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IssueM Articles

Where’s the Nuance in News about Annuities?

BlackRock will be incorporating an annuity into its institutional target date funds (TDFs) for 401(k) plans, and the $6.5 trillion asset manager has been among the financial services companies that have lobbied for the passage of the SECURE (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) Act, according to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal.

“While BlackRock isn’t currently in the annuity business, the firm is now in talks with insurers to provide such instruments as a part of retirement offerings it wants to launch. The firm joins financial companies from State Street Corp. to TIAA that are competing to reshape 401(k)-type plans,” the Journal reporter wrote.

The SECURE Act is intended, in part, to encourage employers to include guaranteed lifetime income options in the 401(k) plans they sponsor by reducing their risk of getting sued if the annuity partner they choose ever fails to fulfill its promises to participants. The Act passed the House of Representatives by an almost unanimous vote in late May. But the Senate version of the legislation has faced sustained resistance from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), as reported this week.

BlackRock has tried to identify itself with retirement income before by promoting an index and calculator called CoRI, which helped investors figure out how much they’d have to hold in bonds to generate a desired income in retirement, based on their current age and current bond yields. But no insurance company partner was involved in that. Last December, as RIJ reported, BlackRock announced a retirement-related partnership with Microsoft.

Asset managers that distribute TDFs through 401(k) plans have to be concerned about the strong tendency among recent retirees to “roll over” their plan accounts to individual IRAs at brokerages and fund firms like Vanguard. If asset managers could incorporate annuities into the final stages of their TDFs, more money might stay in 401(k) plans.

BlackRock wouldn’t tell me what kind of annuity it might attach to its TDF. But the logical choice would be an institutionally-priced variable annuity with a guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit. That could give BlackRock a chance, if not an exclusive right, to manage the money in the variable annuity sub-accounts, which are similar to mutual funds. Prudential has tried to do this for years with its IncomeFlex TDF product for 401(k) plans, but plan sponsor anxiety about the legal and financial liability that might stem from designating the wrong annuity provider has slowed the development of that type of business.

“State Street Global Advisors plans to roll out in 2020 its first workplace retirement offering with a lifetime income feature for a multibillion-dollar U.S. client. When a participant in the target-date-like offering turns 65, he or she can choose to move a portion of funds out into a group-deferred annuity,” the Journal also reported.

*           *           *

Speaking of the SECURE Act, here’s an instance of misinformation about annuities in the popular press. On July 9, Phil DeMuth wrote on the Wall Street Journal‘s opinion page, “The insurance industry loves the SECURE Act’s mandate that annuities be offered as a payout option in all retirement plans.” (If you don’t recognize the name, DeMuth has co-written a couple of financial books for consumers with celebrity economist and comic actor Ben Stein.)

Does the SECURE Act require all defined contribution plan sponsors to offer annuities? I don’t think so. To make sure you didn’t miss the point, a cartoon illustration above the article depicts a fox with a briefcase labeled, “Annuities,” guarding a chicken house full of nest eggs.

What’s most scary about this op-ed piece, aside from its distortions: It was the Journal readers’ most popular online “read” for the past three days. Dozens of commenters condemned annuities and warned of a government conspiracy to confiscate 401(k) savings. Confirmation bias is real.

  • *           *            *

In a similar vein, whenever I read an article in the popular press that refers generally to “annuities,” I wince inside. The overall message of my 2008 book, Annuities for Dummies, was that the five or six financial products called “annuities” are more different than alike, often sharing only the owner’s option, rarely exercised, to convert the underlying value to an irrevocable lifetime income stream.

Today I received a note from the ever-vigilant National Association for Fixed Annuities, which mainly advocates for index annuities. The blast e-mail protested a July 2 Forbes article that chided the septuagenarian members of the Rolling Stones for letting the annuity advocacy group, Alliance for Lifetime Income, sponsor their 2019 tour.

The writer also used the occasion to smack down “traditional commercial annuities,” whatever they are, for the usual reasons. He must have meant retail index annuities, because he referred to commissions as high as 8%. But the Alliance leans at least as much toward variable annuities. Where’s the nuance?

I once worked for Prevention, a quaint, bygone, but once widely read magazine that championed vitamin and mineral supplements. Vitamins and annuities both seem to inspire cult followings—and disproportionate outrage. I’m still trying to understand why.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.


Envestnet’s Big Annuities Play

The new Envestnet Insurance Exchange (Envestnet Ix) now lets advisors analyze, illustrate, compare, select, purchase and integrate almost any type of annuity into a client’s financial plan without leaving the digital comfort zone of Envestnet’s wealth management platform.

That might not impress 20-somethings who grew up playing with “widgets” and Application Program Interfaces, or APIs. But it’s a milestone for retail annuity issuers who have struggled for years to eliminate the technical impediments to blending annuities and investments in the same plans.

Ultimately, it took Envestnet, the cloud-based turnkey asset management platform that now serves more than 3,500 companies, including 16 of the 20 largest U.S. banks, 43 of the 50 largest wealth management and brokerage firms, and over 500 of the largest Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs), to get this done. Back in 2006, when members of a variable annuity trade group tried to tackle it, the whole idea was premature.


“This development did need to wait for all the technologies to align properly,” said Joel Bruckenstein, organizer of the annual “T3” fintech conferences for advisors. “There are still some impediments to RIAs embracing annuities. But I think Envestnet Insurance Exchange has great potential.”

Nobody has higher hopes for the ability of the Envestnet Ix platform to encourage advisors, both fee-based and fee-only, to embrace annuities than the major annuity issuers. Six of them—Allianz Life, Brighthouse Financial, Global Atlantic Financial, Jackson National, Nationwide, and Prudential—helped Envestnet pilot the Exchange and now offer their products on it. More are expected to follow. Insurers will be supporting the service with ongoing fees.

But the question, “If you build it, will they come?” still hangs over the project. Annuity issuers certainly want more attention from RIA advisors, but it remains to be seen if those advisors will make room in their clients’ portfolios for annuities. Technology like the Envestnet Ix is necessary for that to happen, but no one knows yet if it will be sufficient.

The seamless ideal

To appreciate the significance of Envestnet Ix, you have to go back 10 or 15 years. Amazon, eBay and PayPal had begun using APIs to tie together unrelated blocks of software into seamless user experiences. Life insurers were still isolated in “legacy” IT systems, unable to communicate easily with the outside world or even among their own product silos.

In the mid-2000s, the National Association for Variable Annuities trade group (now the Insured Retirement Institute advocacy group) created an initiative to achieve “straight through processing” for variable annuities. NAVA hoped to make processing a variable annuity (VA) application “as easy as dropping a mutual fund ticket” for a broker-dealer rep.

The challenge was daunting, the effort heroic. Software startups came forward with product illustration tools, order-entry systems, and secure electronic signature gizmos. Common languages and protocols (XML, PPfA) were invented. The Depositary Trust & Clearing Corporation, based in New York, had to be involved so that money could move from brokerage accounts to VA subaccounts.

That project made headway with broker-dealers but didn’t reach completion. The Great Financial Crisis didn’t help. Later, the controversy over the Department of Labor fiduciary rule slowed things down. Then, in November 2017, Envestnet, having snowballed since 1999 into a giant technology hub for advisors, created a company called Fiduciary Exchange (FIDx) to begin building out a series of “exchanges” that would add insurance products and credit products to Envestnet’s investment products platform. The first in the series is Envestnet Ix, which launched last month.

Consultants regard Envestnet Ix, or something like it, as a must-have for annuities. “This service pulls annuities into the asset allocation process. Annuities are no longer an afterthought for the advisor who has already built an asset allocation,” said Dennis Gallant of Aite Group, a Boston-based financial services consulting firm.


“For instance, a client might have a million dollar investment portfolio,” Rich Romano, the FIDx chief technology officer, told RIJ. “Today, if they have a $250,000 annuity, it is off-platform. In the Exchange, you can see those things side by side. They appear in one document. Now the annuity is inside of the account as its own investment. That’s revolutionary.”

A big part of the project involved the incorporation of FireLight into the Envestnet asset management platform. FireLight is a creation of Insurance Technologies, the veteran annuity software designer based in Colorado Springs, CO. The annuity issuers load their product data into FireLight, which then facilitates the entire electronic annuity purchase process, from data collection to application to pricing to illustration to compliance review to e-signature.


“FireLight is a very powerful e-App solution, used by nearly 50 carriers, but it’s always been a separate platform from investments,” said Doug Massey, executive vice president at Insurance Technologies. “So we created FireLight Embedded, a sophisticated set of APIs that allows FireLight to run seamlessly inside of third-party systems like Envestnet Ix.” Broker-dealers who currently use FireLight competitors, like iPipeline and Ebix-AnnuityNet, will be able to use them with Envestnet Ix, but not as seamlessly.

RIJ asked Romano what he considered the most difficult part of the project. “The lion’s share of work was around positioning annuities to a client’s needs,” he said after a pause. “We said, ‘Let’s get away from that transactional view, and look at it from the customer’s point of view. Where does the annuity work in a retirement saving strategy, or an estate planning strategy, or an income planning strategy.’”

Envestnet Ix aims to be a big tent. It is designed to accommodate all types of insurance products, all types of compensation models, and advisors from the bank, broker-dealer and RIA channels. For advisors who want to buy annuities but don’t have insurance licenses, Envestnet Ix will offer a Guidance Desk where an insurance-licensed intermediary can bridge the gap.

If you build it, will they come?

But even if RIAs have the ability to use annuities through Envestnet Ix and other platforms like those operated by RetireOne and DPL Financial, will they actually start recommending them to their clients? And will annuity manufacturers begin tailoring products more toward RIAs? The jury is still out.

“There are still some impediments to RIAs embracing annuities,” Joel Bruckenstein told RIJ. It is not just the processing. Product design is also important, and I think the insurance firms are at work designing products that will resonate better with RIA’s. Furthermore, I do not think the Exchange is just about annuities. I see other types of insurance being distributed through the exchange as well.”


“It would be great if this can bring in advisors who don’t use annuities, but it will still take time,” said Gallant of Aite. “Just because the process is more convenient, it doesn’t make the products less complex. One thing that might change the tide: As broker-dealers and RIAs take discretion away from individual advisors and move toward model portfolios, you might see them installing annuities in asset allocation plans at the broker-dealer level.”

In his recent report, “What Advisors Want from Annuity and Insurance Providers–2019,” researcher Howard Schneider of Practical Perspectives, found that of the 24% of advisors who are annuity “enthusiasts,” only 12% are RIAs and only 7% are under age 40.

“RIAs have particularly distinct attitudes and behaviors towards annuities and insurance,” Schneider wrote. “Many RIAs do not fully integrate these solutions into their practices, lacking the licensing, experience, orientation, and comfort in using annuities and insurance with clients, especially as an investment substitute or supplement.”

“The advisors may not be using annuities yet, but these new tools will allow them to start looking and comparing,” said Massey, who has been working on this problem for more than a decade.

“With so many Boomers retiring, we’ll see more advisors looking at these products,” he added. “Advisors will start to say, ‘Oh, that’s how it works,’ or ‘Now it makes sense.’ Integration was so expensive to do in past, and the risk of coming up short was so high, that nobody was willing to try. Now they can try it.”

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

MMT Isn’t a Joke

There’s a lot of misinformation about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) going around. I keep hearing that MMT is about “printing up a lot of money” to pay for social services. It’s not. I also hear Democratic politicians talking about taxing the rich to pay for middle-class benefits. They need to read up on MMT.

