided in nursing homes
  • Only 30% know that family members—not nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or hospitals—pay most long-term care costs

Power of retirement literacy

Respondents who passed the quiz were:

  • 46% more likely to have a long-term care plan in place
  • 36% more likely to feel confident they could manage their own investments throughout retirement
  • 16% more likely to have a written plan in place

The American College commissioned Greenwald & Associates for the study. Respondents were asked a number of knowledge, behavior and attitudinal questions about retirement income planning.

Information for this study was gathered through online interviews with 1,244 Americans conducted Feb. 16 – March 1, 2017. Respondents were ages 60-75 and had at least $100,000 in household assets, not including their primary residence.

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Fidelity and Stanford study sources of well-being and stress

“The top two things you can do to improve your well-being are to pay off debt and start exercising,” said Jeanne Thompson, senior vice president of Thought Leadership, Fidelity Investments. “Debt and experiencing a reorganization at work can have the biggest negative impact on your overall sense of well-being.”

That was the big takeaway from a recent survey by Fidelity and the Stanford Center on Longevity of more than 9,000 employees that sought to understand how certain events affect a person’s health and wealth, as well as their overall happiness and career.

“A key component of living long and living well is about navigating life events that can impact a person’s finances, health, career, overall happiness and ultimately their overall well-being,” said Tamara Sims PhD, director of the Stanford Center on Longevity Sightlines Project, noting that those conclusions are supported by the Stanford Center on Longevity’s Sightlines Project.

Here are five common life events that have significant and wide-ranging impact on a person’s total well-being:

Taking on or paying off credit card debt or a consumer loan.

  • Nearly 70% of women said this led to higher stress levels, compared to 47% of men.
  • 36% of women sleep worse (21% of men)
  • 34% of women gained weight (17% of men)
  • 29% of women were less active (12% of men)
  • 59% of women said paying off debt made them happier, compared to 50% of men
  • 62% of women indicated their lives were improved (53% of men)
  • 44% of women reported lower stress levels (37% of men)

Starting or stopping an exercise routine.

  • After starting to exercise, 71% of people felt happier, 56% felt less stress, and 38% were more motivated at work.
  • After ceasing to exercise, 69% of people felt less happy, 55% felt more stressed and 20% were less motivated at work. 

Return of adult children to the family home.  

  • One in nine Boomer parents surveyed said their kids boomeranged “to the nest” in the past year.
  • 68% of parents affected reported they are more stressed, and more than half said they are less happy (53%), less satisfied (54%) and have less leisure time (53%).
  • 76% of parents said they face higher expenses; 46% of women reported sleeping worse and 40% reported gaining weight.

A reorganization at work.

  • 30% of people surveyed experienced a “reorganization” at work in the past year.
  • More employees cited reorganizations as their most significant life event, of the events in the survey.
  • 64% of people reported feeling less happy and 30% felt worse about their finances during a reorganization.
  • 49% of Millennials reported losing sleep and 63% of women had lower career satisfaction after a reorganization.

Becoming a caregiver.  

  • One in four women reported becoming a caregiver for a sick or elderly family member in the past year.
  • 78% of women indicated they are more stressed as a result, compared to 66% of men
  • 50% of women slept worse (33% of men)
  • 43% of women gained weight (22% of men)
  • 42% of women stopped exercising (32% of men)
  • 37% of women report saving less (26% of men)

Being in the ‘sandwich generation’

  • Gen X is the new “sandwich generation,” who are simultaneously raising children, saving for college, retirement and long-term care, paying off debt and caring for parents. 
  • 65% of Gen Xers had a life event that negatively impacted their well-being versus 60% of Boomers and 57% of Millennials.

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

How to decumulate without getting fleeced by the tax man

Conventional wisdom around tax-efficient retirement withdrawals is wrong, according to retirement planning experts William Reichenstein and William Meyer, two Social Security claiming gurus who claim there’s a better way to create income from retirement savings.

Reichenstein and Meyer, principal and CEO, respectively, of Retiree Income, published their recommendations recently in an article entitled, “How to Beat the Conventional Wisdom: Part 1” in Financial Advisor magazine.

“These strategies provide greater tax efficiency, creating six or more years” of portfolio longevity compared with a conventional strategy, Meyer said.

Investors are often advised to exhaust one retirement account at a time, starting with tax-deferred accounts and moving to tax-exempt accounts. In research published in 2015 in The Financial Analysts Journal, Meyer and Reichenstein suggest otherwise.

The most tax-efficient strategies, they write:

  • Recognize the impact of progressive tax rates
  • Call for withdrawals from multiple accounts concurrently
  • Use Roth conversions
  • Take advantage of years when the investor has lower marginal tax rates

Retiree Income produces retirement income planning software for both financial professionals and consumers that applies these principles to decumulation from taxable and tax-deferred accounts.

Meyer has developed products and services in executive leadership roles at H&R Block, Advisor Software and Charles Schwab. Reichenstein, CFA, holds the Pat and Thomas R. Powers Chair in Investment Management at Baylor University.

He is the author of In the Presence of Taxes: Applications of After-Tax Asset Valuations (FPA Press, 2008), and coauthored with William Jennings Integrating Investments & the Tax Code (John Wiley & Sons (2003).

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Honorable Mention

Jackson aims ‘Cha-Ching’ financial education program at future policyholders

Jackson National, the top seller of variable annuities in the U.S., has launched the Jackson Charitable Foundation, a nonprofit with immediate plans to roll out “Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids,” a financial education program designed to help children become financially empowered adults. 

The Foundation, operating as a 501(c)(3), will support educational programs designed to improve the ways Americans manage their money, a Jackson release said. Its board chair will be Barry Stowe, chairman and CEO of the North American Business Unit of Prudential plc, Jackson’s parent.

The Jackson Charitable Foundation’s first initiative is the U.S. rollout of Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids, a program that teaches basic money concepts to kids ages 7-12 through a series of three-minute music videos portraying relatable animated characters making real-world decisions about money.  

Cha-Ching was developed and launched in Asia in 2011 in partnership with Cartoon Network Asia and Dr. Alice Wilder, the children’s education expert. It was developed under Stowe when he was CEO of Prudential Corporation Asia (PCA), the Asian operations of Prudential plc. 

Cha-Ching currently broadcasts across Asia through Cartoon Network in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Taiwan, and through free-to-air TV in Cambodia and Myanmar, reaching 34 million households every day. More than 250,000 children in Asia have participated in the classroom version of Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids at schools.

To distribute Cha-Ching to U.S. children and families, the Foundation is investing nearly $3 million and formed partnerships with Discovery Education and Junior Achievement USA.

