Poland created a national mandatory defined contribution plan in 1999. Now the DC plan is optional, and many of the participants of the twelve DC funds are transferring their...
Social Security: Short by 2.9% of payroll
Raising the payroll tax rate to 15.23% (without alternating the level of income subject to the tax) or reducing benefits by 17.4%, or a combination of the two, would...
IMCA magazine focuses on alts
The current issue of 'Investments and Wealth Monitor' includes eight articles about alternative investments, including such strategies and assets as global infrastructure, master limited partnerships and managed futures, among...
Symetra’s income annuity sales double in 2Q2014
Symetra’s income annuities sales were $89.0 million for the latest quarter, up from $45.5 million in the prior-year quarter, thanks to 'effective selling strategies and a more favorable interest...
With so many tools, why are participants still so worried?
A new report from State Street Global Advisors finds little confidence about retirement among U.S., UK and Irish plan participants.
Retirement Income Journal Takes A Vacation
During August, Retirement Income Journal will be published in abbreviated form. We're allocating much of our time this month to improving the website experience and making new information resources...
Ex-official calls for a ‘universal 401(k)’
As one way to finance the program, Gene B. Sperling suggested reducing the estate tax exclusion for couples to $7 million from $10.7 milllion, a move that he said...
Half of working-age Americans save too little
A household is at risk, according to the CRR, if it’s not on track to reach retirement with enough savings to generate an income (from an inflation-adjusted life annuity)...
Alliance Benefit Group partners with Hueler Income Solutions
Over one million participants in 16,000 retirement plans administered by ABG will be able to access Hueler's online platform for purchasing single premium immediate annuities, deferred income annuities or...
Britons transition to DC, step by painful step
Imagine if participants in doomed defined benefit plans could move their accrued benefits to a defined contribution plan. That seems to be what's happening in the UK as the...
The Bucket
Brief or late-breaking items from Fidelity Investments, Security Benefit Life and Phoenix Companies.
Voya files for ‘structured’ variable annuity
ING Potential Plus offers four term periods (1, 3, 5 or 7 years) and three buffer options that absorb either the first 10%, 20% or 30% of market losses.
Global equity funds and ETFs are hot in 2014: TrimTabs
“Global equity funds have received almost seven times as much money as U.S. equity funds this year,” said David Santschi, CEO of TrimTabs. “Fund investors are as convinced...
A look at women and money, via Prudential
Even though they don’t feel prepared to make wise financial planning decisions, fewer women say they are seeking professional financial advice, according to Prudential Financial's study of women's attitudes...
The Bucket
Brief or late-breaking items from Envestnet, Guardian Life, the Investment Company Institute and The American College.
Quote of the Week
"At some point you cross the line from reviving markets to becoming the bellows fanning the flames of the “Booming and Bubbling”... I believe we have crossed that line....
Skads of Data about Americans over 65
The June 2014 report on the elderly by the U.S. Census bureau is a must-have for anyone trying to map this market. It has dozens of useful charts and...
To raise retirement security, ban DC cash-outs: EBRI
Getting rid of cash-outs during job changes could mean that 38.3% more of the poorest Americans would have saved enough to replace 60% of their pre-retirement income (when combining...
How does an unshackled pension fund invest? Ask Sweden’s SPK
“We’ve invested in a Goldman Sachs fund, which includes credit, high yield and emerging market debt. It’s a broad mandate that we believe has the ability to make money...
The Bucket
Nevin Adams to leave EBRI for as-yet undisclosed position. Also, brief or late-breaking items from Voya, Nationwide Funds and Securian.