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about. A news story last week described Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s plan to “raise” $2.75 trillion to finance universal daycare by taxing the very rich. That kind of talk annoys people. With the help of MMT, it wouldn’t be necessary.

MMT says that the federal government doesn’t have to shake down rich people to pay for daycare. It can gradually spend new money (not taken from anywhere) on daycare and then gradually tax enough of it out of circulation to prevent inflation. [Money vanishes when you pay your income taxes; we’ll save that discussion for another day.] The wealthy might find that more palatable than the Robin Hood scenario.

It’s not about “printing the money.” It means that, in reality, Uncle Sam spends and taxes; he doesn’t tax and spend. The distinction may sound trivial, but it’s fundamental, as Alexander Hamilton recognized. (The big problem of whom to tax and by how much doesn’t go away.)

As long as Warren and other Democrats believe (and say) that soaking the rich is the only way to “pay for” stuff, their plans won’t make sense to most of the country. A few politicians seem to get it. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has a glimmer of MMT. When Anderson Cooper asked her “how you’ll pay for” the Green New Deal, she replied, “The same way we pay for the military or the Space Force.” Through appropriations.

MMT says the government should exercise its power of direct money creation instead of pretending to borrow, which only creates (or enables the creation, via the banks) of towering balance sheets and Himalayas of debt. [A topic for another day: The federal debt isn’t a tax on grandchildren, because the Fed’s IOUs (cash or bonds) are money. The federal government’s liabilities sit in your wallet, your bank account and your retirement account. If that weren’t true, the whole system would have collapsed long ago. Instead, it has lifted billions out of poverty—and financed lots of wars.]

But MMT, if acted on, would be wildly disruptive to the status quo, so a lot of people hate it. It would dis-intermediate much of the private financial system. MMT proponents would break up the big banks, reinstate Glass-Steagall, raise reserve requirements, strengthen the consumer financial protection bureau, forgive most student loans, drive down fees, reinstate anti-usury laws, etc. They would shrink the financial sector to its pre-1980 dimensions.

So far, MMT’s enemies have been trying to discredit it either by equating it with something stupid (printing money willy-nilly) or by making jokes about it. Some, for instance, have mocked and tried to diminish MMT by calling it a “political idea masquerading as an economic idea.”

That’s meant as an insult, but it only acknowledges MMT’s essence: It reunites economics and politics as political-economy (a once respected discipline). Ultimately MMT represents the idea that the federal government has as much responsibility to protect its citizens’ human (political) rights as it does to protect their property (economic) rights. You may disagree, but MMT isn’t a joke. It’s really not.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

FIAs for Retirement Income (Why Not?)

To equip a 55-year-old with a fixed index annuity (FIA) so he can flip on an income stream in 10 years isn’t so different from advising him to buy 10-year bonds today and swap them for a life annuity in 10 years.

The FIA is merely built for another kind of customer, another kind of agent or advisor, another financial environment: In short, for today’s near-retiree who is frustrated by low interest rates, nervous about equities, and agreeable to an all-in-one packaged product sold in a vendor-financed transaction.

In this final segment of RIJ’s four-part series on FIAs, we look at the role they can play in a retiree’s financial plan. We can report the obvious: An FIA that produces pension-like income starting 10 years after purchase and lasting for life can reduce both sequence risk and longevity risk.

But for certain people more than others. FIA-loving advisors or agents say that FIAs are the only solution to the retirement puzzle that many clients will accept. Their job, they say—like the job of any retailer who wants satisfied, repeat customers—is to match product with prospect by listening carefully.

“When you have all the facts and client preferences, the puzzle solves itself,” said Bill Borton, a veteran insurance agent and managing principal of W.R. Borton & Associates. Jim Fahey, an Ameriprise counselor in Center Valley, PA, told RIJ, “I could call the FIA a can of beans instead of an annuity and my client would still have said yes. Because it did the job he needed done.”

If that makes sense, this statistic may not: Steadily, since the third quarter of 2014—even as the Boomer retirement wave is peaking—the percentage of FIAs sold with income-generating riders has dropped by 40%. But there’s a reason for that, as we’ll see.

Where FIAs fit

The guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit rider (GLWB), which about 40% of today’s FIA contracts carry, isn’t usually the academic’s first choice as an income-generator—it’s too complex for their tastes—but it is effective. And people accept it because it produces lifetime income without depriving them of access to their money in an emergency.

Adding a GLWB to a retiree’s portfolio always reduces a retiree’s risk of running out of money: it’s built to do that. For those who need proof, papers by Wade Pfau of The American College and David Blanchett of Morningstar have shown that a retirement income portfolio with almost any kind of income-producing annuity will last longer than one composed solely of stocks and bonds.

One catch with FIAs is that, to maximize the income from a GLWB rider, you generally have to buy the rider several years before you need the income it will provide. In 2018, CANNEX, the annuity data aggregation and analysis shop, ran a study (click on chart below) comparing the minimum amount of income that FIAs, deferred variable annuities with GLWBs and DIAs (deferred income annuities) could produce starting either immediately, five years or 10 years after purchase.

Looking at the top five products in each category, the CANNEX analysts found that the top FIAs can generate more annual income than the top deferred income annuities or variable annuities with income riders, assuming that all three types of products are tapped for income after a ten-year holding period.

“On the basis of the guarantee alone, the income annuities tend to provide the greatest income for scenarios with immediate income and can also be more valuable for a man. With a delay in income, FIAs often perform best,” the study said.

The five top income-producing product in the CANNEX study, in each category, delivered these guaranteed minimum levels of annual income for a single person at age 65, ten years post-purchase: FIA/GLWB ($14,313), DIA for a man ($12,960), DIA for a woman ($11,721) and VA/GLWB ($10,819). (GLWB pricing is not gender-specific.)

Comparative Product Payout Rates. Source: “Guaranteed Income Across Annuity Products,” Cannex, October 2018.

How can FIA issuers promise to pay out more? Since FIA contracts are not irrevocable and DIA contracts are, FIAs experience higher “lapse rates.” That is, owners frequently—the rate varies from carrier to carrier and product to product, and is not made public—surrender the contracts or, more likely, are persuaded by new advisors to exchange them for something else. Issuers can advertise richer guarantees because they won’t have to make good on as many of them. The high lapse rate also suggests that this product is often hawked to people who later regret the purchase. Asked if this were true, a wirehouse annuity manager told RIJ, “100%.”

What advisors say

One of the advisors we talked to for this story, Bill Borton, specializes in retirement risk management and income planning and hosts a weekly Internet TV show, ‘Live Better, Longer,’” about retirement. “I’ve sold dozens of FIAs and plan to sell a lot more,” he told RIJ. He has a system: he assesses each prospect, uses off-the-shelf software to structure an income plan, and then runs his specs through a product selection tool available through his annuity wholesaler. The tool identifies the best products for the task he describes to it.

Bill Borton

“If somebody wants to put $300,000 into an FIA with an income rider, for example, I may sell three contracts, with the idea that we’ll turn some income on in five years, then seven years, then 10 years, depending on the ages they plan to retire and the years they want to take Social Security,” Borton told RIJ. “You can model all these things and provide income when the client needs it.”

“The income rider is something that Boomers like. They don’t have to give up control of principal. That’s an objection I hear all the time. Rational or not, if the illiquidity of a SPIA stops the income planning conversation entirely, then what good is it? Would you rather be right or happy? The right product is the one that does the job and that the client will buy,” he said.

Another advisor we talked to, Jim Fahey, is a fee-based (paid a percentage of assets under management or by commission) Ameriprise advisor who has increasingly recommended FIAs to clients. In a recent transaction that Fahey described to RIJ, the client didn’t need current income as much as a safe haven from the market. The prospect of receiving a high rate of guaranteed income in extreme old age sealed the deal.

James Fahey

In this case the client was a 67-year-old, who used $200,000 in profits from the market to buy a RiverSource FIA whose rider had a deferral bonus that would double the minimum income benefit base, to $400,000, after 12 years without withdrawals. At age 79, he’d start receiving $26,000 a year for life—income that he could use as a hedge against assisted living expenses, if necessary. (The client can access the benefit base only at the rate of $26,000 a year; only his account value, which may be much lower after years of fees, withdrawals and market volatility, would be accessible as a lump sum.)

Selling that type of FIA, with a rich guarantee of income after a long deferral, to someone with short-term needs would be an embarrassment or worse for a national broker-dealer wealth manager like Fahey. “If I put someone into a long-term index annuity with an income rider and three years after purchase he says, ‘Oh, I need to withdraw 10% of my money,’ I would turn ten shades of crimson,” he said. “But I don’t do that.”

So why aren’t they selling?

But, while overall sales of FIAs are up, fewer Americans every year intend to use them for retirement income and many of those who employ them for income use them inefficiently, according to data that Wink, Inc. shared with RIJ for this report.

In the third quarter of 2014, GLWB riders were elected on 71.6% of the FIAs purchased. A year later, the election rate was down to 50%. In 4Q2018, only 39.6% of FIA contracts sold had an income rider, of which 32.3% had a built-in or mandatory rider and the rest had an optional rider.

When people do buy the rider, they’re probably not maximizing the potential income, Wink data also suggested. The average age for the purchase of an FIA with a GLWB was 64.1 years in 4Q2018, and they started income 2.6 years after purchase, on average. To get the most out of deferral bonuses, they should buy earlier and take income later.

The simple explanation is that FIAs aren’t being marketed for income at present. They’re being marketed for yields that are higher than bonds, fixed-rate annuities or certificates of deposit (CDs). High-volume FIA agents have found that they can attract many more people to a luncheon seminar by advertising high yields. The cost of income riders puts drag on FIA yields. The income story doesn’t just have less sizzle than the yield story; the cost of the income rider undercuts the yield story.

The accumulation focus is tied to the increased use of volatility-controlled “hybrid” indices. Many FIA issuers now offer crediting methods linked to these indices “because they can promote higher participation rates and lower spread rates on them than on crediting methods linked to the S&P500 Index,” said Sheryl Moore, president and CEO at Wink, Inc. “The focus on hybrid indices, and the ‘accumulation sale,’ has reduced GLWB election rates.”

The potential returns on hybrid indices—like the potential payouts on long-shot horses—are higher because their caps are less likely to be reached; their internal volatility controls make sure of that. But the high caps fill seminar seats nonetheless.

What’s always troubled purists is the apparent tendency to emphasize quantity of FIA sales over quality of sales. That tendency is almost certainly strengthened by the fact that the average manufacturer-paid commission on FIA sales is over 6%, or more than double the commission on sales of plain-vanilla income annuities. FIA advocates insist that the compensation is reasonable and fair in the long run, and that the product sells on its merits. FIA avoiders maintain that generous compensation will always be a temptation to predatory sales. Caveat emptor.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Hueler income annuity platform now open to all

Income Solutions, the Hueler Companies’ income annuity distribution platform available for the past decade mainly to Vanguard’s institutional 401(k) and retail participants, is now available to the broad public. No longer mediated through Vanguard for Vanguard shareholders, the service is now open to all.

“Hueler’s new retail site allows individuals and advisors to register directly at and access the popular institutional offering known for providing low-cost standardized quotes, choice of features, and real time competition across multiple insurance companies,” a Hueler press release said this week.

“Income Solutions has been successfully delivering Hueler’s unique value proposition to individuals through large institutions for over 15 years,” said CEO Kelli Hueler in the release.