Discovery Education, the leading provider of digital content and professional development for K-12 classrooms, serving 4.5 million educators and over 50 million students, is beginning an engaging three-year financial literacy program based on Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids for elementary school classrooms nationwide.   The partnership includes no-cost classroom and family activities, educator guides, family activities, a sweepstakes, a broad-based public service awareness (PSA) campaign on the Discovery Family network along with Cha-Ching animated videos, and more. These resources will be available at

Through a six-year grant from the Jackson Charitable Foundation, Junior Achievement USA (JA) is integrating Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids videos and lessons into its “JA Our City” classroom program, taught to third-grade students by community volunteers. The program is predicted to reach 2.7 million students in 15,000 U.S. schools. 

‘Income for Life Model’ now available to LIMRA members

Wealth2k’s The Income for Life Model 2017, a retirement income solutions platform from Boston-area firm, Wealth2k, will be available to LIMRA members in variations that may include co-branded and white label versions, according to a recent release.

Hundreds of LIMRA members, including insurers, broker-dealers and asset managers, will be able to use IFLM at a reduced price, Macchia told RIJ this week. As broker-dealers try to standardize their producers’ approaches retirement income planning, in part for compliance reasons, having a common system like IFLM will be increasingly important, he said.

“LIMRA members have a huge stake in retirement income,” said Kenneth Cochrane, vice president of Commercial Research at LIMRA, in the release. “In partnering with Wealth2k, our objective is to help our members capitalize on this multi-trillion-dollar opportunity in a manner that institutionalizes the member’s approach to the retirement income market.”

IFLM uses a multi-bucket approach to retirement income planning, with specific assets, including annuities, dedicated to generating income in discrete periods during retirement. The process often calls for reserving the riskiest assets for buckets that won’t be tapped for ten or twenty years, and safe assets for near-term income needs.

The solution features a digital education component, HumanRobo, “that delivers compliant education on retirement income planning,” the release said. It “helps consumers understand the importance of managing key financial risks in retirement while also providing insights on the utility of various product types in an income strategy.”

“In the post-DOL environment, all product recommendations must be secondary to a process that assigns a context and a purpose to each product recommendation. The LIMRA Wealth2k partnership will make it easy for LIMRA members to quickly and easily introduce a process for retirement income that fulfills this need,” said David Macchia, CEO of Wealth2k.

The Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule will create demand for solutions like IFLM, Macchia said, giving advisors a tool for scaling their services at a time of fee compression and for making their recommendations transparent at a time of rising standards of conduct.

The “DOL [fiduciary rule] didn’t arrive in a vacuum,” he said. “It was published at a moment when fintech was rapidly advancing. Where DOL and fintech merge, commoditization of advice, of products, and of advisors themselves is ignited. Executing properly on retirement income can be a winning strategy for LIMRA members to mitigate the worst effects of commoditization.”

Debt is a source of anxiety and stress for many: Northwestern Mutual

Nearly three quarters of Americans struggle with debt and their burden is significant in terms of both size and duration, according to Northwestern Mutual’s 2017 Planning & Progress Study.

Given the fact that the median household income in the U.S. is around $50,000, that most people couldn’t lay their hands on $2,000 easily, and that Americans have about $4 trillion in non-mortgage consumer debt, according to NerdWallet, that number isn’t surprising.

The latest Northwestern Mutual survey of about 2,000 Americans ages 18 and older showed:

  • 47% of Americans owe at least $25,000, with average debt of $37,000, excluding mortgage payments.
  • Among those with debt, 45% spend up to half of their monthly income on debt repayment.
  • More than 10% say their debt exceeds $100,000.
  • 36% of those surveyed said they will be in debt for between 6 and 20 years
  • 14% expect to be in debt for the rest of their lives
  • Mortgages (29%), credit card bills (19%), and personal educational loans (7% for general population/23% for Millennials) were the most common sources of debt.

The research released today is part of the 2017 Northwestern Mutual’s Planning & Progress Study annual research project exploring Americans’ attitudes and behaviors toward finances and planning. The Study launched earlier this month with a look at the current state of financial optimism. 

Four in 10 Americans said debt has a “substantial” or “moderate” impact on financial security and the same number consider debt a “high” or “moderate” source of anxiety.

When asked what would help their financial situations the most, 26% of those surveyed said, “Eliminating all debt” and 29% said, “Earning significantly more money.”

When asked how they would use a $2000 windfall, 40% said they would pay down debt.

Americans said they spend 40% of their monthly income (after paying for necessities) on entertainment, leisure travel, hobbies, and more. One in four Americans surveyed said that “excessive/frivolous” spending was the financial pitfall to which they are most prone. Those managing debt said they used the following payment strategies:

  • “I pay as much as I can on each of my debts each month” (35%)
  • “I pay off debts with the highest interest first and make minimum payments to others” (19%)
  • “I pay what I can when I can” (18% of general population/25% of Millennials)
  • “I make minimum monthly payments to each creditor” (17%)

Harris Poll conducted the 2017 Planning & Progress Study for Northwestern Mutual. The poll included 2,117 American adults aged 18 or older (2,117 interviews with U.S. adults age 18+ in the General Population and an oversample of 632 interviews with U.S. Millennials age 18-34) who participated in an online survey between February 14 and February 22, 2017. 

At Transamerica, your voice can be your password

Transamerica has launched Transamerica Voice Pass, a technology developed with Nuance Communications, Inc., that “leverages voice biometrics technology within a natural language understanding system” in order to increase security in call center operations.

“Customers calling Transamerica’s customer care service centers will be able to more easily and securely authenticate and access their accounts while also identifying the reason for their call, simply by speaking,” according to a Transamerica release this week.

Transamerica claims to be the first U.S. company to use the unique sound of the customer’s voice for authentication. Customers who adopt this service option can securely access their accounts merely by speaking the phrase, “At Transamerica, my voice is my password.” No additional passwords, PINs, security questions or subsequent calls are required.

Voice Pass matches each caller’s voice with his or her unique voiceprint on file. The voiceprints contain 100 physical and behavioral voice characteristics.  to identify and verify an individual by their unique voiceprint. While effective in reducing acts of fraud, Voice biometrics reduces acts of fraud and authenticates 80% faster than PINs, passwords and security questions. 

XY Planning Network to partner with FMeX

XY Planning Network (XYPN) said its 400 member firms will receive one year of complimentary access to Financial Media Exchange’s advisor marketing content library, and receive a discount to the service thereafter.

Financial Media Exchange, or FMeX, provides white label content to the financial services industry for sales and client relationship development. Advisors can send FMeX’s content from a phone, desktop or tablet to clients via email, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, websites, blogs or daily newsletters.

XY Planning Network, with over 400 advisors, is a turnkey financial planning platform for fee-only financial advisors serving their Gen X and Gen Y peers. XYPN provides its members with compliance support services, marketing support, business tools and templates, and a wide range of technology solutions.

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Mortality Credits: Sweet and Sour

The thrust of Michael Finke’s presentation on the value of income annuities in retirement was amiable in its delivery but fairly brutal in its logic. In a world where equity and bond gains are poised to deliver lousy returns and lots of people are going to live longer than they expect to, mortality credits—the alpha of annuities—are the only safe haven for retirees.

