Fixed annuity sales dipped sharply in 3Q2017
'Despite the unfavorable market conditions for annuity sales, I still anticipate that fourth quarter will be strong,' said Sheryl J. Moore of Wink, Inc., which tracks fixed annuity sales....
How to succeed in the DC investment-only market
Five firms 'are carving out a distinct advantage within the target date funds and retirement income categories,' said Sonia Sharigian, author of a new Cogents Report, Retirement Plan Advisor...
As Bitcoin price soars, TOBAM launches the first Bitcoin mutual fund
The market value of a single Bitcoin rose more than 1,000% in dollar terms in the past 12 months, to $8,263 from $748, according to Coindesk.
ICI releases first-half 2017 participant behavior data
Only 1.6% of DC plan participants stopped contributing during the first half of 2017, according to a new report from the Investment Company Institute.
eMoney Advisor adds integration partners
The Fidelity-owned advisory software firm announced new integrations with Charles Schwab, Envestnet and Box.
Are 401(k) providers ‘applying’ to top universities?
There has been a decline of 403(b) plans offered by higher education institutions and an upswing in the popularity of 401(k) plans, according to a survey by Transamerica, which...
A third of lower-income participants don’t ‘strike their match’
Only 67% of those earning $35,000 to $45,000 a year contributed enough to their 401(k) plans to get their employer's entire match, while 90% of those earning $75,000 or...
New crediting strategy for Allianz Life indexed VA
When the annual change in the index value is zero or positive, the client will receive the entire annual credit of the 'Precision Rate,' Allianz Life said.
Betterment to offer direct online charitable giving
Clients decide how much to donate and Betterment will fund the gift with the most appreciated shares in their portfolio, according to a Betterment release.
It’s official: Jackson National VA will feature Vanguard fund options
On September 25, 10 new Vanguard funds became available as investment options across Jackson’s product offerings. The launch was first by RIJ in the October 12, 2017 issue.
‘Auto-portability’ undergoes its first test
Retirement Clearinghouse, which hopes to launch auto-portability as a business, claims that it will help staunch the “leakage” of savings from 401(k) plans. RCH piloted the technology at a...
AIG indexed annuities to offer PIMCO custom index
'The Index aims for a high equity allocation in up markets and has the ability to allocate up to 100% equities. In down markets, allocations can be quickly shifted...
Jackson issues new IOVA for private wealth and trust market
'Many of these entities haven’t traditionally utilized annuities in their practices,' said Justin Fitzpatrick, head of Private Wealth & Trust at Jackson National Life Distributors LLC. 'We’re hoping to...
Honorable Mention
Nationwide enters the exchange-traded funds arena, The Principal sells a group annuity to NCR in a pension risk transfer deal, Fidelity reports record 401(k) balances.
Trump expected to name Powell as Fed chair today
Powell, an attorney, joined the central bank's board of governors in 2012 under President Barack Obama and was renominated in 2014.
The 80/20 rule (more or less) applies to Registered Investment Advisors
'Billion-dollar RIAs are becoming formidable competitors for B/Ds,' according to new research from Cerulli Associates.
New Morningstar tool supports “best interest” rollover recommendations
Using the tool, advisors can determine, demonstrate, and document whether a proposal is in the investor's best interest, according to Morningstar.