“We’ve earned the trust of many and become the go-to source for income annuities. Today the need is deep, and the time is right for Hueler to bring its unique value proposition directly to individual investors and discerning advisors seeking to act in the best interests of their clients,” the release said.

Individuals or their advisors can go to the Income Solutions website and describe the type of immediate or deferred income annuity they want to buy. In response, they will receive competing bids from participating life insurance companies. The auction process is intended to put consumers more in control of the annuity-buying process when shopping for income annuities and to help them get the lowest available price at any given time.

The news follows an announcement last week by Vanguard “to transition the client service and account administration for the Vanguard Variable Annuity to Transamerica within the next 12 to 18 months… [the company] will discontinue Vanguard Annuity Access, an online platform that enables individuals to compare income annuities from leading insurance companies.”

Similarly, Vanguard clients who want income annuities will no longer go through Vanguard’s portal, 401(k) or annuity desk, but instead go to Income Solutions. The mutual fund and 401(k) plan giant said it will “continue to have a relationship with Hueler Investment Services, Inc. to make Income Solutions available for defined contribution plan participants seeking an annuity.”

It will also maintain service to existing clients. “Vanguard will support any retail clients currently in the process of buying an annuity through the completion of the purchase. Clients who previously purchased annuities through the platform will still be served by their existing contract provider,” the release said.

Hueler’s release this week said, “We’ve worked… under a private label arrangement and now have an opportunity to bring that experience to the table under the highly valued Income Solutions brand.”

Hueler Companies, located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, was founded in 1987. Hueler provides the Hueler Analytics Stable Value Fund Comparative Universe and the Hueler Income Solutions Lifetime Income Annuity Platform. The independent data, technology and research firm offers resources for the analysis, selection, and implementation of stable value and lifetime income annuity products.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Honorable Mention

RIJ returns from vacation with July 11 issue

We will be off next week, observing the Independence Day holiday.

Jackson feeds demand for MYGAs

In response to the public’s evident hunger for the highest possible safe returns—an appetite stemming perhaps from a record S&P500 Index level—Jackson National Life has launched RateProtector, a multi-year guaranteed annuity, or MYGA. First-quarter 2019 MYGA sales were up almost 80% from 1Q2018, according to

Jackson RateProtector’s features include:

  • A three-year, five-year, or seven-year crediting period during which the initial rate is guaranteed not to fall.
  • A $10,000 minimum single premium.
  • Tax-deferred growth of after-tax deposits, a death benefit, accelerated withdrawals in case of terminal illness or confinement in a hospital or extended care center.
  • The company can change the crediting rate at the end of the guaranteed rate period, and the “renewal rate” might be lower than the initial rate.
  • For each crediting term, there’s an annual surrender charge, starting at 8% (of withdrawals in excess of 10%) in the first year and dropping by a percentage point each year during the term.

Current crediting rates

  • 3-Year Guaranteed Option Period: 2.60%
  • 5-Year Guaranteed Option Period: 2.70%
  • 7-Year Guaranteed Option Period: 2.75%
  • Current Guaranteed Minimum Interest Rate (GMIR): 1.75%

After the crediting term ends, market value adjustments (which protect the company from loss that may incur if a client takes out more than 10% of premium (during the first year) or account value (in the remainder of the term) do not apply after the end of the crediting term (which is also the length of the surrender charge period.

Changes in AXA Equitable’s top VA and IVA announced

AXA Equitable Life this week announced updates or enhancements to its popular Retirement Cornerstone multi-stage deferred variable annuity and its top-selling Structured Capital Strategies index variable annuity.

Kevin Kennedy, Head of Individual Retirement, AXA Equitable Life.

Retirement Cornerstone 19, as the new variable annuity iteration is called, has a 5% guaranteed “rollup” (annual increase in the benefit base, an amount used to calculate future income payments) with the opportunity for up to 8% growth if Treasury rates rise.

New features in certain versions of Structured Capital Strategies include the ability to invest on only a one-year basis with tax deferral and interest credit up to a cap, instead of committing to a longer term.

Retirement Cornerstone is a single tax-deferred variable annuity comprised of an Investment Account with over 100 investment options and a Protected Benefit Account which funds the Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit (GMIB). This optional rider, available for an additional fee, provides a lifetime income stream.

Structured Capital Strategies allows investors earn annual interest based on the performance of the S&P 500, Russell 2000 or MSCI EAFE market indexes, up to a cap, with AXA Equitable absorbing up to the first 30% in market losses in a contract year.

What comes first: wellness or a corporate wellness program?

A new report from Prudential Financial, “The Interplay Between Health & Financial Wellness Benefits,” shows that employees who participate in corporate health and financial wellness programs report lower levels of stress as well as better physical and mental health.

The findings, revealed at the “Aspen Ideas: Health 2019” festival this week, come from a survey of 2,000 Americans employed by organizations that offer wellness benefits like gym memberships, fitness and diet advice, and smoking cessation programs.

Prudential has staked out a thought-leadership role in the field of financial wellness programs, which are considered a must-have capability for full-service retirement plan providers at a time when employees have financial needs—help with student loans and personal money management, etc.—beyond the need to save for retirement.

Financial wellness is a relative of corporate wellness programs of the 1980s, which fought soaring medical costs by encouraging healthy habits with on-site gyms, showers and salad bars. Those programs, which gave rise to corporate track teams among other things, mainly improved the health of those already healthy, it was found.

Among the survey’s key findings:

Users of workplace health wellness benefits are more likely to be healthy than non-users; 45% of users report themselves to be in good physical health, versus 37% of non-users.

59% of workers who use health wellness programs consider their overall mental health “good,” as do 59% of those using financial wellness programs.

Those numbers fall to 53% for those who don’t use health wellness programs and 55% for those who don’t use financial wellness programs.

Non-users of financial wellness programs report feeling highly stressed compared to users. Just 13% of workers using financial wellness programs say they have high overall levels of stress, versus 17% of non-users.

Almost a third of workers expressed a desire for financial education classes, online financial management tools, digital financial advice and planning, accrued wage advances, low interest loans, and debt consolidation/payment programs.

In land of plenty, FINRA finds troubling gaps

New research from the FINRA Investor Education Foundation claims that “despite economic growth and declining unemployment,” Americans are “failing to save money, struggling with student loan debt and facing decreasing financial literacy.”

The study, “The State of U.S. Financial Capability,” finds that key indicators of financial capability are no longer improving in step with the economy.

The FINRA Foundation conducts nationwide survey of more than 27,000 respondents every three years. Originally developed in 2009, it measures key indicators of financial capability and evaluates how these indicators vary with underlying demographic, behavioral, attitudinal and financial literacy characteristics — both nationwide and state-by-state. Some of the key findings from the study include:

The divides between the Haves and Have-nots are persisting or widening. Younger Americans, those without a college degree, African-Americans and those with lower incomes are struggling financially.

Americans are not saving. Nearly half of Americans have not set aside money to cover expenses for three months. Moreover, Americans are stressed about money. More than half (53%) of those surveyed reported that just thinking about their finances makes them feel anxious.

A majority of Americans have not planned for retirement. More than half of Americans (54%) have not tried to determine what they need to save for retirement, and only 58% of Americans have a retirement account, based on the survey.

High education costs are causing buyer’s remorse for many. Among Americans with student loans, 47% wish they had chosen a less expensive college. Among those with student debt, a similar percentage (48%) is concerned they will not be able to pay off their loans, and many did not fully understand what they were getting into when they got their loans, the survey shows. Meanwhile, late loan payments are rising.

Financial literacy has declined. Only 34% of respondents could answer at least four of five basic financial literacy questions on topics such as mortgages, interest rates, inflation and risk, down from 42% in 2009. This drop in scores appeared most pronounced among Americans ages 18-34.

Financial education matters. Americans who have participated in a substantial amount of financial education are more likely to save and less likely to overdraw their checking accounts. Nearly half of Americans (49%) who have received more than 10 hours of financial education report spending less than they earn, compared with 36% of those people who received less than 10 hours of financial education.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Wide but shallow: the impact of auto-enrollment in the UK

Auto-enrollment has increased the number of pension savers in the UK but most are paying too little into their “pots,” according to a report this week at

Total retirement plan membership hit 45.6 million in 2018, up almost 11% year on year, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). But there’s a big gap in the amount of actual savings that’s going on in defined contribution (DC) versus defined benefit (DB) plans.

In DC plans, combined employer and employee contributions averages only 5.1% of salary per participant. By contrast, defined benefit (DB) plan members receive contributions totaling more than 25% on average.

“If this disparity is not addressed, we risk a lost generation of people who missed out on final salary pensions but are simply not putting enough into their new-style pension. Automatic enrollment was a great start, but this is simply the end of the beginning,” said Helen Morrissey, a pension specialist at Royal London.

Sponsors of final salary DB schemes contributed 19.2% of salary on average, while members paid 6.4%, the ONS’ data showed. DB plans based on career average salary benefits recorded average member contributions of 7.9% and employer payments of 17.7%.

Members of DC schemes paid 2.7% of salary on average, while employers contributed just 2.4%. Before auto-enrollment was introduced, average DC contributions totaled 11% of salary on average, according to consultancy firm Buck.

Minimum contributions for auto-enrollment schemes rose to 8% (5% from the member, 3% from the employer) from 6 April this year. DC experts advocated further increases to at least 12% of salary, however.

Even with that increase, “Many people will be massively under-saving for a comfortable retirement. At 12% [of salary] we would begin to see a contribution that will have a meaningful impact for employees’ retirement savings,” said Michael Ambery, senior DC consultant at Hymans Robertson.

© 2019

Honorable Mention

Former Wells Fargo managers take posts at Principal

In a step toward the completion of Principal’s acquisition of the Wells Fargo Institutional Retirement & Trust (Wells Fargo IRT) business, a number of former Wells Fargo managers have moved into positions at Principal Retirement & Income Solutions, Principal reported this week.

Principal is expected to complete its purchase of Wells Fargo IRT in early third quarter 2019, pending regulatory approval. Principal announced its pursuit of the Wells Fargo IRT business in early April. A formal 12- to 18-month transition period will begin after the deal closes.

“The acquisition agreement allows a long transition period. During this time, product offerings and service teams will remain consistent for clients,” said Renee Schaff, president of Retirement & Income Solutions at Principal, in a release. Her existing team includes Jerry Patterson, SVP of Workplace Savings & Retirement Solutions, and Sri Reddy, SVP of Income Solutions.

The following Wells Fargo IRT leaders will assume roles within Principal at appropriate points throughout the integration process, following close:

Jon Graff, current director of participant services, will be responsible for administration and operations across Workplace Savings & Retirement Solutions.

Angie McDaniel, current lead for Business Solutions, will lead a new team at Principal, Business Planning and Solutions, for Workplace Savings & Retirement Solutions.

Brian Jirak, current director of Trust & Custody, will join the Income Solutions leader team and will have responsibility for trust, custody and pension services.

The following individuals will join the Customer Care group in Principal’s Workplace Savings and Retirement Solutions:

Mary Hollingsworth, current director of product strategy and positioning, will transition to the Customer Care leadership team.

Marcia Wepfer, current director of relationship management, will transition to the Field Service leadership team.

Bob Millikin, current head of institutional services for investment contact centers, will join the contact center leadership team.

The following individuals will join the Employer Services and Operations group in Principal’s Workplace Savings and Retirement Solutions:

Sheila Cox will be responsible for larger plan administration efforts.

James Rossini will lead operations across Workplace Savings & Retirement Solutions.