Finke, a professor who recently became the dean and chief academic officer of The American College of Financial Services after establishing his reputation as a retirement income authority at Texas Tech, was speaking at the 2017 Retirement Industry Conference, the event staged in Orlando last week by the LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute and the Society of Actuaries.

Finke (right) didn’t say much new about life annuities that he, Wade Pfau, Curtis Cloke or David Blanchett hadn’t already said or written. (Not that they all agree on every point.) But, in an hour-long overview of the investment and longevity landscape, he pleasantly asserted that life annuities—those ugly ducklings of the financial barnyard—should be a no brainer for many retirees or near-retirees.Michael Finke 

“The only way to get closer to meeting your spending goals is through some sort of partial annuitization strategy,” he told the 400 of so attendees of the conference—which felt lightly attended. The lead sponsors were Cannex, hannover re, and S&P Indices. (Todd Giesing, assistant research director of the LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute, said however that attendance was on par with the same event last year.)

“If you annuitize 25% of your assets with a QLAC [Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract], you can cut your risk of running out of money in half,” he said. Lest anyone think that he was talking only about helping “constrained” retirees, he added that, because of its tax advantages, a QLAC would provide longevity insurance to a high net worth retiree without diminishing any planned legacy.

“The QLAC costs nothing in terms of legacy goals,” Finke said. The fact that they are not more popular is baffling to me.”    

Without a prayer

To accept Finke’s argument that mortality credits—the dividend that comes from pooling your longevity risk with others and accepting the fact that other members of the pool might enjoy some of your savings after you die—you had to accept his premise: That stocks and bonds, at current prices, have almost no prayer of matching their past appreciation rates.

“If you look only at historical returns, you might believe that taking more investment risk in retirement is better,” he said. But with price/earnings ratios of stocks in the mid-20s and bonds at historically low rates (i.e., at historically high prices), it makes no sense to expect the risk premia of the past.

Pointing to one of his slides, Finke noted, “In the past, when the P/E ratio was around 20, stocks averaged a return of about 90 basis over the next decade on an inflation-adjusted basis. When the P/E was over 25, stocks average 50 basis points [of real return] per year. Stocks may continue to rise because people are willing to pay more for equities than in the past. But the equity premium is probably not going to persist into the future.”

As for bonds, Fed policy isn’t the primary cause of low yields, Finke said. Yields are low because demand from retirement savers has driven up the price of safe assets. The result is that, because of both increasing longevity and falling bond yields, the cost of buying $1 of safe lifetime income has doubled over the past 20 years.

If that’s true, it means that savings rates need to be twice as high. If in the past a savings rate of 7% a year over one’s lifetime was necessary to fund a secure retirement, it will take a savings rate of 14% today to fund the same level of retirement security with the same asset mix, he said. A higher saving rate during the working years implies less consumption or, in other words, a lower standard of living, all else being equal.  

Out of the ivory tower

To those who might argue that retirees with a 30-year time horizon in retirement need risk exposure at least as an inflation hedge, Finke countered that most people become more risk-averse as they get older and that retirees care less about rates of return than about knowing exactly how much they will be able to spend.

The substance of Finke’s presentation contrasted with panel discussions and break-out sessions at the conference that involved the fate of the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule, now under review by the Trump administration, and about the future of indexed annuity and variable annuity sales, which have been hurt by uncertainty over the rule’s impact on brokers and agents.

The rule, in its current form, makes it more complex for independent brokers and agents to sell equity-linked annuities on commission to rollover IRA clients. But the rule has little impact on the career agents at mutual insurance companies who sell the bulk of income annuities.

Given the fact that indexed and variable annuity sales are orders of magnitude greater than income annuity sales, Finke’s argument may have seemed somewhat academic to many of the executives from publicly-held insurance companies and from brokerages or insurance marketing organizations in the room.

On the other hand, if Finke’s assessment of future investment returns is correct, and if more advisors adopt a holistic, retirement income planning state-of-mind, then income annuities, with their grim but rewarding mortality credits, may finally be ready to descend from the ivory tower and onto the street.

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

In Target-Date Space, It’s Vanguard, Et Alia

Consecrated by the 2006 Pension Protection Act as a “qualified default investment” that defined contribution plan sponsors could safely auto-enroll their new participants into, target-date funds (TDFs) subsequently flourished in the DC investment space like an invasive weed. 

TDFs now account for about a quarter of DC assets. In fact, they are perhaps the most viable investment in the DC space, which has steadily lost overall assets to rollover IRAs. Dozens of asset managers that distribute through DC plans want to expand their sales in the TDF business, though only about 10% of this business can be considered up for grabs.

Based on Morningstar’s recent snapshot of the TDF market at the end of 2016, the field consists of a peloton of Vanguard, Fidelity, T. Rowe Price, American Funds, JPMorgan, TIAA and about 35 others. In starker terms, it’s Vanguard and everybody else.

Vanguard’s domination of TDF flows in recent years has paralleled its domination of overall mutual funds flows. Its net TDF flows for the year were $37 billion, raising its TDF asset level to more than $280 billion, or 8.2% of its total $3.4 trillion in mutual fund assets under management. In net flows, its nearest competitor was American Funds, with its actively managed lineup, which added $15.8 billion in TDF flows in 2016.

Of the top ten TDF providers, five had negative flows. Fidelity, the second-ranked provider, saw its TDF assets dip by about $2.8 billion, to $193 billion. Principal’s fell by $497 million, John Hancock’s by $239 million, and Wells Fargo Funds, whose parent has been mired in scandal, lost $6.6 billion in TDF assets.

The combined value of target-date mutual funds is now $880 billion, according to a recent Morningstar report, up from less than $200 billion in 2008. If you count the value of target-date collective investment trusts (CITs), as benefits consultant Mercer does, the total value of TDF rises to $1.29 trillion.

‘You have to grow here’

As concentrated as the TDF business has become—the top 10 providers control more than 90% of the assets—the category is too huge and its flows too reliable (thanks to its unique status as the most popular default investment for auto-enrolled participants) for institutional fund providers to ignore.

“The target date fund area has a strong cash flow and overall growth,” said Neil Lloyd, author of Mercer’s new TDF study. “The DC market in general has had negative cash flow overall. So if you’re going to grow in the DC space, you have to grow here.”

For firms that want to grow their share of the TDF market, the challenge is to be the same as the leaders (in terms of offering a TDF option based on low-cost index funds or exchange traded funds) while trying to differentiate your offering with a different glidepath or asset allocation or transition-to-income option.

“At this stage, you have to do something different to catch anyone’s attention,” said Jeff Holt, associate director of Morningstar Manager Research. “You can’t just copycat someone else. It’s hard going but there’s a reluctance to give up on it and a lot of incentive to try to figure out something that will make it work.”

