“Fidelity’s settlement of this case is somewhat surprising as typically vigorously defended itself in other excessive fee litigation," wrote ERISA blogger Thomas E. Clark.
Denmark’s ATP pension switches to 15-year guarantee
While current guarantees set a return for as long as 80 years, under the new system, each year’s contribution will be guaranteed a certain return for 15 years, based...
Many participants would prefer bigger match, lower pay
Only 13% of those surveyed by Fidelity said they would take a job with no company match, even if it came with a higher pay level.
With so many tools, why are participants still so worried?
A new report from State Street Global Advisors finds little confidence about retirement among U.S., UK and Irish plan participants.
Ex-official calls for a ‘universal 401(k)’
As one way to finance the program, Gene B. Sperling suggested reducing the estate tax exclusion for couples to $7 million from $10.7 milllion, a move that he said...
Danish DC Model Draws a Crowd in Britain
Through a subsidiary called "Now: Pensions," Denmark's national defined contribution plan provider (ATP) is making hay of the UK's requirement that all British employers auto-enroll their workers into a...
To raise retirement security, ban DC cash-outs: EBRI
Getting rid of cash-outs during job changes could mean that 38.3% more of the poorest Americans would have saved enough to replace 60% of their pre-retirement income (when combining...
Connecticut funds the creation of a public IRA by 2016
The Connecticut Retirement Security Board will be expected to report their findings and a plan for implementation to the General Assembly by April 1, 2016.
Vanguard issues “How America Saves 2014”
In the 13th edition of its annual statistical report, the defined contribution full-service plan provider shares information on $600 billion in over 3.5 million accounts at more than 3,000...
Morningstar buys HelloWallet, bolsters participant advice business
HelloWallet allows plan participants to create dashboards on their computers or smartphones where they can monitor all of their financial information in one place.
EBRI reports IRA statistics for 2012
Ten times the amount of money was added to IRAs by rollovers than by contributions, even though the number of accounts receiving contributions (2.4 million) outnumbered the accounts receiving...
Retirement Clearinghouse to help find missing participants
An estimated 9.5 million defined contribution plan participants change jobs each year, and many leave their accounts behind in former employers' retirement plans.
Rollover IRA contributions reached $321.3 billion in 2012: Cerulli
In a new report, Cerulli examines the size and segmentation of public and private U.S. retirement markets, including defined benefit (DB), DC, and IRA. The report is the eleventh...
Initial funding granted for Connecticut’s public IRA plan
'The Board, chaired by the State Treasurer and State Comptroller, is expected to report back to the General Assembly their findings and a plan for implementation by 2016,' said...
The “income message” isn’t getting through: EBRI/MetLife survey
In a survey, the provision of income projections to 401(k) participants was not enough of a "nudge" to motivate many workers to contribute more to their accounts--perhaps because many...
Only 6% of DC plan participants contribute the max: GAO
An update of a GAO report shows that few retirement plan participants defer as much salary as they can, and that higher limits on contributions in recent years have...
Great-West buys J.P. Morgan’s jumbo recordkeeper
The transaction includes only the recordkeeping services for large- to mega-sized plans, and does not include J.P. Morgan Retirement Plan Services' (RPS) business in the small plan space.
New robo-advisor makes use of 401(k) ‘brokerage window’
"401kInvestor.com" shows plan participants how to build their own portfolios using low cost, non-plan ETFs within their existing retirement accounts, said founder Wayne Connors.
Annual report on 401(k) cost information is published
The study shows the average investment expense for a 100-participant, $5 million plan is 1.22%. This figure includes 0.56% for the investment manager and 0.66% for recordkeepers, advisors and...
Video: A Chat with Morningstar’s Retirement Solutions Group
In this seven-minute video, RIJ editor Kerry Pechter interviews Nathan Voris, the large market practice leader, and Jeremy Stempion, the director of investments, of the Retirement Solutions Group of...