Joe Ready, current head of Wells Fargo IRT, will assume the new role of Head of Trust and chief fiduciary officer for Wells Fargo Wealth & Investment Management. Ready will remain connected to the integration of Principal and Wells Fargo IRT, supporting client and employee transitions.

More leadership appointments will be announced post-closing and throughout the transition process. Further details regarding the leadership structure and integration of the Wells Fargo deferred executive compensation and discretionary asset advisory businesses are yet to be released.

Frank ‘Chip’ Gillis, Athene Holding’s co-founder, will retire at year-end

Athene Holding Ltd. announced that Frank “Chip” Gillis, CEO of Athene Life Re Ltd. (ALRe) and co-founder of Athene Holding, will retire at the end of 2019. He will remain executive chairman of the ALRe board and will serve on the board of the newly announced Athene Co-Invest Reinsurance Affiliate (ACRA).

As co-founder of Athene, Mr. Gillis worked for two years to raise capital leading up to July 2009, when Athene was officially formed and licensed. He closed Athene’s first reinsurance deal and has since overseen completed agreements with nearly two dozen third-party cedents.

Over the coming months, Sean Brennan, SVP and Head of Pension Risk Transfer (PRT) at Athene, will begin to oversee the flow reinsurance business while continuing to lead the PRT channel. He will continue to report to Bill Wheeler, President, Athene.

Since Brennan joined Athene in October 2017, the company has closed more than $6 billion in pension risk transfer transactions. Prior to joining Athene, he was a partner in Mercer’s Financial Strategy Group, advising corporate clients on pension risk management strategies, and was Marsh & McLennan’s Global Pensions Director, overseeing $15 billion in global asset-liability management.

The products offered by Athene include:

  • Retail fixed and fixed indexed annuity products
  • Reinsurance arrangements with third-party annuity providers
  • Institutional products, such as funding agreements and group annuity contracts related to pension risk transfers

Athene had total assets of $132.9 billion as of March 31, 2019. Athene’s principal subsidiaries include Athene Annuity & Life Assurance Company, a Delaware-domiciled insurance company, Athene Annuity and Life Company, an Iowa-domiciled insurance company, Athene Annuity & Life Assurance Company of New York, a New York-domiciled insurance company and Athene Life Re Ltd., a Bermuda-domiciled reinsurer.

Vanguard offloads variable annuity administration to Transamerica

Vanguard this week announced plans to transition the client service and account administration for the Vanguard Variable Annuity to Transamerica within the next 12 to 18 months.

The Vanguard Variable Annuity contracts will continue to be guaranteed by the Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company and, in New York State only, by Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company.

Vanguard will continue to manage the Vanguard Variable Insurance Funds, which are the underlying investments in the Vanguard Variable Annuity. Vanguard will discontinue Vanguard Annuity Access, an online platform that enables individuals to compare income annuities from leading insurance companies.

Vanguard will continue to have a relationship with Hueler Investment Services, Inc. to make Income Solutions available for defined contribution plan participants seeking an annuity. Vanguard will support any retail clients currently in the process of buying an annuity through the completion of the purchase. Clients who previously purchased annuities through the platform will still be served by their existing contract provider.

In other initiatives:

Last summer, Vanguard reduced the cost of ETF ownership by eliminating commissions on about 1,800 ETFs. To broaden investor access to low-cost Admiral Shares, in November Vanguard lowered the account minimums for 38 index funds, delivering an estimated $71 million in aggregate savings to clients.

In November, Vanguard introduced Vanguard Global Credit Bond Fund to provide investors low-cost, diversified exposure to U.S. and international investment-grade credit markets. The actively managed Vanguard Global ESG Select Stock Fund launched in May, complementing two ESG ETFs added to the product roster in September.

Vanguard recently enhanced its Personal Advisor Services with a proprietary Health Care Cost Estimator Tool that forecasts a client’s estimated annual health care expenses and lifetime long-term care costs.

In January, Vanguard banned the purchase of inverse and leveraged funds from its brokerage platform after deeming that these highly speculative ETFs were incompatible with the firm’s long-standing buy-and-hold approach.

In February, the company closed the VanguardAdvantage account due to low adoption and usage. In March, Vanguard Convertible Securities Fund was liquidated after Vanguard determined that similar exposure and results could be achieved via a diversified, balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

AIG and CUNA Mutual enhance variable annuities

AIG refreshes income benefits on Polaris variable annuities

AIG Life & Retirement, a division of American International Group, Inc., has enhanced some of its Polaris variable annuities to give “greater flexibility, personalization and control” to owners of these retirement accumulation and income-generating contracts.

The Polaris Income Plus Daily Flex and Polaris Income Plus Flex riders will have higher lifetime income rates. Contract owners will also be able to create their own combinations of features and investments more easily, an AIG release said.

Within a new Build Your Own Allocation open architecture option, contract owners and advisors can choose from 77 portfolios across 12 different asset classes to build a variable annuity investment portfolio. They will be able to:

  • Add money to the contract after the first contract year
  • Take early withdrawals if needed without locking in lifetime withdrawal rates
  • Make income benefit changes in response to changing life events (such as marriage, divorce or death of a spouse) and changing income needs or preferences at retirement.

AIG recently announced “Plan for 100,” a campaign to educate individuals, employers and financial advisors about using annuities to reduce the risk of running out of money in retirement. A new website ( and a new podcast series are part of the campaign.

New CUNA Mutual Group contract has variable annuity and indexed variable annuity sleeves

CUNA Mutual Group has issued Horizon II, a new iteration of the MEMBERS Horizon Variable Annuity, with an enhanced death benefit that provides the greater of total purchase payments or current contract value. Policyholders can also invest in risk-control accounts to moderate account volatility.

Horizon II investors can allocate part of their retirement savings to a variable portfolio with equity, fixed income and specialty subaccount options. The rest can be allocated to risk control accounts linked to various market indexes, with a customized downside floor and upside cap. Each year, the owner can adjust their risk control limits.

A product illustration tool is available for appointed advisors. The tool shows how allocations to the risk control accounts and variable subaccounts could perform over a chosen time period and also illustrates the death benefit feature. The final printed output can be provided to clients.

Available in nearly all 50 states, Horizon II is sold by prospectus through registered representatives and is underwritten by MEMBERS Life Insurance Company, a subsidiary of CUNA Mutual Group.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Facebook’s Libra Must Be Stopped


Facebook has just unveiled its latest bid for world domination: Libra, a cryptocurrency designed to function as private money anywhere on the planet. In preparing the venture, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been in negotiations with central banks, regulators, and 27 partner companies, each of which will contribute at least $10 million. For fear of raising safety concerns, Facebook has avoided working directly with any commercial banks.

Zuckerberg seems to understand that technological innovation alone will not ensure Libra’s success. He also needs a commitment from governments to enforce the web of contractual relations underpinning the currency, and to endorse the use of their own currencies as collateral. Should Libra ever face a run, central banks would be obliged to provide liquidity.

The question is whether governments understand the risks to financial stability that such a system would entail. The idea of a private, frictionless payment system with 2.6 billion active users may sound attractive. But as every banker and monetary policymaker knows, payment systems require a level of liquidity backstopping that no private entity can provide.

Unlike states, private parties must operate within their means, and cannot unilaterally impose financial obligations on others as needed. That means they cannot rescue themselves; they must be bailed out by states, or be permitted to fail. Moreover, even when it comes to states, currency pegs offer only an illusion of safety. Plenty of countries have had to break such pegs, always while insisting that “this time is different.”

What sets Facebook apart from other issuers of “private money” is its size, global reach, and willingness to “move fast and break things.” It is easy to imagine a scenario in which rescuing Libra could require more liquidity than any one state could provide. Recall Ireland after the 2008 financial crisis. When the government announced that it would assume the private banking sector’s liabilities, the country plunged into a sovereign debt crisis. Next to a behemoth like Facebook, many nation- states could end up looking a lot like Ireland.

Facebook is barreling ahead as if Libra was just another private enterprise. But like many other financial intermediaries before it, the company is promising something that it cannot possibly deliver on its own: the protection of the currency’s value. Libra, we are told, will be pegged to a basket of currencies (fiat money issued by governments), and convertible on demand and at any cost. But this guarantee rests on an illusion, because neither Facebook nor any other private party involved will have access to unlimited stores of the pegged currencies.

To understand what happens when regulators sit on their hands while financial innovators create put options, consider the debacle with money market funds in September 2008. Investors in MMFs were promised that they could treat their holdings like a bank account, meaning they could withdraw as much money as they put in whenever they wanted. But when Lehman Brothers collapsed, MMF investors all tried to cash out at the same time, whereupon it became clear that many funds could not deliver. To forestall a widespread run on all MMFs and the banks that backed them, the US Federal Reserve stepped in to offer liquidity support. A run on Libra would require support on a much larger scale, as well as close coordination among all central banks affected by it.

Given these massive risks, governments must step in and stop Libra before it launches next year. Otherwise, as Maxine Waters, the Chairwoman of the US House Committee on Financial Services, has warned, governments may as well start drafting their own living wills.

In the parlance of finance and banking, a “living will” is a written plan that banks provide to regulators describing how they will unwind themselves in the event of insolvency. In the case of a government, a living will would have to explain how the relevant authorities would respond to Libra breaking its peg and triggering a global run.

Obviously, this raises a number of pertinent questions. Would governments vow, like former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke in September 2008, followed by European Central Bank President Mario Draghi in July 2012, to do “whatever it takes” to ensure the currency’s survival? Would they even have the capacity to do so, let alone coordinate their actions – and share losses – with all the other countries involved? Would governments be able to seize control of the system if it proves incapable of sustaining itself?

Silence in response to Facebook’s announcement this week is tantamount to endorsing its dangerous new venture. Governments must not allow private, profit-seeking parties to put the entire global financial system at risk. If banks are “too big to fail,” then states definitely are. If governments fail to protect us from Facebook’s latest act of hubris, we will all pay the price for it.

Katharina Pistor is Professor of Comparative Law at Columbia Law School. She is the author of The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality.

© 2019 Project Syndicate.

Making a Case for the COLA-SPIA

People tend to hyperventilate about the inflation of the 1970s. But the decade was exuberant for me, especially after the economy started to recover from the 1974-75 bear market. My take-home pay tripled in the 70s (from a very low base). My bachelor expenses (basement apartment, 10-year-old Beetle) were trivial.

So I don’t have the inflation-related post-traumatic distress that someone who endured, for example, Israel’s triple-digit inflation in the early1980s. As I look ahead to retirement, inflation risk isn’t one of my primary sources of financial anxiety. Maybe it should be.

Recently I followed an email conversation between pension legend Zvi Bodie of Boston University, retirement blogger Dirk Cotton, Morningstar retirement researcher David Blanchett, and CFP/actuary Joe Tomlinson about inflation-adjusted income annuities, with the annual payout either indexed to inflation or increased each year by a fixed percentage (a cost-of-living-adjusted or COLA SPIA).

Bodie and Cotton felt strongly that buying an inflation-adjusted SPIA instead of a fixed SPIA (for those who buy SPIAs) is a no-brainer. No other contract provides stable purchasing power throughout retirement. And what good is declining purchasing power—as a fixed SPIA would deliver—over a 25-year or 30-year retirement?

Blanchett felt otherwise. If a retiree has other assets that can keep up with inflation—stocks, Social Security benefits—and if the SPIA represents only a fraction of the wealth on his or her household balance sheet, then perhaps the retiree could rely on those things to hedge against inflation. He may also have remarked that the Treasury yield curve doesn’t reflect much in the way of inflation fears.