American Funds has succeeded in creating its own niche in the TDF area, even though its TDF is based on actively managed funds, not the trendier index funds. In March, American Fund TDFs were listed as top performers in several Lipper performance categories. The funds emphasize a shift to income-oriented equities over time, rather than simply reducing equity exposure. Its TDF assets grew by 27% in 2015 and 45% in 2016.

DFA differentiates itself by gradually moving investors to a safe 80% TIPS portfolio at the point of retirement. It entered the market in November 2015 and now has $323.5 million under management, according to Morningstar, for a growth rate of 1500% in 2016. Another fast grower last year was State Street Global Advisors, which grew 425% to $1.26 billion.

Even as the competition demands that TDF providers innovate more and devote more resources to their product—no TDF is really a passive investment, since the glidepaths require careful design—they face relentless downward pressure on fees. Eight years ago, the average TDF fee was 103 basis points.

Today, it’s 71 basis points, according to Morningstar, ranging from as little as 13 basis points to as much as 119 basis points. On a market-weighted basis, the median fee is only 51 basis points, because Vanguard, at 13 basis points, accounts for such a large market share. If you include TDFs that are CITs, the median actively managed TDF costs 45 to 60 basis points per year and the median passive TDF costs 10 basis points, according to Mercer.

Passively managed TDFs are of course cheaper than actively managed ones. They appeal to plan sponsors because of their ease-of-evaluation as well as their low cost. “The passive solutions have greater simplicity,” Mercer’s Lloyd told RIJ. “There’s less need for oversight. Investment committees don’t have to debate the fund management strategy.”

Well-publicized class action lawsuits charging plan sponsors with violating their fiduciary obligations to participants by offering funds with “excessive” fees have also driven employers toward indexed TDFs.

“Generally the lawsuits and fear of litigation have caused investors to gravitate to lower cost, and that’s naturally index funds,” said Morningstar’s Holt. “It’s not that everyone wants passive funds. The attention to fees take precedence over that.”

Retention issues

TDF providers have also tried differentiating themselves by offering customized lineups, while others have tried TDFs that include guaranteed lifetime income option. PIMCO, for instance, became a thought-leader in custom space when its DC practice leader, Stacy Schaus, published “Designing Successful Target-Date Strategies for Defined Contribution Plans” (Wiley, 2010), about the advantages of custom TDFs.

But custom TDFs have never taken off, partly because there’s already enough variety in terms of different glidepaths and asset allocations, Holt told RIJ. PIMCO, which has also seen a flight from its actively managed bond funds in recent years, has only $393.6 million in TDF assets, down 31% in 2016.

Prudential Retirement and Great-West differentiated themselves in the TDF space a few years ago when they introduced guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit riders on their TDFs. Prudential called its rider IncomeFlex and Great-West used the name Secure Foundation.

At the end of 2014, Prudential introduced Day One Target Date Funds, as CITs. At the end of 2016, Prudential followed up with Day One Mutual Funds, a series of target date mutual funds. In addition, there’s a separate Day One IncomeFlex Target Date series. Great-West told RIJ this week that it has $8.0 billion in target date assets ($6.9 billion in target date funds; $1.1 billion in target date trusts). Of that amount, $567 million is in accounts with the SecureFoundation rider.

TDF providers arguably need to explore income-generating solutions to slow the out-migration of assets at retirement. As Mercer’s report points out, retirees tend to liquidate their TDFs when they retire and roll over their savings to an IRA.

“Vintage year funds that had passed their target years experienced a decrease in total AUM,” the Mercer report said. “This is not a significant surprise, and although a variety of reasons can be proposed, we are confident the key reason is individuals rolling their assets out of their DC plans at or around retirement.”

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.


The Fight over Symbols Prevents Real Reform

President Trump came into office promising to repeal the Affordable Care Act, abandon key multinational trade agreements, build a wall and send immigrants home, and reform the tax code. Many Democrats have sworn to oppose him at every turn.

On the first three items, he has already faced obstacles or stalemate and even temporarily left the battleground. But are these debates really about substantive reform that improves people’s lives? Or mainly over capturing symbols that appeal to each party’s base? Those goals aren’t the same.

Reform defies easy party or ideological labels because it often focuses not on bigger or smaller government but fixing poorly functioning operations, establishing greater equity among households, or adapting to new circumstances. With health, immigration, trade, and tax policy the need for constant real improvement conflicts with important, but often-counterproductive, fights over political symbolism.

Tax Reform. In taxation, the symbolic fights almost always center on the size of government and progressivity. Yet many of the tax code’s real problems are that it is inefficient, complex, and treats those with equal incomes unequally and inequitably.

The Tax Reform Act of 1986 neatly focused on the latter issues by making no significant change in either revenues or progressivity. But even in its early stages, the debate over a 2017 tax reform has already been muddled by a cacophony of mutually inconsistent goals: Reduce tax rates for multinational corporations and cut taxes for the middle class while not increasing the deficit or raising anyone’s taxes.

As long as lawmakers fight mainly over symbols rather than substance, they are unlikely to achieve many real improvements in policy. And tax reform will follow along the path down which health, immigration, and trade reform already seem headed.

Health Reform. When the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) passed the Senate, backers knew it had flaws. They hoped to fix them later in the legislative process, but the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy cost Democrats their filibuster-proof majority in the Senate and made the fixes or amendments requiring a new Senate vote virtually impossible.

As a result, the healthcare community and households continue to grapple with an imperfect environment: Gains from expanded insurance coverage have been offset by slower than expected take-up rates, especially among young adults; for ACA marketplace policies, ongoing uncertainty about Medicaid expansions; and failure to come to grips with the full impact of health cost growth, often outside of Obamacare, on the federal budget.

Congress and President Trump have a chance to repair those problems, but both parties find themselves in a box. Republicans can’t accept any reforms that allow Democrats to claim “Obamacare” is being preserved, while many Democrats can’t swallow changes that acknowledge the ACA’s failures.

Trade Reform. Trade is another case where political symbolism impedes needed change. No doubt, our trading partners at times violate the spirit and even treaty letter of “fair” trade (so does the US), but trade agreements are the very vehicle for limiting such violations.

Rather than repairing these understandings, political symbolism demands they be torn up or abandoned. Thus, instead of reviving and revising the Transpacific Partnership, which might have enhanced US trade in Asia, the Trump Administration has scrapped it.

Any successful trade agreement must strengthen rather than weaken international commerce if it is to promote economic growth without raising consumer prices. But trade debates occur on treacherous political ground. Any shift in trade, no matter how good or bad, almost inevitably reduces demand for some US-made products and hurts the workers producing those goods, thereby creating a new group of populists who will cry “foul” that the President and Congress have once again abandoned workers.

