The BlackRock Diversified Income Portfolio is an ETF managed account that will be available to all eligible retail investors through Fidelity’s managed accounts service beginning May 1.
Vanguard answers RIJ questions about HFT
For answers to our questions about the impact of high-frequency trading, we turned to Vanguard. The no-load index fund specialist seems to think HTF does more good than harm....
New index gauges retiree health costs as percent of SS benefits
“Many Americans believe that Medicare will cover most or all of their health care costs in retirement. This is simply untrue,” said Ron Mastrogiovanni, founder and CEO of HealthView...
Morningstar publishes March fund flows
Excluding the transfer of Fidelity's mutual fund assets to collective investment trusts, PIMCO was the only fund provider among the top 10 to see net outflows in the first...
TIAA-CREF buys Nuveen Investments
Nuveen will operate as a separate subsidiary within TIAA-CREF’s Asset Management business. The transaction gives TIAA-CREF two mutual fund complexes with aggregate AUM of $181 billion.
State-sponsored workplace savings program passes Illinois Senate
Senate Bill 2758 would provide access to an IRA plan at businesses with 25 or more employees and in business more than two years. Automatic payroll contributions would...
Great-West buys J.P. Morgan’s jumbo recordkeeper
The transaction includes only the recordkeeping services for large- to mega-sized plans, and does not include J.P. Morgan Retirement Plan Services' (RPS) business in the small plan space.
Record year for bank annuity fee income in 2013
Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley, Raymond James Financial, J.P. Morgan & Co. and Bank of America were the annuity fee leaders in the bank space in 2013, combining for $2.23...
Financial discipline is important, but uncommon
Sixty percent of the respondents to a Northwestern Mutual survey said their financial planning could use improvement; the most common obstacle to improvement was lack of time, cited by...
New robo-advisor makes use of 401(k) ‘brokerage window’
"" shows plan participants how to build their own portfolios using low cost, non-plan ETFs within their existing retirement accounts, said founder Wayne Connors.
Annual report on 401(k) cost information is published
The study shows the average investment expense for a 100-participant, $5 million plan is 1.22%. This figure includes 0.56% for the investment manager and 0.66% for recordkeepers, advisors and...
A TDF reformer/designer calls today’s TDFs “time bombs”
In a new handbook (free to RIJ subscribers), West Coast pension consultant Ron Surz and two co-authors warn that retirement plan fiduciaries may be held responsible if another bear...
Don’t neglect the ‘middle market’: LIMRA SRI
With so many advisers and companies focusing on the high net worth investor market, America's 13 million middle-market investors continue to be neglected and underserved. Therein lies opportunity, according...
Genworth survey probes financial apathy
Many Americans regard financial products as too complex, or say they don’t have time to learn about finance, or are uncertain about how to get started, according to an...
The Bucket
Brief or late-breaking items from New York Life, Allstate, and Guardian Life.
How life insurers can succeed over the next decade: McKinsey
"Individual annuities have soaked up more than a third of industry capital and have created less than 20 percent of value," according to a new white paper from McKinsey...
Publicly traded life insurers repurchased $4.9 billion in shares in 2013: A.M. Best
Some of the repurchase activity in 2013 was driven by the 67% increase in life/annuity share prices and the desire to offset the dilutive effect of in-the-money stock options...
Honesty really is the best corporate policy, writes EST founder
Werner Erhard, the former salesman who reinvented himself as a self-help guru, who was vilified on '60 Minutes' but later vindicated, wants to restore integrity to the world of...
Video: A Chat with Morningstar’s Retirement Solutions Group
In this seven-minute video, RIJ editor Kerry Pechter interviews Nathan Voris, the large market practice leader, and Jeremy Stempion, the director of investments, of the Retirement Solutions Group of...
Net annuity cash flow at b/ds fell 19% in 2013: DTCC
December 2013 was the first month of negative net flow into annuities since Analytic Reporting of Annuities, an online service of DTCC’s National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC), began collecting...