As I read their exchange of messages, I remembered that Bodie long ago rejected the idea that stocks are certain to out-perform in the long run and keep pace with inflation. If stocks were always a sure long-run bet, put options on equities should get cheaper as they get longer-dated, he has pointed out. But they don’t. And what if inflation drives up interest rates and stocks collapse? That doesn’t sound like the recipe for a safe harbor from inflation.

If stocks in fact are not reliable inflation hedges, then the argument for an inflation-adjusted SPIA is obviously much stronger. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes. We demand inflation-indexed Social Security benefits, so why shouldn’t we insist on the same from our SPIAs?

Tomlinson agrees with Bodie. “I’m not a fan of the stock market, in particular, as providing an inflation hedge. I don’t think the history of stock market performance supports that,” Tomlinson told RIJ in an email this morning. “And why shouldn’t my goal be to have 100% (not 80%) of my money for retirement be in the retirement “currency,” i.e., spending power.”

But hardly anyone buys inflation-adjusted SPIAs because their first-year income is so dramatically lower than the income from a fixed SPIA. (Only company, Principal, offers a true inflation-indexed SPIA. About 15 companies offer SPIAs with various annual COLA adjustments.) The starting payout for a life-only COLA-SPIA for a $100,000 premium is currently about $4,200, according to CANNEX.

I couldn’t help noticing that a $4,200 fixed SPIA with a cash refund (according to costs only about $68,000. That’s a big difference. It occurs to me that I might buy the fixed SPIA and stash the remaining $32,000 in a side fund (stocks or fixed-rate annuity or indexed annuities) and use the returns to top-up the purchasing power as needed. After all, inflation may turn out to be quite moderate in an aging America.

That’s too high-maintenance an approach, Tomlinson counters. “I think the liquidity need should be kept separate from meeting a basic level of living expenses (that will likely increase with inflation). Unfortunately, if one uses the basic living expense money to fix the car or fix the roof, that money is no longer available to buy food,” his email said.

But I can think of another reason not to buy COLA-SPIA: What if it doesn’t generate enough income at the start of retirement to cover my essential expenses?

What if I need $6,200 a year at age 65, and only have $100,000 to spend? Then maybe I need to buy the fixed SPIA and figure out another way to maintain my purchasing power. If I believe that my essential expenses won’t change much over the next 20 years (and some research shows that retirees spend less as they get older on everything but medical care) then maybe a fixed SPIA would fill the bill.

I started free-associating and considered the merits of spending $68,000 at age 65 on a fixed SPIA paying $4,200 and then applying $32,000 to the purchase of a fixed rate deferred income annuity paying $7,740 for life starting ten years later, at age 75. That would boost my income considerably, just when I’ll probably need a boost.

Tomlinson ran some Monte Carlo projections to compare that strategy to the $100,000 COLA-SPIA at age 65 and found something interesting. The fixed SPIA/fixed DIA strategy outperformed the COLA-SPIA strategy until age 82 or 83 (almost exactly the average age of death for a 65-year-old). From then until age 90, the COLA-SPIA paid out more per year. Clearly, the longer you expect to live, the more sense the COLA-SPIA will make.

Either way, Tomlinson favors maintaining purchasing power in the most straightforward way. Personally, I don’t believe in “best” solutions. There are only better and worse solutions for a particular retired household. Every retiree (or retired couple) will have idiosyncratic needs that demand flexibility and creativity from the advisor. The goal is—or I hope it would be, if I were the client—to create a custom collage of income-generating accounts, return-generating accounts and emergency spending accounts that mitigate the various risks in a way that prevents a financially stressful retirement.

“I’m for keeping things simple for people,” Tomlinson said. “First optimize Social Security. Then if that ‘paycheck’ isn’t enough, buy a SPIA. An attractively priced inflation-indexed SPIA would be ideal. But if markets don’t provide the ideal, the COLA-SPIA may be the next best alternative.”

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

The Derivatives that Power Index Annuities

Fixed indexed annuities (FIAs) are among the safest but also the most esoteric of consumer financial products. The insurance agents who sell them, it’s often said, rarely understand them in depth. FIA owners virtually never do. To fully appreciate the complexities of FIAs, you have to talk to the actuaries who build them.

For this third part of RIJ’s series on FIAs, we’ll explore their mechanics with two actuaries, one retired from the global actuarial consulting firm, Milliman, and one who works on FIAs at Milliman today.

Historical performance data is spotty, but FIAs appear to deliver long-term returns somewhere between the returns of bonds and equities. They do that with call options that capture part of the gains of an equity index but none of the losses. Since so few people grasp derivatives, few people fully grasp FIAs.

FIAs mystify most people for another reason. Once a year, owners can pick from an array of choices as cryptic as those on a roulette table. These choices will determine the owner’s returns, but he or she is hard-pressed to guess how they will perform, other than that they can’t lose money.

A quarter century or so after FIAs were invented (by Genesis Financial for Keyport Life and Lincoln Benefit Life in 1995), FIAs have still barely penetrated broad public awareness. But they are emerging as a “goldilocks” tool that addresses older Americans’ financial needs (and anxieties). And so FIAs deserve an increasing amount of attention.

A lesson in options

We don’t have room here to explain all of the different variations in FIA construction. So, as a simple hypothetical example, we’ll describe the steps in the creation of a one-year point-to-point crediting strategy that offers the return of the S&P500 Index up to a cap with no risk of losing principal.

Imagine a 55-year-old man or woman buying an FIA contract with a payment of, say, $100,000. The issuer of the contract invests perhaps $97,600 of that into the pool of fixed income assets that comprises the insurer’s general account. It will earn about 4% a year.

The insurer still has $2,400 ($100,000 minus $97,600) to play with. If this were a fixed deferred annuity, $2,400 plus appreciation ($2,500) would be credited to the client. But this is an indexed annuity, so the plot takes a different turn. The insurer buys an option strategy or “hedge” with the $2,400.

“An indexed annuity is just like a fixed annuity, but with a non-traditional way of crediting interest,” said Noel Abkemeier, the retired Milliman actuary who has worked on various FIAs for life insurers since 1995. “All other characteristics are the same. Instead of giving you the 2.50% at the end of the year, we’re using 2.4% to buy a call at the beginning of the year, and that will produce your result.”

In this case, for a one-year point-to-point crediting strategy with an upper limit or cap on the potential gain, the insurer buys a “call spread.” It’s actually a pair of options. In one coordinated transaction, the insurer buys an “at-the-money call” (in this case, the right to the index return on $100,000) from an investment bank and sells the bank an “out-of-the-money call” (the right to the index return on $100,000 plus the cap). The two options form a bracket that defines the upper and lower limits of what the annuity owner can gain (up to the cap) or lose (nothing).

What determines the height of cap? In this case, the cap was 5%. That’s how much upside the insurer’s $2,400 (his “option budget”) would buy at today’s options prices. But the prices of one-year calls can fluctuate depending on changes in the one-year risk-free interest rate, the estimated volatility of the index, or the dividend yield of the index. If option prices were lower on this particular day, or if the insurer decided to increase its option budget, the cap might have been, for example, 7% or 8%.

“Once you know your option budget, you can go to the capital markets and ask, ‘What kind of an option can I buy today for that much money?’” said Tim Hill, an actuary who regularly works on FIAs at Milliman. “If I have 2.4% of principal to spend, I might find that, in today’s market, I can afford to buy a 5% cap.”

If the index gains only 3% over the one-year crediting period, the annuity owner earns 3%. If the index falls below its level at the beginning of the year, the insurer receives no value from the call and writes off the $2,400 as a sunk cost. If the index rises by 7% by the end of the year, the insurer collects 7% on the at-the-money call but pays out 2% on the out-of-the-money call that was sold. That leaves a 5% net gain for the annuity owner.

But that example illustrates only one of the many ways that the insurer can spend its option budget in search of profit. Let’s say that the insurer wants to buy a single at-the-money call, allowing the owner to capture all of the index growth on $100,000 in the coming year. But that option might cost $5,000. If the insurer’s option budget is only $2,400, its actuary might pick an option that buys all of the index growth, but only on $45,000. In this case, the owner has a 45% “participation rate” instead of a 5% cap.

A hundred indexes

The possibilities are endless. Another crediting method is the “spread fee method.” In that case, the insurer credits nothing on the first 3% or 4% of the index gain and credits the annuity owner with everything beyond that. (The insurer does not keep the 3% or 4%; that is simply priced into the option cost.) If the index goes up 20%, the owner nets 16% or 17% for the year. Even though the insurer usually (but not always) spends the same option budget on every crediting method it offers, there’s no way to predict which of the crediting methods will produce the highest gains after a year.

“Today there are twelve different ways of calculating indexed interest on these products, over 100 different indices on which to base your gains, and four different methods of limited indexed interest—cap, participation rate, spread, forced asset allocation model,” said Sheryl Moore, president and CEO at Wink, Inc., the life insurance and annuity analysis firm. “The average number of indexed crediting method choices on a single product is 4.4, according to our data.”

As a rule of thumb, Abkemeier said, the participation story appeals to people who look to FIAs for a piece of equity returns (“You get up to 45% of the market!”), while the cap story appeals to people who are hunting for yield in excess of a fixed-rate annuity or a CD (“You can earn up to 5% when the 10-year Treasury pays 2.9!”). The spread fee approach is attractive to individuals who want to capture the benefits of a spike in the index return.. FIAs are versatile enough to serve any of these types of clients.

There’s an additional wild card in these products: the renewal rates. If the cost of options rises (falls) over the course of a contract year, and the issuer may reduce (increase) the cap in order to stay within the option budget.

Exotic indexes

There are other variables that contribute to the complexity of FIAs. As mentioned above, there are now over 100 indexes offered. About half of all FIA premium is allocated to the S&P500 Index, but insurers increasingly offer newly-invented indexes that are based on a combination of both stocks and bonds or indexes that contain dynamic rebalancing methods that target a volatility level that’s lower than the S&P500 Index.

Because of their lower volatility (that is, they are likely to generate a narrower range of returns over time), options on their performance are cheaper than options on the S&P500 Index. So, for the same option budget, the insurer can buy a higher cap. But the cap is higher because the index has less upside potential.

“An 8% cap on a volatility-controlled index is probably no better than a 6% cap on the S&P500 Index since they are rooted in the same hedge budget,” said Abkemeier .

Many FIA contracts offer purchasers a premium bonus. Given that they appear on some of the most popular contracts, they must be successful in stimulating sales. But since there are only so many pennies in a dollar, the bonus has to be paid for by reducing a benefit elsewhere in the product. Bonuses can be misleading; they might not be fully available to the client until after a deferral period.

There’s a free lunch (sort of)

Some have criticized FIAs for offering contract owners what they call “manufactured” returns. At an annuity conference a few years ago, an executive from a large independent broker-dealer said that its advisors are not allowed to sell FIAs for that reason. Milliman’s Tim Hill doesn’t buy that criticism.

“The gains are synthetic only in the sense that you’re not technically investing in the market,” he told RIJ. “It’s the investment bank that creates the payoff. But there’s no arbitrary nature to it. The premium gets invested in corporate bonds and you use a portion of it to buy the option.”

But there is a kind of free lunch here, Abkemeier said. “Call options are priced on the basis of the risk-free rate of return, and that’s less than the long-term equity premium,” he said in an interview. “They tend to pay off more than you put into them. So the deck is stacked in your favor.