Immigration Reform. People suffering from persecution, hunger, or lack of human rights will try to escape those horrors and find new opportunity. So it has always been and will always be. Borders are porous enough that there are tens of millions of immigrants, legal and illegal, in the United States and much of Europe.

Meanwhile, immigrants grow as a share of developed nations’ total populations, partly due to relatively low birthrates in the existing populations. We can reduce opportunities for legal entry, step up border patrols, build walls, and send even more people back to their prior country of residence.

But none of those actions really addresses the basic economic and social forces at play, while temporary symbolic political victories leave millions of families fearful of breakup, reduce domestic output by immigrant workers, and hurt America’s image as the home of freedom for people around the globe.

© 2017 The Urban Institute.

Today at the Retirement Industry Conference

Here at the Retirement Industry Conference in Orlando, attendees just emerged from a panel discussion featuring Doug French of Ernst & Young and retirement plan executives Jamie Ohl of Lincoln Financial and Hutch Schafer of Nationwide Financial.

The topic was the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule, which is currently being iced by the Trump administration like a rookie at the foul stripe near the end of a tournament final.

The consensus was that the DOL rule will not be rescinded. The “toothpaste is out of the tube and all over the table” is the reigning metaphor. Too much compliance work has already been done; in any case, the financial industry was headed toward fee-based advice and best-interest standards for some time, they said.

But they hope that commissioned sales will not disappear as a payment option, and they hope that some of the more irksome parts of the current rule might yet be surgically removed, and not simply delayed, by the Trump Labor Department. 

Both Ohl, president of Lincoln Retirement Plan Services, and Schafer, vice president, business development at Nationwide Retirement Services, said their firms have already done most of the prep work to comply with the rule, and they’ve accepted that it will emerge in “some form.”

Ohl hopes to see the rule’s “private right of action” removed from the rule. Much of the retirement industry hopes the same, regarding this right as an invitation to the plaintiff’s bar to start preparing suits against deep-pocketed broker-dealers or retirement plan providers or plan sponsors for fiduciary violations.

The private right of action allows aggrieved financial services clients to participate in class action suits rather than submit to arbitration, where industry traditionally has home-court advantage. The Obama DOL insisted on the private right of action as a way to enforce the rule; the DOL lacks its own enforcement powers in this area.

To eliminate conflicts-of-interests in communications with plan participants, Ohl said Lincoln has already created two service groups, one that provides education only to participants and one that provides advice. The core service for plan sponsors is education; advice, either web-based or personal, is available as an option. With rollover marketing subdued, Ohl believes that IRA rollovers will decline and more money will stay in defined contribution plans after job changes or retirement.

On the annuity front, French, an actuary, said that variable annuity sales are down 30% because they’re very expensive when the benefits are properly priced. He recommended single premium immediate annuities and deferred income annuities as a better solution for retirees.

A panel representing the broker-dealers’ view of the impact of the DOL rule followed the first panel. Panelists included Ryan Abernathy of Merrill Lynch, Scott Stolz of Raymond James and Chuck Lucius of Gradient Financial Group.

Abernathy said that Merrill Lynch is now out of the brokerage IRA business and will serve IRA clients only with fee-based advisors. In a few months, he said, Merrill Lynch advisors will start selling fee-based annuities. Raymond James will continue to allow commissioned brokerage sales to IRA clients and its reps will use the Best Interest Contract Exemption to do so, Stolz said.

Stolz said that if, and only if, signing the fiduciary rule’s best interest contract allows Raymond James to collect less defensive documentation when advisors sell annuities on commission—paperwork that demonstrates that advisor compensation didn’t motivate the sale—then it would help annuity sales.

But if the burden doesn’t go away, he believes, annuities will be even tougher to sell on commission going forward. “Advisors will say ‘forget it’ and find another solution,” Stolz said. He was not hopeful. Commissioned sales will attract as much scrutiny as 1035 exchanges do today, he said. He added that, in the future, major broker-dealers will dictate shelf-wide commission levels to manufacturers, and commissions on similar products will be similar. But with so many differences between annuities, a multiplicity of commissions will remain.  

Sales of SPIAs and DIAs will never be robust unless the federal government requires retirees to annuitize a portion of their savings, Stolz predicted, noting that research has shown that consumers expect much higher payouts from annuities than insurers could possibly provide.

Panelist Lucius and panel moderator Al Dal Porto of Security Benefit, in response to an audience question, said they believed that small insurance marketing organizations that distribute indexed annuities today will probably have to merge with larger organizations because they’re not large enough to act as supervising financial institutions under the DOL rule.

The conference, mounted by the LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute and the Society of Actuaries, welcomed about 400 attendees, which LIMRA said was consistent with previous years.  

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Journal of Retirement’s Spring Issue Appears

The Spring 2017 issue of the Journal of Retirement, Vol. 4, No. 4, has rolled out, with eight new articles on a variety of topics, encompassing public pensions, defined contribution plans, health status and retirement costs, “best interest” rollover decisions, TIPS, “white label funds,” and Social Security.

Here are the titles of the scholarly articles and abstracts of their abstracts:

Floods and Deserts: Why the Dream of a Secure Pension for Everyone Is Still Unattained, by Stephen C. Sexauer and Laurence B. Siegel. Many public defined-benefit pension plans have become seriously underfunded because pension sponsors made promises and budgeted for pension contributions as if the high stock market returns in 1982–1999 would continue, then entered a periodic historically low interest rates. The authors advise plan sponsors and beneficiaries to improve public sector productivity and using the cost savings to fill current funding gaps.

Health State and the Savings Required for a Sustainable Retirement, by W.V. Harlow and Keith C. Brown. The authors show that the savings required to fund a successful retirement for someone with one of several diseases whose impact on life expectancy has been estimated can be reduced by as much as 26% for females and 33% for males relative to the savings required for a healthy individual. Similarly, the savings required to fund healthcare expenses in retirement can be reduced by 29% to 39%.

Improving the Defined-Contribution System: The U.S. Can Learn from Other Countries’ Approaches to Helping Retirees Convert Their Savings into Lifetime Incomeby Aron Szapiro. The authors explore several ways in which the U.S. drawdown system contrasts with other countries’ approaches, particularly in the encouragement given retirees to annuitize their assets. This discussion also addresses the role of regulation and industry structure in promoting lifetime income.

Do People Get the Information They Need When They Claim Social Security? by Laurel Beedon, Lilia Chaidez, Susan Chin, Mark Glickman, and Joel Marus. This study examines the extent to which people understand Social Security rules affecting their retirement benefits, and what information the Social Security Administration (SSA) provides to individuals. The problems the authors observed during the claims interviews occurred in part because the questions included in the claims process did not cover some key information.