“This advantage is greatest when the crediting method uses a spread fee and least when the crediting method uses a cap. A product with a participation rate falls in between. An FIA is a good investment when you compare it with a fixed rate annuity.”

Next week: The fourth and final article in our series on FIAs will focus on their ability to generate guaranteed lifetime income.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Honorable Mention

Wink to provide insured product sales data by index

Wink, Inc., the life insurance and annuity research firm, will begin reporting indexed annuity and indexed life product sales at an index level, for each index available in a product, Wink president and CEO Sheryl J. Moore announced this week.

“Since 2012, hybrid indexes have driven indexed annuity product development, and that trend is gaining momentum with indexed life as well,” said Moore, owner of Moore Market Intelligence and Wink, Inc. “Insurance companies used to be protective about the sales of volatility-controlled, proprietary or bespoke indices because they were new. Now product manufacturers want this information disclosed quid pro quo.”

Wink, Inc. is responding to their requests for intelligence with its new report, which will provide data and insight on the following:

Indexed annuity and indexed life sales by index

  • More than a decade of historical sales for each index
  • Sales by Index by year
  • Sales by Index by quarter

Product information

  • The indexes each company uses
  • Products/crediting methods on which index is offered
  • Indexed crediting criteria (how frequently interest is credited, how it is measured, and how it is limited)

Index intelligence

  • Index launch date
  • Index ticker symbol
  • Index components
  • Index target volatility
  • Whether the index is Excess/Total/Price Return
  • Index classification (multi-asset or equity)
  • Rebalancing frequency
  • Index leverage
  • Index performance drag
  • URL link to index values

“This report, capturing over 60,000 data points, will be an invaluable resource for those interested in hybrid indices on insurance products,” Moore said, adding that Wink’s annual report with 2018’s data will be distributed within the month.

Participants are new to (and naïve about) investing: Schwab

On average, 401(k) participants believe they’ll need a nest egg of $1.7 million to retire on, but relatively few are investing enough to reach that goal, according to new research from Schwab Retirement Plan Services.

Schwab’s nationwide survey of 1,000 401(k) plan participants also showed that most people (58%) say their 401(k) is their only or largest pot of retirement savings. About two-thirds (65%) say their 401(k) was their first investment account, and 64% said they viewed themselves as savers, not investors.

Half of those surveyed (51%) contribute 10% or less of their salary to their 401(k), with an average annual contribution of $8,788. Schwab has determined that investing 10% to 15% of salary each year, starting in one’s 20s, can produce an amount sufficient to retire on. But those who delay saving until age 45 or older would have to save 35% of salary each year.

When survey participants were asked how they decided on a contribution percentage, 55% said they chose a percentage they “were comfortable with;” 36% contributed “as much as their employer matched;” and 8% said they were automatically enrolled at a default percentage chosen by their employer. Among those auto-enrolled into their 401(k) plan, 33% have never increased their contribution rate and 44% have never changed their investment choices.

Just half of participants (52%) feel their situation warrants professional financial advice. They named some of the specific areas where they would like help, including:

  • Determining at what age they can afford to retire (41%)
  • Calculating how much they need to save for retirement (40%)
  • Receiving specific advice on how to invest their 401(k) (37%)
  • Figuring out what their expenses will be in retirement (35%)

Many participants leverage and find value in web-based financial tools, with just over half (52%) saying they have used an online retirement calculator. Of those who have used one, 71% felt encouraged and wanted to learn more, and 61% took positive actions related to their finances, such as:

  • Increasing their 401(k) contributions (48%)
  • Changing their spending habits (29%)
  • Accessing online advice (28%)

In other survey findings:

87% consider a 401(k) a must-have benefit. Only health insurance ranked higher (89%).

Obstacles to saving include: Paying for unexpected expenses like home repairs (37%), paying off credit card debt (31%), and needing enough money for basic monthly bills (30%). Just 14% named paying off student loans as an obstacle.

Participants’ top sources of financial stress are saving enough money for a comfortable retirement (38%), paying off credit card debt (25%) and keeping up with monthly expenses (24%).

Finally, 26% of participants have taken a loan from their 401(k). Of those, more than half have taken multiple loans.

This online survey of U.S. 401(k) participants was conducted by Logica Research for Schwab Retirement Plan Services, Inc. Survey respondents worked for companies with at least 25 employees, were current contributors to their 401(k) plans and were 25-70 years old.

iPipeline partners with Atidot, a data mining firm

iPipeline, a provider of cloud-based software solutions for the life insurance and financial services industry, said it will partner with Atidot, a Gartner “Cool Vendor” insurtech company that helps “the life insurance industry with big data and predictive analytics.”

The “InsureSight In-Force Service powered by Atidot” software will help insurers in North America predict customer insurance and financial needs, lapse patterns and profitability, iPipeline said. The in-force service is available as a module for InsureSight, iPipeline’s data analytics and benchmarking product.

As part of the service, information about customer behavior, based on machine learning, AI and actuarial models, will be used to build target-qualified opportunities for proactive customer retention and up-sell and cross-sell efforts for life and annuity products.

“We expect carriers and financial institutions to experience a 25% improvement in revenue from the up-sell and cross-sell activity,” said Tim Wallace, iPipeline’s CEO.

Atidot CEO Dror Katzav added that the software can “predict premium persistency, lapse rates, up-sell, conversion rates, the probability to be under-insured, and more.”

“If you know your data, you can simulate buying scenarios, use the projections to manage your capital better, get better re-insurance prices, focus on desirable customer segments with specific behavior, and better navigate your business decisions,” he added.

Fidelity and asset manager to finance RIA M&A

Fidelity Clearing & Custody Solutions, Fidelity Investments’ clearing and custody business, this week announced a partnership with Merchant Investment Management to arrange loans with discounted origination fees for firms that custody assets with Fidelity.

“Lending solutions like this one are a game-changer for firms looking to make strategic acquisitions to create long-term, sustainable value,” said David Canter, head of the RIA segment at Fidelity Clearing & Custody Solutions, in a release.

“Today’s most competitive firms are achieving scale through M&A. By our count, there are over 700 RIAs that manage over $1 billion, and they’re often doing so with national footprints. But it takes capital to create scale—and with the average deal size increasing three-fold in the past five years, access to that capital can sometimes be a roadblock,” he said.

Merchant will also offer Fidelity’s custody clients reduced rates to services of Merchant’s family of companies, including Advisor Assist, which offers compliance solutions, and Compass, which provides outsourced CFO and accounting services for advisory firms.

Though the number of deals in the RIA channel was down slightly in 2018, the size of those transactions grew significantly. Out of 88 transactions, the 10 largest RIA deals by assets accounted for 59% of the total transaction AUM in 2018. Compared to April 2018, April 2019 RIA transactions increased by 83%, with total assets in transition up 201 percent, Fidelity said.

Help (but not more money) is available for workers feeling financial stress

Employee financial wellness programs are an “opportunity for employers to reduce employee stress, improve retention and engagement and set themselves apart in the marketplace,” according to new research commissioned by “Morgan Stanley at Work.”

The research consisted of a survey by the Financial Health Network of 1,000 full-time employees of mid- to large-sized companies. It found that many employees are struggling financially and that financial stress has an impact on employees’ productivity at work.

The findings of the study include:

Financial wellness is an opportunity for employers. The financial stress experienced by employees is affecting their productivity at work. Employees are looking to employers for solutions and are open to financial advice, including when offered at work.

In fact, financial stress has spillover effects on employees’ productivity: nearly four in five employees (78%) who report high financial stress say that they are distracted by stress at work.

Finances are the greatest source of stress for employees. Almost 60% say their finances cause them stress; that’s more than the number who say their work situation (51%), health issues (45%) or family issues (44%) cause stress. This applies even to higher wage-earners; 52% of employees with household income of more than $100,000 per year said that finances cause them stress.

Three out of four employees (74%) say that financial wellness benefits are an important workplace offering, while 60% of employees surveyed say they’d be more likely to stay at a job if their employer offered services that help them better manage their finances.

Employees have diverse financial needs. Employees need help with short-term goals like budgeting, managing debt and building emergency savings, in addition to long-term goals like retirement planning.

Half of employees spend more than they earn each month, while 37% say they have more debt than they can manage, and 41% said that they do not have enough savings to cover three months of living expenses.

Even among higher-income employees, more than half report debt and unexpected expenses as sources of stress (52% and 55%, respectively), while 43% report stress from having inadequate savings.

Employers can compete by offering holistic solutions. Fewer than one-third of employees reported that their employers offer financial wellness benefits beyond retirement plans. Yet when these benefits are offered, uptake and employee satisfaction is high.

Between 40% and 60% of employees whose employers offer financial wellness benefits that help with financial needs such as emergency savings, student loan repayment tools or access to financial coaching, say they have used them in the past three years.

Among employees who use at least one financial wellness benefit, 56% say that the benefits cause them to feel positively about their employer.

Clear communication and ease-of-use foster uptake of financial wellness solutions. Employees report that making it easier to find and understand their benefits is more important even than incentives in encouraging them to use the benefits they are offered. Nearly half (42%) of employees say that they do not feel adequately informed about the benefits and programs their employer offers.

Online calculations and live meetings with a financial advisor are preferred ways to learn about benefits, with 66% and 62% saying they prefer those methods, respectively.

Walker to succeed Rasmussen as Nationwide CEO

Kirt Walker has been selected to serve CEO of Nationwide, according to a release from the Ohio-based insurance and financial services company. He assumes his new role on October 1, 2019, succeeding incumbent CEO Steve Rasmussen, who announced his retirement earlier this spring.

Walker joined Nationwide in 1986. He was most recently president and chief operating officer of Nationwide’s financial services business lines and spent 23 years in a variety of leadership roles, including president and chief operating officer of Nationwide’s property and casualty business, as well as president of Allied Insurance (Nationwide’s former independent agency subsidiary).

A release said that the company board of directors selected Walker after an extensive search process. Walker will report to both Rasmussen and Corcoran until October, when Rasmussen steps down.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Annuities Need More Positive ‘Positioning’

The “positioning” of retirement income products can determine the public’s level of interest in them, according to the fifth annual Guaranteed Lifetime Income Study by Greenwald & Associates and CANNEX.

The study, based on a survey of 1,005 Americans ages 55 to 75 with at least $100,000 in investable assets along with 302 financial advisers, showed that the individual appeal of annuities may depends on whether they are framed as part of:

  • A source of retirement income
  • A hedge against poor stock market performance
  • A way to meet long-term care and other medical expenses in old age
  • A hedge against outliving one’s savings (longevity insurance)
Drivers of Interest in Guaranteed Lifetime Income Products

“Perceptions around annuities, how the products are positioned, and whether they are discussed by advisors, all significantly affect whether and how consumers consider them,” said study director, Doug Kincaid of Greenwald & Associates.

The Top 10 Key Findings & Data from the Guaranteed Lifetime Income Study report summary shows:

Two-thirds (67%) of near-retirees or the recently-retired surveyed say they “highly value” guaranteed income to supplement Social Security. When guaranteed lifetime income (GLI) products are positioned as a way to cover essential expenses along with Social Security, 71% believed this would be a good strategy for their own retirements.

Consumer sentiment about annuities also appears to fluctuate based on the prevailing market environment, dropping as stocks rise and increasing when the market experiences sharp volatility.

Positive vs. Negative Perceptions of Annuities

The products’ perceived negatives have not significantly changed over the last few years. About half of consumers (46%) believe annuities:

  • Have too many terms and conditions
  • Hinder their access to their money
  • Are difficult to understand

More than a third of consumers (35%) expressed less interest in an annuity that offers guaranteed lifetime income than in an unnamed product with identical features.

Annuity Owners Satisfied

Of respondents who own a GLI product, six of 10 are satisfied and three-quarters would recommend them. The respondents are:

  • Less concerned about day-to-day expenses in retirement
  • Can budget more effectively
  • Spend more on discretionary items
  • Take greater investment risk with their other assets
  • Worry less about losing savings during a downturn (19% vs. 28%)

“Women, in particular, are interested in these products as a means to avoid running out of money in retirement,” said Tamiko Toland, head of Annuity Research at CANNEX.

Gaps between advisors and clients

Advisors say that they discuss income strategies with an average of 79% of their clients, but only 55% of clients report having discussed income strategies with their advisor. Advisors also consistently underestimate client interest in guaranteed lifetime income products.

“The research reveals a disconnect between what advisors think clients want and what clients say they want, but it also highlights opportunities to discuss retirement income strategies and products,” Toland said.

For a copy of the 2019 Guaranteed Lifetime Income Study’s supplemental data charts and additional information about the findings of the study, go to Greenwald & Associates or CANNEX.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Part II: Allianz Life’s Marketing and Distribution Strategy

Owning the distribution

One challenge for FIAs back in 1997 was that insurance agents knew nothing about them. It would take higher-than-usual commissions and other incentives to motivate agents to start selling them. MacDonald created a lavish incentive plan that, for several years, involved giving agents part of their compensation in shares of LifeUSA stock. According to a LifeUSA’s 1997 SEC filings:

“Since its inception, [LifeUSA] has issued its common stock or granted options to purchase its common stock to… agents as production bonuses… These forms of equity participation provided agents in the early years with additional incentives to place profitable business with LifeUSA, to encourage policyholder persistency and to seek good underwriting risks for LifeUSA.”

“That was a key way to recruit,” Brad Barks of RGA told RIJ. “We said, ‘Hey, do you want to be an owner in the company?’” It was the same for LifeUSA employees. “Ten percent of my salary was in stock,” he said. Agents who met sales goals also received “Producer Perks Certificates.” These were points that agents could redeem for Rolex watches, automobiles and, according to one report, even airplanes.

MacDonald also invested in the insurance product wholesalers, called field marketing organizations (FMOs) that worked directly with the independent insurance agents on whose loyalty LifeUSA depended. According to its 10-K filing:

During 1996, [we] developed a strategy to generate additional premium production from LifeUSA’s existing agents and from new production sources by making loans to or investing in FMOs and by recruiting new FMOs to sell its products.

The loans include incentives for achieving increased production. In addition, in August 1996, LifeUSA Marketing acquired Tax Planning Seminars, a national FMO that had been contracted with LifeUSA for seven years and in November 1996, acquired an equity interest in Creative Marketing International Corporation, another national FMO.” [Creative Marketing, now known as CreativeOne, is no longer part-owned by Allianz Life.]

Owning FMOs is not a common practice in the annuity industry, but Allianz Life continues to do so. It recently brought five of its wholesalers—American Financial, Ann Arbor Annuity Exchange, GamePlan Financial Marketing, INFORCE Solutions, and The Annuity Store—under an umbrella firm called TruChoice Financial Group.

According to a pitch to independent agents on the TruChoice website, “In 2018, our founding-member firms helped producers like you close over $2.85 billion in fixed index annuity sales and $25 million of life insurance business.”

“Bob Mac created the foundation of a strong distribution,” Allianz’ Gray said. “There’s been consolidation and growth since then, but the principles are still there. LifeUSA had strong distributional relationships and that provided some of the appeal for the acquisition [of LifeUSA by Allianz].

“TruChoice is an independent distribution firm so they can sell any product they want,” he added. “Sales of Allianz Life product represent over 50% of its index annuity sales, and it accounts for less than 25% of Allianz Life’s index annuity sales.” Instead of having captive agents (employees of an insurer), Allianz Life has captive wholesalers.

In addition, the company launched an agent loyalty program called Allianz Preferred in 2011. Agents must be registered with a broker-dealer and a registered investment advisor (RIA) and hold one or more accepted professional designations to be accepted into the program. Members get exclusive access to certain Allianz products and support services. They also agree not to accept any cash compensation on the sale of Preferred products in excess of what Allianz Life pays them.

Another indication of Allianz Life’s inclination to control its own fate: It creates and produces its own media, advertising, marketing, and product collateral. In 2015, the company’s in-house Brand and Marketing Department won more than 45 awards from industry associations.

“They appear to dedicate more resources to marketing a crediting method than other companies dedicate to an entire product,” said Moore. “They may do brochures and PowerPoint presentations on how a new index works. They may create a whole suite of marketing collateral to go with a strategy, where other companies might produce a one-page flier.”

Though it does produce TV commercials, Allianz Life doesn’t have the $20 million to $25 million budget for television advertising to consumers like a Pacific Life, Nationwide or a Northwestern Mutual evidently does. Instead, it tries to “surround” producers with polished collateral, including explanatory videos that they can show clients, Wayne Hechanova, the distribution marketing senior director, told RIJ.

During the finals of the 2019 NCAA basketball tournament, held in Minneapolis this year, Allianz Life saturated local airport kiosks and baggage carousels with print displays. If the company has a prevailing marketing attitude or philosophy, it’s that “we don’t do ‘FUD,’” said creative marketing director Rick Gibson. “You won’t see Fear, Uncertainty or Doubt in what we produce. We try to characterize everything in a way that’s true to the brand. It’s about a brighter, more positive future… about what’s possible.”

Regulatory headwinds

But annuities are not as innocuous as corn flakes, and the pressure for higher FIA sales was bound to collide with state regulations against “unsuitable” sales of insurance products. By 2007, complaints from old and fragile senior citizens about predatory annuity sales practices were reaching watchdogs in Allianz Life’s home state of Minnesota and elsewhere.

In 2007 and 2008, Minnesota’s state attorney general, Lori Swanson, sued Allianz Life, Midland National, American Equity Investment Life, Aviva (now Athene) and other FIA issuers on the basis of those complaints. Without admitting guilt, Allianz Life agreed to refund the contract premiums, plus interest, to people who wanted their money back, and to appoint a “chief suitability officer” to police its sales going forward. Swanson claimed to have recovered “hundreds of millions of dollars” from the insurers.

FIA issuers came under fire in September 2007, when the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging held a hearing entitled “Advising Seniors About Their Money: Who is Qualified and Who Is Not?” That was a point that even fans of FIAs had made privately.

In 2008, the SEC tried and failed to reclassify index annuities as securities, a move that could have stopped thousands of insurance agents without securities licenses from selling them. Wink’s Sheryl Moore, along with members of the National Association for Fixed Annuities, suspected the brokerage industry of trying to pull the lucrative FIA business into its orbit. The FIA industry’s lobbying efforts succeeded in thwarting what they considered a turf grab.

Most recently, the life insurance industry and its allies fought against a 2016 initiative by the Obama Department of Labor to hold advisors and agents to a fiduciary standard of conduct—instead of the weaker “suitability” or caveat emptor standard—when offering deferred index annuities or variable annuities to people who would be paying for their contracts with tax-deferred retirement savings. The rule passed late in the Obama administration, but was suspended by the Trump administration and defeated in the courts.

Any one of these regulatory forays might have decimated the FIA business. But, in each case, the insurance lobby prevailed. Given rising sales of FIAs, many older Americans do respond to the product’s promises of downside protection, upside potential and chance for lifetime income. It is designed, after all, to tell them what they want to hear as well as give them what they need for retirement.

As FIA author and consultant Jack Marrion told RIJ recently, “There are still some damned opaque contracts out there. That hasn’t changed. But I’ve always liked the index annuity concept. The commissions on the products are getting lower. And it’s hard to kill somebody with an index annuity. The worst-case scenario is that the client will walk away with about 90 cents on the dollar.”

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Allianz Life’s Index Annuity Winning Streak

There was a shaky moment in 2007 when it looked as if Allianz SE’s bet on the U.S. insurance market might backfire on the German financial services giant. American regulators had placed the company’s Minneapolis-based subsidiary, Allianz Life of North America, in their crosshairs.

As part of a nationwide investigation into sales of complex “equity index annuities” (EIAs) to senior citizens, a state attorney general and a U.S. Senate Aging committee were scrutinizing Allianz Life’s notably successful but allegedly deceptive “two-tier” deferred index annuity contracts.

“The Allianz MasterDex 10 product [has] features that are never explained to the customer, and they wouldn’t understand it anyway,” said an official from the North American Securities Administrators Association told senators. “Half the time, the agents who sell it don’t understand it,”

But the company survived the crisis. The German parent replaced the U.S. management team, settled the lawsuits, and got back to business. Although Allianz Life was second in sales of EIAs (now called fixed index annuities or FIAs) in 2008, it has ranked first in 18 of the last 19 years—in a product category whose annual sales have more than doubled since then, to almost $70 billion last year.

In this second segment of RIJ’s four-part series on the FIA industry, we take a closer look at the industry’s perennial sales leader. We talked to the founder of the predecessor of Allianz Life in the U.S., to the actuary who worked on its first index annuity, to Allianz Life’s current head of product innovation, its marketing team, and industry experts who’ve watched the life insurer’s business evolve.

The LifeUSA backstory

Allianz Life’s success with FIAs grew from the business developed by Robert “Bob Mac” MacDonald, the irreverent insurance man (“Cheat to Win” was the title of his first book) who started a life insurance company called LifeUSA in the 1980s, took it public, and sold it to Allianz SE for $540 million in 1999.

LifeUSA’s 1990s product and distribution strategy survives remarkably intact at Allianz Life today. LifeUSA’s SEC filings from 1996 and 1997 reveal MacDonald’s recognition of the Boomer retirement opportunity and grasp of the impact of a topsy-turvy interest rate climate for issuers of fixed annuities.

Twenty-five years ago, rates gyrated. After falling from almost 10% in March 1989 to 2.66% in December 1993, the Fed funds rate shot up to 6% by March 1995. When official rates were low, fixed annuity issuers could (by buying longer-maturity bonds) offer investors higher yields than bank certificates of deposit (CDs). When the interest rates rose, however, fixed annuity owners wanted to break their contracts and chase yields.

“It was difficult for insurers to establish a credited interest rate on a fixed deferred annuity and retain the policy if interest rates changed,” MacDonald told RIJ in a recent interview. To make its FIA contracts stickier and more adaptive to fluctuating rates, LifeUSA indexed its crediting rates to the LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate).

“The actuaries and investment people were looking for a way to confront that volatility. The simple answer was, ‘Let’s index the interest rate. We’ll just credit one percent over LIBOR. If LIBOR goes down, we’ll still pay one percent more.’ Then we said, ‘If LIBOR goes up we’ll pay 50% of the increase. If it goes up by 3%, we’ll go up by 1.5%.’

“The whole idea was transparency. If these rates moved, you’ll be tied to that. That protected the company from disintermediation [premature surrender of contracts]. So we started out very simple. Other people started doing the same thing. Eventually you get to indexing the S&P500. So we said, ‘We’ll give the client 50% of the increase in the S&P up to 3%.”