Too Little or Too Much? Women’s Economic Risk Exposure, by Christian E. Weller and Michele E. Tolson. This article explores the reasons behind the inequality of wealth by gender, and urges employers and policymakers to consider ways to lower the costs associated with hard-to-avoid risks in the labor market and through caregiving as a way of addressing gender wealth inequality

To Roll or Not to Roll: A Framework for Assessing the Benefit of IRA Rollovers, by David M. Blanchett and Paul D. Kaplan. Noting that there is little research on what determines whether a rollover is in the “best interests” of an investor, Blanchett and Kaplan outline a framework to make this decision, with a focus on the potential decision to roll retirement plan savings into an IRA managed by a financial advisor. Fees, investments, and services offered, and the services being provided should all be considered, they write.

The Role of Long-Maturity TIPS in Retirement Portfolios, by Steve Sapra and Niels Pedersen. Long-duration Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) should play an important role in the portfolios of workers who are within 10 to 20 years of retirement, this article claims. Long TIPS provide them with a risk-free source of real retirement income.

White Label Funds: A No-Nonsense Design Handbook, by Rod Bare, Jay Kloepfer, Lori Lucas, and James Veneruso. “White label funds” are the next breakthrough for fiduciaries of large defined contribution plans committed to providing their participants with the best solutions, these authors argue. They cite pricing efficiencies, customization to specific participants, improved governance, safety with quality, and access to good low-cost defined benefit plan managers as the advantages that these generic investment structures offer.

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Center for Retirement Research gets political

American workers without employer-sponsored retirement savings plans have long been able to contribute to individual IRAs instead, but they have never voluntarily done so in large numbers.

Nudging those workers into thrift by robo-signing them up for so-called “auto-IRAs” would be a good solution, according to a new brief from the Center for Retirement Research. CRR director Alicia Munnell and research associate Anqi Chen advocate a federal auto-IRA program or state-sponsored auto-IRAs like those initiated by California, Illinois, Oregon and Connecticut.

It’s a well-timed document. The humble IRA is at the center of the two biggest retirement-related controversies in Washington, D.C. today: the fiduciary rule and the exemption from ERISA for state-sponsored auto-IRAs.

The fiduciary rule, effective but currently detained, was created by the Obama administration because so much tax-deferred ($7.8 trillion) savings had leaked out of tightly-regulated 401(k) plans into the regulatory ambiguous zone of retail rollover IRAs, where advisors wanted to treat it with same opportunistic zeal that they treated after-tax retail money.

The Obama DOL regarded the growth of rollover IRAs as an unintended, unhealthy consequence of a gap in pension law, and wanted to correct it by disallowing the buyer-beware standard of advisor conduct with respect to all tax-deferred money.

In practice, this meant downward pressure on advisor and brokerage revenue, as well as worrisome new legal exposures for financial services companies. Industry appeals to sympathetic Republican lawmakers and to President Trump led to an executive order that has put the fiduciary rule on ice, probably for the rest of this year.

The exemption for state-sponsored auto-IRA retirement plans from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) is also in limbo. The exemption, requested by states and cities and granted last year by the Obama DOL, allowed the states to proceed with their auto-IRA programs without having to worry about DOL meddling. 

Advisors who sell 401(k) plans to small companies oppose the state auto-IRAs because they believe the government savings option will crowd them out of this market. Even though auto-IRAs are inferior to 401(k) plans in terms of contribution limits and tax benefits, the advisors worry that many small employers, if required to offer a payroll-deduction savings plan, will follow the path of least resistance and let states auto-enroll their workers into an IRA. 

Evidently in support of these industry forces, Republicans have passed legislation that withdraws the ERISA exemption from cities. They are poised to remove it from the states. It remains to be seen whether states and cities will proceed with their auto-IRA plans without the assurance that the DOL won’t subject them to rules designed for defined benefit pensions.

The CRR writers take an unambiguous position on these issues. They lament the unintended growth of the rollover IRA as a retirement policy failure, and point to the state auto-IRA plans as a way to salvage the original mission of IRAs—filling in the coverage gaps of the voluntary defined contribution system.

“It is time to turn IRAs back into an active savings vehicle by auto-enrolling those without an employer plan into these accounts, with the ability to opt out,” the authors write. “Ideally, such an auto-IRA policy would be a federal government initiative. But, absent federal action, a number of states are stepping into the breach.”

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Aria Retirement Solutions refreshes website, hires new president

Aria Retirement Solutions has added more personnel to its service desk and relaunched its website as, according to a release from Aria chairman and CEO David Stone.

Aria’s RetireOne service desk, or Concierge Desk, and redesigned website are intended to help fee-based advisors buy annuities, guaranteed income and insurance products for clients at a reduced cost, the release said. Aria says it administers almost $1 billion of retirement savings and income investments.

“The RetireOne platform provides access to multiple insurance companies’ solutions on one non-biased platform. Our expansion supports the growth in our offering and reflects the industry-wide shift to fiduciary-friendly, fee-based solutions,” Stone said in a statement.

Newly-hired president Edward J. Mercier will lead sales and service, with responsibility for increasing advisor use of the company’s RetireOne platform for retirement income and wealth transfer solutions. Aria hopes to capitalize on the market created by the fiduciary rule for conflict-free investment advice.  

Mercier has held senior leadership positions at Charles Schwab & Co., most recently as Head of Investment Management Distribution and Mutual Fund Clearing Services. 

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Honorable Mention

Allianz pursues ‘bots and machine learning’

Allianz, the world’s largest insurance company, has announced a partnership with Lemonade, “the insurance company powered by artificial intelligence and behavioral economics,” according to a release this week.

“Allianz is committed to staying at the cutting edge of insurance,” said Solmaz Altin, Chief Digital Officer at Allianz SE, in a statement. Details of the investment have not been disclosed.

“By replacing brokers and bureaucracy with bots and machine learning, Lemonade promises zero paperwork and instant everything,” the release said.

The Allianz Group serves 86 million retail and corporate customers in more than 70 countries. In 2016, over 140,000 employees worldwide achieved total revenues of 122.4 billion euros and an operating profit of 10.8 billion euros. Allianz provides property and health insurance, assistance services, credit insurance and global business insurance. As an investor, Allianz is active in debt, equity, infrastructure, real estate and renewable energy.

Lemonade Insurance Company is a licensed insurance carrier, offering homeowners and renters insurance. Lemonade is a Certified B-Corp whose underwriting profits go to nonprofits. 

Great American collects photos of retirement well-being

Great American Insurance Group said it received more than 500 submissions after it invited its annuity customers to submit photos of “what makes their lives great,” the insurer said in a release.

Many of the photos submitted during the six-month promotional campaign came from retirees, who captured moments that “range from cheering on grandkids at a soccer game and relaxing on the beach to exploring the Grand Canyon and hiking through waterfalls.”

“Our customers purchase an annuity for a variety of reasons,” said Donna Carrelli, vice president of Annuity Marketing Services at Great American. Some of the participants in the campaign told her how an annuity has helped them.

“For some, it’s about protecting and growing what they’ve already saved or taking advantage of tax deferral. For others, it’s about receiving guaranteed retirement income or leaving an inheritance for their heirs,” she said. 

Heffernan moves to Hueler from Fidelity

Elizabeth L. Heffernan has joined Hueler Income Solutions as Managing Director of Business Development responsible for growing overall business, creating new initiatives, and “ensuring a robust client-facing capability that advocates for and delivers personalized lifetime income to individuals,” according to a release.

At Fidelity Investments, Heffernan was most recently vice president of Investment Consulting, with prior roles in sales, marketing, employee education and product development in both retirement income and fixed return/stable value products.

Prior to joining Fidelity, Elizabeth worked in the employee benefits and compensation areas at Northwestern University and First Colonial Bankshares. She earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Iowa, holds NASD Series 6, 7, 63, and 24 licenses and is a Certified Employee Benefits Specialist and a Certified Financial Planner.

© 2017 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

This Is How You Sell Annuities

The advisor Curtis Cloke learned long ago that one way to sell annuities to wealthy near-retirees is to show them—“with science and math,” as he likes to say—that if they buy enough guaranteed income they can take much more risk with the rest of their cash and end up all the richer.

For two decades, Cloke perfected this formula over kitchen tables in farmhouses near Burlington, Iowa. Later he taught other advisors how to use his method through his “Thrive University.” Now he’s encoded his technique into a web-based software tool called “Retirement NextGen.”

Cloke is not the only retirement specialist to claim that, under certain conditions, a barbell portfolio of safe income annuities and risky equities can outperform a system of safe withdrawals from a conservative balanced portfolio in retirement—especially for long-lived people. But Cloke, blessed with preacher-like zeal and armed with computer-driven charts, has applied that principle with unusual success, earning wide recognition and demonstrating that, with proper framing, even the very rich will agree to annuitize as much as half their wealth.

Recently, RIJ sat in on an online demonstration of Retirement NextGen. You’ll see that the hypothetical couple bought four annuities; a fifth was suggested. These purchases were based on a real case. The couple bought a life annuity, an indexed annuity with a lifetime withdrawal benefit and a qualified longevity annuity contract—while more than doubling, somewhat counter-intuitively, the predicted size of their state.

“I purchased four very different annuities with the thought that this would prove the software was product agnostic and would appeal to more agents,” the trainer, Bruce Widbin, told RIJ. “I did not maximize wealth in this webinar but simply wanted to show what the software would be able to do.”

Tom and Sue, the millionaires next door

The sample case involved Tom, 61, and Sue, 59, both teachers, each with Social Security benefits, defined benefit pensions, defined contribution accounts, life insurance policies, a paid-off $200,000 home, and a modest lifestyle. In the absence of annuities, they were on track, given expected returns on their stocks and bonds, to leave an estate of about $1.9 million.

Tom could expect $2,470 a month from Social Security at full retirement age (FRA). He also expected a military pension of $2,400 a month (75% continuation). Tom also had $186,000 in a 403(b) account, a $33,000 traditional IRA, and a $17,500 Roth IRA.

Sue, who evidently saved much of her income, had $1.3 million in a 401(k) account, $92,000 in a traditional IRA, and $15,000 in a Roth IRA. She also expected $1,332 a month from Social Security at FRA and a school pension of about $2,800 (50% continuation) a month. Together, Tom and Sue also had more than $400,000 in after-tax mutual fund and bank accounts.

Tom and Sue were aiming for a monthly net income of about $7,000, or $84,000 a year. They wanted at least $60,000 in ready cash and hoped to leave at least $500,000 to their children. The Fact Finder function of the software also revealed these exceptional factors:

  • Both Tom and Sue wanted to retire several years before they qualified for Medicare
  • Tom was adamant about claiming Social Security benefits at age 62, despite the reduced payout
  • Sue wanted to wait until age 70 to claim Social Security benefits
  • The second to die would face a drop in Social Security and pension income
  • They were invested very cautiously, with an annual return of only 2.66%

Retirement NextGen is wired into the Cannex annuity database, so annuity quotes were close at hand. In this case, the advisor recommended that Tom and Sue purchase several annuity products with about $1.1 million of their roughly $2 million in investable wealth, for a total guaranteed income (counting Social Security and pensions) of about $9,000 a month:

  • $120,000 for a non-qualified period-certain annuity to pay for the couple’s health insurance until they qualified for Medicare and to provide bridge income while Sue deferred Social Security till age 70
  • $250,000 for a fixed indexed annuity with a GLWB that would begin payments after a 10-year deferral bonus period
  • $500,000 for a lifetime income annuity for Sue, starting immediately, with 2% cost-of-living adjustment and a death benefit
  • $125,000 for qualified longevity annuity contract with a death benefit (QLAC)
  • An optional $100,000 immediate annuity to pay life insurance premiums for the couple’s grandchildren.

The plan also included potential conversions of qualified assets to Roth IRAs and a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage line of credit. A HECM line of credit, untapped but steadily growing in capacity, could be used for emergency liquidity or as a hedge against a future decline in home prices.

The major selling point of this strategy for the client, according to Retirement NextGen’s calculations, was that Tom and Sue would never, even under the worst sequence of returns, need to sell depressed assets for monthly income. Coupled with their time horizon of 20 to 30 years, that freedom would allow them to ramp up their risk exposure.

The major selling point for a financial advisor with securities and insurance licenses, was an upfront commission of tens of thousands of dollars on the annuity purchases, plus one percent of the investable assets every year. Over the lifetime of the couple, the commissions and fees could amount to several hundred thousand dollars for the advisor.

Higher risk would produce higher expected returns and—the most persuasive aspect of the Retirement NextGen process—produce a final estate value that the software estimated at almost $4 million.

Contagious enthusiasm

After one of the Thrive University bootcamp sessions a few years ago in Burlington, Iowa, one of the attendees, a successful Mississippi Valley insurance agent, was asked if he could “do what Curtis does.” He replied that in theory he could but, in practice, he might need Cloke’s passion in order to communicate it effectively. Curtis Cloke

Indeed, Cloke (right), who in his youth was an Iowa gypsum miner and now teaches in The American College’s Retirement Income Certified Professional program, has a zeal that may not be reducible to an algorithm or a computer display. But he believes that his basic retirement income principle—to reduce longevity risk to near zero via insurance products in order to maximize investment risk with the remaining assets—can be applied to a greater or less degree by any properly-licensed financial advisor.

“We’re trying to educate clients that when more of their income is guaranteed, the less capital they will need to liquidate for income and the less sequence risk they will have,” Cloke told RIJ recently. “Your income isn’t tethered to market performance.”

Cloke’s method apparently works well when an advisor has to satisfy the psychic needs of two clients, one of whom dreams of potential wealth while the other fears destitution. “This works really well with married couples,” he said, “where the husband is a risk taker but the wife is worried that she’ll be left without any money. We satisfy both those ends.”