LifeUSA wasn’t the first life insurer to bring an index annuity to market; that distinction goes to Keyport Life, with product design help from actuaries at Milliman, the global consulting firm. LifeUSA’s actuary, Brad Barks, had learned about indexing deferred fixed annuities to the S&P500 at a professional seminar and brought the idea back to MacDonald.

“The way the structure worked,” Barks, now an executive at RGA Reinsurance, told RIJ this week, “you’d start with $1,000 and promise to pay the policyholder x-amount at the end of five years. Ninety-percent of the premium accumulated at three percent [in the general account]. You then had 5% to 10% to spend on the option. Bob wanted to keep it simple. He always wanted to have levers to manage the profitability, and he didn’t want to offer guarantees that he didn’t know he could support.”

In 1996, LifeUSA introduced its first FIA contract, the Annu-A-Dex, which offered an initial 7% bonus on the premium and credited interest over a seven-year term. According to LifeUSA’s SEC filings, “The appeal of the product is that one can buy a competitive fixed annuity, with principal and interest guaranteed, and should the S&P 500 Index outperform the annuity over a seven-year period, one-half of the incremental growth is added to the value of the annuity.”

In its first year, Annu-a-Dex accounted for less than one percent of LifeUSA’s annual annuity premiums. Three years later, in 1999, “LifeUSA was doing $3 billion to $4 billion of annuity premium. That was a significant amount at the time. We were reinsuring half of that with Allianz Life, as coinsurance,” MacDonald told RIJ. At the time, LifeUSA was rated B++ (Very Good) by A.M. Best.

“Now Allianz SE is saying to themselves, ‘We’re making a lot money reinsuring this little company; why make only half of that money? We’re a trillion dollar company; why not get it all? MacDonald’s wild and crazy, but he’s created something.’ At the time they were criticized for paying a 100% premium for LifeUSA shares. But they will tell you today that it was dirt-cheap in the long run.”

Today’s top-selling FIA

Allianz Life’s best-selling fixed index annuity contract today is the Allianz 222, which was introduced in January 2013. The product offers a complex array of benefits and options, including eight index choices, three crediting methods, a 22% bonus on the PIV (protected income value), a crediting rate bonus, and guaranteed annual income starting at 5% (4.5% for joint contracts) of the PIV at age 65.

The contract epitomizes the FIA product category: It’s bewildering to ordinary people. It even resembles the two-tier products that got Allianz Life in trouble in 2007, except that, instead of having to annuitize to enjoy the bonuses, contract owners have to exercise the lifetime income rider. It has penalties and a market value adjustment on excess withdrawals during the first 10 years. Yet insurance agents have made it the hottest seller in the hottest annuity product category.

Matt Gray

We asked Matt Gray, the firm’s senior vice president for product innovation, to describe the product’s appeal to prospects. “The appeal comes from its income focus,” he told RIJ. “The income feature is built in; there’s no additional fee for it. There’s a ten-year wait on income, so it’s geared for 55-to-60-year-olds. Income starts at five percent of the PIV at age 65, goes up by 150% of the crediting interest each year, and can never go down.

“There are additional features that people love,” Gray said. “The Protected Income Value can be distributed as a death benefit over five years. There’s an Income Doubler feature for people who can’t perform at least two activities of daily living. Increasing income is perhaps the biggest feature. This contract is for someone who is looking for income and likes the flexibility of the other features.”

“Allianz Life has very innovative product development,” said Sheryl Moore, CEO of Wink, Inc., the life insurance and annuity market research firm in Des Moines, IA. “Their products have a ‘blue ocean’ aspect: they’ve developed stuff that people never heard of before.”

As the top-seller, Allianz 222 naturally has a target on its back. Bryan Anderson, a Northwest Montana insurance agent and direct seller of FIAs through his website,, believes that the contract is over-sold and, in some cases, mis-sold to older people who may not realize that they have to wait 10 years to enjoy the product’s full value.

“There’s nothing wrong with the product itself,” Anderson told RIJ. “But it’s often sold in situations where another product—maybe a narrower product or a product where the client can’t afford to wait ten years for income to begin—would be more appropriate.”

Anderson has published a critique of the Allianz 222. He believes that it’s a favorite of agents who have no expertise in creating personalized income strategies for retirees.

“A lot of advisors don’t understand the decumulation game,” he said. “If you have an advisor who has been selling only life insurance and mutual funds for 30 years and you show him a glossy Allianz Life product brochure, and if he sees only that, he will sell it. I see advisors do that all the time.”

To read the second part of this article, click here.

Integrity Life issues flexible-premium longevity annuity

Integrity Life, a unit of Western & Southern Financial Group, has issued a flexible-premium deferred income annuity, or “longevity annuity” for young people who want to pre-fund a personal pension or for older people who want mitigate their risk of running out of money in their final years.

The contract, called IncomeSource Select, has the following features:

Flexible premiums. The owner chooses the premium amount (minimum $10,000 initial and $1,000 additional).

Emergency liquidity. Contract owners can receive a lump sum of six monthly payments at once (five monthly payments with the next scheduled payment for a total of six). Available up to two times. Restrictions apply.

Flexible income start date. Income payments can be deferred for anywhere from 13 months to 40 years. The income date can be changed up to two times over the life of the contract, within five years before or after the date originally selected.

QLAC (Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract). Traditional IRA owners can choose a QLAC, allowing them to extend the start of their income past the required minimum distribution (RMD) age of 70½.

Single-life and joint life contracts are available, and contracts can be purchased with either after-tax or pre-tax savings. See product fact sheets here and here.

According to Integrity Life, a 25-year-old who purchased this contract today with a single payment of $10,000 could expect a lifetime income of $2,377 a year for life starting at age 65.

A cash refund payout option is available if the annuitant(s) live to the income date. During the period before income begins, an optional return-of-premium (ROP) death benefit is available with any payout option (including cash refund). The election of the ROP death benefit reduces the income amount associated with that particular payout option.

The Western and Southern Life Insurance Company, Integrity Life Insurance Company and National Integrity Life Insurance Company, are member companies of Western & Southern Financial Group, Inc.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

SEC Sides with the Brokers

The Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday voted along party lines to adopt the so-called Regulation Best Interest that it first proposed in April 2018, as well as a new Form CRS Relationship Summary for advisors to share with new clients and two separate interpretations under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940.

A fact sheet about the new rule is available here.

In a prepared statement, the SEC said its actions bring “legal requirements and mandated disclosures in line with reasonable investor expectations, while preserving access (in terms of choice and cost) to a variety of investment services and products.”

With qualifications, the Commission effectively maintained the special dispensation enjoyed by broker-dealers and their representative brokers to recommend products to clients while accepting indirect compensation from product manufacturers.

[In discussions about conflicts-of-interest, a distinction is seldom made between sales commissions paid directly by the client to the brokerage, on the one hand, and sales commissions paid to the brokerage by product manufacturers—payments of which the clients are often not aware. Understanding that distinction is essential for understanding the need for broker disclosures and other regulations.]

During the live webcast Wednesday morning, SEC chairman Jay Clayton said, “A one-size-fits-all approach won’t work,” and went on to echo the talking points of the brokerage industry lobby. “There will be no uniform rule set for both broker-dealers and advisors. It would be a loss for Main Street investors.

“The initial implementation of the DOL fiduciary rule showed that our concerns about choice are not theoretical. There was a significant reduction of access to brokerage solutions and a shift to more expensive options. Our recommendations are consistent with the key goals of a uniform standard. We incorporate fiduciary principles, but adapt them to the broker-dealer model.”

Nonetheless, Clayton maintained that brokers, like advisors, will have to act in the best interests of clients. Second, although there will be no higher standard of conduct for advice on tax-deferred retirement accounts—the essence of the Obama DOL fiduciary rule—the new best-interest standard will apply to rollover recommendations.

Judging by press reports today, the final rule did not define “best interest” to the satisfaction of all observers. But the SEC, in its statement, asserted that “broker-dealers will be required to act in the best interest of a retail customer when making a recommendation of any securities transaction or investment strategy involving securities to a retail customer” and “a broker-dealer may not put its financial interests ahead of the interests of a retail customer when making recommendations.”

The new Form CRS Relationship Summary disclosure will require registered investment advisers and brokers to provide retail investors with “simple, easy-to-understand information about the nature of their relationship with their financial professional. While facilitating layered disclosure, the format of the relationship summary allows for comparability among the two different types of firms in a way that is distinct from other required disclosures.”

Regulation Best Interest and Form CRS will become effective 60 days after they are published in the Federal Register, and will include a transition period until June 30, 2020 to give firms sufficient time to come into compliance.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Variable annuity client behavior revealed in Ruark survey

Ruark Consulting, LLC today released the results of its 2019 industry studies of variable annuity (VA) policyholder behavior, which include surrenders, income utilization and partial withdrawals, and annuitizations.

“Data exposures in key areas have increased considerably since last year’s studies, allowing for more detailed analysis and higher credibility of results,” said Timothy Paris, Ruark’s CEO, in a press release.

Among the notable increases in data exposure:

  • Nearly double the exposure in years 11 and later, including income commencement behavior after common 10-year deferral incentives for guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits (GLWB).
  • 12% increase in exposure for in-the-money GLWBs, following equity market declines during the fourth quarter of 2018.
  • 29% increase in exposure for guaranteed minimum income benefits (GMIB) past their waiting period.
  • Total data comprises 85 million years of exposure and 14 million policyholders from 24 participating companies spanning the 11-year period from 2008-2018, with $795 billion in account value as of the end of the study period.

Highlights of the study include:

  • GLWB deferral incentives appear to be effective. Income commencement rates are low overall, but double in year 11 with the expiration of common 10-year bonuses for deferring income, before falling to an ultimate rate.
  • Annual withdrawal frequency rates for GLWB and GMIB have continued to increase and have become more efficient with approximately 60% of recent experience at the full guaranteed income amount.
  • “Moneyness” (account value relative to the guarantee) affects partial withdrawal behavior. Income commencement rates increase when GLWBs are more in-the-money. When guarantees move out-of-the-money, withdrawals in excess of the maximum amount are more common, which is suggestive of policyholders taking investment gains out of the contract.
  • On contracts without GLWB or GMIB, free partial withdrawal amounts increase after the end of the surrender charge period, similar to the familiar “shock” in surrender rates.
  • Surrender rates have not returned to 2008 levels, even as strong equity market performance has boosted account values in recent years.
  • Three surrender regimes are evident during the study period: Surrenders at the shock duration were nearly 30% at the onset of the 2008 economic crisis, and in a range of 12-16% subsequently except for 2016 when they reached their nadir below 10%.
  • Contracts with GLWB and GMIB have much lower surrender rates, and this is even more pronounced for those limiting their partial withdrawals to the guaranteed income amount via systematic withdrawal programs.
  • Surrenders exhibit a dynamic relationship to moneyness, whether measured on a nominal (account value relative to the GLWB benefit base) or actuarial (reflecting interest and mortality) basis. On a nominal basis 81% of GLWB exposure is in-the-money, whereas on an actuarial basis only 11% is in-the-money.
  • Annuitization rates for GMIBs are in the low single digits and continue to decline. “Hybrid” versions that allow partial dollar-for-dollar withdrawals have much lower rates than traditional versions. Factors influencing annuitization rates include age, duration, last year of eligibility, death benefit type, contract size, and moneyness.

Detailed study results, including company-level analytics, benchmarking, and customized behavioral assumption models calibrated to the study data, are available for purchase by participating companies.

© 2019 RIJ Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.