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The high cost of unretired employees

Given today’s concerns about retirement security for Americans, it’s easy to forget that private pensions were not created solely to support workers in old age. Corporations created pensions to buy older workers out of their jobs at a specific age and replace them with healthier, less expensive younger workers.

With the shift to defined contribution plans, however, mandatory retirement ages are a relic. Today’s workers have to save for and schedule their own retirements. Many of those who have not saved enough are planning to remain at their jobs for a year or even several years longer expected.

The purposeful inertia of these older workers is going to cost corporations a lot, according to the study, “Why Employers Should Care About the Cost of Delayed Retirements.” The report was conducted by Prudential Financial. It is based on research and analysis by the University of Connecticut’s Goldenson Center for Actuarial Research.  

The findings include:

  • Delayed retirement trend and the aging of the U.S. population are expected to result in a higher concentration of older people in the workforce. By 2020, 7% of the workforce will be over 65, up from 4% in 2010; 25% will be over 55, up from 18% in 2010.
  • Delayed retirements typically result in higher costs for employers, including increased compensation, DB and DC retirement plan costs, and group benefits costs. Annual healthcare costs for a 65-year-old or older worker are twice those of a worker between the ages of 45 and 54.
  • A one-year delay in just one person’s retirement would result in an incremental cost of over $50,000—the cost differential between the retiring employee and a new hire. For an employer with 3,000 employees and workforce costs of $200 million, a one-year delay in retirement age may cost $2 million to $3 million.

To help employees avoid delays in retirement, Prudential recommended that plan sponsors adopt these best practices:

  • Employer matches and default features. Design DC plans to encourage employees to save for retirement while optimizing employer contribution dollars. This includes adopting matching contribution formulas, automatic enrollment features, and automatic escalation features that encourage employees to start saving earlier in their careers and at higher rates.
  • Guaranteed lifetime income products. Make available guaranteed lifetime income products to help reduce the level of DC savings that employees need to generate their desired level of retirement income. Prudential’s research estimates that incorporating guaranteed lifetime income productsinto a DC plan reduces the level of assets required for a typical participant to retire at age 65 by 36%. Fifty-three percent of surveyed finance executives believe DC plan participants will make better behavioral decisions (e.g., not getting out of investments at the wrong time) if they are invested in an option that includes a guaranteed income feature.
  • Target-date funds. Provide Qualified Default Investment Alternatives, such as target-date funds. Fifty-three percent of surveyed finance executives say that participants are apt to make better investment decisions when presented with pre-packaged diversified investments like target-date funds.

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The link between wealth, education and longevity

Two research papers released this month cite statistical evidence that wealthier, better-educated Americans can expect to live longer than poorer Americans and, as a result, can expect to collect significantly more benefits from social welfare programs like Medicare and Social Security.

The research is expected to inform the anticipated political debate over proposals to reform or refinance federal programs for the elderly. The retirement of the Babyboomer generation is expected to put unprecedented pressure on the solvency of those programs over the next few decades.

The authors of both studies point out that proposals to reduce the cost of Social Security by raising the full retirement age “are motivated by the rise in mean life expectancy.” They caution, however, that the average life expectancy “masks substantial differences in mortality changes across income groups.”

One of the papers, from the National Bureau of Economic Research, asserts that the longevity gap between rich and poor widened between 1930 and 1960. The life expectancy advantage of the 20% highest over the 20% lowest earners was just five years for men born in 1930. But it was almost 13 years for men born in 1960.

Because their lifespans of the wealthiest men born in 1960 are projected to be almost eight years longer, they can expect to receive an average of about $130,000 more in Medicare and Social Security benefits than the lowest-earning men over their lifetimes, the research showed. 

The NBER paper, “How the Growing Gap in Life Expectancy May Affect Retirement Benefits and Reforms,” was written by well-known retirement researchers Alan Auerbach, William Gale, Peter R. Orszag, Justin Wolfer and nine other economists from the Brookings Institution, the University of Southern California, the University of California–Berkeley, the University of Chicago and other institutions.

A second paper, from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, focuses on the link between educational levels and expected lifespans among American men and women. It also focuses on life expectancy at age 65 rather than on life expectancies at birth.

“Between 1979 and 2011, period life expectancy at age 65 for men in the lowest to the highest educational quartiles increased by 4.1, 5.0, 5.4 and 5.9 years, respectively.” For women, the gains were at 1.3, 2.3, 2.5 and 3.7 years, respectively. “All SES groups are living longer, but the gains are greater for the most educated,” the paper said.

The study, like earlier studies by others, found that “white men in the bottom half of the education distribution aged 45-54 saw their mortality rates increase at a rate of 0.5% annually between 1999 and 2011, with a larger increase of 2.0% per year for women aged 45 to 54.”

The CRR paper, “Rising Inequality in Life Expectancy by Socioeconomic Status,” was written by Geoffrey T. Sanzenbacher and Natalia S. Orlova of the CRR, Candace C. Cosgrove of the U.S. Census Bureau and Anthony Webb of the Retirement Equity Lab at The New School’s Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis.

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Treasury solicits opinions about ultra-long bonds

The U.S. Treasury has asked for feedback from bond dealers about the feasibility and advisability of issuing government debt with terms of 40, 50 or even 100 years, the Financial Times reported this week.  

The survey of primary dealers, institutions responsible for underwriting the US government’s debt, comes ahead of the Treasury’s next quarterly refunding announcement in early May.

The Trump administration and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is considering extending the term of government debt. Smaller countries, including Italy, Austria and Mexico, already have very long-dated bonds.

Mark Grant, chief strategist at Hilltop Securities, said the government would likely see demand from big insurance companies with long-dated liabilities. Some investors believe it would help the US Treasury to reduce borrowing costs for the taxpayer, the Financial Times report said.

The Treasury survey of dealers focused on the following areas:

  • “What factors should Treasury consider when structuring a security with a maturity greater than 30 years?
  • How, relative to the current 30-year bond offering, would Treasury expect to price ultra-long bonds.   

This week, the 30-year Treasury yield fell to a new low for the year of 2.80%, down from 3.21% in mid-March. Very long-dated bonds sometimes trade more cheaply than shorter-dated bonds. A trader at one primary dealer said the lack of premium for investing long-term could dissuade some investors.

But the premium might not matter much. “Treasuries are a way station for many investors at times like this when they don’t want to be in other asset classes,” said William O’Donnell, a strategist at Citibank. “In many ways valuations don’t matter. Bonds are the anti-stock.”

The current 50-year swap rate in the US, which is closely linked to Treasuries, is about three basis points below the 30-year swap rate, suggesting that a 50-year bond could cost the government than the current 30-year bond, O’Donnell said, adding, “But much will depend on supply and demand, how much issuance they bring and how often it is auctioned.”

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